

草业学报 2016年10期


(1.哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,黑龙江省普通高等学校植物生物学重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150025;2.黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江 大庆 163319)



(1.哈尔滨师范大学生命科学与技术学院,黑龙江省普通高等学校植物生物学重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150025;2.黑龙江省科学院大庆分院,黑龙江 大庆 163319)





1 材料与方法


本文所用的研究材料为参棕亚科和牵环花亚科[11-12]及相关类群(Hermas,Homalosciadium,Klotzschia,Platysace),共34属48种植物的叶片,个别材料因未取到叶片而用茎或果实。材料分别取自澳大利亚国家标本馆(CANB-Australian National Herbarium),澳大利亚国家植物园标本馆(CBG-Herbarium,Australian National Botanical Garden),美国哈佛大学标本馆(GH-Harverd University Herbaria,America),中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC-South China Botanical Garden Herbarium),南非约堡大学植物及植物生物技术系标本馆(JRAU-Herbarium,Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology,University of Johannesburg,South Africa),英国皇家植物园标本馆(K-Herbarium,Royal Botanical Garden,England),美国密苏里植物园标本馆(MO-Herbarium,Missouri Botanical Garden,America),美国纽约植物园标本馆(NY-New York Botanical Garden Herbarium,America),中国科学院植物研究所标本馆(PE-Herbarium,Institute of Botany,CAS),西澳大利亚保护和土地管理部植物标本馆(PERTH-Western Australian Herbarium,Department of Conservation and Land Management),摩洛哥科学研究所标本馆(RAB-Herbarium,Institute Scientific,Moroco)及荷兰乌特勒州立大学系统植物研究所标本馆(U-Herbarium,Institute of Systematic Botany,State University of Utrecht)。研究的材料中仅Centellaasiatica(积雪草)及Dickinsiahydrocotyloides(马蹄芹)产自中国。物种名称及凭证标本信息见表1。


所有材料浸泡在约90 ℃热水中约15~30 min,待材料充分吸水膨胀后将材料取出,根据Zarinkamar[25]的观察(伞形科植物叶片的气孔密度,下表皮大于上表皮),撕取植物叶片的下表皮或茎及果实的表皮,将其放在载玻片上,并在放盖玻片之前加1~2滴50%甘油水溶液,用具成像系统(Olympus DP 70)的显微镜(Olympus BX 51)观察气孔结构并照相。每个样品观察100个气孔并统计不同类型气孔数量,根据照片用Photoshop CS 2.0软件绘制气孔图。

表1 用于研究气孔结构的伞形科参棕亚科和牵环花亚科植物的凭证标本信息及采集地

2 结果与讨论



表2 伞形科参棕亚科及牵环花亚科植物叶(茎或果实)表皮气孔类型


*The stems and fruits were used in the study because the leaves are not obtained. “-”is absent.“+”is present.


图1 伞形科参棕亚科及其相关类群植物叶表皮气孔结构Fig.1 The leaf epidermis of Apiaceae subfamily Mackinlayoideae and related genera showing the stomatal types 缩写 Abbreviations: ano (anomocytic)-无规则型气孔, pa (paracytic)-平列型气孔. (A) Actinotus minor, (B) Apiopetalum glabratum, (C) 积雪草Centella asiatica, (D) Chlaenosciadium gardneri, (E) Homalosciadium homalocarpum, (F) Mackinlaya celebica, (G) Mackinlaya macrosciadea, (H) Micropleura renifolia, (I) Pentapeltis peltigera, (J) Platysace maxwelli, (K) Schoenolaena juncea, (L) Xanthosia atkinsoniana. 标尺 Scale bar=20 μm.

图2 伞形科牵环花亚科及其相关类群植物叶(茎或果实)表皮气孔结构Fig.2 The leaf (stem or fruit) epidermis of Apiaceae subfamily Azorelloideae and related taxa showing the stomatal types  示无规则型,不等型及平列型 Including anomocytic (ano), anisocytic (ani), and paracytic (pa). (A) Asteriscium chilense, (B) A. closii, (C) Azorella compacta, (D) A. crenata, (E) A. sessiliflora, (F1,2) Bolax gummifera (1 from middle of leaf balde and 2 from leaf margin), (G) Bowlesia flabilis, (H) Dichosciadium ranunculaceum, (I) 马蹄芹Dickinsia hydrocotyloides, (J) Diplaspis nivis, (K) Diposis saniculifolia, (L) Domeykoa amplexicaulis, (M) Drusa oppositifolia, (N) Eremocharis longiramea.标尺 Scale bar=20 μm.

续图2 伞形科牵环花亚科及其相关类群植物叶(茎或果实)表皮气孔结构Continued Fig.2 The leaf (stem or fruit) epidermis of Apiaceae subfamily Azorelloideae and related taxa showing the stomatal types  示无规则型,不等型及平列型Including anisocytic (ani), anomocytic (ano), and paracytic (pa). (O) Gymnophyton isatidicarpum (from fruits), (P) G. polycephalum (from stems), (Q) Hermas quercifolia, (R) Homalocarpus dissectus, (S) Huanaca andina, (T) Klotzschia rhizophylla, (U) Laretia acaulis, (V) Mulinum microphyllum, (W) M. spinosum, (X) Oschatzia cuneifolia, (Y) Pozoa coriacea, (Z) Schizeilema fragoseum, (AA) Spananthe paniculata, (BB) Stilbocarpa polaris. 标尺 Scale bar=20 μm.


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Stomatal structures of the Apiaceae subfamilies Mackinlayoideae and Azorelloideae and their taxonomic value

WANG Chao-Qun1**, GUO Shi-Qi1**, LIU Mei1*, RU Jian1, WANG Jing-Ru1, CHENG Xin-Yu2

1.College of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Normal University, Key Laboratory of Plant Biology, College of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150025, China; 2.Daqing Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Science, Daqing 163319, China

The stomatal structures of the leaves (stems or fruits) of 48 species representing 34 genera of the Apiaceae subfamilies Mackinlayoideae (9 genera) and Azorelloideae (21 genera) and their relative taxa were studied in detail for the first time. Three types of stomata - anomocytic, anisocytic and paracytic - were observed. In Mackinlayoideae, the stomata are mostly paracytic and the minority are anomocytic. In Azorelloideae, stomata are mostly anomocytic and the minority are anisocytic. Cell walls in theBowlesiaclade are deeply waved while they are usually straight in the other clades of Azorelloideae. This stomatal study provides morphological evidence for the two subfamilies and theBowlesiaclade that have been established by molecular research. It also provides evidence to support movingApiopetalum,MackinlayaandStilbocarpafrom Araliaceae to Mackinlayoideae and Azorelloideae, and against placingHomalosciadium,Platysace,HermasandKlotzschiain either of these subfamilies.

Apiaceae; leaf; stoma; phylogeny; taxonomy




王超群(1994-),女,甘肃张掖人,本科。。郭诗琦(1994-),女,山东沂水人,本科。。**共同第一作者These authors contributed equally to this work.

Corresponding author.

王超群, 郭诗琦, 刘玫, 茹剑, 王靖茹, 程薪宇. 伞形科参棕亚科及牵环花亚科气孔的结构及其分类学价值. 草业学报, 2016, 25(10): 132-141.

WANG Chao-Qun, GUO Shi-Qi, LIU Mei, RU Jian, WANG Jing-Ru, CHENG Xin-Yu. Stomatal structures of the Apiaceae subfamilies Mackinlayoideae and Azorelloideae and their taxonomic value. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2016, 25(10): 132-141.


A faunistic study on the bee flies(Diptera:Brachycera:Asiloidea:Bombyliidae)from northern Iran