

新型工业化 2016年7期

胡潇潇,吴琨(同济大学电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804)


(同济大学电子与信息工程学院,上海 201804)




0 引言

随着超大规模集成电路的飞速发展,计算机以及通讯设备对供电电源提出了越来越高的要求。Intel公司对VRM(Voltage Regulator Module)的输出电压、电流的需求[1]如下:输出电压越来越低(<1V),输出电流越来越大(>150A)。与此同时,要求输出电压在动态变化时电压波动量小(<2%oV)[1]。VRM向着低电压、大电流、高可靠性、高效率的方向发展[2-3]。




1 两级式变换器的结构



图1 两级式变换器Fig.1 Two-stage converter


2 变压器匝比n对两级式变换器效率的影响分析














式中)(1 rmsQI、)(2 rmsQI、)(5 rmsQI为一个周期内流过Q1、Q2、Q5的电流有效值,1QR、2QR、5QR为开关管Q1、Q2、Q5的导通电阻。












3 实验结果


表1 变换器参数Tab.1 Parameters of the converter



图3 匝比10∶3实验波形Fig.3 Waveforms of 10∶3

图4 匝比12∶3实验波形Fig.4 Waveforms of 12∶3

图5 匝比15∶3实验波形Fig.5 Waveforms of 15∶3

图6 测试的效率曲线Fig.6 Measured efficiency curves


4 结论


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本文引用格式:WEI Xu-guang.The Interlayer Stress Analysis of Polyethylene-steel Composite Pipes[J].新型工业化,2016,6(7):28-33.


Abstract:Polyethylene-steel Composite Pipes is widely used in conveying corrosive media occasions,but the pipe may lose effectiveness in the process of transporting hot and cold media,so the research of stress distribution and variation in polyethylene-steel composite pipes is very necessary.This article frst assume that a thin adhesive layer is in between the polyethylene and steel,the adhesive layer along the axial shear stress is the major cause of the polyethylene layer and the steel pipe off sticky.Secondly,we use a method of fnite element to computer simulation by ANSYS,and verify initial assumptions.Finally,based on simulation data,we analyse the adhesive layer stress distribution and the variation with different parameters to change.Through the above research,preliminarily summarize the variation and distribution of interlaminar stress,and provide technical support for future design and process improvement of polyethylenesteel pipe.

Keywords:Laminated Polyethylene-steel Composite Pipes;Interlaminar Stress;Finite elements;ANSYS

Citation:WEI Xu-guang.The Interlayer Stress Analysis of Polyethylene-steel Composite Pipes[J].The Journal of New Industrialization,2016,6(7):28-33.

1 Introduction

Due to the outstanding corrosion-resistance character of the polyethylene-steel composite pipes(PSCP),it had been widely used into corrosive fluid transporting and different chemical industry fields.However,during past long term of practical applications it turns out that the constantly separation of polyethylene layer and steel layer causing pipe jam had limited the further application and became the main cause of all failure of polyethylene-steel composite pipes[1].There is a very thin glue layer between the polyethylene layer and the steel layer,which under circulate thermal working conditions we assume would be a powerful axle tangential stressed,which be considered as the main cause of the constantly separation of polyethylene layer and steel layer.Unfortunately,we don't pay attention to this phenomenon at home and abroad,but also the lack of relevant technical information,so the research of polyethylene-steel composite pipes interlaminar stress distribution and variation is very necessary.This paper first assumption that the polyethylene-steel composite pipes has a thin adhesive layer between the thermal expansion and contraction and the role of stress,the adhesive layer by a larger,along the axial shear stress is the major cause of the PE layer and the steel pipe off sticky.Secondly,we use a method of finite element[2]to computer simulation by ANSYS[3]and obtain the reference of some typical operating conditions simulated data for the future engineering applications,verified initially assumptions.Finally,based on simulation data,we analyse the adhesive layer stress distribution and the variation with different parameters to change.

2 Problem description and model

2.1Physical descripiton of problem

The structure of polyethylene-steel composite pipes[4]is shown in Figure 1.the outer layer is steel while the inner layer is polyethylene material solidified from hot air spraying,the relevant physical and

geometrical parameters is listed in Table 1.

Tab.1 The physical and geometrical parameters of PSCP

Fig 1.Thephysical model of polyethylene-steel composite pipe

2.2Mathematical description and model

Three directions of stress distribution should be taken into consideration during the analysis of stress components between polyethylene layers and steel layers such as:σx,σy,σzand τy,τxyz,τxz.The following formula was derived based on the relationship between the stress and variation of orthogonal isotropic material at the main direction:

According to plane coordinate conversion,it can be transferred into:

Where,σ1,σ2,σ3,σx,σy,σzrepresent axial stress;1,ε1,ε2,ε3,εx,εy,εzrepresent relevant axial stress strain;τ12,τ23,τ13,τxy,τyz,τxzrepresent tangential stress;γ12,γ23,γ13,γxy,γyz,γxzrepresent relevant tangential stress stain.

3 Experiment and data analysis

3.1Experimental scheme

In this paper,we make a thermal expansion model to model and postprocess and use common working condition that DN=60mm,L=3m as example:

1)Modeling with soild45 finite element

2)Inputting material data is shown in Table 1

3)The outcome of modeling procedure is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3

Mostly,classic procedure of computer simulation progress are as follows:

1)With reference to the existing grid method[5-6],we impose symmetry constraints in caliber .Only a quarter of entire pipe is modeled to reduce workload of computer simulations and work intensitythe.The symmetrical and axial displacements is applied at two symmetrical section and center of pipe respectively according to current means of meshing and modeling.

Fig.2 Tangential stress distribution between layers

Fig.3 Axial stress distribution between layers

2)Inputting reference temperature:25°C,the working temperature of this single simulation is 30℃.

3)Computer calculating and data recording

3.2Raw data record and process

3.2.1Raw thermal expansion data of PSCP

The maximum axial stress and tangential stress calculated by the following relevant parameters:the reference temperature is 25°C and the working temperature are 30°C,35°C,40°C,45°C,50°C,55°C,60°C,65°C;the length of pipe are 2m,3m,4m,5m,6m,7m,8m,9m,10m respectively;the diameter of pipe are 20mm,40mm,60mm,80mm,100mm respectively.

Considering that there are three variables,in order to facilitate the calculation and display of results,we take DN as the group variable,the temperature and the length of pipe as within-group variation.Because of the limited paper space,only a list of maximum radial force and normal stress,of which the length L=1,2,3...10mm and DN=20,40 mm .The details are as follows:

Tab.2 Raw data of the maximum tangential stress at DN=20mm

Tab.3 Raw data of the maximum axial stress at DN=20mm

Tab.4 Raw data of the maximum tangential stress at DN=40mm

Tab.5 Raw data of the maximum axial stress at DN=40mm

3.2.2Raw intial stress raw data of manufacturing PSCP

The simulation working condition in this section is that pipe diameter:DN=80mm,pipe length:L=2m,manuf- acturing temperature:300°C[7],cooling temperature:20°C,the outcome data is as follows(which is dominated by practical computer performance used in this paper that no longer lengthscould be simulated otherwise the program would report error and exit):

As shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5,from simulation results,we can find that the maximum stress concentrate on the surface of steel layer and the tangential stress is greater than the axial stress along the simulations.

Tab.6 Raw data of the initial maximum tangential stress at DN=80mm

Tab.7 Raw data of the initial maximum axial stress at DN=100mm

Fig.4 The distribution of maximum initial tangential stress

Fig.5 The distribution of maximum initial axial stress

3.3Data analysis

3.3.1Regular pattern of Srz & Sr changing with pipe Length

Fig.6 The maximum tangential stress with the change of diameter

Fig.7 The maximum axial stress with the change of diameter

3.3.2 Regular pattern of Srz & Sr changing with pipe diameter

3.3.3Regular pattern of Srz & Sr changing with working temperature

Fig.8 The maximum tangential stress with the change of length

Fig.9 The maximum axial stress with the change of length

Fig.10 The maximum tangential stress with the change of temperature

3.3.4Stress distributions along the diameter of PSCP pipe

Common simulation parameters:DN=80mm,L=6m,reference temperature T1=25°C,reference temperature T2=60℃

3.3.5Initial Stress distributions along with the diameter of PSCP pipe

3.4Major conclutions

1)The interlayer stress variation regularity with the pipe

length:As shown in Fig 6 and Fig 7,both tangential and axial stress distribution is only related to temperature variation,which is not related to diameter variation according to mass mount of data analyses.

2)Regular pattern of interlayer stress along with diameter variation according to Fig 8 and Fig 9:

(1)Both the tangential and axial stress increase with the increasing of pipe diameter.

(2)Both the absolute value of the maximum tangential and axial stress decrease with the increasing of pipe diameter.

(3)The maximum tangential stress Srz increase with the increasing of the absolute value of pipe diameter.

Fig.12 The maximum tangential stress distribution along with pipe diameter

Fig.13 The maximum axial stress distribution alongwith pipe diameter

Fig.14 The initial tangential stress distributionalong pipe diameter

Fig.15 The initial axial stress distribution alongpipe diameter

3)Both the tangential and axial stress is linear relative to the temperature variation according to Fig 10,Fig 11within the given temperature region(30℃-65℃).

4)The relationship between the maximum tangential stress and axial stress:the maximum axial stress usually is greater than the maximum tangential stress which is usually within the difference belowan order of magnitude when the temperature difference is little,however,the difference between them increase with the increase of temperature difference,especially when the temperature difference is very big,the maximum axial stress is far greater than the relevant tangential stress.

5)The tangential stress distribution along with the classic common used diameter of pipe:the tangential stress decrease with the pipe diameter.

6)The axial stress distribution along with the classic common used diameter of pipe:the maximum axial stress appeared at the contact layer of Polyethylene layer and steel layer according to Fig 13.

7)The distribution of initial stress under classic working condition:Manufacturing temperature:300℃,cooling temperature:20℃

(1)Distribution of initial tangential stress:the initial stress increase with the diameter from inner layer with the maximum value of 709Mpa.

(2)Distribution of initial axial stress:the maximum initial stress value of 472Mpa appeared at the contact layer between polyethylene layer and steel layer.

4 Summary and Outlook

This paper simulated stress distribution between those two layers via computer simulation under different groups of classic boundary conditions,trying to point out some regular pattern of polyethylene layer and steel layer with boundary condition changing.As the result of above research,we astonished find out that the stress between layers had not be taken into consideration by current pipe manufacturing technology,which would rise with the temperature difference rising and would became extremely dangerous to polyethylene-steel composite pipes when the temperature different gets very much from the original boundary conditions.We believe this paper testified the hypothesis proposed before and would provide some helpful reference value to the further improvement of polyethylene-steel composite pipes designing and manufacturing technology.But the conclusions of this paper based only on computer simulation than practical thermal-stress circulation experiment data,for which these conclusions can only be taken as technological references than actual experiment conclusions.In addition,The PE plastic layer was considered as static layer with static parameters such as elastic modulus,Poisson ratio and thermal coefficient of expansion,however,as everyone knows that the solidification of plastic material is dynamic and very complicated whose material parameters could not possibly be static and the same as normality,so the conclusions about initial stress distribution is only ideally simulated rather than the practical application situation.The actual distribution of initial stress need further study.


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An Optimal Operating Point Analysis of Two-stage Converter

HU Xiao-xiao,WU Kun
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)

This paper analyses the optimal design of a two-stage converter in detail,aims at resonant converter cascading Buck circuit,bases on the switching loss and conduction loss,quantifes the relationship between the transformer turns ratio and the effciency,and calculates the optimal operating point of the converter.The two-stage converter is suitable for 48V input bus voltage VRM,and solves the problems such as uncontrolled duty ratio and low effciency often come up against in traditional single converter.In addition,a prototype with 48V input and 5V/8A output is built to verify the analysis.

Two-stage converter;Optimal operating point;Switching loss;Conduction loss

The Interlayer Stress Analysis of Polyethylene-steel Composite Pipes

WEI Xu-guang
(Northeastern University Engineering & Research Institute Co.,Ltd,GuiYang 550000)


HU Xiao-xiao,WU Kun.An Optimal Operating Point Analysis of Two-stage Converter[J].The Journal of New Industrialization,2016,6(7):22-27.



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