

世界建筑 2016年9期



Bricks: Wall, Clay or Lego









In his speech on the Oslo Architecture Triennial, the crowned prince of Norway entertained the audience by mentioning the story of three little pigs to while talking about the basic protection provided by buildings: the first two little pigs who built with straw and sticks did not survive the attack of the wolf, the last one who built with bricks. Aside from all the anthropomorphic analogies of the story,the role of bricks as a significant mark of progress in architecture is obvious.

In 2016 we just witnessed another edition of the Wienerberger Brick Award. Although the global economic downturn has taken its toll in awards and exhibition everywhere, the debate of bricks in architecture continues to gain momentum through the Award.

At the centre of the debate, there is the question of what is the role model of bricks in contemporary buildings. There is one school, a more "conventional" one, that insists bricks being the modular units for masonry, which have incredible resistance to pressure. There is another school, almost as "conventional",stating that with the dramatic development in material technology, bricks are losing their technical advantage but they remain as relevant as before because of their irreplaceable warmth and organic features, embedding them with huge poetic potentials.There is yet another school, a rather recent one, that concentrates in the pixelating character of bricks which feeds the vast demand for visual spectacles popularised by 21st century fast media. To architects belonging to the last school, it is the misuse or even abuse of bricks that generates the wow factors.

The first school regards bricks as structural. Its prototypal model is the wall. A solid brick wall has been the symbol of reliable building envelope for centuries, from the fable of the three little pigs, to the changing rural villages in China, to the new sustainable towns in Europe. This seemingly conservative argument represents a certain type of honesty that has been in short supply in contemporary architecture. From this point view,the development of bricks must take place in the aggregation, hybridisation, and connection of bricks. baumschlager eberle's grand award winning project in this year's Wienerberger Award sends a clear message: progressive architecture can be achieved solely by using bricks.

The second schools regards bricks as spiritual. Its prototypal model is the clay. Clay is a charming material that links the non-organic world and the organic one. Clay itself, as put by some artists,"has a life without being alive". Physical features inherited from clay, such as permeability, porosity and fine-graininess, make bricks the best material to register time and natural processes in buildings. Scarpa, Saarinen and Kahn all have used the brick to register time. WANG Shu also did so in his dramatic re-interpretations of traditional buildings in his museum in Ningbo. Recently, Map13 Barcelona has done it again in their contemporary installation the "Brick-topia".

The third school regard bricks as ornamental. Its prototypal model is, well, Lego-ish. Bricks become the ideal 3D pixels in buildings, ready to feed the highly image-thirsty world. Thanks to the works of architecture postmodernists somewhere in the last century, the excessive use of brick patterns as decoration emerged as a fashion. In this century,helped by the online media and fast imagery, surface brick architecture has becoming more and more popular. Sometime it is easier to argue for these 2D image-friendly buildings, such as the Termitary House by Tropical Space, when there is a climatic reason. Sometime it is difficult, such as the Kahrizak Residential by Caat Studio with its "I can do this with bricks" kind of experiments.

Maybe, in the coming story of bricks, the "Lego" would go soon. But the dichotomy between "wall" and "clay" might continue.

清华大学建筑学院 /《世界建筑》



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