Module 5 The Great Sports Personality


时代英语·高二 2015年6期

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. Who had a good time?

A. The man. B. The woman only. C. The woman and her guests.

2. What are the speakers going to do?

A. Learn some Chinese. B. Print the menu in English. C. Have dinner.

3. Why doesnt the man go into the room?

A. He has lost the key. B. He cant unlock the door.

C. He wants to wait till the woman comes.

4. Where is the woman?

A. In a shop. B. At a restaurant. C. In a bank.

5. What time is it now?

A. 9:55. B. 10:05. C. 10:15.




6. Why does the woman phone the man?

A. To borrow a recorder. B. To invite him to a party. C. To ask for his advice.

7. What kind of tapes will the man bring?

A. Classical music tapes. B. Dancing tapes. C. Popular music tapes.


8. What happened to the speakers?

A. They missed the train. B. They misunderstood the conductor. C. They got off at the wrong stop.

9. How will the speakers go to the Book Building?

A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By bus.

10. Why doesnt the man want his wife to know that they take a taxi?

A. Probably hes afraid that she will feel unhappy.

B. Probably he wants to let the girl to watch Superman.

C. Probably he cares too little about his wife.


11. Where was the woman born?

A. In Britain. B. In the US. C. In Canada.

12. In which year did the womans first book come out?

A. 1930. B. 1949. C. 1959.

13. Which book has come out recently?

A. My Father. B. My Heart. C. Nature.


14. Whats the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Boss and clerk.

15. Why didnt the man come to the classes?

A. He was writing his homework. B. He was too tired to go out. C. He nearly lost his interest.

16. What can we know about the woman?

A. She is from an English-speaking country. B. She had studied Chinese before she came.

C. She has a gift for language.


17. What do we know about the Great Salt Lake?

A. It is as salty as the ocean. B. It is far away from the ocean. C. It is near the ocean.

18. Where does the water of the Great Salt Lake come from?

A. Oceans. B. Rivers. C. Lakes.

19. Why couldnt the speaker stand on the grounds?

A. The water held him up. B. The lake was too deep. C. He was too heavy.

20. How does the speaker describe his experience after opening eyes while swimming?

A. Surprising. B. Interesting C. Painful.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Natasha Reynolds never thought she would have a business working at home until one day she filled out a simple form online. Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the economic crisis(危机), and being able to provide for her family while at home with her two children.

In our phone interview she told me her amazing story. “I actually make about $5,000-$7,000 a month using the Internet. It is enough to comfortably replace my old income, especially considering I only work about 10?-15 hours a week from home.” Working online has been a financial windfall(意外之财)for Natasha, who struggled(奋力)for months to find a job during the struggling economy. “I lost my job shortly, and I needed reliable income to earn a living for me and my family. The best part of working online is that I am always at home with the kids, and I save a lot of money.” I asked her about how she started her unusual journey. “Its really simple. I just use the tools given to me. I dont even have to sell anything and nobody has to buy anything.”

Working online has changed peoples lives overnight. These great companies have been helping people to work from home and give them a new outlook on life. “I am making a good salary from home, which is amazing. A year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank god every day that I filled out that form.” Quickly, Natasha Reynolds was able to use the simple Home Based Business to make it.

21. How does Natasha Reynolds earn money according to the passage?

A. By working day and night. B. By selling goods to friends.

C. By filling out simple forms online. D. By using the Home Based Business.

22. What benefits does Natasha Reynolds get according to the passage?

A. a, b, c B. a, c, d C. a, b, d D. b, c, d

23. How does Deb feel about the Home Based Business?

A. Happy. B. Grateful. C. Excited. D. Anxious.

24. What do we know about Stephen?

A. He is ready for a try. B. He doesnt like the idea.

C. He thinks it is pretty cool. D. He has already earned $1,900.


I never got along with Dad. But when he was dying, I set off for Nebraska to be with him and my family. I stopped for the night at a hotel with a pool, hoping that they would relax me.

The pool area was empty as I walked into the still water. A man in a bathing suit appeared. He sat on the edge of the pool with his legs moving up and down in the water. He had dark hair and deep brown eyes and smiled. “Where are you going?” he asked. When I told him about my father, he asked how we got along. I tried to change the subject, but then for some reason, I told him everything.

Finally the man said, “Even with all the trouble, remember, your father still loves you.” All at once, warm and clear childhood memories came flooding back: Dad running alongside my wobbling(摇摆的)bicycle, the proud hug he gave me at my high school graduation, and his laugh when I caught him off guard with a tickle(挠痒). “Yes, I know he does,” I heard myself say. And for the first time in years I believed it. The man left, leaving me alone with my comforting thoughts.

Back in my room, as I went to bed, I decided it was time to forgive my father. Then I wished hed forgive me too. The phone bell woke me up at 3 am. My sisters voice sent a shiver(寒战)through me: Dad had just died. I had wanted to see him and make peace. But as sadness was beginning to surround me, I remembered that the man by the pool had already brought Dad and me together.

25. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 1?

A. He lived in Nebraska far away from his family. B. He didnt know his father was seriously ill.

C. He always thought highly of his father. D. He was going to see his father.

26. When the author was in the swimming pool, ___ .

A. many other people were also there B. he talked a lot with the man by the pool

C. he greeted the man by the pool first D. the man by the pool told him everything about his family

27. What made the author change his original idea about his father?

A. The man by the pool mentioned his interesting childhood.

B. He remembered his father had taught him to ride a bike.

C. He was reminded that his father actually loved him.

D. He knew his father would leave him forever.

28. What made the author sad according to the last paragraph?

A. He hadnt obeyed his father when he was young. B. He had no chance to make peace with his father.

C. He hadnt accepted the kind strangers advice. D. He hadnt stayed with his father before.


Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all kinds of tricks at play each time we reach out for a particular brand of product on the shelf.

Coloring, for example, varies according to what the producers are trying to sell. Health foods are packaged(包装)in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colors. Ice cream packets(小包装纸袋)are often blue and expensive goods, like chocolates, are gold or silver.

When some kind of pain killer was brought out recently, researchers found that the colors turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective. Eventually, it came on the market in a dark blue and white package—blue because we think of it as safe, and white as calm.

The size of a product can attract a shopper. But quite often a bottle doesnt contain as much as it appears to.

It is believed that the better-known companies spend, on average, 70 percent of the total cost of the products itself on packaging!

The most successful producers know that its not enough to have a good product. The founder of Pears Soap, who for 25 years has used pretty little girls to promote(推销)their goods, came to the conclusion: Any fool can make soap, but it takes a genius to sell it.

29. Which may trick a shopper into buying a product?

A. The cost of its package. B. The price of the product.

C. The color of its package. D. The brand name of the product.

30. The underlined part “the colors turned the customers off” in Paragragh 3 means that the colors ___ .

A. attracted the customers strongly B. had weak effects on the customers

C. tricked the customers into shopping D. caused the customers to lose interest

31. Which is the key to success in product sales?

A. The way to promote goods. B. The discovery of a genius.

C. The team to produce a good product. D. The brand name used by successful producers.

32. What would be the best title for this text?

A. Choice of Good Products B. Disadvantages of Products

C. Effect of Packaging on Shopping D. Brand Names and Shopping Tricks


John Gibson, chairman of the Independent Schools Association (ISA), said traditional outdoor play was a “primitive(早期的)preparation” for adult life because boys and girls learned basic skills.

Experts recently claimed that teenagers were spending up to 16 hours a day playing games online, with “potentially(潜在地)serious results” for their education and social opportunities.

Speaking at the ISA yearly conference, Mr Gibson said that many children brought up in the 50s and 60s were given more freedom to play outside.

“I believe much of what we did then was part of a primitive preparation for adult life,” he said. “Through games such as building a den(洞穴), we practiced the skills we would later find useful, and we learned to face success and disappointment in equal measure. When your life is lived through images constructed by a technical genius played on a screen, I just feel it will be more difficult to experience those important preparations for adult life.”

In recent years, concerns over “stranger danger” have led to a sharp going down in outdoor play. A report last year found a quarter of 8- to 10-year-olds had never played outside without an adult, while one in three parents refused to allow older children, aged 8 to 15, to play outside.

Mr Gibson said home had become a “prison” to many young people. “Now, many parents live in a shadow of fear, afraid to let their children out of their sight for too long. Theyre afraid something terrible would happen to them,” he said.

“When William Wordsworth wrote 150 years ago that ‘shades of the prison-house begin to close upon the growing boy, I believe he was talking mainly about school. But todays prison-house is just as likely to be the home, a prison for boys and girls whose fingers are good at working on their mobiles and computers but have never been used to play games.” He said schools should “help children be well prepared for life”.

33. Compared with todays children, many children born in the 50s and 60s ___ .

A. were more skillful at using their hands B. felt more disappointed with their childhood

C. learned more basic skills in their childhood D. had less freedom to play outside in their childhood

34. What does the underlined word “preparations” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Games played outside the house by children. B. Images constructed by a technical genius.

C. Practices for a public performance. D. Success and disappointment.

35. What did Mr Gibson mean by referring to William Wordsworths words?

A. Children living 150 years ago had little chance to go to school.

B. Neither home nor school can prepare children fully for their future.

C. Children should learn knowledge at school instead of on the Internet.

D. Todays home limits the development of children just as Wordsworth thought school did.



Do you regularly get together to talk with your family about problems or the days events? 36 Try these simple steps to improve your familys communication skills.

1. Create opportunities for talking.

Make time for talking by reducing the number of activities your family is involved in each week. And if you do find yourself in the car running from place to place, use that opportunity to catch up on the days activities.

2. Insist on family meals.

In addition to bringing everyone together for a wrap-up(综合报道)of the days activities, insisting on a few standing family meals makes kids expect and look forward to it. 37

3. 38

Spending time with each of your children lets them know that they are not getting lost in the hubbub(嘈杂)of a busy day or a large family. Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place. Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket.

4. Remember the 80/20 rule.

When trying to improve any relationship, listening is far more important than talking. 39 If you do verbally(言语上)explode before your child is finished, apologize quickly and make sure youre now ready to listen to him or her.

5. Create family traditions.

40 Family members come to expect and appreciate these traditions, seeing them as opportunities to come together as a unit.

A. Go on individual dates with your children.

B. Lunches with ageing parents keep those relationships healthy, as well.

C. When it comes to family communication, listen four times longer than you speak.

D. Supporting positive family communications benefits your family in so many ways.

E. Conversation is the key to any strong relationship, especially for family communication.

F. Use the family dinner table as an opportunity to share whats going on in family members lives.

G. Setting up a family movie night or visiting the same spot every year for summer vacation are all the examples.

36.________ 37.________ 38.________ 39.________ 40.________

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“It was all his own idea,” said Pat, the wife of California high school football coach Bob Peters. Bob had 41 made a “motherhood(母亲身份)contract” —declaring that for 70 days this summer he would take over the 42 of their four children and all the housework. Although he didnt even know how to make coffee when he 43 , he was very confident.

After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to 44 up. “I was beaten down,” admitted Bob. “Not only is motherhood a 45 task, it is an impossible job for any normal human being.”

Bob and Pat were married in 1991. After the marriage, Pat 46 as a secretary to help to put him through university. 47 Bob has been the football coach while Pat raised the kids. 48 two years ago Pat went back to work. “I had been 49 children so much,” she sighed(叹气), “I 50 talk to a grown-up.” She continued to run the household, 51 —until Bob signed the contract.

Bob tried hard to learn cooking, but the meals he prepared were 52 . For the last three weeks, the family 53 a lot—sometimes having McDonalds hamburgers for lunch and dinner.

As for 54 , a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean 55 the bed is made. “I found a(n) 56 way—I shut the doors,” he said. Soon the kids were wearing their shirts inside out. “When we went to 57 Pat at work, I made them wear their shirts 58 side out so they would look clean.”

Now Bob has publicly 59 he was wrong. He is 60 the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.

41. A. only B. just C. nearly D. ever

42. A. cost B. living C. wear D. care

43. A. declared B. obeyed C. received D. signed

44. A. call B. give C. hold D. keep

45. A. strange B. pleasant C. difficult D. serious

46. A. dressed B. employed C. played D. worked

47. A. Now that B. Before long C. Since then D. Later on

48. A. Then B. Thus C. So D. Still

49. A. near B. after C. about D. around

50. A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. mustnt D. neednt

51. A. besides B. therefore C. however D. otherwise

52. A. terrible B. tasty C. expensive D. special

53. A. ate B. talked C. worked D. suffered


Units 21-22综合检测题