

世界建筑 2015年6期




1 外景/Exterior view




虽未明确提出,但客户仍希望创新中心具有“当代外观”。然而,由于盲目追求当代性,如今的圣地亚哥已经玻璃塔楼成群。受到当地沙漠气候的影响,这些塔楼室内会产生严重的温室效应,空调运行造成的能耗损失巨大。但避免室内热量增加并非难事。这座建筑采用的方式是:将外墙换成厚重的实体材料,而玻璃窗嵌入深陷的凹槽中,既能避免阳光直射,又能保证对流通风。由此,该建筑的年耗能仅有45kw/m2, 远低于圣地亚哥典型玻璃塔楼的120kw/m2。在玻璃塔楼中,由于办公空间遮阳需求而被迫增加的窗帘、百叶等,使得所谓的透明性变成无意义的修辞。相比之下,实体外墙不仅具有能源效益,还可以大大减弱强烈光照,同时也避免了使用者人为改动建筑空间的局面。这样看来,对文脉环境的呼应只是严格遵循常识罢了。


从建筑学角度出发,使用绝对几何形体和完整物质构成,也正是令永恒性代替时新性的一种方式。□(陈茜 译)

2 外景/Exterior view

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Grupo Angelini, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

主持建筑师/Prncipal Architects: Alejandro Aravena, Juan Cerda, Gonzalo Arteaga, Víctor Oddó, Diego Torres

合作者/Collaborators: Samuel Gonçalves, Cristián Irarrázaval, Álvaro Ascoz, Natalie Ramirez, Christian Lavista, Suyin Chia, Pedro Hoffmann

结构工程/Structural Engineering: Mario Alvarez/Sirve S.A.

电力工程/Electrical Engineering: Carlos Gana/Ingenieria y

Proyectos ICG y Cía. Ltda

机械工程/Mechanical Engineering: Sirve S.A.

现场监理/Site Supervision: Juan Cerda

能效管理/Energy Efficiency: Bustamante y Encina Asesorías en Sustentabilidad

独立审核/Independent Revision: Gerardo Sepúlveda/S&C Revisores de Edificación

管道工程/Plumbing Engineering: Vivanco y Vega Ltda.

空调工程/Air-condition Project: Gustavo Concha/A&P Ingeniería

地段面积/Site Area: 455.351m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 8176m2(建筑面积/building area) ,12,494m2(停车面积/parking area)

材料/Materials: 钢筋混凝土,钢,木,玻璃/Reinforced concrete, steel, wood, glass

造价/Cost: 18,000,000USD

设计时间/Design Period: 2011-2012

建造时间/Construction Period: 2012 -2014

摄影/Photos: Nicolás Saieh

3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

6 五层平面/Floor 4 plan

5 三层平面/Floor 2 plan

4 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

7 八层平面/Floor 7 plan

In 2011, Angelini Group funded the creation of a center where companies, business ones and others, could share with researchers and the art university ideas and developments. The aim was to contribute to the processes of transferring know-how, of identifying business opportunities, of adding values to existing resources, of registering patents in order to improve the country's competitiveness and consequently its development. The Universidad Católica de Chile was to host such a center in its San Joaquin Campus.

Our proposal to accommodate such goals was to design a building in which at least 4 forms of space could be verified: a matrix of formal and informal areas where individual and teams could work and encounter other researchers. In addition to that, we thought that face to face contact is unbeatable when one wants to create ideas, so we multiplied throughout the building the number of places where people could meet: from the elevator's lobby with a bench to sit on if you happen to run into somebody that has interesting information to share, to the transparent atrium where you can sneak into what others are doing while circulating vertically and to the elevated squares throughout the entire height of the building.

The reversal of the typical office space planning (the opaque core with transparent glass curtain walls on the perimeter is replaced by an open core with massive walls strategically opened on the perimeter) had functional, environmental and architectural reasons.

There was a kind of unspoken expectation of the client: an innovation center had to have a "contemporary look", but the uncritical search for contemporariness has populated Santiago with glass towers that have serious greenhouse effect in interiors due to the local conditions of desert climate. Such towers cause a huge amount of energy consumption for air conditioning. The way to avoid undesired heat gains is not rocket science; it is enough to place the mass of the building on the perimeter, to have recessed glazing to prevent direct sun radiation and allow for cross ventilation. By doing so we reduced from 120 kW/m2/year (the consumption of a typical glass tower in Santiago) to 45kW/m2/year. Such an opaque facade was not only energetically efficient but also helped to dim the extremely strong light that normally forces people to protect the interior working spaces with curtains and blinds that transform in fact the theoretical initial transparency into a mere rhetoric. In that sense the response to the context was nothing but the rigorous use of common sense.

On the other hand, we thought that the biggest threat to an innovation center is obsolescence, functional and stylistic obsolescence. So the rejection of the glass facade was not only due to the professional responsibility of avoiding an extremely poor environmental performance, but also a search for a design that could stand the test of time. From a functional point of view, we thought the best way to fight obsolescence was to design the building as if it were an infrastructure rather than an architecture. A clear, direct and severe wall structure with big shafts in all corners is in the end the most flexible way to allow for continuous change and renewal.

From an architectural point of view, we thought of using a rather strict geometry and strong monolithic materiality as a way to replace trendiness with timelessness.□

8 外景/Exterior view

9 内景/Interior view





RAO Xiaojun: Apparently, the designers did not withdraw from Modernist architectural exploration of space; on the contrary, they took up a critical stance, directly challenging the international architectural style. Instead of glass curtain walls commonly used in modern office buildings, the project adopts an approach of conflict and contrast between exterior and interior spaces: the building is clad in thick and heavy exterior walls with deeply concave window openings, while the interior atrium space is made as transparent as possible, hence the well-coupled hardness of solid

exterior and softness of void interior. The designers expect this kind of spatial experience to become an introspective "face-to-face" communication, a place for the collision of ideas and transmission of knowledge, which stimulates greater value and significance.

LI Xiaohong: A free, flexible plan with regular column grid has created a variety of spaces for people to meet and communicate, be it benches in the elevator lobby or desirable platforms in the air. These typical Modernist approaches, together with solid exterior walls and windows meticulously designed to resist the impact of Santiago's scorching climate, remind one of I.M. Pei's design for the National Center for Atmosphere Research in the 1960s. Imagine being in the scorching desert, compared to the kind of glass towers with supposedly "contemporary" trappings, wouldn't this open core space protected by solid exterior structures make one feel much cooler and more comfortable?

Innovation Center UC – Anacleto Angelini, Santiago, Chile, 2014

Architects: Elemental

10 1-1剖面/1-1 Section

11 2-2剖面/2-2 Section


鹿特丹The Sax塔楼
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