

世界建筑 2015年6期













建筑通过3个体量形成水平组织,分别容纳3个主要的功能分区:演艺与音乐档案中心、表演艺术培训室和容纳2000人的大型剧场。这3部分体量在街道层面独立分开,提供了有遮蔽的多向步行空间。而在地下各层中,它们直接联系在一起,形成便捷的交通。□(陈茜 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: Cristián Fernández Eyzaguirre, Christian Yutronic V., Sebastián Baraona R.

合作者/Collaborators: Marcelo Fernández, Carlos Ulloa, Hernán Vergara H., Loreto Figueroa A., Nicolás Olate Vásquez, Natalia Le-Bert, Nicolás Carbone, Juan Pablo Aguilera, Rodrigo Herrera, Eduardo Cid, Sebastián Bravo, Sebastián Medina, Ximena Conejeros, Irene Escobar, Ricardo Álvarez, Sebastián Bórquez, Rodrigo Carrión

建筑面积/Floor Area: 一期/Phase 1-24,500m2, 二期/ Phase 2-29,600m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2008-2009

建造时间/Construction Period: 一期/Phase 1, 2009-2010,二期/Phase 2: 2015-

摄影/Photos: Nicolás Saieh(Fig. 2, 5, 7, 8), Marcos Mendizabal(Fig. 3), Juan Eduardo Sepúlveda(Fig. 4, 10)

1 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

2. 3 外景/Exterior views

4 外景/Exterior view

Historical context

This building, like no other, has been a major player during a period in Chile's recent history that was characterized by political and social division. The building was built as a masterpiece, a symbol of the "new man" during Salvador Allende's government. After the coup in 1973 this building housed General Pinochet's regime embodying the "Total Power." During the last three decades four governments have occupied the building including the Ministry of Defense. This has led to a building not wanted by most with a "bipolar" biography.

The original building was designed and built in record time. As a strategy, the architects designed a great cover of monumental proportions to subsequently house the building's program. From the beginning the urban impact was profound, as they installed a huge building with horizontal proportions perched practically on the sidewalk of the main street of the city, with its other side invading a small residential neighborhood.

A fire on March 5, 2006 in the eastern sector of the building completely destroyed the Great Hall.The Chilean government decided to create a future for this building and called for an international architecture competition. Over 55 proposals were received and Cristian Fernandez Arquitectos, teamed with Lateral Arquitectura & Diseno, provided the winning design.

Proposed urban spaces

Their approach was to immediately address the surrounding environment, providing a new relationship to the previously unacknowledged surroundings. The architects decided to focus on four main concepts: openness to the city and its urban relationships across a large deck with loose volumes under it, the creation of new public space, the opening of the building to the community by incorporating community programs, and the legitimacy of the project through the incorporation of as many social agents as possible in shaping a new benchmark for the city.

Openness and transparency

A building for arts and culture should always have varying degrees of transparency and share and engage users not only directly but also to the whole community. Therefore, the architects opted for a design that provided openness in the public spaces and transparency in the interior spaces. The halls for the performing arts of music, dance, and theater are on display to the public as "boxes or containers."

Program and organization

Horizontally the building is organized in three volumes that contain and represent the three major program areas. There are the Documentation Center for Performing Arts and Music, the Training Room for Performing Arts, and the Great Hall Theater that seats 2,000 people. The three buildings are separated at street level, providing multiple covered pedestrian spaces. At the lower levels all three buildings are directly connected.□

5 外景/Exterior view

6 南立面/South elevation



7. 8 内景/Interior views


9 剖面/Section


LI Xiaofeng: Completely transformed, this building is like a phoenix reborn out of inferno. The design is original, though the building per se is not brand new. As the seat of government for the past decades, it was once a representative work of modern architecture with majestic symbolism. Today it has rather become an urban space opening to the public. The architects' ingenuity is exercised in three aspects: first, the surrounding built environment is made into an active, relaxing public venue suitable for leisure activities; second, the architects did their best to break the original building's enormous volume into parts, bringing a grand structure down to human scale and endowing it with affinity; third, the space is made transparent to suit contemporary motif of "openness". In short, having gone through resurrection, the building is being rejuvenated in the new age.

WANG Shuzhan: The renovated building is brimming with "open", "modern" flavor, which clearly reflects its concerns for the city's "public space" and "public life". One should celebrate that it is no longer any monopolized power symbol of certain political era. However, as spectators unfamiliar with local history and culture, we are in no place to make assumptions about the complex "life" of an old building. The vitality of a building may not consist in the seemingly vigorous spaces it creates for recreations and spectacles, but rather in the level of consensus reached by local people in regards to the specific performance of "publicity" and "openness". This involves how architectural memories would ferment in the future, and how much expectation, belief and determination people would hold for some kind of new social life brought about by the renovation. In any case, public design competitions and selections, as well as the adoption of ordinary forms and appropriate volumes, all herald a promising start of the building's "new life".

Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile, 2015

Architects: Cristián Fernández Arquitectos, Lateral arquitectura & diseño

10 内景/Interior view

