“领事机构·开放重庆的前沿舞台”专题策划 ④情感共鸣为纽带 读懂总领事们的重庆情结


重庆与世界 2015年12期

□ 文/本刊记者 李静

“领事机构·开放重庆的前沿舞台”专题策划 ④情感共鸣为纽带 读懂总领事们的重庆情结

□ 文/本刊记者 李静







荷兰驻重庆总领事谭敬南:少年梦重庆圆 怎不爱重庆?



















On January 16, 2015, Sun Zhengcai met with Consul-Generals in Chongqing and Chengdu who has attended the "two sessions"

As the important resource and window of Chongqing's opening up, the consulates are regarded as a bridge of promoting the culture, economy and trade, tourism of Chongqing toward the world. Cooperating with consulate and driving high-level visits are of great signif cance to enhance the international inf uence of Chongqing. In 2015, Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs made remarkable achievements in various aspects: reciprocal visits of senior off cials broke the historical records and increased both in quantity and quality; economic and trade exchanges made fruitful achievements; cultural exchanges were further promoted. All these not only created “New History” of Chongqing foreign exchange, but also added a bright Chongqing light for China's diplomacy in 2015.

As is known to all, Chongqing is a central city of the western region of China and an inland open center. Ten countries set up consulate general in Chongqing, including the United Kingdom,Canada, Italy, the Netherland, Japan, Denmark, Kingdom of Cambodia, Philippines, Hungary and Ethiopia. Meanwhile,Chongqing is the consular district of consulate generals of the United States, Germany, France, South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan,Australia, New Zealand, and Israel in Chengdu, and of Malaysia,Bangladesh and Myanmar in Kunming.

By 2015, Chongqing's international status and international inf uence continue to rise, at the same time, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce together with the consulates in Chongqing forme an eff cient linkage and continue to promote all-round, wide-range and multi-level exchanges and cooperation. The consular work in Chongqing continue to play the role of a bridge among various consulate generals in Chongqing, and actively promote the pragmatic cooperation, mutual benefit and common development between other countries and Chongqing in economy and trade, science, technology, culture, education and tourism. Chongqing will still play a leading role in the process of creating inland open center.

On September 29, 2015, 11-country consular off cials in Chongqing and Chengdu, and their wives were invited to attend the 66 national day reception by Chongqing Municipal People's Government.

Reciprocal Visits of Senior Off cials lncreased Both Quantitatively and Qualitatively

With the deepening of the openness of Chongqing, especially under the background of carrying out two national strategies—“Belt and Road” and “Yangtze River Economic Belt”, Chongqing attracted unprecedentedly attention by the international community. In 2015, the external communication in Chongqing increased both in quantity and quality. According to incomplete statistics(as of November 13th), during this year, ambassadors to China or senior officials from Switzerland, Australia, Uruguay, Britain,Pakistan, Austria, South Korea, Singapore, Denmark, Thailand,Portugal and other countries made their special visit to Chongqing. And through positive interaction with the consulate officials in Chongqing, Chongqing witnessed more than 40 reciprocal visits of senior off cials. What's more, the successful visit to Chongqing by Australian Governor and the French President has created a new history in Chongqing's foreign exchanges.

In 2015, Australian Governor Peter Cosgrove, French President Francois Hollande, former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, New Zealand's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bill English, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Yin Caili, Slovakia Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kazimir and many other present and former dignitaries as well as the Minister of British Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,Elizabeth Truss, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Gentiloni, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister of Malta, Meads, Thai Minister of Transport of Thailand Ba Jin·Jun Tong and , Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Camp,Mongolian Minister of Industry, Nga Feilden Bart and other heads of state and senior government off cials have visited Chongqing successively.

From March 25th, 2015 to April 3rd, Sun Zhengcai,Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Secretary led the delegation of CPC to visit Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and met with heads of state or government, such as the Slovenian Government Prime Minister Celar, Sobotka, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Bulgarian President Lev Hei Leif and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, etc.

At the same time, Huang Qifan, Mayor of Chongqing has successively attended the third China-Singapore governmental cooperation project signing ceremony and then visited Singapore. He attended the Sino-US Governors Forum and visited American IT enterprises, and attended the First Sino-Indian Cooperation Forum. In addition,leaders of the NPC,Chongqing municipal government,the CPPCC successively have led delegations to visit the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy,Russia, kazakhstan and other countries, and further promoted the exchanges and cooperation between both parties.

Diplomacy is seriously important, especially the communication among senior officials. Every successful foreign communication is closely related to a collaboration with the hard work of the staff from relevant foreign consular and Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce System.

Great Achievements in Economic and Trade Exchanges

① Australian Governor visited Chongqing

② On April 28, 2015, Italy Foreign Minister Mr. Paolo Gentiloni cut the ribbon for the new site of Consulate-General in Chongqing with Vice Mayor of Chongqing,Mr.Chen Lvping.

③ On May 25th to 29th,2015,Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister visited Chongqing.

④ Deputy foreign minister of the Philippines,Ms. Laura Rosario led the Philippine National Ballet Dedication giving an amazing performance at Guotai Grand Theatre,Chongqing

Another important task of consular work is to promote the economic and trade exchanges, advance bilateral commercial,economic, investment and other economic developments. In 2015, the foreign trade and economic exchanges of Chongqing have made great achievements under the vigorous push of consular institutions and consular officials in Chongqing. “Asia-Europe Interconnected Industry Dialogue” and many multilateral high-level foreign affairs activities in Chongqing witnessed that Chongqing made great achievements in innovatively use of the consular resources. More and more world's top enterprises and super companies now prefer to cooperate with Chongqing and achieve a win-win situation.

In the first half of 2015, the Consulate General of America in Chengdu held a lecture entitled “the United States Welcomes You”, which mainly provided all walks of life in Chongqing with some information on the investment, education, tourism etc. in the United States, and promoted the Sino-US civil and business communication. By the end of 2015, the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China issued 2015 American Business In China White Paper in Chongqing, more than 60% of its member companies (including other foreign-funded enterprises) would regard China as the world's best choice for investment.

In 2015, Italian Consulate General in Chongqing arranged several reciprocal visits of the government and economic and trade delegation of two countries, organized Italian enterprises to attend large-scale exhibition in Sichuan-Chongqing region as well as organized the forums of automobiles, urbanization and other professions. In late November, the Six China-Italian Innovation Cooperation Week·China-Italian Industry Innovation Cooperation Summit in Chongqing were held in Bishan District, where nearly a hundred Italian enterprises, universities and research institution representatives came to Chongqing to conduct technical exchanges and projects docking with local enterprises.

2015 is the 15th year that British consulate general in Chongqing was founded, British consulate general in Chongqing,as always, to strengthen cooperation and communication with Chongqing and southwest areas in a wider range of areas in this special year. At present, many well-known enterprises in Chongqing such as Changan, LiFan, Chongqing Machinery & Electric Group invest in the United Kingdom and set up their branches.

From May 25th to 29, Deputy Prime Minister of Kampuchea,led the delegation to visit Chongqing. During the visit, the delegation has visited LiFan Group, Liangjiang New District Planning Exhibition Hall, Cuntan bonded port area, Chongqing bonded commodities exhibition trading center and so on. They had an in-depth understanding of the city's economic,social and cultural development. Yin Caili was surprised by thedevelopment momentum in Chongqing, and hoped to strengthen cooperation and achieve mutual benef ts in the f eld of machinery manufacturing, business logistics, culture, tourism and so on.

⑤ On November 12, Consul-General took photos after the 2015 Milan micro-opening ceremony of Expo fashion Gala

Chongqing has become an investment attraction among world-renowned enterprises. According to incomplete statistics,in 2015, Germany's Bayerische Motoren Werhe A.G, Germany Duravit, Germany Kapp Company, Japanese Kawasaki, Japan Isuzu, South Korea's POSCO, South Korea Hyundai, Denmark Grundfos Company and many new projects established by the world's top 500 enterprises choose to land in Chongqing, which is inseparable from the active promotion of relevant consular agencies and consular off cials in Chongqing.

Rich and Colorful Cultural Exchanges

In the background of “Great foreign affairs and diplomacy”,Chongqing is the center of the China's western region of constructing the inland open highland. Its function as the consular highland of western and central region in China are more prominent; the achievements have been achieved through positive linkage with the consular off cials and the interaction and communication are becoming much more important. And all these successes are inseparable from the mutual trust in cultural level.

Cultural differences do exist, but friendship knows no boundaries. Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and Chongqing municipal government promoted exchanges and contacts between consular agencies and departments of Chongqing through various associations. At the time of New Year Festival and the Mid-autumn Day every year,Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office would have a party for all the consuls and their families in Chongqing and Chengdu with feast and traditional performances from both China and foreign countries to express their best wishes. We have noticed that during this year's “March Eighth International Working Women's Day”, the female consuls in Chongqing from Britain, the Philippines, Hungary, Ethiopia, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries as well as male consuls' wives and female foreign experts in Chongqing, etc., not only were invited to attend the 105th anniversary of the International Working Women's Day Chinese and foreign women's conference, but also participated in the mountaineering activities.

In 2015, at the invitation of consulates in Chongqing, the Chongqing municipal leaders and relevant departments of Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce attended various celebration activities and important communication activities held by consulates. British consulate held the 15th anniversary reception in June; American consulate celebrated its 70th anniversary of China-the US cooperation; Singapore Chamber of Commerce held 50th National Day celebration in August and so on. And the relevant departments in Chongqing actively participated in these activities with great enthusiasm.

In the process of developing friendly relations with foreign countries, culture plays a leading role in the exchange and communication. A country, even a nation's prosperity always based on its cultural prosperity. Chongqing unswervingly attached importance to the introduction of advanced culture through the consulates. March 2015, the photo exhibition about Australian diplomatic institutions in Chongqing during the Anti-Japanese War was held in the site of the former Australian Embassy to China, Australian Governor General, Peter Cosgrove personally unveiled it. And not long ago, Philippines's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs led the National Ballet Troupe in person came to Chongqing, and gave a wonderful performance in the Cathay Pacif c Grand Theater. It is particularly worth mentioning is that, in order to further enhance the interaction with the consulates, from September 2015 to the end of this year, the Information Office of Chongqing Municipal Government and Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs together initiate and organize an activity named “2015 The World and Chongqing ·Cultural Carnival and Aerotropolis International Cultural Season”. The World and Chongqing ·Cultural Carnival was held since 2012 and has been carried out for three consecutive years, which mainly designed for foreigners' participation and experiencing, then recommend and introduce Chongqing to the whole world. The consulates of Netherland, Italy, Britain actively involved in these initiatives. These measures are of vital importance in forming a congenial consensus on the process of making Chongqing publicized and gathering strength.

In reviewing the consul work in 2015, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office actively participated in the construction of open-up platform as usual; the consular section organized the consuls from different countries to attend the important political and economic activities held in Chongqing at regular intervals. And priority was given to the consulates in Chongqing on informing the economic and social development of Chongqing, supporting economic cooperation projects,international bidding of the big projects etc. The innovation of the consular working mechanism has become a sustainable impetus to promote the working process.

② October 23, 2015, Director of the Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce,Mr.Zhu Xiyan met with British Consul-General in Chongqing,MS. Tina Redshaw.

③ 2015 Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering of Consulates held in Chongqing

④ Organized Consulates in Chongqing and Chengdu to climb mountains,celebrating International Women's Day

This year, the 45th anniversary of the establishment of China-Italy relation, the two countries joined hands in development so that we have made great achievements in many f elds and have forged a profound friendship along the process. As a result, the southwest China can also enjoy benef ts that the China-Italy friendship brings us. Since December 30th, 2013, the establishment of Italy consulate in Chongqing, the visa center and the direct f ight to Rome were set up in succession; the exchange visits of two governments and economic and trade delegations were arranged for many times; Italy was promoted to participate in the large-scale exhibitions in Sichuan and Chongqing; the professional forums about cars and urbanization were organized;a series of cultural activities “bound to the autumn of Italy” were held; the interaction with netizens about ball games and food was promoted. And all these activities were designed for the mutual and deeper understanding between Italy and southwest China and strengthening the bilateral friendship.

The interaction and cooperation between Chongqing and Italy again shows us that the consulates, as a forefront and an important channel of Chongqing's opening up, is of great importance in promoting the economic and trade cooperation,cultural communication and exchange visits among the senior officials. The consulates play as go-between and also an important platform in the process of opening up.

Why is the water so clear in the dyke, for the fresh water comes from the springhead

As a forefront dealing with foreign and overseas affairs in Chongqing, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office actively supports several of activities with a creative thinking. They tried every possible way to make good use of consul resources to cooperate with the consulates in Chongqing. They took advantages of consulate channels to serve the regional economic and social development and at the same time, held different kinds of cultural and trade exchange activities to make sure the sustainable communication on trade, culture, education,technology between other countries and Chongqing as well as other southwest cities. What they have done builds a bridge for cooperation among Chongqing and other countries all over the world.

On October 23 th this year, Zhu Xiyan, the off ce director of Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office met with Hong Tingna, the consul general of Britain in Chongqing and Hoshiyama Takashi, the consul general of Japan respectively and reached corresponding agreements of the cooperation in the future.

Besides, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office also energetically supports and assists the consulates to hold all kinds of economic and cultural activities. Not merely the Italian consulate in Chongqing, the other consulates are also striving to shorten the distance in-between with Chongqing and vigorously participating in the construction of open-up highland of Chongqing by all possible ways and methods.

Another highlight in 2015 is the cultural exchange activities“Netherland's Day” The “Netherland's Day” not only brought us pure Dutch culture but also the communications and discussions about development of an intelligent city, interior design, fashion design, and city brand R&D etc. Along with the visit of the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, Henk Kermp, in the late January this year and the holding of “Netherland's Day”, the relationship between Netherland and Chongqing become closer than ever before.

It is on May 31st, the 65thestablishment anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Denmark and the 10th establishment anniversary of consulate general of Denmark in Chongqing, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the consulate general of Denmark in Chongqing,Odense City Museum, the Danish National Tourism Board etc. jointly held a series of activities , such as, “Meet in Denmark—Classic Representation of the Andersen's wonder world” and the photographic exhibition “2065-Chinese and Danish Cities in the eyes of photographers” etc.

In the March this year, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and the Wales government office in Chongqing hand in hand held “the 9th Wales Week”; besides,the consulate general of Britain in Chongqing and its cultural and education section jointly launched a series if activities including the opening ceremony of “Mother River—Yan Wang Preston 2015 China Tour Exhibition”, etc.

lt is the Determination that Makes lmpossible Possible

Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office is closely bound to the success of the activities since it aims to create a good working and living environment and carry out pragmatic cooperation with consulates to make a difference.

At the same time, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office not only cooperated with foreign consulates in Chongqing but also carried out cooperation with the consulate general of America, Korea, Israel, Thailand, Singapore in Chengdu and together held all kinds of economic and trade exchange activities. During the process, the secretary of US-China Peoples Friendship Association and the mayors in west America came to Chongqing one after another to look for cooperation opportunities.

The World and Chongqing ·Cultural Carnival initiated by Chongqing government and Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office is one of the most persuading cases showing the successful communications among the consulates of different countries in Chongqing.

At the invitation of consulates of different countries in Chongqing this year, the leaders of Chongqing government and the related departments of Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office attend various of ceremonies and exchange activities: the 15th anniversary reception held by British consulate in June, celebration for 70th anniversary of China-the US cooperation held by American consulate, 50th National Day celebration held by Singapore Chamber of Commerce in August and so on.

In addition to the cooperation on politics and economy,Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce actively coordinated with Chongqing government to enrich the foreign consuls' life and enhance communication and exchange between consulates and Chongqing government by throwing various kinds parties and fraternities. At the time of New Year Festival and the Mid-autumn Day every year, Chongqing Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Off ce would have a party for all the consuls and their families in Chongqing with feast and traditional performances from both China and foreign countries to express their best wishes.

In May this year, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries held jointly with consulates of Japan,Britain, Hungary and Italy, the 5thfriendly match of baseball, by ways of baseball picture show, the parent-and-child games in baseball field, friendly match of baseball and other activities to popularize baseball in Chongqing; and through baseball games to strengthen the friendship between the Chongqing people and the foreigners. Meanwhile, what we've done also enriched the spare time of the consuls and reinforced their sense of belonging.

All the innovations we made actually derive from our hearts. And it also remarks that the innovation of consulate working mechanism in Chongqing will never stop.

Mainly in order to promote the development of business, economy, culture, science and technology of two countries as well as the friendly relations between the two, and protect the legitimate interests of the sending country and its national legal persons that one country sets up a consulate in another country. The consulate is a window and bridge, through which foreigners with the purposes of investment and travel could know more about China and its cities. Furthermore, it also acts as a go-between for “going out” enterprises and personnel in China and their foreign counterparts.

① Ms. Elizabeth Truss, minister of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of the United Kingdom visited Chongqing to promote British food.

② Italy Visa Application Center in Chongqing ribbon cutting ceremony

③ The f rst "Netherlands Day" held in Chongqing

④ "Denmark life design exhibition" hosted by Denmark Consulate-General in Chongqing amazed Chongqing.

In 2015, the critical year of actively constructing inland open center Chongqing has showed the world and Chongqing citizens a great success through foreign exchanges. In this year, Chongqing insists on win-win cooperation and fully integrates consular resources, making great progress in several aspects, including foreign investment, large projects, foreign trade and cultural exchanges, etc.

ln Chongqing: England, ltaly and Denmark make good use of time, and Holland being an expert in brand publicity

One of the simplest ways to make full use of consular resources in Chongqing is to help them explore their potentials. In 2015, it was the consulates of England, Italy and Denmark that found a excellent timing to advance their developments in Chongqing.

Within the year of 2015, the British Consulate General in Chongqing held a fifteen anniversary celebration with the attendance of current general consul Hong Tingna and the former one. Meanwhile, the year of 2015 was the year of signif cance for Sino-England relationship and the f rst UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange.

The British Consulate General in Chongqing, the southwest region, has established for 15 years, among which the consulate was committed to bilateral relations, trade and investment, science and technology innovation, climate change, culture, education and other areas of friendly exchanges as well. Britain is looking forward to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in wider f elds with Chongqing and other southwest areas. Chongqing's well-known enterprises such as Changan, LiFan, Chongqing Machinery & Electronics Holding Group Co., Ltd has invested in UK with their companies set up, and after the opening of the Chengdu-London non-stop f ight, the number of visas in Chongqing last year increased by 26%.

The Italy Consulate General in Chongqing, with two years of foundation, launched a series of activities with the theme of “the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of Sino-Italy Diplomatic Relations”. In the recent two years, it has held lots of events, as followed, the set-up of visa center, the open of Chongqing-Roman non-stop flight, the reciprocal visits for many times between two governments and economic and trade delegations, Italy's participation in large exhibition in Sichuan & Chongqing and its organization of many professional forums with the theme of automobile, urbanization and so on. Furthermore, the consulate launched a series of cultural activities with the theme of “Autunno Italiano”. Italian Consul General in Chongqing, Maffay, invited the general consulates of Hungary, Japan and Britain to start the Milan Micro EXPO Ceremony and popularize it with them together.

At the end of this year, Danish Consulate General in Chongqing ushered in the tenth anniversary celebration of its foundation, during the time, activities like Danish Design show and Danish Fashion and Food Show that reflected Danish characteristics have staged one after another in the mountain city,and Denmark's ambassador Dai Shige and the general consul An Ya showed on the ceremony as special guests. What's worth was that previously on the 13th of August this year, the factory of the world's largest circulating pump manufacturer——Denmark GRUNFOS in Liangjiang New Area completed, the Grundfos's third factory in China.

Among the ten consulates settled in Chongqing, the Netherlands consulate is the newcomer, while it was just him that set off an orange whirlwind with Dutchman's artistic creativity and strong brand awareness in Chongqing this year. The power of the latecomer surpassed the former. In September, the 1st“Netherland's Day” celebrated in Chongqing, with the beginning of “Chongqing People” theme photographic exhibition and some other activities in strong Dutch style and interaction, by which Chongqing citizens were deeply touched, such as, the Dutch experience Museum, Dutch architectural Design and Urban Development Forum, Dutch Fashion Exchange and so on.

Going out: American consulate and CCUS work along both lines, and Ethiopia makes amazing progress

Taking advantages of consular resources, the great importance should be attached on going out.

The high-degree coincidence of American consulate and CCUS's measures showed the special attraction of Chongqing. At the very beginning of 2015, the US general consul in Chengdu,Gu Liyan, was invited to give a lecture entitled “United States welcomes you” in Chongqing Library, during which he introduced to the audience the 12-month tourism promotion activities of the consulate. In addition, he provided information about American education, tourism and investment too. The background of this lecture was that in order to promote the Sino-US private and business exchanges, the United States put a series of new visa regulations into effect.

By the end of 2015, the CCUS branch in Southwest China will release the “2015 American Business in China” in Chongqing,and it showed that more than 60% of the member companies(including other foreign-funded enterprises) will still elect China as the f rst place for investment all over the world and Chongqing is still given priority. Since last year, Chongqing became the f rst city for foreign enterprises settled in around China, which released the signal of activity and amity to Chongqing.

Canada, the neighbor of US, launches advisory activity related to overseas study every year in Chongqing. This year at Intercontinental Hotel of Monument for Liberation, the Canadian Consulate General joined hands with a bank to hold a small and middle-size special consultation meeting for southwest primary and middle school students' studying abroad. The same day 16 senior representatives from different school districts and education bureaus provided “one to one” consultation for parents and students accompany with the professional interpreters.

Three years ago, the f rst African consulate was established in Chongqing by Ethiopia. Recently, the economic and trade exchanges of the two countries is in a tide. During the f rst to ninth month of this year, the amount of bilateral import and export trade reached 3712 million, an increase of 114.7%. Two Chongqing enterprises accumulated a $25 million investment in Ethiopia,engaging in geological exploration and automobile manufacturing,among which the LiFan automobile has become the main brand domestically.In mid November of this year, Chongqing municipal government and the Ministry of Commerce jointly held the 2015(Africa) Chinese goods, technology and services exhibition and tour of export commodities of Chongqing (Africa) in Ethiopia.

The principle of going out and bringing in should be integrated with one another. In late November, the 6th China-Italy innovation cooperation week·China-Italy Industrial Innovation Chongqing summit was held in Bishan County, Chongqing, and nearly a hundred Italian companies, universities and research institutions participated in it and carried out technical exchanges and projects docking with Chongqing enterprises.

It can be seen from the above reports that the activities, for example, taking active use of consular resources, docking with Chongqing enterprises and going out, providing practical services and help, have gained initial results. In fact, Chongqing is also in response to the national call and maintaining the development opportunities and spaces by actively using of consular resources. Further, Chongqing is striving to form a deep blend of mutual benef cial cooperation network through a wide range of economic and trade cooperation..

In terms of the popular internet language, the “consulate” is like an “entry”. through which Consul generals of foreign countries in Chongqing have made a special work and life “situations” for themselves via this “entry”. By doing this, they have driven the development of “diplomatic f ow”, including politics, economy, culture and tourism, etc. As an individual, consul generals have updated the “Chongqing fate” into “Chongqing love knot”. The strong “adhesiveness of users” ensures the sustainable growth of consul generals' working eff cacy.

The year of 2015 is worthy of remembering for consul generals of foreign countries in Chongqing. They have witnessed the fast development of Chongqing, and have promoted the development of all kinds of foreign affairs between Chongqing and their own countries. Some of them who have come to Chongqing for years developed a growing love for this city. While others were new here, fell in love with Chongqing at f rst sight.

Tina Redshaw, Consul General of Britain in Chongqing:deeper understanding makes better cooperation

Since November 2013, Tina started to hold the post of consul general of Britain in Chongqing. When mentioned Chongqing, she was full of surprises. When I f rst came to Chongqing 29 years ago, the only impression the city left on me was a port city along the river. However, great changes have taken place in Chongqing these years, among which are the most impressive landmark buildings, including high-rises and modernized grand theater, etc. People here are able to see blue sky and white clouds even in winter.”

Previously lived in China for about 12 years and now being the consul general of Britain in Chongqing, Tina said that she should do in Rome as the Romans do and she likes Chinese, so she consciously practices speaking mandarin. During the years of being the consul general, Tina was striving to make herself know more about Chongqing and pay in-depth visits to different places of the city, During the years of her career, Tina actively promoted British enterprises to conduct field trips in Chongqing and expanded cooperation with Chongqing in the f eld of building construction and transportation as well as cooperation with universities to develop academic research in the low carbon field, etc. consulate general of Britain in Chongqing has held many activities this year as usual. Recently,there will be more British government off cials and nongovernmental delegations coming to visit Chongqing. “Next year is the 10th anniversary of Chongqing establishing its sister city ties with Wales. We hope to carry out more cultural and economic exchanges with Chongqing.”

Tina also wishes to promote the opening of London-Chongqing direct route when she is working here. She believes the direct route will be opened more quickly as long as there are enough Chongqing residents who are going to visit London.

Guido Tielman, Consul General of the Netherlands in Chongqing:A teenager's dream fulf lled in Chongqing

For Guido Tielman, being the consul general in Chongqing has fulfilled his Chinese dream. In his own words, it is like“a fate that he is destined to be attached to Chongqing”

“I've already known Chongqing when I was a teenager”. It turned out to be that Mr. Tan has read 12 serial stories named Judge Dee Mysteries, which were written by Robert Hansvan Gulik, the Dutch ambassador. In 1943, Chongqing was the wartime capital. Robert Hansvan Gulik was assigned to take charge of the general secretary in consulate general of the Netherlands in Chongqing. At that time, he worked here, lived here and got married here. Guido Tielman said frankly that Robert Hansvan Gulik was his first Chinese teacher and also his idol.

In June 2013, Guido Tielman came to Chongqing for the f rst time. Located by the mountains and river, Chongqing left a good impression on him. Guido Tielman said that he “wasn't afraid of the hot weather”. For him, the most pleasant thing after work is to eat the Chongqing noodles with his wife. Dandan noodles (Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce) and Wanza noodles (noodles with potted meat paste and pea) are their favorites.

Since the opening of consulate general of the Netherlands in Chongqing,the Netherlands has successively conducted cooperation and exchanges with Chongqing in the fields of economy and culture. In January of this year,the Dutch economy minister visited Chongqing. And in September, the“Netherland's Day” was successfully held in Chongqing, which makes the Holland-Chongqing relationship more intimate. Guido Tielman expressed that the central and western areas of China have provided Holland a broad space for its development, and relatively, Holland also embraced the enterprises and ordinary residents here. The Eurasia International Railway connects the two cities which once were thousands of miles apart. Chongqing, as the important city of China's the “Belt and Road” construction,has a great cooperative potential with Rotterdam in Holland. Guido Tielman also said that in the future, he will be more active in promoting the communications and exchanges between the two cities and making Chongqing residents have a better understanding of the Netherlands.

Anja Villefrance, Consul General of Denmark in Chongqing:To balance the life of Denmark and Chongqing

Anja, who took office of consul general of Denmark in Chongqing in August 2013, has become a hundredpercent Chongqing “LaMeiZi” (a nickname to call girls who are outgoing and passionate).

Three years ago, when she tasted Chongqing dishes for the first time, Anja got addicted to it immediately. Chongqing girls' pursuit of fashion has changed her dress style. The characteristics of Chongqing residents' enthusiasm and straightforwardness made her make more friends. As the consul general, Anja is busy in her work. However, no matter how busy she is, a bowl of Chongqing noodles with enough spicy sauces would be the optimal working lunch for her, as if all the fatigue will be cleared off through this bowl of Chongqing noodles. Under the inf uence of Anja, her two sons are fond of spicy foods too.

This year is the 65th anniversary that China and Denmark have established diplomatic ties, and it is also the 10th anniversary of the establishment of its consulate general in Chongqing. The consulate general of Denmark has held a series of activities. Recently, Anja has also brought the Danish foods and the most fashionable fur clothes into Chongqing. There will be more activities to be shared with Chongqing residents on Christmas Day. As the consul general, Anja will constantly promote the communications and exchanges between Denmark and Chongqing.

Anja's term of office in Chongqing is f ve years. She said that she was quite slow in exploring Chongqing because of her busy work and caring for the family. The more she knew about Chongqing,the more she felt it was not enough. This year is worthy of memorizing and celebrating. With the implementation of the work carried out by consulate, the communication between Denmark and Chongqing will be lift to a new stage. Anja also said that at present China owns a great market potential. Many Danish enterprises are developing their businesses in Chongqing. We wish to make Chongqing people know Denmark and understand Denmark through exhibiting Danish products to Chongqing people.

Hoshiyama Takashi, Consul-General of Japan in Chongqing:Chongqing develops better than l have imagined

September, 24th of this year is the first day of the 57-year-old Hoshiyama Takashi's taking office of the consulate general of Japan in Chongqing.

Before he came to Chongqing,Hoshiyama Takashi has already heard about Chongqing. “Many people said that Chongqing was a modern city, and was called ‘Small Hong Kong'. However, after I came there, I found that the whole city developed better than I have imagined. Because of the frequent earthquakes in Japan, I've been worried a lot when I saw so many tall buildings there, but I didn't do that any more after I know the solid foundation bases of these buildings.”

After came to Chongqing, the deepest impression the city left on Hoshiyama Takashi is the weather and the people here, more specifically, the energetic and robust people here. Walking on the Jiefangbei Street, and there are many people who talk loudly and energetically. It's easy to be influenced by their positive energies. That's great. Chongqing noodles is Hoshiyama Takashi's favorite food. It is kind of like“dough” in Japan. But every time when he goes to eat Chongqing noodles, he orders the noodles with clear soup and soybean sauce.

He felt very glad that this time he could work in the major city of Asian power—China. And he hopes that he would make contributions to the strengthening of Sino-Japan relations. In recent years, more and more Chongqing people like to travel in Japan. Hoshiyama Takashi said that this year the number of Chinese tourists ranks the first of the total foreign tourists to Japan. At the same time, Japan has expanded its visa system for Chinese visitors to 5 years.

In the next step, Hoshiyama Takashi hopes to increase publicity for Japan through major media and major airlines as well as travel agents, trying to make Chongqing people gain a better understanding of Japan and enhance the economic and cultural exchanges between Chongqing people and Japanese people.

The above stories of the four consul generals are not enough to represent the working and life tracks of consul generals in chongqing. For instance, we can usually see the smiling face of Sergio Maffettone, consul general of Italy in Chongqing, who actively interacts in the important occasions of Italy and China. We also have appreciated the peace and quiescence of Mrs.Olivia V.Palala,consul general of the Philippines in Chongqing, who smiles peacefully when she introduces the Philippine ballet group......

That's all because of love. This is the acceptance and promotion between a city and the special group of “new Chongqing people”..

Special Issue of “Foreign Consular Posts ・ The Front Stage of Opening Chongqing” ①Foreign Consular Posts Work in Chongqing to Boost Construction of Inland Open Highland

□ Written by Zeng Rui

Special Issue of “Foreign Consular Posts ・ The Front Stage of Opening Chongqing” ②Making Mechanism Innovation as Impetus to Promote a New Pattern of Consular Work

□ Written by Li Jing

Special Issue of “Foreign Consular Posts ・ The Front Stage of Opening Chongqing” ③Taking Advantages of Cooperation and Win-win Achievements on the Basis of Consular Resources

□ Written by Zeng Rui

Special Issue of “Foreign Consular Posts ・ The Front Stage of Opening Chongqing” ④Emotional Resonance as the Bond, Understanding the Consul-Generals' Love Knot for Chongqing

□ Written by Li Jing


枷锁 ——阿伦德(荷兰)▲