

中学生英语·中考指导版 2015年7期

第一部分 听力技能(共三节,计25分)

A) 反应(共5小题,每小题1分)


( )1. What animal will the speakers go to see first?

( )2. Which sports does Mike prefer?

( )3. Whats Emmas favorite season?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.

( )4. What kind of music does the woman like?

A. Light music. B. Country music. C. Jazz music.

( )5. Where are they talking?

A. In a bookstore. B. In a restaurant. C. In a bank.

B) 对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分)



( )6. How often does the train come?

A. Every ten minutes. B. Every twenty minutes.

C. Every thirty minutes.

( )7. How is the woman going to Hong Kong?

A. By plane. B. By train. C. By bus.


( )8. Whos Mary?

A. Peters classmate. B. Peters sister. C. Peters neighbor.

( )9. What does Marys brother teach?

A. Japanese. B. English. C. Chinese.


( )10. Who is the woman buying the gift for?

A. Her husband. B. Her son. C. Her daughter.

( )11. How much does the woman want to spend on the gift?

A. About $ 20. B. About $ 50. C. About $ 10.

( )12. What gift will the woman buy at last?

A. A basketball. B. An MP3. C. A pen and a notebook.


( )13. When did Jack go to the concert?

A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday night.

( )14. When will another concert be?

A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Next month.

( )15. Who will go to another concert?

A. Jack. B. Linda. C. Linda and Jack.

C) 笔录要点(共5小题,每小题2分)


16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________

第二部分 知识运用(共两节, 计20分)

第一节 语法填空 (10小题,计10分)


( )21. —When were you born?

—I was born _____ a cold winter morning in 1996.

A. on B. in C. at

( )22. —Tony, _____ are you in such a hurry?

—The meeting will start soon. I dont want to be late.

A. where B. how C. why

( )23. —Must I finish this job today?

—No, you _____. You can finish it tomorrow.

A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant

( )24. —Is your friend Michael still in Australia?

—I dont know. I have _____ information about him because we havent seen each other for _____ years.

A. a little; a few B. little; a few C. a few; a little

( )25. He is looking forward to _____ his mother.

A. see B. seeing C. sees

( )26. Tony asked Mike _____.

A. where did he come from B. where he comes from C. where he came from

( )27. He is _____ a lovely boy that everyone likes him.

A. so B. very C. such

( )28. —What a beautiful palace!It looks so great!

—Yeah, it _____ not long ago.

A. repairs B. was repaired C. repaired

( )29. —What can I do for you?

—Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and _____.

A. some chickens B. any chickens C. some chicken

( )30. _____ weather it is!Lets go fishing.

A. What a fine B. How fine C. What fine

第二节 词语填空 (10小题,计10分)

通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. How pleased she was!

Guess what she 31 ? After each students name, there was a number 32 138, 140, 154 and so on. “ 33 these high IQ (智商) students.” She thought to herself, “Theyve given me a wonderful 34 !”

As a result, the 35 teacher worked harder with this class than her other classes. She 36 some new teaching ways. She thought these 37 would cheer the students and hold their 38 . She was right. It 39 out well! The class did much better than any of her others.

Later, however, she found out the 40 : The number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.

( )31. A. missed B. showed C. found

( )32. A. for B. like C. with

( )33. A. Deal with B. Talk about C. Look at

( )34. A. class B. number C. school

( )35. A. nervous B. relaxed C. excited

( )36. A. tried B. lost C. solved

( )37. A. plans B. opinions C. ways

( )38. A. custom B. interest C. trouble

( )39. A. handed B. put C. worked

( )40. A. truth B. aim C. idea

第三部分 阅读技能(共四节,计50分)

第一节 阅读选择 (10小题,计20分)



We know music is very important in our daily life. Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere? Today most stores, stations, restaurants and other places play music. You might even hear music in an office or in a farm.

Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave. They think that the sound of western classical (古典) music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. Without music, people spend even less.

Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way.

Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.

The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might influence the way you do things.

( )41. According to the text, scientists believe that music can ________.

A. create different feelings for us

B. help us to develop good habits

C. influence natural environments

( )42. Western classical music is often considered to be ________.

A. a sign of being slower

B. something about manners

C. a sign of being richer

( )43. Which type of music below can make people eat faster?

A. Light music. B. Rock music. C. Sweet music.

( )44. The habit of listening to music can make a student ________.

A. slow in action B. care about manners C. fresh in mind

( )45. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Music in Restaurants. B. Types of Music. C. Music and Behavior.



The recipes (食谱)

( )46. According to the passage, how many kinds of things do we need to make “A”?

A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.

( )47. What is “A”?

A. A chicken sandwich. B. A milk shake. C. A fruit salad.

( )48. According to the passage, we need ________ to make a turkey sandwich.

A. bananas B. a watermelon C. a tomato


( )49. If you are a fan of Zhang Jie, you can go to his concert in ________.

A. Blue Sky Theater B. Screen Movie Theater C. the Peoples Park

( )50. Mr. White wants to take his wife and his 6-year-old son to International Picnic, how much does it cost?

A. ¥ 240. B. ¥ 200. C. ¥ 120.

第二节 摘录要点 (5小题,计10分)


Change 3 was sent up into space on December 2, 2013 and landed on the moon on December 14 with success. The name was from Change, the beauty lives on the moon in an old Chinese story. The moon rover (探月车) was named Yutu, from the rabbit that lives on the moon as a pet of Change.

The aims of Change 3 and Yutu were to realize Chinas first landing on the moon, do the survey on the moon and develop key technologies (技术) for future.

China has become the first country to land on the Moon in the 21st century and the third country to land on the moon in human history. However, there is still a long way to go to catch up with the developed countries on space technologies. Chinas space dream will not stay on the moon, but fly into deep space.

51. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________

第三节 判断(5小题,计10分)


In recent years, more and more big cities in China are suffering from heavy smog. There is a popular joke about it on the Internet, “The longest distance in the world is not between life and death, but between you and me when I hold your hand in the street but cannot see your face.”

The worlds leading experts said that outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer (肺癌). What shall we do to keep healthy in this situation? Here are some tips:

Avoid outdoor activities.

If you have to go outside, remember to wear a mask for protection from dust.

Drink more water a day and have healthy diet.

Wash hands and face after outdoor activities.

Keep indoor environment clean.

( )56. The experts are not sure if air pollution can cause cancer.

( )57. The tips above can help us reduce the smog.

( )58. We should stay indoor as much as possible.

( )59. Its important to keep a healthy diet.

( )60. Wed better wash hands and face before going outside.

第四节 回答问题 (5小题, 计10分)


Children all over the world like to celebrate their birthdays. American children are of no difference. American children usually celebrate with a party. They invite their friends to join the celebration. The party may not be held on the exact date of their birthday if it comes on a school day. It may be held on the closest weekend instead.

Today two kinds of parties are the most popular. One is held at home. Parents make the house beautiful with balloons (气球) and colored paper. They prepare a special birthday meal. The children play games. Another kind is held away from home. Some are at a special restaurant. The children eat pizza and ice cream. The waiters, who serve the food, also sing and tell jokes to the children. Other parties may be held at a park, or at a movie theatre, or in some other places.

Every birthday party has a birthday cake with candles (蜡烛) on top. There is one candle for each year of a birthday boy or girls age. When the candles are lighted, everyone sings the special birthday song: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

As Americans grow older, their birthday parties change. In fact, many people stop having them. They say they would like to forget how old they are. Yet they do like to remember the happy birthday parties of their childhood.

61. How do American children usually celebrate their birthdays?

62. If their birthday party is on a school day, when will they hold the party?

63. When they hold the party at home, who may be very busy?

64. If they hold the party at a restaurant, what will the waiters do?

65. Why do many people stop having their birthday parties when they grow older?

第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计25分)

第一节 翻译语篇 (5小题,计10分)


Jack and Hob are going to high school now. 66. Jack wants to be an engineer. He is going to build roads, bridges and houses. 67. Hob对数学和科学感兴趣, but he is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor.

68. Kate is good at music. She wants to be an artist. She is going to sing and dance for people. Joan wants to be a woman astronaut. She says, “I am going to explore space some day.”“What do you want to be, Alice?” Joan asks me.“Oh, I want to be a teacher. 69. When I grow up, Im going to teach in countryside.”

70. 我们每一个人都在学校尽自己最大努力。I am sure we will do something good for our country.






第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)


A: Hello, Betty. The examination is over. What are you going to do tomorrow?

B: Im not sure. 71 ?

A: I want to go to the Science Museum.

B: Why do you want to go there?

A: 72 .

B: That sounds interesting.

A: 73 ?

B: Yes, Id love to.

A: Great!Im sure well have a great time.

B: 74 ? I want to take some photos.

A: Im afraid you cant. We are not allowed to take photos inside the museum.

B: Got it. Oh, 75 ?

A: At the gate of the museum. Be sure to get there before 9 oclock.

B: OK, see you then.

71. ___________ 72. ___________ 73. ___________ 74. ___________ 75. ___________

第三节 情景作文(10分)

在英语课堂上,老师要求学生就“与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论。请根据下面表格中你所在小组的讨论结果,以“How to get on well with others”为题,写一篇英语短文,所写内容应包含表格中所提供的信息,并发表自己的看法。


1. 文中不得使用自己的真实姓名和地名;

2. 80词以上。

How to get on well with others


70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk