

中国气象科学研究院年报 2014年0期


Cooperation and Communication

2014年1月3日,美国阿拉斯加大学张向东教授应邀到气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为 “大气环流的根本改变及反气旋的加强:近期欧亚大陆极端寒冷天气事件的原因”的学术报告。张向东指出,近年来冬季反气旋环流加强导致极地冷空气向中纬度欧亚大陆渗透,是欧亚大陆冷事件的原因之一。赵平副院长主持了报告会。

On 3 January 2014, Prof. Zhang Xiangdong from University of Alaska, USA visited CAMS for academic exchange and presented the report titled “Radical Shifts of Atmospheric Circulation and Intensif cation of Anticyclones: Causes of Recent Extreme Cold Weather Events in Eurasia”. Prof. Zhang pointed out that in recent years, the intensif cation of winter anticyclone circulation led to the permeation of cold air of polar regions into the mid and high latitude of Euro-Asian Continent, which was one of the causes of cold events on the Euro-Asian Continent. The presentation was chaired by Prof. Zhao Ping, Vice President of CAMS.


On 20 January 2014, Dr. Huang Xiangyu of US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) was invited by State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) of CAMS to present the report titled “Research and Application of WRFDA Assimilation System”, which was presided over by Prof. Zhao Ping, Vice President of CAMS. Dr. Duan Yihong, President of CAMS, many researchers, and students of CAMS attended the meeting. Dr. Huang is the head of NCAR’s Data Assimilation Testing Center who is responsible for the development of WRF model data assimilation system. He is a well acknowledged expert in the international community of data assimilation.

2014年2月26日,应大气探测所邀请,美国VAISALA公司气象学家Amitabh Nag博士到气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为“雷电研究的最新热点及防护技术”的学术报告。报告会由吕伟涛研究员主持,会后双方就全球闪电定位资料的共享与使用等未来可能的合作领域进行了深入的交流。

On 26 February 2014, Dr. Amitabh Nag, meteorologist from VAISALA Company US was invited by the Atmospheric Sounding Institute of CAMS to present the report titled “Recent Topics in Lightning Research and Detection Technology”, which was chaired by Dr. Lü Weitao, researcher from CAMS. After the presentation, the two sides exchanged on potential cooperation in the share of global lightning positioning data and application


On 4 March 2014, Dr. Deng Yi of Geo-Atmospheric Science Branch of US Georgia Institute of Technology was invited by LaSW to present the report titled “Linking Weather and Climate”, in which Dr. Deng pointed out that significant supplement could be available to traditional climate research by analyzing the dynamic mechanism of climate phenomena from synoptic point of view.

2014年3月21日,中加合作项目“气候变化背景下,西藏高寒草地牧草长势遥感监测及主要气象灾害遥感监测系统研制”项目总结会在气科院召开。加拿大使馆商务处贸易专员Stephen Kester主任和Linda Lee博士、课题负责人生态环境与农业气象研究所房世波研究员及相关领域的专家出席了会议。房世波汇报了项目内容、研究方法和取得的成果以及未来的目标等情况。

On 21 March 2014, the Project Summarizing Meeting of the Sino-Canada joint project “Crop and Grassland Health Monitoring and Productivity Estimation System in Tibet under Climate Change” was held at CAMS. Mr. Stephen Kester and Dr. Linda Lee from Business Office of Canadian Embassy to China, Dr. Fang Shibo from Institute of Ecological Environment and Agrometeorology of CAMS as well as other experts attended the meeting. Dr. Fang Shibo reported on the content of project, research methods, outcomes and future objectives.


On 17 March 2014, Dr. Tao Weiguo from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center was invited by LaSW to present the report titled“Cloud-Resolving Model and its Application on Precipitation Processes”, which was chaired by Dr. Wang Donghai, research of CAMS. In his report, Dr. Tao covered several points including cloud micro-physics parameterization scheme and its problems, as well as future development, etc.


On 15 April 2014, Dr. Gao Feng from Agriculture Research Centre of US Ministry of Agriculture was invited to Institute of Ecological Environment and Agrometeorology of CAMS to present the report titled “Mapping 30-m Phenology and Water Use through Integrating Multiple Remote Sensing Data”, which was chaired by Dr. Wang Peijuan. In Dr. Gao’s representation, the application of STARFM (Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Ref ectance Fusion Model) in evapor transpiration, drought, phenology, and so on were introduced, and the future research focuses of the data fusion model were also analyzed.

2014年5月19日,澳大利亚气象局天气气候研究中心(CAWCR) Noel Davidson博士应邀到气科院访问交流,并做了题为“CAWCR的热带气旋业务和研究”以及“放大的罗斯贝波对热带气旋强度、结构和降水的影响”的学术报告。灾害天气国家重点实验室副主任徐晶主持了报告会。

On 19 May 2014, Dr. Noel Davidson from Australian Weather and Climate Research Centre (CAWCR) of Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) was invited to CAMS to present the reports titled “Operational and Research Activities on Tropical Cyclones at CAWCR” and“Influence of Amplifying Ross by Waves on Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Structure and Rainfall”, which was chaired by Dr. Xu Jing, Deputy Director of LaSW.

应极地气象研究所武炳义所长邀请,德国亥姆霍兹海洋极地洋研究中心的DoertheHandorf博士和Thomas Jung教授分别于2014年5月9日和12日来气科院做了题为“北极海冰和大气环流——区域和全球的交互作用”和“北极对中纬地区天气气候的影响”的学术报告。DoertheHandorf博士指出,近几十年8、9月份北极海冰有减少趋势,将导致海洋中热量的增加,大气稳定度降低,进而导致秋季斜压系统的增强。Thomas Jung教授在报告中指出,观测资料显示北极和中纬度天气和气候有密切联系,北极海冰减少的同时欧洲和北美冷冬的发生频次增多,而目前对于其内在机制尚不清楚。

At the invitation of Dr. Wu Bingyi, Director of CAMS’ Institute of Polar Meteorology, Dr. Doerthe Handorf and Thomas Jung from the German Helmholtz Ocean and Polar Research Centre visited CAMS on 9 May and 12 May 2014 respectively to present reports titled “Arctic Sea Ice and Atmospheric Circulations—Regional and Global Interactions” and “Arctic Inf uence on Midlatitudes Weather and Climate”. Dr. Doerthe Handorf pointed out that in recent decades, there was a tendency of Arctic sea ice decrease in August and September, which would lead to the heat increase in the ocean and decrease of atmospheric stability, hence strengthening the autumn baroclinic system. Prof. Thomas Jung pointed out in his report that the observation data show that the Arctic Region was closely related to the weather and climate of mid and high latitude areas. With the decrease of Arctic sea ice, more frequent cold winters occurred in Europe and North America. However, the mechanism is still not clear.

2014年5月22日,日本东京大学教授Kazuhiko Kobayashi来气科院进行了学术交流,并做了题为“农户如何适应气候变化”的学术报告。该报告通过实例阐明了气候变暖对作物以及农户的影响,以及如何利用农业气象知识使作物适应气候并使农民受益。副院长周广胜研究员主持了报告会,生态环境与农业气象研究所、国家气候中心、中国科学院植物研究所等单位的科技业务人员及学生参加了报告会。

On 22 May 2014, Dr. Kazuhiko Kobayashi from Tokyo University visited CAMS and presented the report titled “Farmers Bottom-up Adaptations to Climate Change”. The presentation explained the impact of the warming climate on crops and farmers by examples, as well as how the farmers could apply agrometeorological knowledge to make crops better adapt to climate change. Dr. Zhou Guangsheng, Vice President of CAMS, presided over the presentation. Researchers and students from Institute of Ecological Environment and Agrometeorology, CMA National Climate Centre,CAS Institute of Batony attended the presentation.

2014年5月21日,英国国家物理实验室的首席科学家Paul Gray Quincey应邀访问大气成分研究所,并做了题为“英国PM2.5治理”的学术报告,介绍了英国大气污染治理的成果与现状。Quincey博士还与科研人员就我国大气污染形势及治理方法进行了交流和探讨。孙俊英所长主持了报告会。

On 21 May 2014, Mr. Paul Gray Quincey, the chief scientist of UK National Physics Laboratory was invited to CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition and presented the report titled “PM2.5Governess in UK”, which introduced the outcomes and status of air pollution governess in UK. The presentation was chaired by Dr. Sun Junying, Director of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition.


On 26 June 2014, Dr. Li Shaomeng from Environment Canada (EC) visited CAMS to implement the CMA-MSC (Meteorological Service of Canada) bilateral cooperative activity “Joint Research on Evolution of Atmospheric Carbon Aerosol in Urban and Rural Areas”. Dr. Li presented the report titled “the Air Pollutants Emission of Oil Sands Mining in Canada”. The CMA focal point of the activity, Dr. Sun Junying, chaired the presentation.


On 3 July 2014, Dr. Zhang Leiming from EC visited CAMS and presented two reports titled “Analysis and Application of Speciated Atmospheric Mercury”and “Method Development Estimating Atmospheric Deposition of Various Pollutants”. Ms. Zhang Yangmei, associate researcher of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition, chaired the presentation.

2014年8月26日,中国气象局人工影响天气中心邀请科罗拉多州立大学(CSU)的Paul J. DeMott博士进行工作交流。DeMott博士介绍了近年气溶胶研究的新动向及催化剂检测的新进展。DeMott博士对人工影响天气中心的暖云室建设给出了建设性意见。人工影响天气中心苏正军博士主持了报告会。

On 26 August 2014, Dr. Paul J. DeMott from US Colorado State University (CSU) was invited by CMA Weather Modification Centre to CAMS. Dr. DeMott introduced the latest progress in aerosol research and catalyst verification. He also provided the Warm Clouds Laboratory of Weather Modification Centre with constructive suggestions. The presentation was chaired by Dr. Su Zhengjun of Weather Modif cation Centre.

2014年8月28日,美国人工影响天气公司(WMI)主任Bruce Boe先生与人工影响天气中心就人工增雨效果检验评估及雷达资料应用进行了交流讨论。Bruce Boe先生希望有机会就我国的增雨效果检验项目能进一步合作。人工影响天气中心姚展予研究员主持了交流会。

On 28 August 2014, Mr. Bruce Boe, the Director of US Weather Modification Incorporated (WMI) discussed with Weather Modification Centre about precipitation enhancement effect verification and assessment, as well as radar data application. Mr. Bruce Boe expected potential opportunities of cooperation with project of precipitation enhancement effect verification in China. Dr. Yao Zhanyu, researcher from Weather Modification Centre, presided over the discussion.

2014年10月27—28日,第2届中韩姊妹合作伙伴计划双边研讨会在北京召开。本届研讨会的主题是“回顾双边科研合作进展,商讨双边在亚洲沙尘暴、大气雾-霾污染、东亚季风、灾害天气、人工影响天气和大气探测等领域未来的合作研究以及最新研究成果的交流”。气科院张人禾研究员主持了会议,端义宏院长、韩国气象研究所(NAM)Jae Cheol所长及相关领导专家参加了研讨会。

On 27-28 October 2014, the Second Bilateral Workshop of China-Korea Sister Partners was held in Beijing. The theme of the workshop was reviewing bilateral research progress; discussing bilateral research on Asian sand & dust storm, atmospheric foghaze pollution, East-Asian monsoons, severe weathers, weather modification and stmospheric sounding; exchange of latest research outcomes. Prof. Zhang Renhe, researcher from CAMS, presided over the workshop and Dr. Duan Yihong, President of CAMS, Mr. Jae Cheol from NAM of Korea, as well as relevant leaders and experts attended the workshop.

2014年11月12—16日,美国著名气溶胶研究科学家、美国科学院院士、德克萨斯A & M大学海洋与大气科学系Robert A. Duce教授受张小曳研究员邀请来气科院进行访问。期间Duce教授做了题为“大气中的营养物(尤其是氮)对海洋的传输”的学术报告。北京大学、清华大学、中科院以及中国气象局相关业务研究单位50余名专家学者及研究生聆听了报告。

On 11-12 November 2014, Prof. Robert A. Duce, renowned US aerosol scientist and Academician of US Academy of Sciences, as well as professor of Oceanic and Atmospheric Colleague of Texas A & M University, was invited by Prof. Zhang Xiaoye to CAMS. Prof. Duce presented the report titled “Atmospheric Transport of Nutrients, Especially Nitrogen, to the Ocean”. Over 50 experts and researchers from Peking University, Qinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and CMA institutions listened to the presentation.

2014年11月27日,在WMO/WWRP处长Paolo M Ruti博士应邀来中国气象局访问期间,气科院承办了WMO-WWRP研究计划研讨会。端义宏院长主持了研讨会。会上有关专家分别介绍了中国气象局在环境气象预报、数值模式、南北极考察与观测、人工影响天气和第3次青藏高原大气科学试验等方面的成果。

On 27 November 2014, during the visit of Dr. Paolo M Ruti, Director of WMO/WWRP to CMA, CAMS hosted the Workshop on WMO/WWRP Research Programs. Dr. Duan Yihong, President of CAMS presided over the workshop. Experts introduced outcomes of the following areas: CMA activities in Atmospheric Watch and Environmental Meteorological Forecasting, the Numerical Forecast Model of CMA, Monitoring and Exploring the Arctic and Antarctic, Weather Modification Activities in China, the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientif c Experiment (TIPEX-III), etc.


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