

河北中医 2014年9期

黎兴键 吴智兵 于征淼 张小梅

(广州中医药大学第一附属医院脑病科,广东 广州 510405)


黎兴键 吴智兵 于征淼△张小梅

(广州中医药大学第一附属医院脑病科,广东 广州 510405)




1 材料与方法

1.1 动物 Wistar大鼠36只,合格证号:SCXK(粤)2006-0015,SPF级,雄性,实验前体质量约(160±20)g,饲养于广州中医药大学第一附属医院SPF动物实验室内[恒温(26±2) ℃]。实验动物环境合格证号:SYXK(粤)2008-0092。实验动物设施使用证明号:0019724。

1.2 试剂 匹罗卡品(PILO,Sigma,批号1001059533)、氯化锂(LiCl,Sigma,批号MFCD00011078)、硫酸阿托品注射液(天津药业集团新郑股份有限公司,国药准字H41021257);氨基酸对照品(amino acid stadard H,PIERCE)、GABA对照品(Sigma)、衍生剂AQC(Waters,批号1383803631)、醋酸钠缓冲液(Waters,批号4082110911);Rabbit anti caspase-3(cell signaling)、EnVision试剂(Dako)。

1.3 仪器 Waters 2695高效液相色谱(HPLC)仪,Waters 2475荧光检测器,Empower色谱工作站(Waters)。

1.4 药物 制附子煎液:制附子15g,加水300mL煮沸1 h,约得溶液220mL。黄连解毒汤合定痫丸(汤剂):丹参、麦门冬各90g,明天麻、浙贝母、法半夏、茯苓、茯神、生姜各45g,天竺黄、甘草、黄连、栀子各27 g,黄芩、黄柏、胆南星、石菖蒲、全蝎、僵蚕、陈皮、远志各15g,琥珀4.5g,朱砂1.5g,以350mL水煎沸除琥珀和朱砂以外的中药40min,后将琥珀和朱砂兑入拌匀,约得150mL药液(含生药约4.5g/mL)。减味五生饮合二陈汤:法半夏、橘红、生姜各45g,茯苓、乌梅各27 g,黑豆衣、生天南星、生半夏、白附子、炙甘草各15g,以300mL水先煎生半夏、生天南星,煮沸40min,加入其余药物再煎30min,约得150mL药液(含生药约1.8 g/mL)。

1.5 分组及造模 随机区组设计,按体质量将动物分成9个区组,4只/区组。然后随机分入4组:正常组、阳痫组、阳痫中药反治组、阳痫中药组,每组9只。以普通饲料及过滤水喂养正常组,以高脂饲料及制附子煎液喂养其它3组。高脂饲料由普通饲料掺入胆固醇、奶粉、白糖、猪油等制成,每1 g提供热量约18.84kJ。每次取制附子煎液45mL,加水稀释至300mL,供1笼大鼠(9只)饮用24h,为惟一水源,各组喂养时间均为10周。然后,正常组予0.9%氯化钠注射液腹腔注射。其余3组予LiCl+PILO腹腔注射:共进行3次注射,第1次用LiCl 127 mg/kg,17.5h后用阿托品1 mg/kg,再30min后用PILO 50mg/kg。实验动物癫痫发作级别评定根据Racine分级[2]。本研究规定出现4级或以上发作或癫痫持续状态(SE)者为造模成功。

1.6 给药 各组均在首次腹腔注射后17 h灌胃给药(20mL/kg):正常组、阳痫组予0.9%氯化钠注射液,阳痫中药反治组予减味五生饮合二陈汤,阳痫中药组予黄连解毒汤合定痫丸(汤剂)。

1.7 观察指标 记录各组大鼠癫痫发作潜伏期(自注射PILO到大鼠首次出现癫痫发作的时间)、发作程度分级及到达SE时间(自注射PILO到大鼠SE的时间)。注射PILO后60min予腹腔注射10%水合氯醛(300mg/kg)终止发作并处死所有大鼠。HPLC法检测脑内谷氨酸(Glu)、天门冬氨酸(Asp)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、甘氨酸(Gly)、丙氨酸(Ala)5种氨基酸类神经递质的含量;伊红-苏木素(HE)切片观察肺、肾、肝、海马、脑皮质等的病理变化;免疫组化法测定脑内caspase-3表达(每张切片随机取3个视野测定阳性面积,取均值作为测定结果)。HE切片及免疫组化实验结果由中山大学达安基因股份有限公司提供。

2 结 果

2.1 各组氨基酸类神经递质比较 见表1。

组 别nGluAspGABAGlyAla正常组90.057±0.0310.029±0.0160.080±0.0250.058±0.0140.023±0.008阳痫组90.034±0.006∗0.013±0.005∗∗0.067±0.0180.050±0.0100.019±0.005阳痫中药反治组90.033±0.005∗∗0.012±0.003∗∗0.056±0.009∗∗0.045±0.007∗∗0.017±0.003∗阳痫中药组90.033±0.005∗0.015±0.004∗∗0.064±0.010∗0.048±0.008∗0.019±0.004



2.2 各组症状学比较 见表2。

组 别n癫痫发作潜伏期到达SE时间正常组9--阳痫组91.591±0.46117.886±8.880阳痫中药反治组91.305±0.54623.912±6.617阳痫中药组91.383±0.54626.069±10.512


2.3 各组肺、肾、肝、海马、脑皮质病理变化 HE切片显示,正常组大鼠各组织基本正常。其余组大鼠肺、肾、肝、海马、脑皮质等组织均出现明显病理损害:肺泡壁增厚,炎细胞浸润,部分出血严重,部分损伤严重;肾小球结构轻度破坏,系膜增生,肾小管结构破坏,部分大鼠肾小管结构模糊,重度水肿;肝细胞浊肿,肝索排列混乱,炎细胞浸润;海马结构破坏严重,神经元细胞严重损伤;脑皮质星形细胞和小胶质细胞增多,部分大鼠皮层组织破坏。各致痫组损害严重程度无明显差别。见封3,图1-20。

2.4 各组脑内caspase-3表达比较 见表3。

组 别ncaspase-3表达阳性面积正常组98.833±2.758阳痫组98.917±6.156阳痫中药反治组913.500±10.405阳痫中药组98.417±4.379


3 讨 论



其次,使用HPLC检测脑内5种氨基酸类神经递质。氨基酸类神经递质是中枢神经系统(CNS)内一类重要的递质。Glu、Asp为兴奋性氨基酸,对CNS有兴奋效应。GABA、Gly、Ala为抑制性氨基酸,对CNS有抑制效应[3]。这些递质的失衡参与了癫痫的发病过程[4-7]。关于癫痫动物脑内氨基酸类神经递质的变化,文献报道结果不一。PILO致痫大鼠脑皮质 Glu、Gly,海马区Gly、Asp[8]及其外液中GABA浓度升高[9]。PILO致痫小鼠的小脑内Ala浓度亦显著增高[10]。但戊四唑点燃癫痫大鼠海马、纹状体内 Glu、Ala、Gly浓度则降低,GABA浓度无变化[11]。氯化铁微注射诱导的癫痫大鼠可出现脑皮质内Asp、GABA浓度下降,Ala、Gly浓度上升,而Glu浓度则无变化[12]。本研究结果显示,各致痫组大鼠脑内5种氨基酸浓度均较正常组降低,阳痫中药组的Asp、Ala降幅最小,最接近正常大鼠的水平,其中Asp降幅差异有统计学意义。各文献报道的结果并不一致,提示氨基酸类神经递质在癫痫中虽然具有肯定的病理意义,但其机制却具有复杂性。






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ObjectiveTo explore anti-epileptic effects of Huanglian Jiedu decoction combined with Dingxian Pill on pilocarpine-yangxian epileptic rats.MethodsThe yangxian epileptic rat models were established by intraperitoneal injection of pilocarpine after being pretreated with high fat diet and Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata decoction. Then, they were treated with Huanglian Jiedu decoction and Dingxian Pill, which were referred as the yangxian Chinese medicine (CM) group. At the same time, the normal group, the yangxian group, and the yangxian CM converse therapy group were established to serve as controls. Symptomatological indexes like time spots of seizure latency period and status epilepticus (SE) were recorded; concentrations of five amino acid neurotransmitters in the brains including glutamic acid (Glu), aspartic acid (Asp), gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA), glycine (Gly), and alanine (Ala) were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography; pathological changes including the lung, the kidney, the liver, the hippocampus and the cortex were observed by HE staining; the expression of caspase-3in brains were examined by immunohistochemisty.ResultsClass 4-5seizures were observed in all the rats in the yangxian group, the yangxian CM converse therapy group, and the yangxian CM group. The seizure latency period of the yangxian group was the longest, followed by the yangxian CM group, and the yangxian CM converse therapy group was the shortest. The latency time of SE of the yangxian CM group was the longest, and the yangxian group was the shortest, whereas the yangxian CM converse therapy group was in the midst. All the concentrations of the five amino acids in brains of epileptic rats decreased when compared with the normal group. Compared with the normal group, there were significant decrease in the concentrations of Glu and Asp of the yangxian group, all the amino acids of the yangxian CM converse therapy group, and Glu, Asp, GABA and Gly of the yangxian CM group (P<0.05,P<0.01). However, GABA, Gly and Ala of the yangxian group, and Ala of the yangxian CM group were no statistically significant decline (P>0.05). HE stain indicated severe damage in the lung, the kidney, the liver, the hippocampus and the cortex of all the epileptic rats, while all the tissues mentioned above of the normal group were normal. The expression of caspase-3of the yangxian group and the yangxian CM converse therapy group, which had more obvious elevation, ascended, while the yangxian CM group mildly descended as compared with the normal group, but there was no statistical difference among all the groups.ConclusionHuanglian Jiedu decoction combined with Dingxian Pill would delay the occurrence of SE of the yangxian epileptic rats, regulate part of the concentrations of the amino acid neurotransmitters in brains, and prohibit apoptosis of neurons.

Epilepsy; Huanglian Jiedu decoction; Dingxian Pill; Animal experiment






△ 通讯作者:广州中医药大学第一附属医院脑病科,广东 广州 510405

