

考试周刊 2009年33期


摘要: 大学英语四级写作是衡量学生英语综合水平和应用能力的一个重要指标, 而学生写作中普遍存在的问题又直接影响了学生的写作成绩。本文从分析学生写作过程中出现的错误入手,教学生怎样写出一篇合格的作文。

关键词: 大学英语四级作文错误分析




Trees are mans friends.We can see trees everywhere.We plant trees every year.We can make tables with trees.Trees also give us fruits to eat.I like to eat fruits very much.

该段的主题句是“Trees are mans friends”,写作中心应围绕“friends”,也就是树的用途展开。但学生没有从friends入手阐明主题,而是绕圈子说了些无关紧要的话。第一、二、五扩展句偏离了树的用途这个主题,而是说我们到处可以看见树木;每年都种树;喜欢吃水果等;而且段落框架松散,这样就属于主题句抓不住,中心思想不明确。


Trees are mans friends.They provide man with timber,fruits and seeds.With timber,man can build houses and make furniture.Fruits are the food,which is necessary to us every day.As for seeds,they can be used to extract oil.


那么如何写好一个完整的段落呢?段落一般由三部分组成:主题句(Topic Sentence);扩展句(Development Sentence);结论句(Concluding Sentence)。下面我们分别讨论。


主题句点出段落主旨,阐述全文的中心思想(central idea),各段落的主题句构成一篇文章的骨架。主题句由两部分组成,即主题(topic)和中心思想(controlling idea)。中心思想的作用是导向(control)和制约(limit)。所谓导向就是规定段落的发展脉络,所谓制约就是限制主题的覆盖范围,两者不可分割。没有导向,内容就会离题或偏题;没有制约,内容就可能超出一个段落所能容纳的范围。




事实陈述:I passed the entrance exam and started my college life in Tianwai.

主题句:Four years of college life has taught me a great lesson in life.


空泛:The Olympic Games are exciting.

概括:In the Olympic Games the football teams from many countries compete intensely.


简洁:I enjoyed watching Gone With the Wind very much.

复杂:Gone With the Wind was a good film which I enjoyed watching very much.


不完整:How to write a composition.

完整:How to write a composition is not an easy thing to talk about.



(1)主要扩展句(Major Supporting Statement)


例如:(主题句) There are several factors affecting climate.(扩展句1)One factor is the mount of sunlight received.(扩展句2)Altitude,or the height above sea level,also determines climate.(扩展句3)The oceans have an effect on the climate of adjacent land.(扩展句4)In addition,climate is influenced by the general circulation of the atmosphere.


(2)次要扩展句(Minor Supporting Statement)是指对主要扩展句作进一步的事实分析和举例说明。它从属于某一个或某几个扩展句。

例如:(主题句)I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.(主要扩展句1)Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living:mechanic,carpenter,writer.(主要扩展句2)For me,teaching is a red-eye,sweaty-palm,sinking-stomach profession.(次要扩展句1)Red-eye,because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing.(次要扩展句2)Sweaty-palm,because Im always nervous before I enter the classroom,sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am.(次要扩展句3)Sinking-stomach,because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual.

从属于主要扩展句2的三个次要扩展句起着解释说明作用,分别解释“red-eye,sweaty-palm,sinking-stomach”的含义,这就更加形象生动地证明了“teaching is not easy”这个主题。





段落扩展的方法很多,常用的扩展方法有:描述法(Description)、定义法(Definition)、因果法(Cause and Effect)、比较与对比法(Comparison Contrast)、举例或例证法(Example and Illustration)、分类法(Classification)等。

3.结论句(Concluding Sentence)



This group of students want beauty from sports.(topic sentence)Boys want to become strong;girls want to be slim and graceful.Those who consider sports the only way of reducing weight also belong to this group.They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do,and are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures.Horizontal bars and parallel bars are the boys choice,and the hula hoop is now the girls favorite.The appropriate name for this group may be beauty-oriented sports participants.


My application was designed to draw the employers attention to my practical abilities.Specifically,I noted that I type ninety words per minute and take dictation at one hundred and thirty words per minute.Next,I indicated my past work experience on three similar jobs.Finally,I give a summary of the evaluations of my immediate superiors on the three previous jobs.In short,I stressed my secretarial skills,my experience,and my evaluations in the letter of application.


Claudia is destined to be an excellent long-distance runner.First,there are her physical attributes.She is long-legged and has a tremendous stride.She also has great natural endurance and an at-rest heart rate of sixty beats per minute.Next comes her mental toughness.She is a tremendous competitor who will extend herself to exhaustion to win a race.She has the strength to block out pain and concentrate on her race during those last few hundred yards where most runners tend to wilt.Finally,Claudia surpasses most athletes in dedication.She runs five to ten miles a day in morning and evening sessions at least five days a week.She maintains this schedule ten months out of the year,and while most high school athletes sit out the summer,Claudia trains and competes in AAU competition.If she can maintain this dedication for another two years,she has an outside chance of being invited to the Olympic trials.



1)I hope that my experience raising my own children will help me be a better teacher.

2)I feel that Ive experienced the best of both cultures,and I hope to use this experience in my future work.

3)Now I know that if I enjoy something and know it is important,I can work really hard to make it a success.


1)I never want to go through such a horrible experience again.

2)I guess raising children isnt easy for anyone.

3)I can never do things I dont enjoy,but when I like something I work pretty hard at it.







(1)句子混乱(Run-on Sentences)

误:Students can realize the hardship of living they will value their work and life as well.

正:Students can realize the hardship of living.They will value their work and life as well.

(2)句子不完整(Fragmentary Sentences)

误:We have to learn a second foreign language.Because we need to speak to foreigners.

正:We have to learn a second foreign language,because we need to speak to foreigners.

(3)结构不平行(Faulty Parallelism)

误:They work to prove their personal abilities,they work to realize their dreams that they cherish since childhood,and they work to enjoy themselves.

正:They work to prove their personal abilities,they work to realize their dreams,and they work to enjoy themselves.

(4)修饰错放(Misplaced Modifiers)

误:Stability is almost favorable for all possibilities of economic booming.

正:Stability is favorable almost for all possibilities of economic booming.

(5)悬垂修饰语(修饰成分错位,不合逻辑)(Dangling Modifiers)

误:Lowering the height of the truckload,the 4.5 meter high tunnel was passable.

正:The deliver men lowered the height of the truckload to pass through the 4.5-meter-high tunnel.


误:Millions of people smoking in China...(缺少谓语)

正:There are many ways lead to Rome.(多出一个谓语)


误:Because his mistake several people died.

正:Because of his mistake several people died.

误:I have never seen such beautiful picture.

正:I have never seen such a beautiful picture.





(1)误:He is possible to come.

正:He might come.

原句是“他可能来”逐字翻译的堆砌,然而,英语中possible一般用“It is possible for do sth.”来表示“某人可能做某事”。

(2)误:Ill tell you my decision three days later.

正:Ill tell you my decision in three days.

表示未来的“三天后”,在英语中不能表示为three days later,而应该是in three days。



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