

文化交流 2018年1期































Kinship Found at Poets Festival in South Korea

By Lu Wenli

From September 14 to 17, 2017, Korea-China-Japan Poet Festival was held at Pyeongchang, South Korea, the venue of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. All together over 140 poets attended the event, including 20 renowned poets from China, 18 from Japan, 41 from South Korea, and 63 local poets from Pyeongchang.

We stayed for a night at Seoul and the next day, the poets from the three countries took a three-hour bus ride to Pyeongchang. Pyeongchang averages about 700 meters above sea level, presumably the best altitude for human inhabitance.

The festival was sponsored by the sports authorities of the South Korea for the success of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games, peace in East Asia and future of poetry. At the opening ceremony on September 14, three poets made a keynote speech respectively on behalf of Korea, China and Japan. After the keynote speeches, poets were divided into three groups that featured peace, environment and healing respectively. Group discussions were held. The host had made comprehensive preparations. At the festival, two poetry collections and a collection of papers were distributed. Fine porcelain plates inscribed with poems in the Korean Language were distributed as souvenirs to every participating poet.

In the evening, I was chosen to speak on behalf of Chinese poets to make a toasting remark at the welcome banquet. I was a little nervous. After I returned to the table, I found a Korean woman smiling and nodding at me. The lady sat across the table on the other side. She looked graceful and I was able to read her name in Chinese on the name tag: 卢香林. Her name written in Romanization is No Hyangrim. Miss Park, a graduate with Seoul University, interpreted for us. My surname and No Hyangrims surname are identical, though hers is written in the traditional Chinese and mine is written in the simplified Chinese. At first, the Korean lady poet didnt know why the same surname was written in different ways. The interpreter explained the difference. And we chatted through the interpreter. It turned out that No Hyangrim rose to the national fame in the 1970s. Back then she won some top poetry awards of South Korea. The lady said that her father had told her that their ancestors were from China.endprint

I agreed with her. Though, the Romanized surname is now spelled in different ways in South Korea, it was written in the same way in Chinese when the written Chinese language was used in Korea for about 1,000 years before it was officially replaced when the peninsula went under the rule of Japan in the early 20th century. Even today, most names in South Korea and Japan can be written in Chinese and understood by their fellow country people as Chinese was the official written language in the two countries for centuries in history.

As a Lu descendent, I have long since concerned myself with information about my surname at home and abroad. To my knowledge, the Roh or No in Korea and the Lu family in Dongyang, Zhejiang, come from the same ancestors. In 2000, Roh Tae-woo, former president of South Korea from 1988 to 1993, visited China on a root-seeking trip. In November 2003, the Lu family in Dongyang sent a delegation to South Korea at the invitation of the Roh Kinship Association. During their stay in South Korea, they were invited to Cheong Wa Dae, the presidential residence of South Korea, situated in Seoul and met with President Roh Moo-Hyun and former president Roh Tae-woo. Roh Moo-Hyuns elder sister, her daughter, her son-in-law and her grandchildren visited Dongyang. A photo featuring their visit to Dongyang is now in the Lu Residence in Dongyang.

The next day, the poets were regrouped. And No Hyangrim and I happened to be in the same group again. The other three groups went out of Pyeongchang and we stayed put. I met her again. After poem reading, we chatted for a long time with the assistance of an interpreter. Ms No graduated from the Chung-Ang University as English major. She established her national reputation as a poet after her poems were published in Literature Monthly in 1970. I presented two collections of my poems and to her as souvenirs. She wrote an inscription on a notebook for me. After she finished writing the inscription, she said apologetically that her Chinese writing was poor. We took photos with our phones. The interpreter said we looked alike and there was no doubt that we were indeed from the same family. I said we were the family 500 years ago and she was my aunt according to the family pedigree.

On the last day in Pyeongchang, Ms No and I chatted again. As no interpreter was available, we chatted in English. From her eyes, I could read the love only family members can have. I said, “You are welcome to visit China and if you want to seek your ancestral roots in Zhejiang, I would be very happy to go with you.” She nodded excitedly and said she hoped the day would come soon.

After the dinner, we visited a peace park near the border between the North Korea and South Korea before going back to Seoul. As soon as I reached the hotel, I received a text message from Miss Park, the interpreter. She apologized that she had classes to attend the next morning and she wasnt able to fetch No Hyangrims poetry collections to me personally from Nos home. No Hyangrim said she would send the collections to me through her publisher.

Back home, I read poems by No Hyangrim in a collection of poems by poets of South Korea, China and Japan. Her poems touch my heart.endprint

