可持续未来:不让任何 一个人掉队


世界建筑 2024年1期


当全球建筑师社群于2029 年齐聚北京时,将迎来国际建筑师协会(Union International des Architectes,简称UIA)第30 届世界建筑师大会。这一旅程始于1948 年在瑞士洛桑召开的创始大会(图1),横跨了各大洲,并于2023 年在丹麦哥本哈根以“可持续未来——不让任何 一个人掉队”为主题拉开帷幕(图2)。

1 国际建筑师协会关于1948年世界建筑师大会的出版物 UIA publications on The World Congress of Architects 1948

2 人们在哥本哈根贝拉中心观看2023年UIA 拼布展 People obserrving the UIA Quilt in Bella Center Copenhagen 2023


当二战结束,丹麦的其他地区在庆祝解放时,1945 年5 月7 日和8 日,波恩霍尔姆岛却遭受了沉重的轰炸,伦讷和耐克索两镇遭到大面积破坏,许多房屋被夷为平地或严重受损,大约有1/3 的城镇居民无家可归。时任丹麦建筑师协会主席的托马斯·哈夫宁迅速采取了行动。仅仅几天后,即1945 年5 月12 日,他与波恩霍尔姆岛当地的建筑师威利·汉森共同创立了建筑师援助组织,威利·汉森任该组织的主席。建筑师援助组织为所有市民提供免费咨询,被摧毁的城市通过修复现有建筑和兴建新建筑成功实现了共生重建。几年后的1948 年6 月,威利·汉森作为丹麦建筑师协会的官方代表前往洛桑,参加了UIA 创始会议(图3)。与会的建筑师们一致通过了UIA 章程和法规的序言,其中表达了:“建筑师们希望跨越政治、经济和美学的界限,共同组成一个由各国组织构成的联盟”的愿望,并写道:

3 在瑞士洛桑举办的国际建筑师协会创始会议,1948 年。图为瑞士联邦最高法院门前,中间为奥古斯特·佩雷和让·屈米 Constitutive assembly of the UIA.Lausanne Switzerland,1948.Exiting the Federal Supreme Court.In the Centre Auguste Perret and Jean Tschumi

When the global community of architects assemble in Beijing in 2029,it will mark the 30th UIA World Congress of Architects.A journey that began with the founding Congress in Lausanne (Fig.1),Switzerland,in 1948,have spanned all continents,and in 2023 was commenced in Copenhagen,Denmark,under the theme "Sustainable Futures -Leave No One Behind" (Fig.2).

The pretext to this journey of global exchange was the profound need for peace and collaboration across borders experienced by so many after World War II.

For Danish architects that moment,as the World War II ended,was one of duress but also of dedication to society and to a better future.

While the rest of Denmark celebrated liberation at the conclusion of the World War II,the island of Bornholm was under heavy bombardment on May 7th and 8th 1945.The result was widespread devastation of the towns of Rønne and Nexø.Many houses were reduced to rubble or badly damaged,and about a third of the towns' population became homeless.Thomas Havning,then chairman of the Danish Architects' Association,was quick to act.Just a few days later,on May 12th 1945,he established the Arkitekthjælpen (Architects' Aid) with local Bornholm architect Willy Hansen at the helm.With free consultation from Arkitekthjælpen for all citizens,the destroyed cities were rebuilt in a successful symbiosis between the restoration of existing buildings and construction of new ones.A few years later,in June 1948,it was Willy Hansen who travelled as the official representative of the Danish Architects' Association to Lausanne to participate in what was to become the founding meeting of the UIA (Fig.3).He arrived to meet other architect's association representatives from across the world,and together the assembled architects unanimously adopted a preamble to the UIA articles and bylaws that stated "the desire of architects to unite across political,economic and aesthetic frontiers in a federation of their national organisations",and reads:

The International Union of Architects,

by facilitating and furthering free contact between architects,irrespective of nationality,race,religion,professional training and architectural doctrines,has as its purpose and intent the creation among them of relations of friendship,understanding and mutual esteem,to enable them to compare their ideas and concepts,profit by their mutual experiences,broaden their knowledge and enrich each other through differences existing between them.

They shall thereby be in a position to participate more effectively in the improvement of man's living conditions by the reconstruction of devastated cities and villages,the elimination of slums,the advancement of less developed regions,and the raising of housing standards by making their contribution to a better understanding between men and peoples by continually striving for the fulfilment of their aspirations for material and spiritual well-being;in collaboration with the other professional and cultural international organisations,they are resolved to contribute to the progress of human society and to the strengthening of peace.

Today,in each our local context and through the global community of architects that is the UIA,we can raise to the occasion as our predecessors did.Dedicated architects assembling because the task ahead requires it.Because action is needed now,and we must take it.Because architecture must contribute to social and environmental sustainability,for future generations to thrive on this planet.Because a bold exchange of knowledge,of ideas and solutions,is the only answer,for all the difficulty of bridging the world.

That is why the 28th World Congress of Architects 2023 committed to the importance of architecture's contribution to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals.We are facing urgent and global challenges,and to ensure a sustainable future,all architects must take local action,in humble collaboration with fellow citizens and within the planetary boundaries.

The World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen brought together more than 6000 delegates from 135 countries,with an equal distribution between male and female participants.During the Congress days,250 scientific papers were presented (selected from more than a thousand submitted abstracts) alongside 150 sessions,exhibitions and tours.In central Copenhagen,15 full scale experimental SDG pavilions were developed,constructed and open to the public,made possible by the dedication and effort of countless partners and volunteers.A strong "Next Generation" track




如今,我们在每一个地方,通过UIA 这个全球建筑师社区能够像前辈们一样迎难而上。前方有任务在召唤,兢兢业业的建筑师们聚集在一起,需要立刻采取行动,我们必须向前一步。建筑必须为社会和环境的可持续发展做出贡献,让子孙后代在这个星球上繁衍生息。大胆地交流知识、思想和解决方案是连接整个世界的唯一答案,尽管这一过程充满各种困难。

这就是为什么2023 年第28 届世界建筑师大会致力于强调建筑对联合国17 项可持续发展目标的重要作用的原因。我们正面临着紧迫的全球性挑战,为了确保可持续的未来,所有建筑师都必须与同胞谦逊合作,在当地、在地球的边界内采取行动。

哥本哈根的世界建筑师大会汇聚了来自135 个国家的6000 多名代表,男女参与者比例均等。在大会期间,共发表了 250 篇科学论文(从提交的 1000 多份摘要中选出),同时还举办了 150 场会议、展览和参观活动。在无数合作伙伴和志愿者的奉献和努力下,在哥本哈根市中心研发、建造并向公众开放了 15 个1:1 规模的可持续发展目标(SDG)实验展厅。37%的代表年龄在 18~35岁,这主要得益于大会设立了一个强大的 “下一代 ”通道,提供了 130 份学生奖学金,这些奖学金为来自低收入和中低收入国家的与会者提供了入境和酒店服务。这些数字给人一种广泛而平衡的印象,但真正重要的则是:建筑师之间的联系,我们可以给彼此灵感和勇气,继续努力通过建筑为社会做出贡献(图4)。

4 联合国教科文组织总干事奥黛丽·阿祖莱、UIA世界建筑师大会主席娜塔莉·莫辛和建筑师赫瓦贾·法特米在UIA2023哥本哈根世界建筑师大会的重建馆内 Director-General,Unesco Audrey Azoulay,President of Congress,UIA World Congress of Architects,Natalie Mossin and architect,Khwaja Fatmi,in the Rebbuilding Pavilion,UIA World Congress of Architects,2023 Copenhagen

回到那个1948 年的夏天,丹麦厨房建筑师乌拉· 塔夫德鲁普与威利· 汉森一同前往洛桑。她重点考察了瑞士新建筑中的厨房,并参观了卡尔·埃根德与威廉·穆勒在苏黎世设计的Sonnengarten 等项目。次年,她前往美国,与美国家庭住在一起(了解他们如何生活和使用厨房),并访问康奈尔大学,深入了解研究人员在现代厨房发展方面的工作。她还前往瑞典、芬兰、挪威和德国,参与建筑师之间的国际交流,将她所见所闻的灵感转化为对丹麦战后建筑中不断发展的现代厨房的贡献1)。

乌拉·塔夫德鲁普的旅程是一个建筑师放眼世界的缩影,尽管它发生在 75 年前,但仍然体现了全球建筑师社区同行交流的精神和经验。作为建筑师,我们必须跨越国界,相互借鉴经验,推动建筑业的发展,提高建筑质量,并推动我们的领域为满足当今社会的需求做出贡献。

从那时起,UIA 的成员增加到近百人,在选举职务、委员会、工作计划以及UIA 世界建筑师大会和论坛上,志愿者的人数不断增加,各项活动日趋成熟。世界已经发生了日新月异的变化:由于航空和数字化的发展而变得更加紧密,由于气候变化而变得更加脆弱,由于人口增长而变得更加拥挤,但同时世界也没有改变,仍然在“政治、经济和审美的边界”上分裂,仍然需要 “重建被摧毁的城市和村庄、消除贫民窟、促进欠发达地区的发展”。


作为联合国的非政府组织,UIA 肩负着双重使命。UIA 必须最大程度地支持世界各地的建筑师相互学习,通过交流思想和理念,更有效地促进人道主义和环境的可持续发展。UIA 还必须定位自身,在联合国、其机构以及相关的地区和国家政府机构间不断传递知识(图5)。

5 亚斯明·拉里在哥本哈根2023年世界建筑师大会上的主题演讲2) Yasmeen Lari Keynote at the UIA,World Congress of Architects,Copenhagen 2023

对于一个小型组织来说,这是一项艰巨的任务,因为它有赖于在地理和活动上都广泛分散的建筑师志愿者的努力。尽管这个设想表面上似乎不可能实现,实际上仍然有所进展。全球网络已经建立,交流正在进行,即使在分歧和差异中,也有宝贵的经验可供借鉴。现在比以往任何时候都更需要最初的序言中所表达的对话和共同目标的崇高承诺,而在UIA 中,我们作为建筑师拥有一个论坛,并受邀共同应对建筑行业所面临的诸多紧迫挑战。这一切在哥本哈根已经发生,并将引领我们在2026 年以 “同一个今天,同一个明天”为主题前往巴塞罗那,然后在2029 年以“回归均衡——为所有人美好生活而建造”为主题再次齐聚北京。

我们必须共同努力,帮助所有建筑师为人类社会的进步、地球的福祉与和平巩固做出贡献。□was created and a full 37% of delegates were between 18 and 35 years,made possible by among many initiatives,the offering by the Congress of 130 student fellowships providing entry and hotel for participants from low and low to middle income countries.These numbers provide a feeling of scale and balance but says nothing of what really matters: the connection between architects,the inspiration and courage we can give each other,to continue working to deliver to society though architecture (Fig.4).

Returning to that summer of 1948,the Danish kitchen architect Ulla Tafdrup travelled with Willy Hansen to Lausanne.Her specific focus was to look at kitchens in new Swiss architecture and she visited,among other projects,the Sonnengarten in Zürich by K.Egender &Müller.The year after she travelled to USA where she stayed with American families (to see how they lived and used their kitchens) and visited the Cornell University to learn more about the researchers' work with the development of a modern kitchen.She travelled to Sweden,Finland,Norway,and Germany and was engaged in the international exchange between architects,translating the inspiration and what she had seen,into a contribution to the modern kitchen as it evolved in Danish post-war architecture1).

Ulla Tafdrup's journey provides a snapshot of an architect with a view to the world,that though anchored in a moment in time 75 years ago,still encapsulates the spirit and experience of peer-topeer exchange in a global community of architects.That as architects,we must meet across borders to build on mutual experience,to advance the profession,strengthen the quality of architecture and advance our field's contributions to the needs of society in our time.

Since then,the UIA have grown in members to almost a hundred,and the number of volunteers in elected posts,commissions,work programmes and at UIA World Congresses and Forums have swelled and activities matured.The world has changed rapidly,made smaller by airflight and digital formats,more fragile by climate change,more crowded by growing populations,and is at the same time unchanged,still divided on "political,economic and aesthetic frontiers",still in need of "the reconstruction of devastated cities and villages,the elimination of slums,the advancement of less developed regions".

The delegates present in Copenhagen,those who -as Ulla Tafdrup -have taken inspiration from those they have met,who continue a dialogue with colleagues elsewhere -to then translate that inspiration to meet local needs,culture and climate -are helping architecture deliver.Not only in their own practice,but in architectural practices everywhere.

As an NGO to the UN,the UIA has a dual mission.The UIA must support,and at its best ability enable architects all over the world,to learn from each other,and through the sharing of ideas and concepts,contribute more effectively to the advancement of humane and environmental sustainability.The UIA must also,time and again,position itself to transfer that knowledge to the UN,its agencies,and relevant regional and national government agencies (Fig.5).

It is a tall order for a small organisation depending on the volunteer efforts of architects widely dispersed,geographically and in their activities.But despite the apparent impossibility of the concept,the bumblebee flies.The global network is there,the exchange is happening,and even in disagreements and differences,there are valuable lessons to bring home.The noble commitment to dialogue and common purpose as expressed in that original preamble,is more needed than ever,and in the UIA,we as architects have a forum,and an invitation to work together in response to the many urgent challenges facing the profession.This happened in Copenhagen,and will lead us to Barcelona in 2026 under the theme of "One Today,One Tomorrow" before we assemble again in Beijing in 2029 under the theme "Back to Balance -Architecture for everyone's better life".

Together,we must resolve to help all architects contribute to the progress of human society,the welfare of the planet and the strengthening of peace.


2016 REFORM 双年设计展于哥本哈根 KINFOLK GALLERY盛大开幕