

孔子学院 2023年5期


青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、線路最长的高原铁路,与“南水北调”“西气东输”“西电东送”并称为“中国新世纪四大工程”。2023 年7 月1 日起,东起西宁站、西至格尔木站的青藏铁路正式进入动车时代,时速从原来的每小时140 公里提升至每小时160 公里,运输能力和服务质量也都得到大幅度提升。 至此,“坐火车去拉萨”成为许多人说走就走的旅行。

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, also known asthe Qingzang Railway, is the highest-altitude andlongest plateau railway in the world. It is one of the“Four Great Projects of China in the New Century,”alongside the South-to-North Water Diversion, West-East Gas Transmission, and West-East ElectricityTransmission projects. Starting from July 1, 2023, theQinghai-Tibet Railway, which runs from Xining in theeast to Golmud in the west, has entered an era of highspeedtrains. The train speed was increased from theoriginal 140 kilometers per hour to 160 kilometers perhour, with significant improvements on transportationcapacity and service quality. As a result, “taking thetrain to Lhasa” has become a worry-free travel formany at any time they wish.


Unique Scenery at Every Stop


Setting off from Xining by train, you will arrive at Qinghai Lake in about an hour. QinghaiLake is China’s largest inland lake, and when viewed from afar, it appears as if the lake joins thesky. In July and August, thousands of acres of rapeseed flowers bloom around the lake, adorningthe deep blue waters with clusters of dazzling golden yellow.


Leaving Qinghai Lake, after another three hours, you will reach Delingha Railway Station.“Delingha” means “the golden grassland” in Mongolian. Passing through this region, you’ll findyourself wandering in the scenery of those western movies when you look out of the windowand see vast salt flats, extensive red willow forests, and desolate Gobi landscapes.


Continuing westward by train, passing through the Kunlun Mountains and heading south,you arrive at Hoh Xil, known to the Tibetan people as the “beautiful maiden.” The region iscrisscrossed with rivers and dotted with lakes. It’s also a “kingdom” for high-altitude wildlife. Ifyou’re lucky, you might spot herds of Tibetan antelopes running and grazing freely.


A World of Its Own

常在低海拔地区居住的人们,来到青藏高原很有可能会出现一些高原反应。坐在从青海西宁到西藏拉萨的火车上,随着海拔一点点升高,到3 000 米以上的时候,有的人就会感觉头晕、头疼、心慌,但此时此刻,窗外的美景会让人们忘记身体的不适。窗外那红黄色的江水,好似人的血管,错综复杂,蜿蜒曲折地分布在广阔的土地上。与奔腾流淌的长河相比,巨大的火车好像变成了一条小船在河流上漂荡。抬头望向湛蓝的天空,仿佛伸手就能碰到洁白的云彩。不时有一两只大鸟飞落在远处的溪边,休憩戏水,不一会儿工夫,又张开双翅,飞上蓝天。远处草地上不时出现一些小动物的身影,从河边一跃而过,如同精灵一般,倏地出现,忽地又不见了。

People who are accustomed to living at low altitudes may experiencesome altitude sickness when travelling to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Asyou sit on the train from Xining to Lhasa and the altitude gradually rises,reaching over 3,000 meters, some may feel dizzy, have headaches, orexperience palpitations. However, at moments like this, the breathtakingscenery outside the window helps people forget the discomfort. The redand yellow rivers resemble human veins, intricately winding across thevast land. Compared with the rushing rivers, the massive train seems likea small boat drifting on the water. Looking up at the deep blue sky, youfeel like you could reach out and touch the pristine clouds. Every now andthen, a few large birds land by a distant stream, taking a break and playingin the water. In no time, they spread their wings and soar into the bluesky again. On the distant grasslands, you may see the fleeting figures ofsmall animals leaping from the riverbank, like elves, appearing suddenlyfrom and disappearing just as quickly into the sky.


Travelling on this train, you gradually leave behind the noise andcrowds of the city, embracing the tranquility and vastness of nature. Everylandscape in Tibet slows your heart down, cleansing and purifying it.Its unique natural and cultural scenery attracts countless domestic andinternational tourists, who come from afar like devoutbelievers, overcoming all obstacles to reach thisplace.


Overcoming Countless Challenges


With the advent of high-speed trains on theQinghai-Tibet Railway, the increased speed willattract more tourists to Xizang, allowing them towitness the unique plateau scenery. The fast trainshave made the remote plateau more accessible,and the influx of business and tourist travellers isdriving the development of the border region andthe local economy.


However, behind the remarkable achievementof the Qinghai-Tibet Railway lie the sacrificesof many who dedicated their lives and sweat.With wisdom and courage, they overcame thechallenges of the harsh natural environment andtechnical barriers.


The construction of the Qinghai-TibetRailway faced severe challenges, includingpermafrost, high-altitude hypoxia, and thefragility of the ecosystem. Permafrost means thatthe soil here thaws and subsides in the summeras temperatures rise and freezes and swells inthe winter as temperatures drop. As a result,the roadbed could collapse at any time withoutproper solution. High-altitude hypoxia and thefragility of the ecosystem mean that workershad to endure strenuous physical labor whileconstantly facing the risk of hypoxia. Manypeople gave their lives for this railway during theconstruction, and many others dedicated theiryouthful years to the harsh wilderness of theplateau.


Given the challenges, why did they persist inbuilding the Qinghai-Tibet Railway? The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has always been of great significance tothe Chinese nation’s survival and development. It isthe source of many of Asia’s major rivers, including theYellow River, Yangtze River, Indus River, and GangesRiver, earning it the title of the “Water Tower of Asian Civilization.” Yet the majestic plateau and snowymountains have also acted as a natural barrier, isolatingXizang from the outside world. For thousands of years,due to its isolation, people inside couldn’t venture out,and people outside couldn’t get in.

60 多年前,青藏高原尚無半寸铁路,“茶马古道”上的悠悠驼铃记载了那个时代的沧桑艰难。中华人民共和国成立后,两万峰骆驼组建成一支西藏骆驼运输队,专门用于内地和西藏间的物资运输。但由于自然条件恶劣,驼队每行进一公里,就要留下12 具骆驼的尸体。即使后来修建了两条进藏公路,其运输能力仍远不尽如人意。只有铁路通了,才能真正解决交通问题。

More than 60 years ago, there was no railwayon the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the jinglingbells of camels on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road borewitness to the hardships of that era. After the foundingof the People’s Republic of China, 20,000 camelswere organized into a Tibetan camel transport team,dedicated to transporting goods between the inland andXizang. However, due to the harsh natural conditions,for every kilometer travelled, the camel team wouldleave behind 12 dead camels. Even after two roadsinto Xizang were built later on, their transportationcapacity still fell far short. Only with a railway could thetransportation problem be truly solved.

1958 年5 月,青藏铁路的起源—兰青铁路,在兰州河口和青海西宁等多地同时破土开建。经过铁路建设者和五万多名青海当地百姓16 个月的风雨鏖战,1959 年9 月,全长188 公里的兰青铁路全线贯通。从此,青海结束了没有铁路的历史。

In May 1958, the origin of the Qinghai-TibetRailway, the Lan-Qing Railway, began constructionsimultaneously in multiple locations, including Hekouof Lanzhou, and Xining of Qinghai. After 16 monthsof arduous efforts by railway builders and more than50,000 local Qinghai residents, the 188-kilometerLan-Qing Railway was completed in September 1959,marking the end of Qinghai’s history without a railway.

然而,铁路通车的背后所克服的技术难题是难以想象的。美国旅行家保罗 · 泰鲁曾断言:“有昆仑山脉在,铁路就永远到不了拉萨。”

However, the technical challenges behind therailway are unimaginable. American traveller PaulTheroux once asserted, “As long as the KunlunMountains stand, a railway will never reach Lhasa.”


Most of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway traverses highaltituderegions and what are considered “dead zones.”Speaking of environmental protection, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway passes through multiple national-levelnature reserves where the ecological environmentis exceptionally fragile. In order to safeguard thepristine blue skies, lucid lakes, and rare wildlife ofthe plateau, the railway construction opened upmigration corridors for wild animals for the firsttime. Within these natural reserves, the railway routefollows the planning principle of “avoidance wheneverpossible.” As a result, significant populations of Tibetan antelopes have been able to migrate freely. Since thecommencement of the railway construction, thepermafrost, vegetation, wetland environments, naturallandscapes, river water quality, and more along theroute have all received effective protection, ensuringthat the ecological environment of the Qinghai-TibetPlateau has not suffered significant impacts.


Nowadays, the railway system is continuouslyupgrading, and with the advent of high-speed trains,the railway is once again improving in quality andspeed. The miraculous “Sky Road” brings the warmthof the world to the borderlands. The connectionbetween China’s various ethnic groups is becomingcloser consequently, like one big family. As sung inthe song “Qingzang Gaoyuan” (“The Qinghai-TibetPlateau”), “From now on, the mountains are no longerhigh, and the roads are no longer long. People of allethnic groups have a joyous gathering.”


Dynamical signatures of the one-dimensional deconfined quantum critical point