

孔子学院 2023年5期


2023 年,春天来临之时,随着各种小长假到来,人们纷纷走出家门,开启了远远近近的旅游。于是,旅游成为热门话题,“特种兵式旅游”火遍全网。例如:

(1) 如今,“特种兵式旅游”正成为越来越多年轻人的旅行方式。(《川江都市报》2023 年4 月13 日)

(2) 热门城市、热门景点开启“人从众”模式,在年轻人群体中悄悄兴起了一种很新的旅游方式—“特种兵式旅游”。(《安庆日报》2023年5 月29 日)

In 2023, as spring brought along numerousshort public holidays, many people tookadvantage of these opportunities to exploredestinations both near and far from theirhomes. As a result, tourism became a trendingsubject, and the term “special forces-styletourism” swiftly gained popularity on theinternet. For example:

(1) These days, a growing number of youngpeople are opting for a unique style of travelknown as “special forces-style tourism.”(Chuanjiang Metropolis Daily, April 13th,2023)

(2) As famous cities and mainstream touristspots continue to draw huge crowds, a newform of travel, known as “special forcesstyletourism,” is catching on among theyounger generation. (Anqing Daily, May29th, 2023)


The term “spec ial forcesstyletourism” represents a trendamong young travellers who aimto maximize their experienceswithin the constraints of limitedtime and budgets. We all recognizethat “special forces” are renownedfor their exceptional adaptability in accomplishingmissions in diverse and challenging environments.But how did this military term become associatedwith tourism?


(3)这种旅游方式行程密集,夜间坐火车,白天可能步行十几二十公里,去十来个景点……大学生们称这种很消耗体力的旅游方式为“特种兵式旅游”。(《杭州日报》2023 年4 月10 日)

(4)两天三城,一天连刷十几个景点,晚上只睡3 小時,日行8 万步……最近,大学生“特种兵式”旅游火了。(《劳动者报》2023 年4 月14 日)

Initially, college students playfully coined thisterm to describe their travel adventures. Theyembraced the challenge of exploring variousattractions and trying out diverse cuisines duringweekends, all the while ensuring they returned intime for their Monday classes. This style of travelmirrors the rigorous schedules and training of specialforces personnel. For instance:

(3) This style of travel involves a tight schedule,with overnight train rides and daily treksspanning ten to twenty kilometers for around a dozen attractions... College students describethis physically demanding style of travel as“special forces-style tourism.” (Hangzhou Daily,April 10th, 2023)

(4) Picture yourself on a tour of three cities injust two days, exploring more than a dozenattractions in a single day, getting only threehours of sleep each night, and taking 80,000steps daily... College students have been buzzingabout the “special forces-style tourism” recently.(LAO DONG ZHE BAO, April 14th, 2023)


From a cognitive perspective, the modifier“special forces-style” cleverly incorporates twodefining characteristics of special forces: demandingphysical endurance and efficient time management.The term metaphorically emphasizes the challengingyet well-organized nature of this travel experience.


From a rhetorical standpoint, using “special forces” to describe “tourism” serves asa dramatic exaggeration, highlighting the vast difference between the daily routines ofuniversity students and their adventurous journeys. It suggests a kind of travel where carefulplanning is essential, and sticking to the schedule is a must, pushing students to embracephysical activities they might not usually engage in during their daily lives. “Special forcesstyletourism” vividly captures the contrast between the physical and mental demands ofeveryday life and travel adventures for university students.

“特种兵式旅游”火爆的背后反映了“两个高效”现象—“旅人行事高效+硬件设施高效”。硬件设施的日益完備可以说是“特种兵式旅游”的必要条件。交通体系的日益完善、网络技术的日趋发达、服务业质量的进一步提升,再加上一些热门景点开放了夜间游览模式,一些公共场所 24 小时营业,为旅游者提供了享用美食与歇脚的场所,这都为“特种兵式旅游”创造了可能性与可行性。例如:

(5)报道中就有大学生直言,“特种兵式旅游”本身就是为了节省开支,来海底捞吃个火锅顺便休息一晚,很划算。(《德州晚报》2023 年5 月4 日)

The growth of “special forces-style tourism”is driven by two key factors: improved travellerexperiences and better infrastructure. The continuousenhancements in infrastructure, including moderntransportation systems, advanced informationtechnology networks, and higher service standards, setthe stage for this type of tourism. Furthermore, famousdestinations now offer nighttime tours, and publicvenues have extended their business hours, providingcomfortable dining and relaxation opportunities. Allthese developments make “special forces-style tourism”a practical and budget-friendly choice.For instance:

(5) In the report, several collegestudents admitted that they chose“special forces-style tourism” to saveon expenses. They went to Haidilaofor a hotpot meal and spent a nightthere, just to save money. (DezhouEvening News, May 4th, 2023)

随着2023 年上半年各种小长假的到来,越来越多的年轻人加入“特种兵式旅游”行列,使得这种旅行方式的主体由大学生扩展为更大的年轻群体。例如:

(6)今年的“五一”小长假,“特种兵式旅游”的主人公,从年轻的大学生变成了年轻的群体。(《中国妇女报》2023 年 5 月11 日)

With the advent of various short vacations inthe first half of 2023, a growing number of youngindividuals are embracing the concept of “specialforces-style tourism.” This trend has expandedbeyond college students to include a broader, youngerdemographic. For example:

(6) Over this year’s May Day holiday, the trendof “special forces-style tourism” saw a shift fromprimarily college students to a more diverse groupof young individuals. (China Women’s News, May11th, 2023)


(7)如果附近的城市定期存款利率比本地高 0.4 个百分点,你会坐上火车去存钱吗? 3 月以来,不少江苏人就这样组团去上海存钱,当日往返,被网友称为“特种兵式存款”。(《北京青年报》2023 年 5 月12 日)

(8)“特种兵式旅游”结束,“特种兵式学习”来了。“五一”假期后,多名家长在社交平台发文称自己的孩子在返程路上赶作业。(《浙江教育报》2023 年5 月9 日)

Conversely, the concept of “special forces-style”has evolved beyond “tourism” and extended into otherdomains. For instance:

(7) If the regular deposit interest rate in a nearbycity is 0.4 percentage points higher than your localrate, would you hop on a train to deposit yourmoney there? Since March, folks from JiangsuProvince head to Shanghai in groups for quickdeposit trips, completing a round trip in a singleday. Internet users have humorously coined thisphenomenon as “special forces-style deposit trips.”(Beijing Youth Daily, May 12th, 2023)

(8) “Special forces-style tourism” has transformedinto “special forces-style learning.” Following theMay Day holiday, several parents shared on socialmedia that their children had to work on theirhomework during their journey home. (ZhejiangEducation News, May 9th, 2023)

“特种兵式旅游”也衍生出“特种兵式存款/ 学习/ 工作”等多种形式。“特种兵式”走出原本的特殊行业,被用来修饰日常生活中的某种高能行为,说明“特种兵式 XX”有很强的能产性。我们相信,随着社会的发展,“特种兵式 XX”会越来越多,这是社会高效发展的必然结果。

“Special forces-style tourism” has inspired similartrends in depositing money, learning, and work. Theterm “special forces-style” has evolved beyond itsinitial context and is now employed to characterizeexceptionally high-performance behaviors in everydaylife. This indicates remarkable productivity. Weanticipate seeing more instances of “special forcesstyle”behaviors as society advances. This trend is anatural result of a more efficient society.


没有景点 只是生活