It’s Not Easy Being a Kid!做个小孩不容易


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2023年9期



Hi! I’m Peter. I’m in the fifth grade.

I have one thing to say: IT’S NOT EASY BEING A KID!

Being a kid might look like fun, but sometimes it’s not.

Yesterday, I was playing outside with my friend.

I was having a really good time.

Then suddenly, my mother said, “Peter, it’s time to come inside now. It’s getting dark.”

When you’re an adult, no one can tell you what to do or when to do it.

When you’re a kid, you have to get up early in the morning and go to school. At school, you have to study many subjects such as math, English, science, and history. After school, you have to do your homework.

When you’re an adult, you do not have to go to school and you never have homework.


look like fun 看起来好像很有趣

outside /aʊtˈsaɪd/ 副词,在外面

inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/ 副词,在里面

dark /dɑ∶k/ 形容词,黑暗的

It’s getting dark. 天快黑了。

adult /ˈædʌlt/ 名词,成年人

have to 不得不(后面要跟动词原形)

When you’re a kid, there are many things you can’t watch.

Last Saturday, there was a scary movie on TV.

It looked really exciting.

But my father would not let me watch. He said, “You’re too young for this movie, Peter.”

When you’re an adult, you can watch anything you want.


scary /ˈskeərɪ/ 形容词,恐怖的

exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪ/ 形容词,令人兴奋的

pick on sb. 捉弄你

bother /ˈbɒðə/ 动词,烦扰或打扰

mad /mæd/ 形容词,发疯的

When you’re a kid, the older kids sometimes pick on you.

When I was walking home from school on Monday, Tom and Steve bothered me.

Steve took my schoolbag and put it on a tree.

It made me very mad.

When you’re an adult, no one may pick on you.

When you’re a kid, you cannot go anywhere by yourself.

Last Friday, I wanted to buy a birthday gift for my friend John. But I had to wait for my mom to return home.

When I want to go somewhere, I have to ride my bike or ask my mom for a ride.

When you’re an adult, you can drive a car wherever you want.

When you’re a kid, you have to go to bed early.

On school nights, my mom makes me go to bed at 9:00.

But I do have a mom and dad who love me, which is really great. So I guess I like being a kid, even though IT’S NOT EASY BEING A KID!


by yourself 獨自地

return /rɪˈtɜ∶n/ 动词,返回

ride /raɪd/ 动词,骑;ride a bike骑车

ask for a ride 请求搭便车

wherever /weərˈevə/ 副词,无论哪里

makes me go to bed 让我上床睡觉(make sb. do sth.让某人做某事)

do 加在动词前面起强调作用,可译为:确实。如:I do need your help. (我确实需要你的帮助。)

guess /ges/ 动词,猜测,认为

even though 即使


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