Why You Should Read Louise Glück’s Poetry为何要读露易丝·格丽克的诗


英语世界 2023年4期

迪比奥德·达斯 成玉华/译

The winner of 2020 Nobel Prize in literature Louise Glück has been publishing poetry for nearly 58 years, yet a lot of us are not very familiar with her work or her importance as one of Americas leading poets. She works as an adjunct1 professor and the Rosenkranz Writer-in-Residence2 at Yale University, and has won almost every major award in literature including a Pultizer, a Bollingen Prize, the National Humanities Medal, National Book Award to name a few. She has even served as the Poet Laureate of United States. That is some CV.


Yet, the news of her winning the Nobel came like just her poetry: sudden, with leanness3 of sentiment and in a flash of everyday beauty.


According to reports, Glück lives like any other overachiever4: reading mystery novels, gardening, cooking and writing bomb poetry with an analytical clarity about inner life.


From weaving themes of childhood and married life with Greek and Roman myths, to writing feminist anthems, Glück is as prolific as prolific can get.


In an interview with Poets and Writers magazine, she had said, “you have to live your life if youre going to do original work”, because “your work will come out of an authentic life, and if you suppress all of your most passionate impulses in the service of an art that has not yet declared itself, youre making a terrible mistake”. Yet, her former colleague Dan Chiasson says, “She has suffered more than some, less than many; she has nothing uniquely harrowing5 to report. If someone told you to make fifty years of poetry out of what Glück has kept on hand, you would say, no, Im sorry, thats not possible.”


Thats where her genius lies: in observing, feeling, really capturing those feelings in clarity and meter.


When she was appointed as the US poet laureate in 2003, she said she had “no concern with widening audience”, and that she preferred her audience “small, intense, passionate”. Maybe that is why a lot of us dont actively know about her, even though we might have come across her work.


The chair of the Nobel Prize committee, Anders Olsson, hailed Glücks “candid and uncompromising” voice, which is “full of humour and biting wit”. Her 12 collections of poetry, from Faithful and Virtuous Night to The Wild Iris are “characterised by a striving for clarity”, he added, comparing her to Emily Dickinson with her “severity and unwillingness to accept simple tenets of faith”.


“In her poems, the self listens for what is left of its dreams and delusions6, and nobody can be harder than she in confronting the illusions of the self,” Olsson said. “But even if Glück would never deny the significance of the autobiographical background, she is not to be regarded as a confessional poet.”


The Nobel committee singled out “Snowdrops”, a poem from her Pulitzer-winning collection The Wild Iris, in which she evokes the return of life after winter. “I did not expect to survive, / earth suppressing me,” Glück writes. “I didnt expect / to waken again, to feel / in damp earth my body / able to respond again …”7


Olsson called her collection Averno, an interpretation of the myth of Perse-phones descent into hell with Hades, “masterly”, adding that the National Book Award-winning collection Faithful and Virtuous Night is “another spectacular achievement.


“The reader is again struck by the presence of voice and Glück approaches the motif of death with remarkable grace and lightness,” he said. “She writes oneiric8, narrative poetry recalling memories and travels, only to hesitate and pause for new insights. The world is disenthralled9, only to become magically present once again.”


Several scholars have pointed out how Glücks poetry can be said to be focused on trauma, as she has written throughout her career about death, loss, rejection, the failure of relationships, and attempts at healing and renewal. The scholar Daniel Morris notes that even a Glück poem that uses traditionally happy or idyllic imagery “suggests the authors awareness of mortality, of the loss of innocence”.




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