《攀登英语绘本故事》“The Tiger and the Rooster”


小学教学设计(英语) 2022年6期


Step 1.Warming-up(略)

Step 2.Presentation

1.Talk about the tiger.


T: What can you see in the picture?

S1: I can see a tiger in the picture.

T: Look at the tiger.How does he feel?

S2: He’s happy.

S3: He’s hungry.

S4: He’s happy and hungry.

T: The tiger sees a rooster.If you were the tiger,what could you do?

S1: I can eat the rooster.

S2: I can catch the rooster.

S3: I can cook the rooster.

T: Great.It’s yummy.Let’s see the tiger.The tiger wants to eat the rooster.Tiger says: Wow! My yummy food!

Ss: The tiger wants to eat the rooster.Wow!My yummy food.


2.Look and guess“How the tiger can eat the rooster”.


T: Look at the tiger.What can he do?

S1: He can dance.

T: Great.The tiger dresses up as a rooster dancer.

Ss: Glasses,dresses.

T: Dresses up.(板书)

Ss: Dresses up.

S1/2/3/4: Dresses up.


T: The tiger dresses up as a rooster dancer.

Ss: The tiger dresses up as a rooster dancer.

T shows the picture that the rooster knows it is a tiger.

T: Look at the rooster.Is he afraid?

Ss: No.

T: Yes.The rooster knows it is a tiger.

Ss: The rooster knows it is a tiger.

T: Rooster says: Bad Tiger! I know it’s you!Eat me? No way!

Ss: Bad Tiger! I know it’s you! Eat me? No way!

T: Can the tiger eat the rooster?

Ss: No.

T: How does he feel now?

S1: He’s sad.

S2: He’s hungry.

S3: He’s angry.

S4: He’s tired.

设计意图:老虎把自己扮成一只公鸡舞者,想和公鸡套近乎。通过引导学生观察老虎的表情和图片中的场景,以提问的形式,引导学生层层深入绘本故事,揭示答案:The rooster knows it is a tiger.So the tiger can’t eat the rooster.从而激起学生的好奇心和求知欲。

3.Look and answer“Can the tiger eat the rooster this time”.


T: Then the tiger has another idea.

T: Look at the picture.What can he do?

S1: He can sing.

T: The tiger dresses up as a rooster singer.

Ss: The tiger dresses up as a rooster singer.

T: The tiger says: Little rooster.Little rooster.Listen to me.I can sing! Twinkle,twinkle...

Ss: Little rooster.Little rooster.Listen to me.I can sing! Twinkle,twinkle...

T: Look at the rooster.Is he afraid?

Ss: No.

T: The rooster knows it is a tiger.

Ss: The rooster knows it is a tiger.

T: The rooster says: Bad tiger! Bad tiger! I know it’s you! Hhm!

Ss: Bad tiger! Bad tiger! I know it’s you!Hhm!

设计意图:学生知道老虎没吃到公鸡,教师让他们带着问题“Can the tiger eat the rooster this time?”再次看故事,从图片中学生不难看出老虎扮成了歌手,并大声唱歌给公鸡听。可是聪明的公鸡并没有被诱惑,图片中公鸡的表情足以让学生猜测到老虎又没得逞。通过这样一步步的追问和仔细观察,激起学生的热情和兴趣,发散学生的思维能力。

4.Read and guess “Can the tiger eat the rooster this time”.


T: But this time the tiger has a good idea.Look,where is he?

Ss: He is in a corner.

T: What’s in his hand?

S1: There is a flower in his hand.

T: So the tiger holds a beautiful flower and waits in a corner.

Ss: The tiger holds a beautiful flower and waits at a corner.

T: Look at the rooster.How does he feel?

S1: He’s happy.He loves the flower.

T: Rooster says: Wow! A flower! How beautiful!

Ss: Wow! A flower! How beautiful!

S1/2: Wow! A flower! How beautiful!

T: The rooster says: I want the flower.

Ss: I want the flower.

T: So the rooster loves the flower and runs to the flower.

Ss: The rooster loves the flower and runs to the flower.

T: The tiger says: Haha,my yummy food.

Ss: Haha,my yummy food.

T: How does the tiger feel?

S1: He’s happy.

T: So the rooster is in danger.(教授danger,dangerous,danger)

Ss: Oh! The rooster is in danger.(教师强调朗读语气)


5.Look and guess.


T: Can the tiger eat the rooster now? Can you guess?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s see.Oh-oh,what’s the matter?

S1: The tiger runs away.

T: Yes.Why?

S2: The farmer is coming.

T: Maybe.

T: Who comes?

Ss: The farmer comes.

T: What’s in his hand? There is a hammer in his hand.(教授hammer)

T:How does the farmer feel?

S1: He’s angry.

T: What will he say? Can you guess?

S2: Stop! Stop!

T: How does the tiger feel?

Ss: He’s afraid.

T: If you were the tiger,what would you say?

S1: Help! Help!

T: Great.Let’s see.

T/Ss: Stop! Stop! Go away!

T/Ss: Oh!Here comes a farmer with a hammer.


6.Act it out.


T: Can you act? One is a farmer,one is a rooster,one is a tiger,one is a narrator.


7.Say the end of the story.


T: The tiger is going away.Look at the rooster.How does he feel?

Ss: He’s happy.

T: If you were the rooster,what would you say?

S1: Haha,I have a beautiful flower.

S2: Haha,the tiger is going away.

T: Let’s see.

T/Ss: Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Tiger,Big Bad Tiger,Big Bad Tiger? Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Tiger? Tra lalalala...

T: This is the whole story.

设计意图:《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》指出,教师要灵活地运用各种资源。本课采用了绘本故事作为整节课的教学内容,让学生感知绘本故事所带来的快乐,培养学生阅读绘本的意识。整个故事情节清晰,结局是“The rooster has a flower.”通过逐步分析故事情节,学生能感知故事;通过有感情地朗读,学生体会故事的蕴含。最后教师呈现公鸡所唱的歌曲,歌曲有效结合了沪教版《牛津英语》中的“Three Little Pigs”中的结尾,做到了教材资源的合理整合及其利用。

Step 3.Practice

1.Listen to the whole story.

2.Listen and repeat.

3.Can you find the words with-er in the story.

4.Act out the whole story.

设计意图:在理解故事后,通过听文本,让学生再一次整体感知故事;通过跟读,培养学生的模仿能力;通过寻找文本中含有-er 的单词,对-er 发音规则进行总结;通过表演,让学生有效地输出语言,内化语言。

Step 4.Homework

1.Read the whole story for three times.

2.Act it out.

3.Rewrite the story.


