

丝绸 2022年5期

何宇杰 彭志勤 贾丽玲 夏润涛 周旸 焦金鹏 黄驹

摘要: 稳定同位素技术因具有示踪指示、快速检测及结果准确等优点被应用于纺织品溯源。为了还原能追溯到产地的古代丝织品的同位素特征,研究老化过程中丝织品同位素的变化情况至关重要。本文通过对丝织品进行碱老化,观测丝织品中丝纤维的形貌结构变化和轻稳定同位素比值变化。结果显示,碱老化会使得丝织品中丝纤维的排列变得松散,表面变得粗糙并伴随有断裂现象,同时结晶度降低。这些现象伴随着丝织品稳定同位素的变化,发现老化丝织品中的氢、碳和氮的重同位素趋向富集,而氧稳定同位素的变化及规律性相对不明显。

关键词: 丝织品;丝纤维;碱老化;同位素;结构;富集

中图分类号: TS102.33文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)05001406

引用页码: 051103DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.05.003






34.45 g/m2真丝电力纺(杭州富丝工贸有限公司),分析纯AR无水乙醇(杭州高晶精细化工有限公司),分析纯AR氢氧化钠(天津市永大化学试剂有限公司)。

MAT-253型稳定同位素比质谱仪、Flash 2000HT型元素分析仪(Thermo Scientific,USA),PHOENIX型热表面电离质谱仪(PHOENIX,German),TBS1-8D1基础型实验室纯水机(济南太平玛环保设备有限公司),PHS-25台式精密酸度计(上海雷磁仪器厂)。


将丝织品裁剪成15 cm×15 cm的布块,先用无水乙醇和水的混合溶液(体积比1︰1)浸泡清洗,随后用去离子水清洗3次。将布块浸泡在质量分数为5%的NaOH溶液下,置于50 ℃、相对湿度50%的恒温恒湿箱中。每隔1 h取出一次丝织品样品,直至丝织品老化成碎片状,然后在50 ℃的烘箱中低温烘干,放在密封干燥的环境中待测。


检测前,对所有样品进行预处理。用酒精消毒过的剪子,在布条上裁剪出2 mm×2 mm的小布块。

碳氮稳定同位素比值检测:用镊子夹取裁剪好的小布块,封装在锡杯中,在氦气吹扫流量200 mL/min的条件下,样品被载入960 ℃的燃烧炉中,样品中的碳元素转化为纯净的CO2,而氮元素会转化为纯净的N2,再经过恒温50 ℃的气相色谱柱和Conflo Ⅳ型稀释仪,最后通过MAT-253型稳定同位素比质谱仪进行检测。

氢氧稳定同位素比值检测:用镊子夹取裁剪好的小布块,紧密封装在银杯中,放置于Flash 2000HT型元素分析仪样品盘中,样品在1 380 ℃条件下裂解反应形成H2和CO,经过恒温50 ℃的气相色谱柱分离,随后经过Conflo Ⅳ型稀释仪,最后在MAT-253型稳定同位素比质谱仪进行检测。在分析过程中,每8个样品穿插1个实验室标样进行校正;仪器长期标准偏差为0.02‰。测试过程中的载气为氦气,载气的流速为100 mL/min。碳氮稳定同位素测试的参考气体为CO2和N2,氢氧稳定同位素测试的参考气体为H2和CO。在分析过程中,采用国际标样IAEA-CH7、IAEA-600、IAEA-601和IAEA-310。测试得到的数据按下式进行计算:

X/‰=(R样品/R标准-1)×1 000 (1)




图1为碱老化处理4 h的丝织品和未处理对照丝织品样品的SEM图。从图1可以看出,未经过处理的丝织品样品在放大100倍的条件下,能清楚地看到丝纤维整齐而紧密交织在一起;放大2 000倍后,能看到丝纤维的表面十分光滑。经过碱老化处理的丝织品样品在放大100倍的条件下,可以看到丝纤维的排列变得松散;放大2 000倍后,发现丝纤维的表面被碱液腐蚀而变得粗糙,并且伴随有严重的断裂现象。这是由于丝纤维中蛋白质分子中肽链受到碱液水解老化,导致丝纤维出现裂隙,严重时发生断裂。


蚕丝纤维的红外吸收峰目前已经有了较为明确的归属,普遍认为在3 300~3 290 cm-1处有—NH伸缩振动产生的特征吸收谱带;2 978 cm-1和2 930 cm-1附近处分别有—CH3和—CH2反对称伸缩振动产生的特征吸收谱带;1 690~1 600 cm-1处有CO伸缩振动所产生的特征吸收谱带;1 516 cm-1和1 301~1 229 cm-1处有N—H弯曲和C—N伸缩振动所产生的特征吸收谱带及825 cm-1附近处代表C—C伸缩振动所产生的特征吸收谱带[22-23]。

从图2碱老化处理4 h的丝织品和未处理对照丝织品样品的FTIR图谱可以看出,经过碱老化处理后的丝织品与未处理的丝织品的红外图谱有较为明显的不同,代表—NH伸缩振动的吸收峰3 298 cm-1,代表CO伸缩振动的吸收峰1 639 cm-1,代表N—H弯曲和C—N伸缩振动的吸收峰1 520 cm-1和1 230 cm-1,代表C—C伸缩振动的吸收峰825 cm-1未发生明显的峰位移动,但是吸收峰的强度均有明显的降低,说明在碱老化过程中,蚕丝蛋白质内部的肽链遭到破坏[24]。在肽链发生断裂时,氨基酸序列重新排列,伴随着大量的氢键和盐式键的断裂与重组,故红外谱图中形成各类键的吸收峰强度减弱。


图3是碱老化处理4 h的丝织品和未处理对照组丝织品样品的XRD图谱。从图3可以看到,对照组和碱老化处理后的丝织品的晶体结构都是以silk Ⅱ型为主,其衍射峰通常出现在9.1°、18.9°、20.7°和24.3°等处附近[25]。从图3还可以发现,对照组丝织品在9.7°、20.7°和24.7°處有较为明显的衍射峰,而碱老化处理后的样品的衍射峰位置并未发生明显的变化,但是这三个位置的衍射峰强度变弱,衍射峰宽度变大,说明碱老化处理后的丝纤维结晶度发生了变化。这可能与丝织品经过碱老化后,其中的氨基酸序列断裂与重组引起的结构变化有关。










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Effect of alkali aging on the structure and stable isotope ratios of silk fabrics

HE Yujie PENG Zhiqin JIA Liling XIA Runtao ZHOU Yang JIAO Jinpeng HUANG Ju(1a.School of Materials Science & Engineering; 1b.National & Local United Engineering Laboratory on Textile

Fiber Materials and Processing Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China;

2.China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou 310002, China)

Abstract: Silk fabrics are a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. The Silk Road running through the Eurasian continent is a bridge for political, economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and the silk fabrics unearthed from places along the Silk Road boast a long history, and are rich in origin and abundant in quantity. Silk fabrics are mostly composed of sericin (a linear and water-insoluble polymer protein) and fibroin (a globular and water-soluble glycoprotein). Due to its protein component, silk fabrics are susceptive to degradation caused by light, temperature & humidity, microorganisms, acid and alkali, etc. It is often impossible for silk cultural relics to be preserved intactly when unearthed. Due to the artistic and cultural value of silk cultural relics, historians and archaeologists have been searching for a way to accurately determine the origin of silk cultural relics. Recently, the stable isotope technique has been applied to the traceability of ancient textiles due to its advantages of tracing indication, fast detection and accurate results. In order to restore the isotopic values of ancient silk fabrics which help to trace their provenance, it is very important to explore the isotopic changes of silk fabrics during aging.

Acidity and alkalinity of soil in burial environment, especially the later, have great impact on preservation of silk fabrics. In this study, silk fabrics were dissolved with 5% NaOH solutions for a period of time to simulate the possible state of silk cultural relics under the influence of mild alkaline conditions. These silk fabric samples were incubated in a constant temperature and humidity test chamber at 50 ℃ with 50% relative humidity. And these samples were taken once an hour until they were aged into pieces. Then they were dried at 50 ℃ for one hour and stored in a desiccator for further identification. The morphology and chemical structure of the samples after alkaline aging treatment were detected via SEM and ATR-FTIF. XRD was then employed to study the crystallinity of silk fabrics aged to different degrees under strong alkali condition. Stable isotope testing was conducted on the samples after alkaline aging treatment. Based on the above, by analyzing and summarizing the relationship between the change of silk fiber morphology and structure and the change of light stable isotope ratio under the influence of alkali aging, as well as the change law of silk isotope, this paper can provide a certain scientific basis for eliminating the influence of aging and basic data for tracing the provenance of silk cultural relics. It was found that alkali aging treatment had a great influence on the morphology and structure of silk fabric samples. Aged silk fibers tended to loosen and their surfaces tended to be rough accompanied with fractures, while their crystallinity decreased. Both samples displayed absorption peaks at 1 639 cm-1, 1 520 cm-1 and 1 230 cm-1, which corresponded to CO stretching (amide Ⅰ), N—H bending (amide Ⅱ) and C—H bending, respectively. However, the peak intensities of the aged samples at 1 639 cm-1, 1 520 cm-1 and 1 230 cm-1 were all decreased. The peptide chains in silk fibers broke down accompanied with breaking and recombination of hydrogen bonds and salt bonds in amino acids. And these phenomena were accompanied by changes in stable isotopes of silk fabrics. We found that heavy hydrogen and nitrogen stable isotopes in aged silk fabrics were enriched. After alkaline aging, there were more heavy isotopes of carbon in silk fabrics. δ13C values increased and the heavy carbon stable isotopes were also enriched. The variation of oxygen stable isotope was not obvious. The isotope value changes of silk fabrics after light and wet aging treatment showed the same rules as alkaline aging treatment. The overall trends of isotopic values of silk fabrics under different aging treatments were similar, but the influences on isotopic values were different.

The relationship between silk fabric after alkaline aging treatment and isotope values changes can bring inspiration for the traceability of silk cultural relic origin. Changes of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes values in silk fiber are within 1.5‰ under such an intense alkali condition, which means alkaline aging has limited influence on isotope variation in silk fabrics. It is feasible for isotope technology to trace silk relic origin after reasonable data correction and we provide a general data correction range for reference.

Key words: silk fabrics; silk fiber; alkaline aging; stable isotope; structure; enrichment

