

农业工程学报 2022年20期

于莉芳,王 泽,马芷萱,范 烨,蒋 睿,杨佳毅,郑兰香


于莉芳1,王 泽1,马芷萱1,范 烨1,蒋 睿1,杨佳毅1,郑兰香2,3

(1. 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院,西安 710055;2. 宁夏大学生态环境学院,银川 750021;3. 中国葡萄酒产业技术研究院,银川 750021)



0 引 言

截止2021年全球葡萄种植面积达到7.34×106hm2,葡萄酒产量超过2.5×1010L[1]。据国家统计局数据,全国葡萄酒企业超800家,产量峰值达1.148×109L。葡萄酒生产过程需消耗大量的水和能源并伴随相当大的废物生成。通常,每生产1 L葡萄酒会伴随生成0.5~14 L的有机废水[2]和0.5~1.5 kg 固体废弃物[3]。随排放标准逐渐提高的同时酒厂对生产废物的处置成本也逐年增加,寻求一种高效、节能的生物处置方式尤为重要。

中国剩余污泥(Waste Activated Sludge,WAS)生成量逐年增加,预计2025年将达到9×107t[4]。剩余污泥中不仅富含有机物,还携带病原体、重金属、抗生素等有毒有害物质,需妥善处理避免二次污染[5-6]。厌氧消化技术能将污泥资源化、稳定化和无害化处理,但受限于污泥的低水解率和毒性物质等因素的影响导致消化效率低。通常,为改善污泥厌氧消化性能常采用机械破碎、超声、热碱和电化学等方式进行预处理[7-9],但预处理仍会生成抑制性副产物,如热水解产生苯酚和难溶的氮磷化合物[10-11]等影响后续的产酸和产甲烷过程。

葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化(Anaerobic co-Digestion,AcoD)可通过稀释毒性、均衡营养素等方式营造适宜的环境来丰富菌群的数量和多样性,从而增强消化效率和系统稳定性[12-13]。此外,据报道称AcoD技术已成功应用于餐饮业[14]、畜牧业[15]和农业[16]等多种行业废水的处置。然而,AcoD仍无法突破产酸的热力学限制。近年来,随厌氧消化中存在直接种间电子传递(Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer,DIET)途径被证实,即产甲烷菌接受产酸菌释放的电子并将CO2还原为CH4。为进一步提高厌氧消化效率提供了新的解决思路。然而,DIET机制建立的条件较为苛刻,大多仅存在于以乙醇为底物或导电材料为介质的体系[17-18]。


1 葡萄酒生产废弃物特性及与污泥共消化机制

葡萄酒生产过程中产生的有机废水主要来源于加工设备的清洗和残液的排出。废水主要由醇、糖和有机酸组成的溶解性有机物、微量营养素、多酚类化合物、无机盐以及残留的肥料和农药等组成[19-20],呈现可生化性好、高化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand,COD)、高悬浮固体(Suspended Solids,SS)、高色度和低pH值等特征,且水质水量随季节性波动巨大。葡萄酒固体废弃物(酒糟(Wine Lee,WL))主要来自压榨、倒灌和过滤等工序,由葡萄渣(45%)、葡萄茎梗(7.5%)和葡萄籽(6%)等组成[21],基本特性与生产废水类似、但COD浓度(>20 g/L)、总多酚(Total Polyphenols,TPP)浓度(>1.0 g/L)和钾离子(K+)浓度(>2.5 g/L)较高[3,22](图1)。排放未处理的葡萄酒生产废物易造成土壤退化、水体污染等问题[34]。

AcoD经过水解、酸化、产氢产乙酸和产甲烷四个过程将多糖、蛋白质和乙醇等转化成CH4、CO2和有机肥等(图2)。水解阶段,在水解菌分泌的水解酶和蛋白酶的作用下将多糖和蛋白质等大分子降解为单糖和氨基酸等小分子物质。其中包括多酚化合物在内的难生物降解有机物会限制水解效率[22]。酸化阶段,将水解产物进一步转化为挥发性脂肪酸(Volatile Fatty Acids,VFAs)和醇类物质。因发酵细菌比生长和代谢速率快,该阶段容易导致体系中VFAs的积累[10]。产氢产甲烷阶段,在产氢产乙酸菌的参与下降解乙醇和转化VFAs为乙酸、H2和CO2,体系中存在的嗜氢产乙酸菌则进行同型产乙酸过程还原H2为乙酸。产甲烷过程主要是嗜氢产甲烷和嗜乙酸产甲烷两种途径,嗜氢产甲烷途径是利用H2和CO2产甲烷,嗜乙酸产甲烷途径是转化乙酸产甲烷。产甲烷菌对环境变化敏感,常成为厌氧消化的限速步骤[5]。

a. pH值a. pH valueb. 总多酚浓度b. Tatal Polyphenols(TPP) concentrationc. 乙醇浓度c. Ethanol concentration

d. COD浓度d. Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) concentratione. 总氮浓度e. Tatal Nitrogen (TN) concentrationf. 总磷浓度f. Total Phosphorus(TP) concentration

图2 葡萄酒废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化示意图[1,24,27]

2 葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥共消化


2.1 混合比例

研究发现,增加AcoD体系中葡萄酒生产废水比例会促进COD、VS(Volatile Solid,挥发性固体)的去除,但随体积比超过50%后消化效率又逐渐下降[12,24,37]。说明混合比例会影响共消化效果,且葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥最佳混合比为1∶1,见表1。

表1 葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥共消化特性


Note:WW:wine wastewater,WAS:waste activated sludge, the same below.



表2 共消化与单一消化的菌群演替

2.2 水力停留时间

水力停留时间(Hydraulic Residence Time,HRT)作为厌氧消化过程中的关键参数,直接决定了底物与微生物接触时间以及系统有机负荷,从而影响有机物的降解效率。总体上,适当延长HRT可进一步提高甲烷产率[25-26],而缩短HRT意味着提高有机负荷。高负荷下产酸菌将有机物降解产酸后使体系pH值迅速降低,容易形成对产甲烷菌的抑制从而减少碱度的产生、增加酸化的风险[42]。


3 葡萄酒固体废弃物与剩余污泥共消化


3.1 温度

众多研究表明,提高温度可通过影响功能菌活性、代谢活性、化学平衡、传质等促进厌氧水解过程[33,46-47]。Da Ros团队发现[13,28-30],升高温度后酒糟和剩余污泥AcoD体系容易酸化,且高温下提高有机负荷后系统也难以成功运行。与高温AcoD体系相比,中温环境下产气量和挥发性固体、COD去除率以及总碱度和氨氮浓度降低。这是因为升高温度可提高有机物水解率、减少固体废物量从而增加产气量。高温下对有机氮矿化程度高[48],向体系中释放的NH4+-N浓度较高。但是,在系统稳定性和多酚类化合物去除方面明显强于高温环境(表3)。促进水解过程的同时大量的VFAs产生并积累,严重抑制产甲烷菌活性。中温环境下微生物群多样性高[12,46],各类微生物群分布较为均衡(表2),对多酚化合物去除效果更好。

表3 葡萄酒固体废弃物与污泥共消化


Note:WL:wine lee,CSTR:continuous stirred tank reactor,TS is Total Solid, the same below.

3.2 葡萄酒固体废弃物和剩余污泥中主要的抑制因子

葡萄酒固体废弃物中高浓度的K+和TPP对厌氧微生物具有毒性。据报道称,一定范围的K+浓度可以缓解氨抑制,Lin等[50]发现,添加0.58~0.6 g/L K+能够缓解高浓度氨对厌氧产酸的影响。但是,酒糟中K+浓度常超过2.5 g/L,容易使产甲烷菌中毒凋亡,而且VFAs积累和甲烷产量降低的现象在中温环境中更突出[2,22,51]。多酚类化合物通常分为类黄酮类物质和非类黄酮类物质两大类,前者包括花色苷及衍生物、黄酮醇类和黄烷醇类,后者中含有酚酸类、芪类[52],种类繁多、组分复杂。具有植物毒性的多酚类化合物存在于葡萄皮和籽中,并能抑制产甲烷菌等微生物的酶活性,是共消化的抑制性底物[53-54]。Mkruqulwa等[55]将木薯废水与酒糟AcoD发现,多酚类化合物抑制了产甲烷菌活性。


4 基于乙醇建立的DIET

众多研究表明,厌氧消化涉及的胞外电子传递体系包括:MIET(Mediated Interspecies Electron Transfer,间接种间电子传递)和DIET 2种机制[17-18,60]。其中,MIET依靠H2和甲酸盐两种方式传递电子(图3a),DIET依靠细菌的导电鞭毛(e-pili)和细胞色素(OmcS)传递电子。与MIET相比,产酸菌通过DIET无需载体即将电子传递给产甲烷菌,传递效率更高。同时,对缓解无机离子、有机物的抑制和强化难生物降解物质的降解作用效果显著[61]。然而,DIET机制难以在常规厌氧消化体系中建立,但有研究表明可添加乙醇或与碳基材料共同来建立DIET机制[18,62]。

4.1 乙醇与剩余污泥共消化建立DIET


图3 种间电子传递机制图

表4 乙醇与不同底物AcoD性能


Note:UASB:upflow anaerobic sludge blanket,AFBR:anaerobic fluidized bed reactor.

代谢乙醇产生的能量主要用于微生物生长,细胞物质合成和参与生化反应三个方面。作为典型的DIET产电菌在大多数传统的厌氧反应器菌群中难以被检出,但是在乙醇与WAS的AcoD体系中得到富集[61,63]。乙醇可刺激等产电菌分泌能与嗜电古菌形成DIET所需的导电菌丝等细胞物质[68]。代谢乙醇产生的能量(-31.6 kJ/mol)可用于抵消短链脂肪酸(丙酸/丁酸等)转化为乙酸所需能量(+76.2/+48.4 kJ/mol),从而促进VFAs降解和增加甲烷产量[65,69]。

4.2 乙醇与碳基材料协同促进DIET

碳基材料(活性炭、生物炭、石墨烯和碳布等)因其优异的物化性质(存在碱性官能团、具备氧化还原特性、比表面积大等)在维持消化系统稳定及微生物活性和提高种间电子转移效率等方面发挥重要作用[70-71]。尤其是碳基材料的导电性,可代替/弥补e-pili和OmcS蛋白等细胞物质在产电细菌和嗜电古菌之间建立DIET并富集相关功能菌[70-73](图 3c,3d)。

Liu等[74]以乙醇为唯一碳源纯培养.和.,添加颗粒活性炭发现乙醇代谢速率加快、甲烷产量增加14倍。同时,还发现生物炭[75]、碳布[76]等碳基材料在.和.纯培养体系中起到加速乙醇代谢产甲烷的作用。乙醇与碳基材料积极的协同效果在多种废水处理系统中被体现,Zhao等[77]在处理生物乙醇型发酵产物发现,添加250 g/L 颗粒活性炭后COD去除率和甲烷产量分别增加6.4和8.7%;Zhao等[78]向含乙醇的甘蔗渣中加入100 g/L颗粒活性炭发现,甲烷产量和产甲烷速率分别增加3.1和3.3倍。碳基材料添加后体系常表现出产甲烷速率加快、甲烷产量增加,这得益于碳基材料通过自身的导电性建立DIET从而促进底物降解和提高代谢速率,与乙醇共同缩短DIET功能菌的富集时间和加快底物利用速率。

表5 乙醇与多种碳材料共同促进DIET

5 展 望

5.1 明晰代谢机制


5.2 DIET机制的建立和确定



5.3 建立共消化模型

厌氧消化模型(Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1,ADM1)通过设定模型组分、建立动力学方程来描述反应过程中参与的生化和物化进程,广泛用于厌氧消化工艺的设计、模拟和预测[84]。Garcia-Gen等[85]在上流式厌氧污泥床中混合葡萄酒废水、明胶和猪粪,并基于ADM1模型建立了一套AcoD模型。Ripoll等[86]建立葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥中温半连续混合消化模型,并由此探究有机负荷对有机物去除、甲烷产量及代谢动力学的影响。但是,采摘季与非采摘季葡萄酒废弃物的水质、水量差异大,且中、高温环境中微生物活性也明显不同,需分别针对性的建立AcoD模型。为进一步阐明不同运行参数对AcoD性能影响机制和提高AcoD效能提供有效的依据。

6 结 论


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Research progress of anaerobic co-digestion of winery waste and residue activated sludge

Yu Lifang1, Wang Ze1, Ma Zhixuan1, Fan Ye1, Jiang Rui1, Yang Jiayi1, Zheng Lanxiang2,3

(1.,,710055,; 2.,,750021,; 3.,750021,)

Anaerobic digestion has been widely used in the disposal of various industrial wastes. However, the load shock and microbial loss have been caused by the high chemical oxygen demand (COD) content, low pH, and seasonal production of winery waste. Meanwhile, the low methane production efficiency cannot fully meet the requirements, particularly for the complex components and low hydrolysis rate of the waste activated sludge. Anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) can be expected to serve a pivotal disposal way for the winery waste and waste activated sludge, due to the balance nutrients, loss inhibitory effects, high microbial synergy, and methane production. A systematic review was made on the research progress in the AcoD process of the wine wastewater and waste activated sludge. Two systems were selected as the wine wastewater and waste activated sludge, as well as the wine solid waste and waste activated sludge. The main factors of two systems were summarized in the AcoD performance. The wine wastewater was mainly from the processes, such as pressing, pouring, filtering, and cleaning. At the same time, there were also the high COD content, low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, high generation, and seasonal production. Thus, the optimal mixing ratio was performed to determine the suitable contents of nutrients and C/N ratio. An investigation was also made on the impact of the short-term, large-scale high-concentrations wastewater in the AcoD system during the picking seasons (9~11). Three types of substances were consists of the unfermented juice residues (stems) sediments after fermentation (waste yeast), and filters (diatomaceous earth) in the wine lees, which was the main solid waste in the winery production process. Wine lees were characterized by the low pH, low C/N ratio, high total solids, as well as the high-concentrations of K+ and polyphenols. Generally, the hydrolysis was considered as the rate-limiting step for the WAS in the AcoD process. The approach was applied to raise the temperature for the better hydrolysis and solubilization of organic components. The impact of multiple toxic substances were investigated in the AcoD system. The accumulated antibiotics and heavy metals were considered as the negative for the microbes. Secondly, a summary was made on the ethanol-based direct interspecies electron transfer in the AcoD. The extracellular electron transfer system (EET) was involved two main types of mechanisms: the mediated interspecies electron transfer (MIET) and direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) in the anaerobic digestion. Compared with the MIET, the DIET was considered to be a more efficient electron transfer pathway through the cell components (e-pili or cytochrome OmcS) without relying on the electron carriers. Although the DIET between the bacteria and methanogens was difficult to establish in the conventional anaerobic digestion system, the establishment of DIET can be promoted by adding ethanol or cooperating with the carbon-based materials. Ethanol was set as the substrate in the AcoD system functions, as the precursor to stimulate DIET by enriching the electroactive microbes for the co-digesting complex organic wastes. Therefore, the ethanol was widely applied as the electron donor in the presence of carbon-based materials to induce the DIET. The carbon-based materials presented the high conductivity to promote the DIET, in order to accelerate the substrates degradation for the less enrichment time of functional microbes. Ultimately, the omics technologies were used as the community-substrate metabolic coupling of the AcoD system. The finding can provide a strong reference to clarify the methanogenesis metabolic pathway for the co-digestion models, in order to characterize the metabolic kinetics in the AcoD process.

wastes; sludge; anaerobic co-digestion; ethanol; direct interspecies electron transfer





于莉芳,王泽,马芷萱,等. 葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(20):199-208.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.20.023

Yu Lifang, Wang Ze, Ma Zhixuan, et al. Research progress of anaerobic co-digestion of winery waste and residue activated sludge[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(20): 199-208. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.20.023





