

考试与评价·高一版 2021年4期



The Best Love

I have been married to Scott for 20 years. He has _1_ 15 pounds. Once a marathon runner, he now runs only down _2_ halls. His hair is becoming less and his body shows the _3_ of long working hours and too many candy bars.

When my friend asked me “What will make this love last?” I ran through all the obvious _4_: responsibility, unselfishness, physical attraction, communication. Yet theres more. We still have fun. Last Saturday at the grocery, we split the shopping _5_ and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first. We _6_ being together.

There is understanding. I understand why he must play basketball with the guys. And he understands why, once a year, I must get away from the house to _7_ my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.

There is sharing. Not only do we _8_ household worries and parental burdens—we also share _9_. Once, Scott sent me a thick historical novel. _10_ he prefers thrillers (驚险小说) and science fiction, he had read the novel first. He _11_ my heart when he explained it was because he wanted to be able to _12_ ideas about the book after Id read it.

There is forgiveness. When Im embarrassingly loud and _13_ at parties, Scott forgives me. When he admitted _14_ some of our savings in the stock market, I gave him a hug and said, “Its nothing _15_. Its only money.”

Finally there is sensitivity(多愁善感). Last week he came home and told me about a        60-year-old woman whod had a stroke (中风) and would probably never _16_. He wept as he recalled the womans _17_ standing beside her bed, holding her hand. I _18_, too. Because it was of the medical crisis. Because there were still people who had been married 40 years. Because my husband is still moved and _19_ after years of hospital rooms and dying patients.

I guess weve got what it _20_ to make our love last.

1. A. reduced                B. lost              C. gained                D. made

2. A. hospital                B. college               C. concert         D. lecture

3. A. abilities                B. chances        C. sign             D. rights

4. A. methods               B. reasons        C. solutions       D. advantages

5. A. basket            B. center                C. cost             D. list

6. A. avoid             B. enjoy                 C. hate             D. mind

7. A. meet              B. leave            C. attend                D. follow

8. A. bear               B. share                 C. tolerate        D. escape

9. A. happiness       B. sorrow               C. interests       D. ideas

10. A. Though         B. Since            C. Unless                D. Once

11. A. hurt              B. took            C. stuck            D. touched

12. A. exchange       B. express        C. find              D. provide

13. A. polite            B. gentle                C. crazy            D. enthusiastic

14. A. increasing      B. losing                 C. getting          D. winning

15. A. strange               B. interesting           C. special               D. serious

16. A. move                 B. walk             C. speak                D. recover

17. A. daughter       B. son              C. husband       D. brother

18. A. cried             B. smiled                C. regretted       D. agreed

19. A. excited               B. astonished          C. concerned           D. delighted

20. A. means                B. takes                 C. promises      D. brings


“The first thing that came to my mind was, ‘Theyre having a worse night than me, and so thats when I offered to help,” Landry Scott said.

Recognizing how _1_ it was and realizing he had better _2_ in his car, Landry approached Randy Head and asked if he needed any assistance.

Randy, who lived in a tent in a wooded area, _3_ the last of the money in his pocket to put air in a young womans spare tire (備胎). He said that there was “nothing _4_” about the generous act; it was just “the decent (正当的) thing to do”. He said, “I havent cured cancer. Im not Superman. I just _5_ a tire. I was simply helping out another in _6_.”

The 61-year-old said he thought of his daughters when he noticed the _7_ driver get out of her car, and how he hoped someone would _8_ them if they were in trouble. Having done hard labor for over 30 years before becoming homeless last year, Randy said he was _9_ to get his hands _10_ once again. The woman offered him $20 for his help, but Randy politely _11_  the money.

Landry _12_ the story online, along with two pictures of Randy helping the woman. The post has since been shared nearly 3,000 times. Strangers who saw Landrys post reached out to him and _13_ how they could help, so the next day Landry _14_ the homeless man and asked him what he needed. Randy _15_ that he wouldnt mind somewhere to _16_ from the cold and windy weather. Landry then _17_ Randy a room at the Red Roof Inn for five nights. Also, Landry has already _18_ $2,850 for Randy.

“Im still the _19_ nobody I was before Monday night,” Randy said. “But if one _20_ thing can come out of all of this, I hope to re-establish common decency and common respect—because neither of those things is that common anymore.”

1. A. bright             B. cold                   C. dangerous                D. quiet

2. A. signs              B. gifts                   C. suits                  D. tools

3. A. used              B. earned                     C. saved                      D. lent

4. A. wrong            B. illegal                       C. funny                      D. amazing

5. A. removed                   B. changed             C. carried               D. borrowed

6. A. charge            B. conflict               C. need                  D. silence

7. A. female            B. drunk                      C. professional              D. important

8. A. thank             B. welcome            C. persuade            D. assist

9. A. surprised                   B. delighted            C. embarrassed       D. afraid

10. A. dirty             B. injured               C. full                    D. free

11. A. donated              B. prepared            C. refused              D. collected

12. A. shared                B. recorded             C. appreciated              D. believed

13. A. explained       B. imagined            C. asked                      D. remembered

14. A. sent for              B. came across             C. learned from       D. sought out

15. A. repeated       B. responded                C. promised            D. predicted

16. A. benefit               B. escape                    C. hear                  D. rise

17. A. showed              B. sold                   C. booked              D. built

18. A. raised                 B. returned             C. lost                   D. owed

19. A. only             B. special                     C. secret                      D. same

20. A. simple                B. strange                    C. positive              D. obvious


How to read a novel 如何阅读小说