World Integrated Medicine Master SHI Xuemin (石学敏)



ZOU Jian-hua (邹建华), CHANG Ying-hui (常颖慧), DU Yu-zheng (杜宇征), MA Tai (马 泰),HE Jie (何 洁), DAI Xiao-yu (戴晓矞), SHI Hui-yan (史慧妍), GAO Ying (高 莹)

1. World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Beijing 100101, China

2. The First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300381, China

Correspondence to: Pro. ZOU Jian-hua, Tel: 010-58650357, Email:


Shi Xuemin (June 6, 1938-) is a world-famous expert in TCM and acupuncture and moxibustion,Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering,National Master of TCM, representative inheritor of acupuncture and moxibustion of national intangible cultural heritage project, founder of modern Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, winner of National Outstanding Contribution Award of Traditional Chinese Medicine, winner of the honorary title of "China's Good Doctor" and "Most Beautiful Doctor" by National Health Commission of the People' Republic of China. He graduated from Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1962. Currently, he is the honorary president,professor, chief physician, doctoral supervisor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, senior consultant of China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,national expert with outstanding contributions,expert of acupuncture and moxibustion with title in Tianjin, the first "Member of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences", the highest academic title of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences "Member of Academician of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences",director of the National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion.

Academician Shi Xuemin is the leader of acupuncture and moxibustion in the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been practicing acupuncture for 59 years (2021). He intensively studied the ancient books, combined with modern medical theories,gave a detailed explanation of the symptoms of the twelve meridians, and made a high-level summary of the"diseases caused by disorder of this channel" and"diseases of viscera connecting with this channel".In the early 1970s, he established the"Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method and had set up a new way to treat stroke. Founded in the early 1980s, "acupuncture manipulation measurement" has filled the gap in the development of acupuncture and moxibustion science and has been widely used in the treatment of a variety of refractory and miscellaneous diseases.He has invented "Naoxueshuan Tablet" (脑血栓片),"Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule"(丹芪偏瘫胶囊) and other drugs, and then combined with"Awakening Brain" acupuncture method, created"stroke unit" therapy, which has created a new idea for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Up to now, he has presided over more than 43 scientific research projects, including the National 973 Project,among which he has won 1 National Science and Technology Progress Award, 33 Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (times), 3 State Education Commission and Tianjin Teaching Achievement Award, and 6 national patents. He has trained more than 300 masters, doctors and postdoctors at home and abroad, published more than 100 papers, and published more than 55 books. Served as a guest professor of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Medicine in many countries,and conducted scientific research cooperation with many countries, and contributed to the globalization of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Academician Shi Xuemin studied medical books


Academician Shi Xuemin was born in June 1938 in a peasant family in Shigezhuang Village,Dasi Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin. He was the second of seven brothers and sisters. Although the family was poor, the brothers and sisters were very diligent and humble to each other. When he was in primary school, an outbreak of infectious jaundice broke out in his hometown. Many of his family members, both old and young, fell ill. Many people died due to lack of medicine treatment and medicine.He had just turned seven and was taken to his aunt's house to "take refuge". At that time he thought: why is this disease so difficult to cure, I grow up to be a doctor, for the villagers to treat, relieve the villagers'pain. At that time, although his family life was poor,he could only go to class for half a day, work odd jobs for others, to subsidize a little tuition, but he was still studying tirelessly, and determined to study medicine.

When Academician Shi Xuemin graduated from middle school, he resolutely chose medicine and was admitted to the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (now Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine), which was just established. He became one of the earliest TCM students in China.

During the college years, on the eve of the anti-"Right opportunism" movement and the Great Cultural Revolution, college students took part in various political movements as the main force.However, during his studies, Academician Shi Xuemin had no distractions and devoted himself to thinking and reading only the writings of the sages. His outstanding achievements in the field of acupuncture and moxibustion are based on his diligent pursuit of ancient teachings and extensive learning during his school years. In addition, he is very keen on physical exercise, and he is also the captain of the school team. His vigorous figure is often seen on the basketball court, where not only exercises his strong and healthy body, but also creates his fearless, courageous, tenacious and enterprising character.

Academician Shi Xuemin worked hard to practice acupuncture and moxibustion techniques.He thickly folded the paper with raw edges and pierced with needles every day. From the beginning,he couldn't pierce the needle until it penetrated the paper back. Used a variety of acupuncture techniques to pierce, and the hands will peel off.After practicing this way, the slender silver needle seemed to have life in the hands of Academician Shi Xuemin. "This is the power of hands. We who do acupuncture and moxibustion have very good hand microcirculation. This is kung fu." Whenever he talks about this period of student life, Academician Shi Xuemin is full of emotion. The books he has read in the past are deeply imprinted in his mind, and he can still export into chapters and recite large sections of ancient medical writings and other works.The teachers and classmates who had been with him for many years commented that Shi Xuemin had three outstanding points, that is, his "energy,perseverance and tenacity", which laid a good foundation for his future career success.

In 1962, after graduating from the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academician Shi Xuemin came to work at the First Affiliated Hospital as a physician of TCM. At that time, the hospital leader talked to him, asked him to become an administrative leader, he said, leadership is not my strong point, I can not leave my patients. So, he stayed in the ward and steadily diagnosed and treated patients. Two years later, he was sent to Beijing to attend a national acupuncture seminar organized by the Ministry of Health.This is a training course for senior acupuncture and moxibustion talents held by the Ministry of Health in order to strengthen foreign exchanges. At that time, the students who participated in this course were all outstanding talents selected from all over the country and taught by wellknown chinese acupuncture and moxibustion experts.Under the guidance of the famous masters of TCM in the country, Academician Shi Xuemin has benefited a lot and developed a strong interest in acupuncture and moxibustion. He realized that there are still many gaps in the field of acupuncture and moxibustion in China, and there is a lot of work to be done to keep up with the development of science and technology.Finally, he embarked on the road of acupuncture and moxibustion.

In March 1966, the strongest earthquake occurred in Xingtai, Hebei Province, with a large number of people killed or injured. Shi Xuemin was appointed as the head of the Tianjin medical rescue team to the earthquake-stricken area. He led the medical team to fight in the front line of the disaster area. Those earthquake patients who were not fully paraplegic and nerve damage recovered in about 10 days after acupuncture treatment. Doctors were not enough, Shi Xuemin taught the medical team nurses according to his method of needle,treatment of a large number of earthquake injured,magical acupuncture flashes in the earthquake area.Since then, he had been strengthened his belief in acupuncture research.

Young Academician Shi Xuemin is treating patients

Famous scientist Zhu Guangya inscribed four vigorous and powerful characters for Shi Xuemin—"ghost hand magic needle". The front page of Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao reported that his acupuncture and moxibustion skills were hailed as "the first needle in China".


In the early 1970s, Academician Shi Xuemin worked and lectured in many countries and enjoyed a good reputation in the world. In Britain, the United States, France and other countries, his annual salary can reach $1 million. But he turned down the offer of a high salary from an overseas medical institution and returned to China to start his hard business.

Demonstrate acupuncture and moxibustion operation in foreign countries

"I don't care much about material life,"Academician Shi said. "Big houses and fancy cars are not my favorites. Only when you go back to your own country and have your own place will you feel at ease. In a word, no matter how beautiful overseas is, it is not our own home, with no spiritual sustenance. Only in China can we have a richer spiritual life, realize our pursuit of life, and realize our dream of leaving something for our history and future generations."

A group photo taken at the Duolun Road in 1980

But starting a business isn't easy! Compared with the superior conditions abroad, his domestic business was almost from scratch. At that time,the First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin was located on Duolun Road in downtown He Ping District. The outpatient department was located in a European-style building at the intersection of Duolun Road, Hebei Road,and the inpatient department was located at the intersection of Duolun Road, Gansu Road, which was a two-story courtyard dominated by Japanese style buildings. At that time, before the end of the Cultural Revolution, Shi Xuemin, who had just returned to the hospital, found that the name of the acupuncture department had been cancelled and was then called "new medicine department",with no wards and only a few outpatient clinics.Acupuncturists were also deprived of their right to prescribe and register their patients, and could only accept patients transferred from other departments,even those without medical qualifications. People without medical qualifications could also treat patients. Facing this chaotic situation, Shi Xuemin resolutely proposed to rebuild the acupuncture department, and to train their own talents.He also put forward the "15-year plan" of "building a base,training a team of talents and creating a number of achievements". In the first five years, he said, we should learn from the whole country and cultivate talents.In the second five years, the base would be established to ensure that the reserve of talents would reached a certain level.In the third five years,we would make innovations and let the whole country learn from us. At that time, some people thought it was impossible to achieve, and they were bragging. This plan had been confirmed in the practice since then. Not long after the establishment of the acupuncture department, the emergency group was established, and the acupuncture emergency department was gradually established, forming the first aid, medical treatment and rehabilitation system of acupuncture and moxibustion, which laid the foundation for the establishment and development of the acupuncture ward.

Academician Shi Xuemin gave diagnosis and treatment to the villagers

In the 1980s, academician Shi Xuemin led and encouraged the medical staff of the hospital to carry out scientific research and promote clinical practice through scientific research. The department of acupuncture and moxibustion treated stroke,paraplegia, peripheral neuropathy, cholelithiasis,diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory and circulatory system, etc; Pediatric traditional Chinese medicine for myocarditis,epilepsy, pediatric fever, pediatric digestive system diseases; Surgical treatment of diabetes gangrene, ulcer, breast disease, etc; Ophthalmology treatment of fundus vascular disease, etc; Medical treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, etc; Oncology department of traditional Chinese medicine, chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced cancer and other scientific research projects had won a good reputation in Tianjin. At this stage, scientific research drove and promoted the development of the department. Academician Shi Xuemin gave full support to the established advantages of the discipline.Including: policy,personnel, equipment, funds, etc, to give full play to the advantages of each department, promote the development of superior disciplines to basic research,frontier research, to provide scientific basis for clinical treatment. Each superior discipline has become the national or provincial level key discipline.

To strengthen the hospital management with pioneering spirit, it is necessary to walk out a road of hospital development with its own characteristics.Academician Shi Xuemin proposed the discipline construction direction of "development in the outpatient department, success in the ward",form the medical core of "one elderly, one small,one urgent", and establish a high-level modern discipline. To expand the scope of medical services, while giving full play to the advantages of Chinese medicine, the team has introduced large and advanced testing equipment such as nuclear magnetic field, CT, color ultrasound and biochemistry, and established superior disciplines of modern medicine such as emergency department,brain surgery, cardiac surgery and interventional center, so as to guarantee the development of Chinese medicine.In addition, a large number of basic research personnel and equipment are introduced, and efforts are made to explore scientific basis for TCM treatment.

Academician Shi Xuemin is working with researchers in the laboratory

Academician Shi Xuemin argues that TCM acupuncture combined with modern scientific methods, the introduction of modern clinical scientific research instruments and equipment, the firstclass equipment for development of acupuncture and moxibustion, and lead the acupuncture doctors learn on the study of manipulation, micropuncture therapy, awn needle therapy, unit therapy and other therapies have been painstakingly researched, has obtained the remarkable result. At present, the First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tianjin ranks fourth among TCM hospitals in China based on the distinctive advantages and scientific and technological influence of TCM. The big sign of the China Acupuncture Center hangs in front of the main hospital building, attracting the attention of the world. The department of acupuncture and moxibustion now has more than 140 doctors and researchers. The number of beds in the acupuncture and moxibustion department has grown from 40 when the department was founded in the 1970s to more than 600 now, an increase of 15 times, accounting for 1/3 of all acupuncture beds in hospitals of Chinese traditional medicinein the country. Acupuncture and moxibustion subjects account for 30% of all hospitalized patients, with an average of more than 2,000 outpatient visits per day, making it the largest acupuncture discipline in the country.

In 2018, Academician Shi Xuemin led the academic team of the hospital to be approved as the National Clinical Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture), becoming a banner in the field of TCM acupuncture.


Acupuncture and moxibustion could treat more than 140 kinds of diseases. Then, which diseases have the most effective treatment? Which diseases should be chosen as the starting point? After a lot of observation, stroke and its complications are on the top four intractable diseases recognized in the world.Academician Shi Xuemin chose stroke, a refractory disease in the world's medical history, and devoted himself to acupuncture and moxibustion with the consciousness and methods of modern technology.The research on the treatment has opened up a new way for Chinese acupuncture to treat stroke.

Academician Shi Xuemin made ward rounds

There was a record of stroke in TCM more than 2000 years ago. The etiology and pathogenesis of stroke were quite different from each other in the past dynasties, but most of them had ignored the"shen"(spirit) treatment of stroke patients. Based on the study of ancient medical books, combined with modern medical theories, Shi Xuemin gave a detailed explanation of the symptoms and syndromes of the twelve meridians through careful clinical observation, and made a high-level summary of the "diseases caused by disorder of this channel"and "diseases of viscera connecting with this channel". He believes that "diseases caused by disorder of this channel" and "diseases of viscera connecting with this channel" are a broad concept,which is a comprehensive description of the transmission and outcome of the twelve meridians and their connected viscera during the physiological transformation of the pathology, which should include etiology, disease location, urgency of onset, duration of disease, deficiency or excess, appearance or fundamental, prognostic outcome, etc. "diseases caused by disorder of this channel"is induced by external factors, the onset is acute, the course of the disease is short, the disease location is on the surface, and the symptoms are mostly Yang, real,and heat, and the prognosis is good; The"diseases of viscera connecting with this channel"is transformed from "diseases caused by disorder of this channel",or the internal organs are diseased by themselves,the onset is slow, the course of the disease is long,and the disease is located in the inside, mostly with the syndrome of inside, deficiency, and cold,and the prognosis is more poor. In addition, an incisive analysis of the "liujue syndromes" in the twelve meridian syndromes has been carried out,and some vague concepts have been clarified, so that the theoretical foundation of acupuncture and moxibustion is more solid, and it has practical clinical guiding significance. The criteria for analyzing the prognosis of the disease. "Any cure must first be based on Shen". Academician Shi Xuemin established a new principle for the treatment of brain diseases with the core of regulating "brain Shen".On the basis of the understanding of the pathogenesis of apoplexy, the method of "Awakening Brain"(Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture was established."Awakening Brain (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method" to break the "treat impotent alone take Yang Ming" of the traditional theory, instead, give priority to with Yin meridian, Yang meridian is complementary, changed the past dynasties in use is given priority to with Yang meridian, Yin meridian is complementary treatments, adjust du meridian,dredge Yinwei, replenish kidney Yang, into the top of the brain, breeding the marrow to wake the brain,nourish water and extinguishing wind, complement and reduce, complement each other. And introduced the acupuncture area of modern means of science and technology first, based on experiment from the aspects of morphology, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc, according to "Awakening Brain"(Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method can protect the cell morphology, reduce neuronal damage,promote cells regeneration and repair, and promote to establish collateral circulation, clinical practice has proved that "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao)acupuncture method for stroke disease curative effect is distinguished, and treated the sooner, the better the results. "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method not only stroke disease, such as hemiplegia after stroke, aphasia,hemianopsia, ataxia, difficulty swallowing, excretion disorders, cognitive dysfunction, depression, anxiety effects and complications of emotional disorders,etc, also used in the recovery after brain injury or brain surgery, multiple sclerosis, central nervous injury diseases such as extrapyramidal disease,brachial plexus injury, sciatic nerve injury, sural nerve injury, spinal cord and nerve root lesions and peripheral nerve disease, depression, anxiety,perimenstrual syndrome, hysteria, neurosis,autonomic nerve disorder, gastrointestinal disorders,and other psychosocial diseases, at the same time in a variety of causes of pain, especially acute pain analgesia also received the ideal effect.

The process of acupuncture treatment is the process of replenishing and reducing diseases by using various techniques on the basis of distinguishing between deficiency and actuality and determining acupoints. As all kinds of acupuncture manipulations belong to mechanical stimulation in nature, both reinforcing and reducing methods involve the problem of the amount of stimulation,that is, the therapeutic dose. How much "dose"should be used in the operation of various tonifying and reducing techniques is a problem that doctors in all dynasties have not been able to make clear.The practitioners either determine the amount of acupuncture according to the method inherited by teachers or based on limited experience, which lacks operational norms and is often one-sided and blind, making it difficult for later scholars to grasp. Academician Shi Xuemin believes that the science of acupuncture and moxibustion belongs to the category of natural science and should have its own clear and scientific concept of quantity. In the early 1980s, academician Shi Xuemin first put forward the theory of "acupuncture manipulation measurement" on the basis of in-depth study of ancient medical books and with the help of modern scientific means. He led the team from clinical to basic research, the effective acupuncture treatment of more than 30 kinds of diseases one by one,one by one point technique best quantity to learn the standard screening study, in the wake of brain begin to understand acupuncture treatments for stroke on the basis of the quantitative technique research summarized "vertebral basilar artery blood supply deficiency" and "no pulse syndrome","bronchial asthma", "coronary heart disease","cholelith disease", "high blood pressure", "habitual constipation", "paraplegia", "cervical spondylosis and lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion", and other diseases of Regularity of acupuncture volume. The four major elements of acupuncture techniques,including the direction of the acupuncture force, the size, the operation time, and the interval between two acupuncture, are scientifically defined, which has changed the state of neglect of measurement in acupuncture in the past and made acupuncture treatment more standardized, repeatability, and operability, so that acupuncture treatment has risen from qualitative replenishment and reduction to quantitative level, filled a gap in the history of acupuncture.

At that time when acupuncture was simply promoted as "a needle with silver and a blade of grass", Academician Shi Xuemin strongly disapproved of this view. "Traditional Chinese medicine is not so simple, it is a science." "Scientific things should be subjected to rigorous, scientific experiments."Under the guidance of this concept,Shi Xuemin led the team to start a comprehensive study of acupuncture treatment of cerebrovascular diseases with acupuncture and moxibustion that has the characteristics of Chinese medicine and scientific rigor. In 1982, "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method won the second prize of Tianjin Science and Technology Progress, which was the first scientific research achievement in the history of the First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tianjin. He studied and established the "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao)acupuncture method for the treatment of stroke and its sequelae, and formulated a clear quantitative standard in acupuncture manipulation."Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method and"Shi's stroke unit therapy" have been serialized and standardized, and have been widely used in various diseases such as stroke, with unique curative effects. More than 2 million patients have been treated, and excellent clinical effects have been achieved. The social and economic benefits generated are hard to be calculated by numbers.With the update of modern instruments and the further expansion of basic experimental research,this acupuncture method has been continuously verified.


In practice for the treatment of stroke, he constantly summarize and improve, gradually established a "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao)acupuncture method as the core of "new stroke unit therapy", the characteristics of the cell therapy is to carry out individualized treatment plan, scientific and reasonable combination of TCM, acupuncture,western medicine, rehabilitation, psychological,diet, and other therapies, organic integration of various kinds of therapy, the characteristics and advantages of fully integrated various therapy to the treatment of stroke has formed a "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method of procedural system of scientific comprehensive treatment, the results in 2003 was identified as the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine promotion project.

Academician Shi Xuemin has not only made great achievements in the science of acupuncture and moxibustion, but also has a profound foundation in TCM. He has devoted himself to the research of TCM and the development of special diseases and drugs. He made great efforts to study the application of TCM and reform TCM prescriptions to make it easier to use and improve clinical repeatability. In the past 50 years, Academician Shi Xuemin has not only successfully developed two commercial drugs:Naoxueshuan Tablet (脑血栓片) and Danqi Piantan(hemiplegia) Capsule (丹芪偏瘫胶囊). In addition, a variety of hospital preparations such as Stroke Pill(中风丸), Naoxueshuan Pill (脑血栓丸), Xingnao Zhitan (Awakening Brain to cure paralysis) Capsule(醒脑治瘫胶囊), Zhenxi I (针洗1号), Fuzheng Oral Liquid (扶正口服液), Yishen Yanggan Oral Liquid (益肾养肝口服液), Huayu Tongmai Decoction (化瘀通脉汤剂) have been developed. The combination of acupuncture and medicine has become an important part of Shi's stroke unit therapy.

Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule (丹芪偏瘫胶囊) has the effect of invigorating qi and activating blood, clearing phlegm and extinguishing wind. In 2001, it obtained the national new drug certificate(national medicine approval word Z20010105), and in 2002, it obtained the national GMP certification and went into production and went on the market.Danqi Piantan capsule is not only popular in China,Singapore commissioned 5 qualified national hospitals to re-examine Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia)Capsule (丹芪偏瘫胶囊), drug concept conclusion is very ideal, was approved as Singapore commodity Chinese patent medicine, and listed in Singapore.

Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule (丹芪偏瘫胶囊) has been internationally recognized, and is the only Chinese patent medicine with international recognition and international code (MLC601) in the treatment of stroke. Foreign scholars attach great importance to Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule.Since the beginning of the research in 2007, 10 foreign research papers have been published.

The research conclusions of these articles can be summarized as follows: compared with the control Chinese patent medicine, Danqi Piantan capsule can significantly improve the neurological function deficit of patients and improve the quality of life. Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule (丹芪偏瘫胶囊) can prevent neuronal death, promote nerve regeneration,promote cell proliferation, neurite growth, and promote the development of dense axon and dendritic network. The ultra early application of this product can reduce the mortality rate of stroke, which is of great significance for the treatment of stroke in different periods. Danqi Piantan (hemiplegia) Capsule(丹芪偏瘫胶囊) did not significantly change the blood,hemostasis and biochemical parameters of normal subjects and stroke patients. It has good security.


Since Academician Shi Xuemin reorganized the discipline of acupuncture and moxibustion , he has put introducing acupuncture and moxibustion abroad and contributing to the medical and health care of mankind on his agenda. As early as the end of the 1970s, he started overseas medical and lecture work in Japan, Germany and other countries. At that time,China's diplomacy was not fully opened up, and international academic exchanges had just begun.However, our overseas medical treatment and lectures on acupuncture was successful. After that,especially during Academician Shi Xuemin's tenure as the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, overseas cooperation on acupuncture and massage was fully developed. Various forms of medical cooperation and technical exchanges was successively carried out with 60 countries and regions including the United States, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, the former Yugoslavia, Mexico,Canada, Romania, Russia, and New Zealand. The extremely high evaluation from medical professionals and patients on TCM has embarked on its own overseas medical path of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,and has also opened up a precedent for China's TCM and acupuncture and moxibustion towards the world.Germany awarded Academician Shi Xuemin the honor of vice president of the Institute of Traditional Medicine. When he was hired, China's national flag,the five-star red flag, was flying over the square of the institute. He not only felt the dignity of being a scholar and expert, but also the honor and pride of the motherland.

In 1968, Academician Shi Xuemin participated in Chinese Foreign Aid Medical Team in Algeria.He opened the door to international medicine with silver needles and made contributions to the health of patients in many African countries. At that time,Algeria's Deputy Minister of National Defense Sabu was injured on horseback while hunting and was paralyzed for more than half a year. He invited more than a dozen of well-known doctors from European countries for treatment, but none of them improved his condition. When the doctors were at a loss, some people suggested that doctors from the Chinese medical team could try. Therefore,Algerian officials took Academician Shi Xuemin from a remote small town in northern Algeria to the highlevel hospital in Mascara. Academician Shi Xuemin diagnosed that the deputy minister was suffering from lumbar hyperplasia after a short inspection.He was paralyzed in bed due to unbearable pain of sciatica caused by the fall. Sabu, who was lying on the bed, looked closely at Academician Shi Xuemin and asked, "Can you cure it?" Academician Shi Xuemin replied firmly and concisely in French:"It can be cured!" After that, he took out a threeinch needle, selected the correct acupoint to insert the needle and applied the technique. After a while, Academician Shi Xuemin lifted the needle out and said gently: "Please raise your leg!" Sabu did not hear clearly or did not believe his ears.Academician Shi Xuemin repeated: "Please raise your leg!" Sabu carefully lifted his leg up slightly,and then raised it up. Following Academician Shi Xuemin's order, the nurse helped Sabu up to stand on the carpet, supported him to move his legs and take a step: one, two, three... The official next to him was dumbfounded and said: "Unbelievable,Unbelievable." Sabu hugged Academician Shi Xuemin tightly with tears. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Algeria's largest newspaper, the Mujahideen,published the news next day. The news highly praised it at its end: "This is not witchcraft or magic,but China's 3000-years-old medical magic treasure."Academician Shi Xuemin made a sensation in Mascara and Algeria. Academician Shi Xuemin's silver needles not only fascinated Algerians, but even patients from neighboring countries. They came faraway to seek medical treatment from Academician Shi Xuemin, and lined up long at the hospital's door, which asked Academician Shi Xuemin to work more than ten hours everyday.Academician Shi Xuemin's superb medical skills caused a sensation in this land of Africa, and the leaders of African countries and the common people all praised the magical effects of acupuncture.During his three years in Algeria, he treated more than 100,000 patients. After Academician Shi Xuemin returned to China, his exquisite acupuncture skills not only stayed in Algeria, but also took root,blossomed, and bore fruit in Gabon, Congo and many other African countries. Even today, after more than 40 years, local people still talk about the brilliant "Chinese Shi" then.

In the 1980s, Academician Shi Xuemin traveled to Japan more than 10 times to conduct visits, lectures, and scientific research cooperation.Academician Shi Xuemin successively introduced"Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method he founded at Goto Gakuen Academy,Waseda Acupuncture School and University of Tsukuba, and performed on-site acupuncture methods for the treatment of stroke. He published Japanese monographs such as "Experimental Acupuncture"and "Acupuncture for Cerebrovascular Diseases-Awakening Brain (Xingnao Kaiqiao) Method" in Japan. Besides, the Acupuncture Department under his leadership has carried out extensive research on acupuncture with the Japanese medical community.His assistant successfully carried out geriatric research on aging mice there, and introduced this animal model to China for the first time.

Several major Japanese newspapers, medical journals, publications, and television stations rushed to publish reports on his lectures and acupuncture treatment. "Professor Shi Xuemin's acupuncture technique looks rough and bold at first, but it contains soft and rhythmic rhythm. His expressive technique is called the phoenix spreading technique.It is as beautiful as a bird flying on the boundary of fantasy——Phoenix's attitude." The authoritative Japanese medical journal published a passionate commentary.

Professor Goto Shuji, a famous Japanese Chinese medical scientist, said that the "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method was another breakthrough after acupuncture and anesthesia. The authoritative magazine "China Magazine" edited by Professor Katsuji Yamamoto in Japan commented: "Following acupuncture and anesthesia, Shi Xuemin's method of "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) seems to have once again rewritten the power of acupuncture, setting off a powerful sensational effect, causing strong impact on the present 500 participants". "If acupuncture and anesthesia is used as the first stage of acupuncture treatment, then Shi Xuemin's "Awakening Brain"(Xingnao Kaiqiao) method can be said to have begun a brand-new stage of acupuncture so far."Shi Xuemin gave lectures in Goto Gakuen Academy,Waseda School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,University of Tsukuba, etc., showing the magical curative effects of acupuncture, making Japan roll up the "Shi Whirlwind".

Academician Shi Xuemin with foreign friends

In September 1987, Academician Shi Xuemin led a delegation to visit Southeast Asia and was invited to treat illnesses for the head of government and several ministers. The wife of the prime minister had hemiplegia due to a cerebrovascular accident,and was bedridden for half a year. The treatment by a famous western doctor had failed. Academician Shi Xuemin used acupuncture 6 times according to her condition. A few days later, the prime minister's wife was able to walk down the ground. A minister suffered from severe cervical spondylosis and had laminectomy abroad, but the effect was very unsatisfactory. He had to rely on a wheelchair for many years. After 5 times of acupuncture by Academician Shi Xuemin, the patient removed the feeding tube and urinary catheter. After 7 days of the acupuncture, he was able to leave the wheelchair to stand up and move steps. A few days later,he walked from the first floor to the second floor with help. At the State Council, the Prime Minister praised Chinese doctors for their superb medical skills: "Chinese acupuncture is magical! Amazing!"Many famous local medical experts highly praised:"Chinese acupuncture is extremely magical!" The country's newspaper reported: "Chinese medicine is a sensation in the capital." The envoys and their wives of various countries in the country, upon hearing the news, went to the Chinese embassy to seek medical treatment, and asked Academician Shi Xuemin to conduct medical visits. Chinese ambassador to the country also held a special acupuncture reception, inviting Academician Shi Xuemin to give a speech and answer questions.Subsequently, an acupuncture clinic was opened in the embassy. Staying in the country for more than a month, Academician Shi Xuemin led experts to work more than ten hours a day to treat envoys and local people from various countries. When Academician Shi Xuemin returned to China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health jointly commended him for his "acupuncture diplomacy."

Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, Academician Shi Xuemin was invited to give lectures there. He appeared on TV almost every day. The magical silver needle left a deep impression on South Koreans. A South Korean entrepreneur suffered from acute appendicitis when he came to Tianjin to discuss business. He asked to go to the hospital where Academician Shi Xuemin is located for treatment. The First Affiliated Hospital of Chinese Medicine not only cured his appendicitis, but also controlled his diabetes. When talking about Shi Xuemin and the "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) acupuncture method, Chairman Shin Taego of the Korean Association of Acupuncturists said: "Professor Shi Xuemin gave lectures in South Korea twice in 1991 and 1993 and gave on-site performance. For the stroke patient, Professor Shi's needle cured him immediately and helped him to stand up, which caused a sensation. Acupuncture was not taken seriously in South Korea, but Professor Shi has attracted everyone's interest again. Professor Shi's method of "Awakening Brain"(Xingnao Kaiqiao) is a great value and contribution for the world and humans".

Academician Shi Xuemin demonstrates acupuncture operation

In the midsummer of 1990, Academician Shi Xuemin was invited to visit France for giving lectures as an acupuncture expert. TCM acupuncture is unfamiliar, mysterious and incredible in the eyes of local doctors and scholars. When Shi Xuemin talked about the treatment of bronchial asthma with acupuncture, a middle-aged French woman with bronchial asthma came to him and asked the Chinese doctor to treat her on the spot. Academician Shi Xuemin spotted acupoints and applied acupuncture for this lady on the spot. After 10 minutes, her breathing became stable with wheezing disappeared, and her symptoms were obviously relieved. The venue immediately burst into warm applause.

Yu Jinxing, director of the European Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a German acupuncture expert, said that the method of"Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) is a pioneering work in Chinese acupuncture. It is the glory of China and the glory of the international medical community.

Dr. Michel Demont from France uses the method of "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) for acupuncture treatment in his three clinics, which is very popular among local people. German experts from the European Academy of Chinese Medicine said that years of medical practice in Europe have proved that acupuncture has multinational and transnational power. When Mr. Michel praised Shi Xuemin's academic status, he said: the method of "Awakening Brain" (Xingnao Kaiqiao) is the development of Chinese acupuncture, which is the glory of China and the glory of the international medical community.

Academician Shi Xuemin was awarded the International Contribution Award, WFCMS

In order to promote China's acupuncture medicine to the world, Academician Shi Xuemin successfully hosted the World Acupuncture Conference in Paris,France and the World Acupuncture Conference in Tianjin, China. At the world-class acupuncture academic conference, the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine had a report on the acupuncture treatment of cerebral apoplexy,pulseless disease, myocardial infarction, and acupuncture at the Qishe point to rescue central respiratory failure. The related papers were highly praised by scholars at home and abroad. The foreign news agencies exclaimed that Chinese acupuncture medicine has filled the gap in world medicine!

Academician Shi Xuemin has edited and published dozens of Chinese medicine works,many of which have been translated into English,French, German, Japanese and other languages.Many acupuncture clinics in the United States,Japan, Germany, Mexico and other countries have brands of Shi Xuemin's "Awakening Brain (Xingnao Kaiqiao)-Chinese Needle" . Many countries and regions have set off a wave of Chinese acupuncture.More than thousands of foreign doctors came to China to learn Chinese medicine and acupuncture under the guidance of Academician Shi Xuemin.

Academician Shi Xuemin persevered in giving lectures in various countries and served as a visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Medicine in many countries, making unremitting efforts for TCM acupuncture to go global. As the chairman of the conference, Academician Shi Xuemin has presided over the 14th International Conference on Acupuncture Clinical Research.

Academician Shi Xuemin treated foreign patients in the foreign guest ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine

Science and technology exchanges are dualway. At the same time, many foreign groups and individuals have been attracted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine for research, study, visit, and treatment. In the 1980s, just after the reform and opening up, a visiting delegation composed of more than a dozen of Japanese medical experts visited the hospital.When they saw stroke patients standing up again after being treated by Academician Shi Xuemin,they all gave their thumbs up. When the visiting group left the hospital, they made a frame in which Japanese calligraphers wrote "Ghost Hand with Buddha Heart" in 4 Chinese characters to praise the magic of acupuncture by Academician Shi Xuemin.In October 1994, the Overseas Edition of People's Daily reported the story of the admission of foreign patients with cerebrovascular diseases in the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine-"Tianjin has an international hospital".

The video tapes of academician Shi Xuemin's acupuncture techniques have been translated into five languages and become the "Bible" of scholars,experts, and international students who come here.All the foreign guest wards are completely full with patients, but it cannot stop the admirers coming.

Academician Shi Xuemin believes that there are certain problems in the current training of international acupuncture talents. A considerable number of people have no medical education at all. After attending a short-term study classes in China, they go abroad to give acupuncture treatment, which seriously damages the image of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.In order to pursue economic benefits, some TCM schools have lowered the admission requirements for foreign students, making TCM diplomas a product of commercialization. Given that, China should strengthen the work of training international acupuncture talents,developing certain standards for the quality of training, so as to ensure the healthy development of acupuncture medicine in the world.


In 1999, Shi Xuemin was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.The discipline of acupuncture with Shi Xuemin as the academic leader is a key discipline of Tianjin colleges and universities, a key discipline of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a key discipline of the Ministry of Education. As the first doctoral supervisor of TCM in Tianjin, he has trained more than 300 masters, doctors, and postdoctors at home and abroad.

In 1999, Shi Xuemin was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Shi Xuemin has made outstanding achievements in clinical research and teaching of acupuncture.He was awarded the "Outstanding-Contribution Expert for Young and Middle-aged Persons" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China. He enjoys special national allowances, has successively rated as "Tianjin Science and Technology Outstanding Worker" and "Advanced Worker of the Ministry of Health", and has also been included in the list of celebrities such as "The Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Technological Inventors", "The Dictionary of Chinese Hospital Directors" and "The Collection of Overseas Experiences of Chinese Contemporary Acupuncture Experts". Since 1981, Academician Shi Xuemin has presided over the completion of more than 43 scientific research projects including the National 973 Project, among which 1 National Science and Technology Progress Award, 33 Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Awards, 3 National Education Commission and Tianjin City Teaching achievement awards and 6 national patents were rewarded. 55 monographs of Academician Shi Xuemin have been published. His success established his authoritative position in the field of Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

In 2014, Academician Shi Xuemin was awarded the title of the Second National Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Shi Xuemin is humble, and he always attributes his achievements to the cultivation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state. At the commendation meeting of the "National Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine" in 2014, Academician Shi Xuemin said, "Looking back at history,everything we have done is inseparable from the support and concern of the party and state. Today,the party and state give us the highest honor, which makes us, these old age intellectuals, feel more cordial. We deeply know that the country's selection of national masters of traditional Chinese medicine is of great significance. It is the best interpretation of the ancient motto of "Where there is will, there is a way", the best award of "God rewards those who help themselves and make outstanding achievements",and the best affirmation of the cause of Chinese medicine that has made great contributions to the human society. At the same time, it also shows bright prospects for those latecomers who have worked hard in the cause of Chinese medicine."

"Never say too late because of old age.Even at twilight the sky is still full of sunshine." I will carry forward the essence of the country with high aspirations, convey the essence of Chinese medicine to the world, and take teaching of the profession as a lifelong pursuit. I am willing to continue to play my role for the development of Chinese medicine and the cultivation of talents for the country. Although my strength is modest, but my ambition is as strong as stone." —Shi Xuemin


1. Shi XM, Wang CX. Practical scupuncture science,Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1981.

2. Shi XM. Practical acupuncture science, Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1985.

3. Shi XM. Essential points of acupuncture and moxibustion in contemporary China, Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1987.

4. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin's collection of acupuncture clinical syndromes, Tianjin Science and Technology Press,1989.

5. Shi XM. Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion therapeutics, China Science and Technology Press, 1990.

6. Shi XM. The strange techniques of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, Tianjin Science and Technology Translation and Publishing Company, 1992.

7. Shi XM. Compendium of traditional Chinese medicine(Volume I and Volume II), People's Daily Press, 1993.

8. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin acupuncture science, Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1996.

9. Shi XM. Acupuncture and massage, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1996.

10. Shi XM. Grasping Gua/traditional Chinese medicine skills, Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1997.

11. Shi XM, Tang YX, Zhou XX. Acupuncture therapy,Shanghai Science and Technology Press, 1998.

12. Shi XM. Stroke and awakening brain acupuncture method, Shi Xuemin, Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 1998.

13. Shi XM, Zhang MC. Chinese-English dictionary of acupuncture and moxibustion, Huaxia publishing house,1998.

14. Shi XM. Chinese Tuina thaumatology, Tianjin University Press, 1998.

15. Shi XM. Clinical emergency of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1998.

16. Shi XM. Contemporary acupuncture therapeutics,Nankai University Press, 1998.

17. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin's thoughts on modern hospital management, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 1998.

18. Shi XM. The complete book of rehabilitation therapy in China, Nankai University Press, 2000.

19. Shi XM. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, People's Medical Publishing House, 2001.

20. Shi XM. National textbook for higher education of acupuncture and moxibustion (7 edition), China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2002.

21. Shi XM. Acupuncture and massage, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2002.

22. Shi XM. Handbook of clinical ward rounds in Chinese and Western medicine, People's Medical Publishing House, 2002.

23. Shi XM. Modern chronic pain therapy series, People's Military Medical Press, 2003.

24. Shi XM, Zhou JZ. Practical acupuncture recipe for common diseases, People's Medical Publishing House,2003.

25. Shi XM. Handbook of family food and health therapy,Nankai University Press, 2003.

26. Shi XM. Acupuncture science, China press of traditional Chinese medicine, 2004.

27. Shi XM, Li ZD, Du YH. Clinical manual of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, 2004.

28. Shi XM. Practice collection of acupuncture and moxibustion, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005.

29. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin's complete works of acupuncture,Beijing Science Press, 2006.

30. Shi XM. Planning textbooks for national traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities in the new century of acupuncture and moxibustion (Traditional Chinese Medicine Major), China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2006.

31. Shi XM, Guo Y. International acupuncture and moxibustion education, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2006.

32. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin acupuncture science (English version), People's Medical Publishing House, 2007.

33. Shi XM. Stroke and brain awakening, Science Press,2007.

34. Shi XM. National planning textbook for higher education of acupuncture and moxibustion in the eleventh Five-Year Plan, Higher Education Press, 2007.

35. Shi XM. The science of acupuncture and moxibustion(the second edition of the new century planning textbooks for Chinese colleges and universities)(Chinese Medicine Major), China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007.

36. Shi XM. Code of clinical diagnosis and treatment of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, Jiangsu Science and Technology Press, 2007.

37. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin practical acupuncture science,China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2009.

38. Shi XM, Dai XM, Wang J. Innovative teaching materials for acupuncture speciality in Chinese medical colleges and universities in the New Century, China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2009.

39. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin acupuncture manipulation, Fujian Science and Technology Press, 2010.

40. Shi XM. Advanced series of Chinese medicine in acupuncture therapy, People's Medical Publishing House, 2011.

41. Shi XM. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, People's Medical Publishing House, 2011.

42. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin clinical experiment, People's Medical Publishing House, 2012.

43. Shi XM. Academician Shi Xuemin collection, People's Military Medical Publishing House, 2012.

44. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin's complete works of acupuncture,Science Press, 2015.

45. Shi XM. Stroke and awakening brain, Science Press,2015.

46. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin acupuncture science (Spanish),People's Medical Publishing House, 2017.

47. Shi XM. Encyclopedia of Chinese medicine, Peking Union Medical College Press, 2017.

48. Shi XM. Acupoint health is a specific medicine, Jilin Science and Technology Press, 2017.

49. Shi XM, Zhang CH. Inheritance record of academic thought of traditional Chinese medicine master Shi Xuemin, China Medical Science Press, 2017.

50. Shi XM. Shi Xuemin acupuncture science (French),People's Medical Publishing House, 2018.

51. Shi XM, Jin YC. Complete Collection of Chinese Massage, 2018.

52. Shi XM. Chinese rehabilitation encyclopedia, China Medical Science Press, 2019.

53. Shi XM. Special collection of Chinese medicine master Shi Xuemin's acupuncture cases, China Medical Science Press, 2018.

54. Shi XM, Bian JL. Master of Chinese medicine Shi Xuemin, China Medical Science Press, 2018.


1. Xu JF. Master of traditional Chinese medicine on needle Tip, Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, 2019.

2. Xu JF. Shi Xuemin excerpt on clinical syndrome of acupuncture, People's Military Medical Press, 2015.

3. Fu LX. Shi Xuemin's intensive lecture on clinical syndrome of moxibustion, People's Military Medical Press, 2015.

4. Li P. Shi Xuemin clinical evidence of cupping, People's Military Medical Press, 2015.

5. Wang JG. Shi Xuemin's massage and clinical explaining,People's Military Medical Press, 2015

