

疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年3期

广东 鄢佳梅

电影《夺冠》讲述的是中国女排从1981年首夺世界冠军到2016年拿下第九个世界冠军的历史,诠释了几代女排人历经浮沉却始终不屈不挠、不断拼搏的传奇经历。 “leap”一词既很好地捕捉了中国女排姑娘们在赛场上敏捷的身影,又隐含了中国女排在各种赛事中取得的一次次飞跃进步。

题材娱乐体裁说明文文章词数 难度 建议用时351 ★★ 6 分钟

Since their first championship in 1981,China's women's national volleyball team has been the pride of the country. When they play well, people cheer in their seats at the arena and in their homes all around the country. But few of these fans know how hard the players work to make it look so easy.

Directed by renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, Leap, hit Chinese mainland cinemas on September 25th, 2020, smashing box office records on its opening day. The film is a cinematic depiction of the multigenerational struggle of the Chinese women's volleyball team to win glory for the nation,providing a more immersive and lively experience to recreate the Chinese women's volleyball team's Olympic victories between the 1980s and 2010s. It shows several generations of volleyball players and their journey to becoming an international powerhouse. Facing tough rivals like Brazil and the Netherlands,China's ladies have to train hard and live a“dim” daily life of never-ending blocking and spiking practice. They refuse to quit, however,working even after the stadium lights have gone out and pushing themselves through injuries.

This touching story also features a starstudded cast. One of China's most iconic screen actors, Gong Li, stars as former volleyball legend Lang Ping. Lang, nicknamed “the Iron Hammer”, is the first person in volleyball to win Olympic titles both as a player in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and as a coach in the 2016 Rio Olympics. It's Gong's first time acting in a sports film. In an earlier interview, Gong revealed that she had visited the training base of the China women's volleyball team to observe and study professionals, making her more prepared for her role as the sports legend Lang Ping.

Huang Bo acts as another famous coach who is also devoted to Chinese women's volleyball. Many volleyball players also appear. Interestingly, Lang's daughter, the United States-born Bai Lang, stars as her mother in the character's early years.

The film has scooped 9.3 points out of 10 on Maoyan, the country's largest online ticketing service. Moreover, what impresses and touches the fans most is the spirit of the women players together with the life-true performance of the cast.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence

In an earlier interview, Gong revealed that she had visited the training base of the China women's volleyball team to observe and study professionals, making her more prepared for her role as the sports legend Lang Ping.


分析:本句中that引导宾语从句;making her more prepared for...为现在分词结构作结果状语。

Ⅱ. Useful sentence patterns

1. Directed by renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, Leap, hit Chinese mainland cinemas on September 25th, 2020, smashing box office records on its opening day.


分析: 本句中的Directed by为过去分词作定语,修饰Leap。


著名导演李安执导的电影《卧虎藏龙》(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)打破了以往的票房纪录。

2. The film is a cinematic depiction of the multigenerational struggle of the Chinese women's volleyball team to win glory for the nation,providing a more immersive and lively experience to recreate the Chinese women's volleyball team's Olympic victories between the 1980s and 2010s.


分析:本句中的providing 为现在分词作伴随状语。


这部影片以动漫的形式描绘了哪吒“逆天而行斗到底(fight against the heaven to the end)”的成长故事,为再现不一样的传统形象提供了更加风趣、幽默的体验。

Reading Check



1. 文章200词以内;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 至少有1个段落前要使用1个主题句。





Complete the following mind map with only one word for each blank.


在整合相关的话题表达时需要对文中的相关句子进行整合、改写,并根据内容的需要增补适当的表达。 同时,还应注意所提取的表达应反映出文章的主要信息。


Directed by the renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, Leap, hit Chinese mainland cinemas on September 25th, 2020, smashing box office records on its opening day.

→Directed by the renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan and released on September 25th, 2020, the film Leap has smashed box office records on its opening day.

→The film Leap, which was directed by the renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, was released on September 25th, 2020, smashing box office records on its opening day.

→The film Leap, which was directed by the renowned filmmaker Peter Ho-sun Chan, has become a hit in Chinese mainland cinemas and smashed box office records on its opening day.


It shows several generations of volleyball players and their journey to becoming an international powerhouse.

→It depicts several generations of volleyball players who trained hard to compete with the tough rivals by practising never-ending blocking and spiking to win international victories.

→It is a depiction of several generations of volleyball players and their journey to winning international success.


1. What impresses and touches the fans most is the spirit of the women players together with the life-true performance of the cast.

2. The highlight of the film is the spirit of the women players together with the life-true performance of the cast.

3. The vivid characters and breathtaking visual effect together with the application of 3D technology create a 135-minute roller coaster,giving the audience a brand-new classic perspective into the traditional history.


从形式上来看,本次写作是书信的写作;从内容上来看,本次写作则是一篇典型的关于影评的说明文写作。 根据提取的信息,语篇结构可定为“整体介绍电影导演、首映日和票房—电影主要情节介绍—电影整体评论以及感受”。 文章的框架如下:

Of all the movies that I have watched, one the the remarkable sports films that I'd like to share and recommend. (整体过渡句)

Directed by..., the film... box office...its opening day. (电影导演、首映日和票房) It depicts...(plot) ...stars as...(演员) The vivid characters, the visual effect, the sound effect and the setting together recreate a unique scene, which has made a breathtaking splash to the fans.(电影整体评论) However, what impresses and touches...(电影内涵及感受)



