

农业工程学报 2020年4期

张思雨,张秋菊,李 可



张思雨,张秋菊,李 可※

(江南大学机械工程学院,无锡 214122)



0 引 言


卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)是一种具有深层网络结构的模型,与需要手动提取特征的浅层模型相比,可以自动提取最具有代表性的图像特征[10-11]。周云成等在VGGNet的基础上优选出一种8层CNN模型用于番茄的特征提取与表达,从而实现同时对不同成熟度的果和不同花龄的花的有效识别[12];王璨等提出了基于CNN提取多尺度分层特征的方法,用于识别玉米苗与杂草[13]。CNN不仅具有自学习能力和自动提取特征的优点,还具有权值共享以及输入图像与网络结构结合良好等优势[14]。基于这些优越的特性,CNN被成功应用于体积较小的颗粒农产品的质量检测中。赵志衡等提出基于CNN的花生籽粒完整性识别算法,并采用L2范数正则化、指数衰减法和滑动平均模型的方法优化CNN,实现花生破损籽粒的分类[15-16];杜剑等构建了一个6层CNN用于提取夏威夷果的光谱特征,并采用激活函数ReLU与Dropout法预防过拟合现象,实现三种不同品质的夏威夷果的分类[17];Qiu等应用CNN识别4个品种的水稻种子,并在不同训练样本量的条件下与最近邻KNN以及支持向量机SVM方法进行对比,CNN实现了较高的识别精度[18];Han等采用CNN识别带有黄曲霉毒素的花生样品,通过与传统识别模型进行比较得到了更好的性能[19];Przybyło等应用CNN学习橡子的局部特征与全局特征,用于识别健康与变质的橡子[20]。CNN较传统的神经网络和浅层模型存在很多优势,但在实际应用中仍存在许多待解决的问题。当在特定环境下训练好的CNN模型在新环境下运行时,领域的改变会导致模型性能的下降。如果新环境中有足够的带标签的图像重新训练模型,CNN的性能也许会得到提升,但是在新环境中采集大量带标签的图像是昂贵的;即使存在这样的图像集,训练一个性能良好的网络模型也需要花费很长的时间[21]。对此,Zhang等提出CNN结构自适应法,根据不同的样本自适应调整模型结构,有效的减少了模型的训练时间与误差[22];储珺等提出自适应调节学习率和样本训练方式的CNN模型,解决了小样本数据过拟合的问题[23];Abdeljaber等分别对学习率与网络结构进行改进以提高CNN训练与计算的效率,但上述方法依然存在网络泛化能力弱,学习率等关键参数设置困难等问题[24-25]。

迁移学习不仅可以将典型模型中训练好的参数直接迁移到自己的模型中,解决计算量与训练时间的问题,还可以通过域自适应学习(domain adaptation learning,DAL)解决训练样本不足与模型过期的问题[26]。Liang等将在ImageNet数据集上训练好的CNN权重迁移到自己的网络中进行进一步学习[27-28];Paaßen等将迁移学习应用在仿生手领域,使受干扰的数据再次适用于原始模型[29];Salaken等通过域自适应学习将源域信息转换为适合目标域的信息,以实现跨领域的识别[30]。

本文提出一种自适应卷积神经网络模型(domain adaptation learning-adaptive convolutional neural network,DAL-ACNN),在AlexNet[31]的基础上引入自适应学习率,根据网络损失与权值的变化自动调整学习率的大小,以适应模型的训练过程,避免因不合适的学习率引起过慢的收敛速度;同时引入域自适应学习对测试数据与训练数据进行统计分析与变换,提高模型的泛化性,实现跨域和跨任务的检测,并通过试验验证了该模型的识别精度与收敛速度。

1 构建花生图像数据库

搭建图像采集系统如图1,系统采用彩色工业相机获取花生的RGB图像,相机型号为MER-1520-13U3C,1 500万像素,4 608×3 288分辨率,USB3.0接口;镜头选用KOWA LM12JC1MS千万像素定焦镜头,焦距为12 mm,光源选用LED白色光源,所有图像均以BMP格式存储。

1.相机 2.镜头 3.LED照明 4.载物台 5.花生样品 6.图像监视器

本文主要针对花生中存在的典型缺陷进行检测,其中包括霉变、破碎、干瘪。图像采集背景为黑色,采集时随机放置花生样本。通过灰度变换、阈值分割、腐蚀与膨胀等图像处理方法检测花生轮廓,沿轮廓大小向外扩充40个像素对图像进行分割,图2为分割得到的单个花生图像。建立花生图像数据库,共4 000张,其中包括正常粒1 000张,霉变粒1 000张,破碎粒1 000张,干瘪粒1 000张。

图2 花生分割图

2 自适应卷积神经网络的构建



2.1 自适应学习率



2.2 领域自适应


2.3 DAL-ACNN参数更新

3 试验结果与分析

3.1 验证DAL-ACNN

本文将第1节建立的图像数据库作为源域,同时选择光照不均匀的白色背景作为目标域,并通过相同的图像处理方法建立目标域数据库。目标域数据库共2 000张图像,其中包括正常粒500张,霉变粒500张,破损粒500张,干瘪粒500张。图4为两领域数据库的部分图像。

图4 部分源域与目标域图像




图6 花生检测结果

表1 DAL-ACNN模型的花生检测结果

3.2 DAL-ACNN与固定学习率比较

选择不同数量级的初始学习率验证本文提出的自适应学习率,图7和图8分别为DAL-ACNN与CNN在初始学习率为0.001与0.000 1时的收敛性能。在初始学习率0.001的条件下,虽然CNN产生了较好的收敛性能,但仍低于DAL-ACNN的收敛性能。当选取更小的初始学习率0.000 1时,CNN的收敛性能明显下降,在迭代到100次时模型开始陷入局部极小值,并且很长一段时间都没有跳出,导致模型的最终精度比初始学习率为0.001时的精度下降了10%。而改变初始学习率对DAL-ACNN的收敛性能影响较小,在不同数量级的初始学习率下,DAL-ACNN均获得了较好的收敛性能,并且在初始学习率0.001与0.000 1条件下训练的DAL-ACNN的最终精度仅有2%的差距。

图7 DAL-ACNN 与CNN在学习率0.001时的收敛

图8 DAL-ACNN 与CNN在学习率0.000 1时的收敛

3.3 不同样本量下DAL-ACNN与CNN的比较

为证明DAL-ACNN在小样本条件下的优越性,减少训练样本与测试样本,分别比较DAL-ACNN与CNN在不同样本量下的训练性能与测试性能。本次试验中,DAL-ACNN与CNN的初始学习率均为0.001,目标域的训练样本数量分别选择1 000、500以及200,源域的样本量保持不变。图9展示了DAL-ACNN与CNN在不同训练样本量下的训练性能,可以看出DAL-ACNN的性能均优于CNN,且随着训练样本量的减小,DAL-ACNN与CNN之间的差距不断增加。尤其在训练样本量为200的条件下(图9(c)),CNN陷入局部极小值,直到迭代到250次左右才跳出,而DAL-ACNN虽然有陷入局部值的情况,但是可以很快的跳出局部极小值,保证了网络的收敛速度与识别精度。

图9 不同样本量下DAL-ACNN与CNN的训练精度

图10是在训练样本量分别为1 000、500以及200的条件下DAL-ACNN与CNN的测试精度。测试样本与训练样本保持3∶7的比例不变,对应的测试样本量分别为75、32以及15。DAL-ACNN在训练样本量为200的条件下其测试精度为96%,与训练样本量为2 000时的测试精度相比,仅产生3.5%的差距。而CNN在训练样本量为200的条件下其测试精度为91%,与训练样本量为2 000时的测试精度相比产生了6.4%的差距。且DAL-ACNN在训练样本量为200时的测试精度与CNN在训练样本量为1 000时的测试精度相同。因此,改变训练样本量增加了CNN与DAL-ACNN的精度差距,同时也证明了DAL-ACNN在小训练样本量下的优越性能。

图10 不同样本量下DAL-ACNN与CNN的测试精度

3.4 不同方法的比较


图11 不同方法下花生的缺陷检测精度

表2 不同方法的精度对比

4 结 论


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Detection of peanut kernel quality based on machine vision and adaptive convolution neural network

Zhang Siyu, Zhang Qiuju, Li Ke※


Aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional image recognition, including low accuracy and relying on experienced staff, a peanut kernel quality detection method based on machine vision and adaptive convolutional neural network (DAL-ACNN) is proposed in this paper. An image acquisition system was built to obtain the color images of peanuts which included normal peanuts, broken peanuts, shriveled peanuts and mildew peanuts, and a black background was selected in the system. Then, a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on Alexnet was selected to automatically extract and detect the peanut defects. To improve the accuracy and generalization of detection, it is necessary to optimize the existed network. Firstly, the key of the stochastic gradient descent is the choice of the learning rate, which directly influences the convergence speed and testing accuracy of the network. In this paper, an adaptive learning rate based on the changes in the loss and the weight was proposed, respectively. A larger learning rate was obtained to accelerate convergence in the initial training stage, and a smaller learning rate produced due to a higher accuracy in the later of network, which can avoid the oscillation. In the process of parameters update, a quadratic function was introduced to the loss to combine with the adaptive learning rate based on loss change for parameters update, and a normal distribution model was introduced to combine with the adaptive learning rate based on weight change to further update parameters. Secondly, to improve the generalization performance of the model, the domain adaption learning (DAL) for transfer learning was joined to the network. A domain classifier was introduced behind the feature layer, which can measure the difference of feature distribution between domains by the domain classification loss, and minimize difference of feature distribution by the marginal distribution adaption loss. A conditional distribution adaptation was introduced behind the Softmax layer, which can measure and adjust the category distribution difference by the conditional distribution adaption loss. These losses for domain adaption learning were optimized by backpropagation, which can locally and globally adjust the distribution to minimize the difference between domains, then the source domain information was migrated to the target domain, so the network trained on source data can also perform well on target data. The loss of marginal distribution adaption and conditional distribution adaption were combined with the classification loss to form the loss of the proposed model. The loss of conditional distribution adaption and classification were used to update the parameters by the adaptive learning rate based on loss change, and the marginal distribution adaption loss was used to further update the feature parameters by the adaptive learning rate based on weight change. The additional domain classifier parameter was updated by the adaptive learning rate based on domain classification loss variation. Finally, to verify the proposed method, the background above was seen as source domain, and a white background was selected as target domain. The parameters trained on source domain were used to initialize the proposed model, the source data and target data were taken as input to train the model. The result showed that the average accuracy for peanut detection in the target domain was 99.7%. And a higher convergence and accuracy generated by comparing with the traditional CNN at different learning rates and training sample sizes. To further prove the performance of the proposed approach, it was compared with the classic VGGNet、GoogLeNet、ResNet and DenseNet, which produced a satisfactory result.

agricultural products; machine vision; nondestructive detection; adaptive convolutional neural network; adaptive learning rate; transfer learning; domain adaption

张思雨,张秋菊,李 可. 采用机器视觉与自适应卷积神经网络检测花生仁品质[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(4):269-277. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.032

Zhang Siyu, Zhang Qiuju, Li Ke. Detection of peanut kernel quality based on machine vision and adaptive convolution neural network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(4): 269-277. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.032





李 可,教授,研究方向为机械系统动态监测与智能故障诊断。





