This Is Why We Wear Wedding Rings on the Fourth Finger为什么婚戒要戴在无名指上


中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年11期

Marissa Laliberte著 张宁


See someone wearing a ring on their right index finger and you can bet theyre not married. A ring on the left ring finger, though, means that person is “taken”. The choice of wedding ring finger seems arbitrary1, but theres actually historical reason it became known as the “ring finger”, and why most people wear their wedding band on the left.

看到有人在右手食指上戴着戒指,你可以打赌他们没有结婚。而左手无名指上的戒指意味着这个人已经结婚了。选择无名指戴婚戒似乎是随意的,但事实上,无名指被称为“ring finger”,以及大多数人把婚戒戴在左手是有历史原因的。

History of the wedding ring finger左手无名指戴结婚戒指的历史

The wedding ring tradition dates back to ancient Egypt, as archaeologists2 have found evidence in hieroglyphics3 that brides would wear a ring. And other ancient cultures wore wedding rings as well. People have been slipping wedding rings on their left ring fingers since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans.


The reason the fourth finger was the wedding ring finger of choice? Theres a touching explanation. In ancient times, it was thought that there was a vein in your finger on your left hand that ran straight to your heart. And the heart, of course, was thought to be the center of our emotions back then. So ancient Romans called this vein the “vena amoris”, Latin for “vein of love”.


Our knowledge of the human body has evolved greatly since then, of course. Most notably, we humans have no such vein, sadly. In addition, we know now that the heart is an organ for pumping blood—but that hasnt stopped us from continuing to talk about it in romantic, emotional contexts. Likewise, we still wear wedding rings on our fourth fingers!


Variations on the tradition传统的变化

Despite the prevalence4 of this wedding ring finger tradition, especially throughout Western cultures, not everyone follows it to a T5. Some cultures choose freedom and individuality when it comes to deciding for themselves which hand to wear it on. Couples from European countries such as Austria, Denmark, and Germany actually wear the rings on their right hand instead. People in India opt for a right-hand ring as well, because the left hand is considered unclean.


If anything, the variations on the wedding ring finger tradition show that even the most long-standing of marriage-related traditions dont have to be hard and fast6. But there are still some wedding etiquette7 rules experts think you should never, ever break.



优雅邂逅 永恒之戒