

农业工程学报 2019年18期

罗伟文,胡志超,吴 峰,顾峰玮,徐弘博,陈有庆



罗伟文,胡志超※,吴 峰,顾峰玮,徐弘博,陈有庆

(农业农村部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)

针对中国稻麦轮作区小麦播种时,存在田间秸秆量大和茬口紧等影响小麦播种的问题,提出可直接在全秸硬茬地作业的小麦“洁区”宽幅播种农艺模式,并基于种带无播种秸障、碎秸行间条覆的技术思路设计相应的碎秸导流装置。通过理论分析作业时碎秸下抛及与碎秸导流装置滑切耦合的运动规律,以清秸率和种带宽度变异系数为目标函数,确定影响目标函数的主要结构参数。结合Box-Benhnken中心组合试验方法和EDEM离散元仿真技术对影响碎秸导流装置作业性能的参数进行虚拟试验,利用Design-Expert软件分析因素对碎秸导流装置作业性能的影响,确定最佳参数组合,并通过田间对比试验验证该装置的作业性能。试验结果表明: 各因素对碎秸导流装置清秸覆秸性能有显著影响,其对清秸率影响的主次顺序依次为装置导流宽度、装置导流长度、径向距离,对种带宽度变异系数影响的主次顺序依次为装置导流长度、径向距离、装置导流宽度;最佳参数组合设计为装置导流长度300 mm、径向距离19 mm和装置导流宽度298 mm,其对应指标清秸率为91.83%,种带宽度变异系数为10.36%,其田间试验对应指标清秸率为90.75%,种带宽度变异系数为10.94%,仿真与田间试验结果基本吻合。研究结果可为全秸硬茬地的小麦机播作业提供技术与装备支持,亦可为碎秸行间集覆还田的碎秸导流装置参数优化提供参考。


0 引 言

江苏省常年稻麦轮作总面积约1.6×106hm2,约占全省稻麦种植总面积的60%,轮作区的小麦产量可达6 600 kg/hm2;此外,四川、安徽、湖北等地的常年稻麦轮作面积也都接近1.3×106hm2[1]。稻麦轮作两熟制是中国稻麦生产的重要模式,可有效提高谷物生产总量,在保证国家粮食安全方面占有重要地位[2]。但稻收后小麦播种工序复杂,通常为稻秸粉碎、翻耕埋茬、旋耕整地、施肥播种、播后镇压,同时稻收后播种小麦的茬口非常紧,导致轮作区的小麦生产不仅成本较高,而且通常无法在适播期内完成播种[3]。因此,产区亟需能直接在秸茬地进行下茬小麦播种的作业设备。



1 播种方式及结构设计

1.1 行间覆秸小麦洁区播种方式

小麦宽幅播种具有优化群体结构、均衡营养面积等优势[26]。结合以往试验,在全秸硬茬地作业工况下,提出了一种幅距为300 mm,播幅为240 mm(播幅内等距排列3组开沟器,每组开沟器播种幅宽为80 mm),并将全量秸茬粉碎后覆盖于行间的小麦“洁区”(种带无播种秸障)宽幅播种农艺模式,如图1所示,目前该农艺模式已在江苏、河南等地区进行应用示范。

1.小麦种子 2.洁区种带 3.覆秸带

1.2 整机结构


1.牵引架 2.变速箱 3.机架 4.后桥 5.肥箱 6.排肥器 7.播种机架 8.种箱 9.镇压装置 10.开沟器 11.阻隔板 12.旋耕刀组 13.旋耕刀罩壳 14.后压秸辊 15.碎秸导流装置 16.调节横梁 17.碎秸刀 18.碎秸刀罩壳 19.前压秸辊

表1 主要技术参数

1.3 碎秸导流装置

碎秸导流装置如图3所示,主要包括斜面导流板、定型板和安装板。该装置安装在捡拾粉碎装置与种带旋耕装置之间。4组碎秸导流装置固定于捡拾粉碎装置后下方的调节横梁上,相邻碎秸导流装置沿作业幅宽方向等距分布,装置与地面的间隙为20 mm。作业时,捡拾粉碎装置的碎秸刀将作业幅宽内秸秆捡拾并粉碎,粉碎后的秸秆沿碎秸刀罩壳内侧壁向下喷射,位于覆秸带(行间)幅宽内的碎秸直接落在覆秸带上,位于清秸带(种带)幅宽内的碎秸在碎秸喷射与碎秸导流装置的滑切耦合作用下,自行向碎秸导流装置两侧分开,并下落于种带两侧的覆秸带上,形成无秸秆障碍的“洁区”播种带和相邻碎秸导流装置间的覆秸带。后续种带旋耕和播种作业均在所形成的无秸秆障碍的种带上进行。

图3 碎秸导流装置结构图

2 碎秸颗粒运动学特性


2.1 碎秸下抛运动规律








2.2 碎秸与导流装置滑切运动规律


式中为导流装置高度,由安装横梁与地面高度决定,=250 mm;为碎秸自然休止角,(°)。


Note:is coordinate system;,, andare the three corner points of the deflector, whereis the front end of the deflector, and C is the highest point of the deflector;3is the sliping point of smashed straw;is the support force perpendicular to the deflector, N;is the friction parallel to the deflector, N;is the half width of the device, mm;0is the quality of smashed straw, kg;is the distance between2and the symmetry plane of the device, mm;is the unilateral guiding angle of straw flow guiding device,(°).

图5 稻秸受力分析图

Fig.5 Force analysis diagram of rice straw





3 离散元仿真试验


3.1 三维仿真平台搭建

3.1.1 工作模型建立

为平衡计算机处理效率与仿真效果,在进行模型构建时适当简化模型。运用SolidWorks软件简化建模秸秆粉碎装置(碎秸刀罩壳、碎秸刀辊)和碎秸导流装置,并以.igs格式导入EDEM软件Geometry 项。同时,为了便于分析仿真后碎秸的分布情况,在碎秸导流装置下方20 mm处建立土槽简化模型,土槽尺寸(长×宽×高)为4 000 mm×2 500 mm×20 mm,槽内土壤颗粒直径为8 mm[29]。根据稻秸粉碎长度及参考文献[29],采用直径为7 mm、球心间距为3.5 mm的球体组合成总长为90 mm的长线型模型作为稻秸颗粒模型。装置—碎秸—土壤间作用模型搭建如图6所示。

1.罩壳 2.土槽 3.碎秸 4.碎秸刀辊 5.碎秸导流装置

3.1.2 材料间的接触模型


表2 材料间接触模型的参数设置

3.2 仿真试验设计

根据参考文献[14],设定仿真作业速度为1.2 m/s,粉碎装置转速为2 000 r/min。以江苏省稻麦轮作区稻秸产量为参考,草谷比均值为1.6,草谷总质量均值为2.2 kg/m2,设置颗粒工厂生产稻秸颗粒的速度为3.9 kg/s(≥田间秸秆覆盖量)[26]。

依据Box—Benhken试验理论,设计3因素3水平分析试验,通过EDEM虚拟仿真试验,对装置导流长度、径向距离、装置导流宽度3因素进行响应面试验研究[31-32]。在以往单因素试验基础上,选取装置导流长度的取值区间为200~300 mm,径向距离的取值区间10~40 mm,装置导流宽度的取值区间280~350 mm,试验因素水平编码如表3所示。EDEM仿真性能试验如图7所示。

表3 试验因素和水平

1.覆秸带 2.洁区种带

3.3 碎秸导流装置清秸性能评价指标

通过查阅相关资料并结合实际作业情况,选取清秸率、种带宽度变异系数为试验评价指标[33]。在模拟种床的中间区域选取长度为3 000 mm的作业带,应用EDEM后处理Selection模块设置Grid Bin Group,将各洁区种带和各覆秸带均分为10个网格单元,如图8所示。

1.覆秸带 2.洁区种带




4 结果分析

试验包括12个分析因子和5个零点估计误差,共17个试验点。运用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件对试验数据进行回归分析,并利用响应面分析法对各因素相关性和交互效应的影响规律进行分析研究。试验方案与响应值如表4所示。

表4 试验设计方案及响应值

4.1 回归分析

用Design-Expert 8.0.6软件对表4的数据进行分析和多元回归拟合,清秸率1、种带宽度变异系数2的方差分析结果如表5所示。分别建立清秸率、种带宽度变异系数对装置导流长度1、径向距离2和装置导流宽度33个自变量的多项式回归方程,并检验其显著性。

4.1.1 清秸率的显著性分析

4.1.2 种带宽度变异系数的显著性分析

4.2 响应曲面分析

4.2.1 因素对清秸率的影响分析

当径向距离位于中心位置(25 mm)时,装置导流长度和装置导流宽度对清秸率1的交互作用影响如图9a所示,随着装置导流长度增加,清秸率增大,随着装置导流宽度增加,清秸率先增大后减小。当装置导流长度位于中心位置(250 mm)时,径向距离和装置导流宽度对清秸率的交互作用影响如图9b所示,随着径向距离增加,清秸率先增大后减小,随着装置导流宽度增加,清秸率先增大后减小。各因素对清秸率1的总体影响趋势为:随着装置导流长度增加,清秸率增大;随着径向距离、装置导流宽度增加,清秸率先增大后减小。


4.2.2 因素对种带宽度变异系数的影响分析

当径向距离位于中心位置(25 mm)时,装置导流长度和装置导流宽度对种带宽度变异系数的交互作用影响如图9c所示,随着装置导流长度增加,种带宽度变异系数减小,随着装置导流宽度增加,种带宽度变异系数先减小后增大。当装置导流长度位于中心位置(250 mm)时,径向距离和装置导流宽度对种带宽度变异系数2的交互作用影响如图9d所示,随着径向距离增加,种带宽度变异系数增大,随着装置导流宽度增加,种带宽度变异系数先减小后增大。各因素对种带宽度变异系数的总体影响趋势为:随着装置导流长度增加,种带宽度变异系数减小;随着径向距离增加,种带宽度变异系数增大;随着装置导流宽度增加,种带宽度变异系数先减小后增大。


表5 回归方程方差分析


Note:<0.01 (highly significant); 0.01≤<0.05 (very significant); 0.05≤<0.1 (significant).

图9 交互因素对清秸率和种带宽度变异系数的影响

5 参数优化与验证

5.1 参数优化


运用Design-Expert8.0.6软件对2指标的数学模型进行分析求解,优化后选取最佳参数组合为:装置导流长度300 mm、径向距离19 mm和装置导流宽度298 mm,对应理论清秸率、种带宽度变异系数分别为92.60%、9.77%。选取优化后的参数组合进行仿真验证,其清秸率、种带宽度变异系数分别为91.83%、10.36%,与优化后的理论结果基本一致。

5.2 验证试验

为验证碎秸导流装置的田间作业性能,于2018年10月在江苏省农业科学院泗洪水稻种植基地进行田间试验。试验地为全量稻秸硬茬地,平均留茬高度为≥400 mm,水稻品种为南粳9108号,土质为重黏性土壤。碎秸导流装置结构参数为优化后的结果:装置导流长度300 mm,径向距离19 mm,装置导流宽度298 mm,进行5次重复试验,取其平均值,机具田间试验及作业前后种带清秸与行间覆秸效果如图10所示。试验结果为清秸率90.75%,种带宽度变异系数10.94%,与优化后仿真结果相比偏差均小于5个百分点,误差在可接受范围内,验证了参数组合的可行性和准确性。

图10 导流装置最优参数验证试验


a. 小麦出苗状况a. Wheat emergence statusb. 小麦生长状况b. Wheat growth status

6 结论与讨论



3)碎秸导流装置最佳参数组合为装置导流长度300 mm、径向距离19 mm、装置导流宽度298 mm,优化后仿真结果为清秸率91.83%,种带宽度变异系数10.36%,田间作业性能试验结果为清秸率90.75%,种带宽度变异系数10.94%,与理论计算及仿真结果均基本吻合,验证了回归模型的建立是准确可行的。


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Design and optimization for smashed straw guide device of wheat clean area planter under full straw field

Luo Weiwen, Hu Zhichao※, Wu Feng, Gu Fengwei, Xu Hongbo, Chen Youqing

(Nanjing Research Institute for Agricultural Mechanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing 210014, China)

The rice-wheat alternate planting system is the main grain production model in most areas of China which has a great significance to ensure food security in China. The wheat sowing season after the rice harvest is relatively short, combined with the complexity of the traditional wheat planting process, which not only result in the higher sowing costs, but also fails to complete all works during the wheat sowing season. . Seeding directly in the field without straw treatment is an effective way to avoid the aforementioned problems. However, the following issues often occur during the application: for example, the soil-buried parts of the machine are blocked by grass which can’t guarantee the steady operation; a large amount of straw is mixed into the soil which will take the seeds outside the soil and lead to the seeds exposed. To handle the above problems, this paper provided a new sowing method and an efficient guiding device, which adopted the planting technology in the full amount of straw and root stubble field. After the straw was pulverized, all the smashed straw could be placed on inter-rows by using the guiding device to form a sown strip containing few stalks, and the subsequent sowing operations could be completed on the strip. Through the theoretical analysis of the motion of the smashed straw, length of the diversion, radial distance and width of the diversion as key parameters affect the performance of the equipment were verified. The discrete element platform for simulating the operation of the device was established, and the platform mainly was composed of a pellet factory, a crushing device cover, a smashed straw guiding device and a soil trough. Based on the Box-Benhnken central composite test method and EDEM technique, the three-factor and three-level orthogonal rotating quadratic combination experiment was carried out with straw cleaned rate andvariable coefficient of the strip width as the evaluation indexes. The influence of the three key parameters was analyzed. Furthermore, the regression equations were established to describe the relationships between the various factors and each assessment index by using the regression analysis and response surface analysis by software Design-Expert 8.0.6. The optimum combination of the selected parameters was obtained, and it was verified by numerical simulations and field trials. The experiment results indicated that various factors had a significant impact on straw cleaned rate and variable coefficient of the strip width. Depending on the order of significance of the impacts, the factors affecting straw cleaned rate were arranged as follows: width of the diversion, length of the diversion, radial distance. Likewise, the factors affecting variable coefficient of the strip width were arranged as follows: length of the diversion, radial distance and width of the diversion. The combination result of parameter optimum design was presented as follows: length of the diversion is 300 mm, radial distance is 19 mm and width of the diversion is 298 mm. The straw cleaned rate and the variable coefficient of the strip width were (91.83%, 10.36%) and (90.75%, 10.94%), which were determined through simulation experiment and field experiment respectively. Hence, the results of the two verification tests were basically consistent. The study should provide technical and equipment reference for no-tillage seeding of wheat after the rice harvest in the rice-wheat alternate season in China.

agricultural machinery; discrete element method; optimization; seeding strip straw removal; smashed straw guide device

罗伟文,胡志超,吴 峰,顾峰玮,徐弘博,陈有庆. 全秸硬茬地小麦播种机碎秸导流装置参数设计与优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(18):1-10.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.18.001

Luo Weiwen, Hu Zhichao, Wu Feng, Gu Fengwei, Xu Hongbo, Chen Youqing. Design and optimization for smashed straw guide device of wheat clean area planter under full straw field[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE),2019, 35(18): 1-10. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.18.001











专利名称: 导流筒钼质固定装置