

世界建筑 2019年7期


Architects: ZHOU Zhaoqian, LIU Yiqiu

1 改造后外景/Exterior views after renovation

2 改造后外景/Exterior views after renovation

3 改造后内景/Interior views after renovation

4 改造后内景/Interior views after renovation

5 改造后内景/Interior views after renovation

6 改造后内景/Interior views after renovation




项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Loction: 青塔胡同39号/No.39 Qingta Hutong

业主/Client: 北京华融金盈投资发展有限公司/Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.

施工图合作单位/Construction Drawing Collaborator: 中科院建筑设计研究院有限公司/Institute of Architecture Design and Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ADCAS)基地面积/Site Area: 68.67m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 33m2(原有产权面积/Original property area),改造后最大使用面积/Maximum usable area after renovation: 51.3m2(33m2原有产权面积+10.3m2推拉模块展开面积 + 8m2生活模块二层面积/Original property area of 33m2+ extensive area of push-pull module of 10.3m2+ area of two-layers of living module of 8m2)

摄影/Photos: 改造前/Photos Before Renovation: 北京华融金盈投资发展有限公司/Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment Development Co., Ltd. 改造后/Photos After Renovation: 周兆前/ZHOU Zhaoqian

7 示意图/Diagrams

8 示意图/Diagrams

9 改造前平面/Floor plan before renovation

10 改造后首层平面/Ground floor plan after renovation

11 改造后首层平面,推拉模块展开/Ground floor plan with push and pull modules expanded, after renovation

12 夹层卧室平面/Loft plan after renovation

13 改造后剖面/Sections after renovation

14 改造后剖面/Sections after renovation

15 院落改造前内景/Interior views before renovation

16 院落改造前内景/Interior views before renovation

17 改造前开裂木作/Cracked wood work before renovation

Drawer Courtyard is located at No.39 Qingta Hutong in the Baitasi area in Beijing. It has a simple and square layout with one house and one courtyard.In the original condition before renovation, two illegal-built houses occupied most part of the courtyard and made the overall environment very cramped. It presents a common situation in Hutong,that residents spontaneously build additional houses in the courtyard as they need more living room. However, although the illegal constructions in the courtyard meet the residents' temporary living requirements, contradiction occurs between them and the relevant planning authority who responsible for urban pro file control. The preservation planning of Baitasi area requires that the property right area and overall pattern of the original buildings shall not be changed upon subsequent renovation, and that the volume ratio and the height of roof and eaves also shall remain unchanged.

The courtyard's smallness and the planning regulations' strictness initially brought many restrictions to this project, but lately became the main sources to inspire the design scheme. Lian is a mirror box used by ancient Han women to store toiletries. It is small but quite useful. On the premise of retaining the shape pattern and keeping the volume ratio unchanged, the scheme takes"Drawer Courtyard" as the concept of design. By inserting space like drawer that can be pushed and pulled in the building, the user could increase and decrease the interior space flexibly. It could also help to organise the relationship between "courtyard"and"house", even in a narrow space like the given courtyard, this project could achieve the goal of diversified uses.The renovated courtyard house is divided into two bays. The west bay is integrated with the push-and-pull module to form the overall workspace in an adjustable size, while the east one accommodates a life module which combines the functions of bathroom, bedroom and cabinet to ensure comfort and privacy of modern life.

There are many such courtyards in the historic urban districts of Beijing. Those courtyards are not regular and important examples of the typical quadrangle, but they work as spatial carriers of the Beijingers' traditional living. They could be regarded as the essential cells to form the texture of the old city. We expect that the exploration of Drawer Courtyard can provide some new possibilities in the renewal of the old Beijing urban area in the future. The push-and-pull module and living module can be simply and organically arranged into the courtyard house. Residents can participate in the bottom-up protection and renovation according to their own needs, and eventually contribute to the revival of whole Hutong area via the renewal of the single unit - the courtyard.For the sake of promotion, the project did not employ expensive materials and sophisticated construction procedures. In the future, assembly of prefabricated components can also be considered as a more efficient and convenient way to scale the module production. Drawer Courtyard is a new research and exploration based on space protection and function use flexibility of courtyard buildings.It is expected to provide a replicable, sustainable and practical solution for other old urban areas in China, as they are facing the similar problems in renewal.

18 立面/Façade

19 周边环境/Surrounding




FAN Lu: In the renovation project of Drawer Courtyard,the design features a flexible volume in the courtyard. The newly built electric-driven volume is made up of steel and glass and could extend into the courtyard and retract back into the original house. It is the con flict focus of interior and exterior spaces and the good and bad weathers. While at times, the added furniture and inert lifestyle could bring some trouble to this restless "drawer type" volume.

思唯雅·兰泰里:在胡同更新的过程中,建筑师有两种截然相反的立场:一些建筑师试图通过使其致密化来改造该区域,而另一些建筑师则通过减少体量来恢复过去的图底关系之间的平衡。本项目正属于后者。它从拆除占据了原有大半院落的两间违建房屋开始,置入一个必要且适应性强的生活模块,该模块由基本要素构成,还可以由住户根据需求调整。如此形成了一个非常内向的空间,从外部看,它既与环境保持着连续性又并未与之有任何特定的互动关系。(庞凌波 译)

Silvia Lanteri: Inside the hutongs regeneration processes, architects take two opposite positions: some of them try to transform the area by densifying it,some reduce the volume to restore the ancient balance between built and voids. This project is part of this second category: it starts from taking out two informal houses occupying most part of the original courtyard,and put an essential and adaptable basic cell, made of elements that can be modified by the residents.A very introverted space, from the outside it is in continuity with the context but without any particular interactions with it.


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