

时代英语·高二 2019年1期


The Nobel Prize Winners in Literature

Rabindranath Tagore (1913)

Prize motivation (获奖原由) : because of his deep sensitive, fresh and beautiful poetry, with perfect skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West.

William Faulkner (1949)

Prize motivation: for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel.

Ernest Miller Hemingway (1954)

Prize motivation: for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated (表现) in The Old Man and the Sea.

John Steinbeck (1962)

Prize motivation: for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception (社會知觉).

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1953)

Prize motivation: for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant speech skills in defending noble human values.

Claude Simon (1985)

Prize motivation: he in his novel combines the poets and the painters creativeness with a deepened awareness of time in the description of the human condition.

Mo Yan (2012)

Prize motivation: he, with dreamlike realism, combines folk tales, history and the contemporary.

Bob Dylan (2016)

Prize motivation: for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.

1. Which writer won the Noble Prize for his specific work instead of his lifelong achievements?

A. John Steinbeck. B. Ernest Miller Hemingway.

C. William Faulkner. D. Winston Churchill.

2. Who is connected with American song tradition?

A. Mo Yan. B. Claude Simon.

C. Bob Dylan. D. Rabindranath Tagore.

3. Who described real life experience in his historic works?

A. Mo Yan. B. John Steinbeck.

C. Winston Churchill. D. Ernest Miller Hemingway.


At a farm off Narrow Lane near Lexington, Kentucky, US, old-fashioned houses look over the little red barn (谷仓). The farm is mostly empty now. Jim Mahan and his family, who lived there for generations, have moved to a different plot of land in northern Fayette County. As land is sold, houses go up where there once were fields.

But during the summer, the barn is filled with city kids who have come to enjoy the farm. Theyre members of the Fayette County Livestock (FCL) Club, which showcases skills as varied as cutting wool. The barn is where they look after the animals.

The dozen or so children who take care of their goats and sheep at the little red barn must do a six-hour class before they get an animal. They pay for their own animals but get special club programs, such as one that provides vet care.

Mahan lets the group use the barn for free, and the kids spend up to three hours a day there during the summer. But as his land gets sold, he doesnt know whether the club can continue. What makes the FCL Club special is that most of the kids cant just walk out their doors and take care of their animals. Most are driven to the barn by their mothers, who usually hang around and chat as their kids exercise the animals.

There are valuable lessons learned along the way. For instance, dont cut wool off your goat when there is wind, and sheep are social animals and will cry loudly when separated. “Tending (照顧) to animals helps teach us responsibility. Unlike learning to shoot an arrow, caring for an animal isnt something you can simply abandon,” said Carly Playforth, 16, of Lexington.

4. What are the kids required to do before they begin to look after the animals?

A. Attend a class. B. Pay certain money.

C. Have varied skills. D. Get special club programs.

5. What do we know about the club?

A. They offer services unconditionally.

B. They pay for their use of the barn.

C. They let mothers care for animals.

D. They allow mothers to go to the farm with their kids.

6. How does Carly Playforth feel about the experience?

A. Doubtful. B. Moved.

C. Meaningful. D. Excited.

7. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Kids life on a sold farm.

B. Valuable lessons learned on the farm.

C. A special club intended for Lexington kids.

D. A club activity of caring for farm animals.


Arthur Miller was born on October 17th, 1915 and died on February 10th, 2005. Over the course of seven decades of literature career, Arthur Miller created some of the most memorable stage plays in American Literature. He is the author of Death of a Salesman and The Crucible. Born and raised in Manhattan, Miller went through the best and the worst of American society.

Arthur Millers childhood: His father was a productive shop?keeper and clothing manufacturer until the Great Depression dried up nearly all business opportunities. Yet, despite being faced with poverty, Miller made the best of his childhood. He was a very active young man, in love with sports such as football and baseball. When he wasnt playing outside, he enjoyed reading adventure stories. He was also kept busy by his many boyhood jobs. He often worked alongside his father. During other times in his life, he delivered bakery goods and worked as a clerk in a car parts warehouse.

College life: In 1934, Miller left the east coast to attend the University of Michigan. He was accepted into their school of journalism. His experiences during the Depression made him skeptical (懷疑的) about religion. Politically, he began leaning towards the “left”. And since the theater was the cutting edge way for socio?economic liberals (自由主义者) to express their views, he decided to enter the Hopwood Drama competition. His first play, No Villain, received an award from the university. It was an impressive beginning for the young playwright; he had never studied plays or playwriting, and he had written his play in just five days!

Millers later years: In 1987, his autobiography was published. Many of his later plays dealt with personal experience. In particular, his final play, Finishing the Picture mirrors the last days of his marriage to Marilyn Monroe. In 2005, Arthur Miller passed away at the age of 89.

8. What can we know about Arthur Miller from Paragraph 2?

A. He was born into a poor family.

B. His father wasnt good at business.

C. He couldnt adjust himself to poverty.

D. He had to do lots of jobs to make a living.

9. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A. Miller learned playwriting all by himself.

B. Millers university education made him doubt religion.

C. The University of Michigan is on the east coast of the USA.

D. Socio?economic liberals were probably not politically “left”.

10. Which play tells the story of Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe?

A. No Villain. B. The Crucible.

C. Death of a Salesman. D. Finishing the Picture.

11. What is the writers purpose of writing this passage?

A. To introduce Arthur Millers plays.

B. To tell us about Arthur Millers childhood.

C. To explain how Arthur Miller started to write plays.

D. To give us a brief introduction to Arthur Millers life.


People do not like being separated from their mobile phones, even while enjoying a restful holiday at the beach. However, the phone battery may become exhausted completely. If that happens, they have no choice but to connect the phone to the power supply. But its impossible to get the battery charged at the beach. Whats worse, the hot sun is shining right overhead, and the water in the bottle is sure to reach a very high temperature.

Antoine Sayah, a university student from Lebanon, developed a special beach mat called the Beachill. It looks similar to the ordinary beach mat and will cause back pain as well. However, the device can recharge any mobile phone. It is designed to be water-resistant and has a 5-watt solar panel, which provides power continuously. The mat also has the refrigeration equipment that can help keep drinks cool, just like the refrigerator.

Antoine Sayah began selling the Beachill on the Internet for $150. He says he has been surprised at the reaction worldwide. “I have got orders for the device from Brazil, Toronto, all over Europe, especially France, America, from all continents.” The Beachill is also gaining popularity in other places, like swimming pools and boats.

Some people like the mat because it is lightweight and easy to carry. Rita Mathieu bought one of the Beachills. “When I am on the beach, I used to look around for a charger and never managed to find any and the water never stays cool,” she says, “so this kind of beach mat is wonderful and has everything in it, even a pocket where I can put a book. Thanks to it, I can surf the Internet and keep in touch with friends at any time at the beach.”

12. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To show great pity for people at the beach.

B. To tell some key facts about mobile phones.

C. To attract the readers interest in the subject.

D. To prove the importance of water in hot weather.

13. What can we learn about the Beachill?

A. It is quite unusual in appearance.

B. It will stop working in the water.

C. It has some function of the refrigerator.

D. It can not be used at the swimming pool.

14. Rita Mathieu is mentioned to prove the Beachills ______ .

A. popularity B. convenience

C. quality D. cheapness

15. Whats the purpose of writing this text?

A. To tell people a new way to get a cold drink.

B. To ask people to stop using phones at the beach.

C. To encourage people to travel around the world.

D. To introduce a beach mat that can charge a phone.

Famous poets are writers known for having poetry achievements. Most of these writers are deeply into 1 poetry. All famous poets are not 2 or well-known people. Most people do not know much about these writers. Schools may not 3 detailed studying on them. Although they may not receive as much 4 as people in other fields, they should be honored and 5 for their poetry achievements.

Most famous poets are authors whove 6 their own poetry book or have 7 in a poetry book. They also have biographies in books and on the 8 . Emily Dickinson, Louisa May Alcott, Robert Frost and Robert Burns are just some of the many well-known poets. Many of the most popular poets have been 9 . These writers 10 from the present to dates earlier than the 1900.

If a person wants to become one of these poets, a good place to 11 is to write a poetry book. If the persons poems in that book are read and liked by the 12 , it is possible for that person to have some real 13 . Only serious poetry writers are most 14 to become one of these poets. Because most people dont 15 much money in the field of poetry, a career involving poetry is not something most people 16 or want to take a chance in. As poetry continues to 17 , there will be more poets who become famous through poetry. 18 some writers may not become famous poets 19 theyve died. If you are 20 about their stories, you can find out a lot about these writers through books in libraries.

1. A. knowing B. finding C. learning D. writing

2. A. ordinary B. popular C. normal D. strange

3. A. provide B. make C. check D. admit

4. A. demand B. attention C. attraction D. help

5. A. mentioned B. visited C. respected D. studied

6. A. sold B. published C. rented D. recorded

7. A. stories B. comments C. poems D. essays

8. A. Internet B. phone C. TV D. screen

9. A. ill B. lost C. present D. dead

10. A. change B. range C. vary D. include

11. A. start B. notice C. move D. realize

12. A. poets B. editors C. readers D. booksellers

13. A. chances B. places C. benefits D. advantages

14. A. careful B. likely C. clever D. helpful

15. A. donate B. earn C. charge D. spend

16. A. mind B. consider C. appeal D. carry

17. A. increase B. improve C. popularize D. advance

18. A. Thankfully B. Especially C. Briefly D. Unfortunately

19. A. unless B. after C. before D. until

20. A. disappointed B. worried C. curious D. satisfied

Aesop (伊索) was a slave living around 550 BC. We call the stories he wrote fables, as every story has a moral (寓意). Almost all the fables he wrote are 1 (humor) and entertaining, appealing to people 2 all ages. To date, Aesops fables have been translated into many languages and 3 (know) all over the world. Not only have the fables 4 (they) lived for nearly 1,500 years, but 5 (express) from them have entered various languages.

One fable, for instance, is about a farmer who 6 (drive) his cart along a country road when the cart got 7 (stick) in the mud. But the farmer made no effort 8 (get) it out. Instead, he began to pray to the gods for help. The god Hercules finally appeared and told the man to get busy and push 9 . “Push your shoulder to the wheel,” Hercules advised.

The moral of the story is clear. We mustnt rely on others for help. Another saying 10 has come from the fable is “God helps those who help themselves”.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.


appeal attain burden gift ought

overcome possess power sorrow stubborn

1. We made an ____ to the villagers for money to build the bridge.

2. She is ____ in writing, so someone says she is born a writer.

3. John finished speaking as though getting rid of a heavy ____ .

4. He was too ____ to admit that he was wrong.

5. Flora was a lot happier after she ____ her fear of meeting new people.

6. ____ a goal is difficult, and one will never reach it if he or she stops trying.

7. They said that the decision was made more in ____ than in anger.

8. I feel as though I ____ to be doing something worthwhile like that.

9. This will improve the ____ of thought and imagination of the childrens minds.

10. Danny chose the taxi because driving was about the only marketable skill he ____ .


1. At the time, I was associated to him in a large law firm which is related to online business. ____

2. The excellent design which made the designer famous appealed for all ages and social groups. ____

3. The universities have expanded, thus allowed many more people the chance of higher education. ____

4. Fans stood outside the news conference, being hoping to catch a glimpse of Taylor Swift. ____

5. I wonder how he could manage to possessing himself of that secret. ____


2﹒没有特殊的工具和智慧,白纸黑字写下的东西是擦不掉的。(put down)

3﹒这本书被学者欢迎的同时,也立即引起了普通读者的兴趣。(appeal to sb)

4﹒那些报道只限于记录事实,而未加以任何评论。(be restricted to)

5﹒上周强烈的怒潮席卷美国。(sweep over)


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