

肉类研究 2018年7期

摘 要:为研究川西藏区自然发酵牦牛酸醡肉的标准化工艺及品质特性,以感官评分为目标参数,综合评分为响应值进行响应面设计,优化其发酵工艺,并进行成品品质特性分析。结果表明:最优发酵工艺为22 ℃发酵40 h。成品牦牛酸醡肉含氨基酸16 种,氨基酸总含量21.8 g/100 g,必需氨基酸/总氨基酸比值为40.98%,苏氨酸与天冬氨酸为主要呈味氨基酸;成品牦牛酸醡肉中挥发性物质共检测出114 种,主要包括碳氢化合物(53 种)、醇类(35 种)、酯类(27 种)和醚类(3 种),相对含量均大于5%,此外还含有醛类(12 种)、酚类(7 种)、酸类(7 种)、酮类(14 种)和含氮化合物(9 种)。


Processing Standardization and Quality Characteristics of Naturally Fermented Sour Yak Meat in

Tibetan Areas of West Sichuan

PENG Yiqin1, DING Jie1,2,*, SHU Xiaofang1, LIU Chunyan1, LU Xuesong1, HE Jianghong1, XIAO Meng1, WU Huachang1

(1.College of Food Science, Sichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100, China;

2.College of Food Science, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yaan 625014, China)

Abstract: This study was carried out aiming to optimize fermentation conditions for the production of naturally fermented sour yak meat in the Tibetan areas of west Sichuan and to evaluate its quality characteristics. Optimization was carried out using response surface methodology. Sensory evaluation score was used as response variable. The optimal fermentation temperature and time were determined as 22 ℃ and 40 h, respectively. The product prepared under these conditions contained 16 amino acids; the total amino acid content was 21.8 g/100 g and the ratio of essential amino acid to total amino acid was 40.98%. Threonine and aspartic acid were identified as the main flavor amino acids. A total of 114 volatile compounds were identified in the fermented meat including 53 hydrocarbons, 35 alcohols, 27 esters and 3 ethers, accounting respectively for more than 5%, as well as 12 aldehydes, 7 phenols, 7 acids, 14 ketones and 9 nitrogenous compounds.

Keywords: sour yak meat; natural fermentation; processing standardization; quality characteristics


中圖分类号:TS251.52 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8123(2018)07-0029-08


彭毅秦, 丁捷, 舒小芳, 等. 川西藏区自然发酵牦牛酸醡肉工艺标准化及品质特性[J]. 肉类研究, 2018, 32(7): 29-36. DOI:10.7506/rlyj1001-8123-201807006.

PENG Yiqin, DING Jie, SHU Xiaofang, et al. Processing standardization and quality characteristics of naturally fermented sour yak meat in tibetan areas of west sichuan[J]. Meat Research, 2018, 32(7): 29-36. DOI:10.7506/rlyj1001-8123-201807006.

酸醡肉是我国西南少数民族地区的传统发酵肉制品[1],以鲜肉为主料,玉米粉、米粉或青稞粉及多种调味料为辅料,经自然发酵而成,品种主要分为三大类:湘西地区侗族传统酸肉、贵州荔波传统酸肉和四川扎坝臭猪肉。酸醡肉因其营养丰富、口感独特且极具地域民族特色,而深受消费者欢迎,市场潜力巨大。李丽华等[2]对传统湘西酸醡肉的加工工艺进行改造研究;谢垚垚等[3]使用混合乳酸菌进行快速发酵,将侗族传统酸醡肉的发酵时间缩短至30 h;赵庄等[4]使用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)法快速测定酸肉中10 种挥发性N-亚硝胺类化合物;Leisner等[5]研究不同类型乳酸菌的生长对酸醡肉在厌氧(真空)和有氧条件下贮藏期限的影响;Hu Yanxin等[6]将细菌素运用于传统酸醡肉的防腐;卢雪松等[7]探究多种烹饪方式对糊辣风味酸醡肉食用品质的影响。