Selection Preference of Inbound Tourists in Guizhou for Tourist Attractions


校园英语·下旬 2018年5期


【Abstract】Inbound tourism is an important part of tourism. Its development status is an important symbol to measure the internationalization level and industrial maturity of a country or regional tourism industry. This paper studies the tourist destination preference of the main inbound tourist market in Guizhou in order to discover the spatial regularity.

【Key words】Selection Preference; Inbound Tourists; Guizhou; Tourist Attractions.

Ⅰ. Introduction

1.1 Research Purpose

By understanding the factors that affect the preferences of inbound tourists, the tourist attractions of Guizhou should adjust the tourist resources in Guizhou and do a good job in tourism development.

1.2 Research Significance

The study of tourism preference is of great significance to the expansion of tourism market. It helps to understand the needs of tourists and meet the needs of tourists, so as to promote the development of the tourism market in Guizhou.

Ⅱ. Current situation of inbound tourists in Guizhou province

The overseas tourism market of Guizhou is mainly in HongKong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China, Southeast Asian countries, Japan, Korea, Europe and the Americas. Since the beginning of the new century, the development of inbound tourism has obviously accelerated. With the development of tourism, the consumption trends of inbound tourists has changed. Guizhou has entered the period of sightseeing and leisure vacation. The number of tourists in overseas markets has increased significantly.

Ⅲ. Influence of Inbound Tourists on Tourism Market

The development of inbound tourism is an important symbol to measure the level of international tourism industry and the maturity of industry in a country or region. So the study of inbound tourism market has always been one of the important contents of tourism research. The inbound tourism, domestic tourism and outbound tourism, which constitute the tourism market of Guizhou, have been developing rapidly. And the scale of inbound tourism is the main basis for the measurement of tourism province.

Ⅳ. Types of Tourist Attractions in Guizhou

4.1 Climatic Resources

Geographical features of Guizhou are high altitudes and closed mountainous environment, which has an impact on climate change. Superior climate resources creating a favorable environment for tourism, ideal sightseeing and leisure.

4.2 Water Resources

Water conservancy conditions become an important resource of water conservancy tourism in Guizhou. Combined with the role of geographical cutting, water can fall differently according to the corresponding projects, in order to promote water conservancy development.

4.3 Biological Resources

Guizhou are many types of soil, unique mountain environment and climatic conditions combines to reproduce a wide range of biological resources. Rich biological resources constitute the Guizhou ethnic areas the industrial base of the tourism industry.

4.4 Geological Resources

The geological resources for tourism development in Guizhou having stone, forest peak, peak cluster, shaft, cave, stone pillar, etc. Famous cave landscape such as Huangguoshu Waterfall, Nine-dragon karst cave, which are the representatives of geological resources used in tourism development.

4.5 Cultural Resources

Ethnic groups in the diet, clothing, festivals, buildings have a unique culture. Ancient cultural traditions, daytime habits, and preservation of ethnic cultures become the core of national tourism resources. Rich ethnic cultures created Guizhou province into a living Museum of Natural and Cultural Ecology.

Ⅴ. Investigation on the Preference of Inbound Tourists

5.1 Travel behavior Preference

5.1.1 Preference of Tourism Resources

In the context of European and American cultural, tourists come to China mainly to satisfy their curiosity. The European tourists are more likely to choose tourist project with rich Chinese characteristics. In addition, food cooking, folk customs and travel shopping is also very attractive to tourists of Europe and America.

5.1.2 Shopping and Diet Preferences

On the diet, in addition to the more scattered dietary needs of south Korean tourists, tourists from other countries have a special preference for Chinese local cuisine. The taste of Chinese food has become an important part of the cause of foreign tourists to travel to China. In tourist shopping, Chinese arts and crafts are the favorite tourist goods of foreign tourists, followed by silk, clothing and art.

5.1.3 Accommodation Preferences

In the choice of accommodation facilities, the first factor considered by Asian tourists was safety, followed by price, geographical location, environment and facilities, while service and brand influence were relatively small. European tourists are most concerned about location and price, followed by interest. The main motivation of foreign tourists to travel to China is to experience cultural differences.

5.2 Data Analysis of Tourists Preference Survey of Tourist Attractions

From the source of inbound tourists, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots have been the main source of inbound tourist market in Guizhou. In 2011, the number of tourists from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots accounted for 59.6% of the total number of tourists, while foreigners accounted for 40.1% of the total number of tourists. The tourist attractions lack of innovation in accommodation, tourism and entertainment elements of the overseas tourists. The tourist attractions should improve the quality of tourism, promote the development of the region and strengthened life cycle of tourism. Although the European market is the most important tourist market in the world, it is not the most important in Guizhou. Because of convenient traffic geography, history,culture, life style, concept of value gap and other reasons, a smaller proportion of the European market for Guizhou. Overall, Guizhou development of overseas tourist market is very backward, this also means that there is a great increase in space.

Ⅵ. Conclusion

After entering the 21st century, Guizhou inbound tourism has developed rapidly. The change in tourism revenue and the number of tourists is consistent, which is the typical growth. The development of inbound tourism depends more on the overall expansion of tourist reception. Creating a good environment for tourism consumption, optimize tourism products and increase the consumption level of inbound tourism is the key to the transformation from quantity expansion to quality and efficiency.


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