How to Celebrate the 15 Days of Chinese New Year 如何庆祝中国农历新年的15天


中学生英语·中考指导版 2018年1期


Chinese New Year traditions change from region to region in China. While some traditions have fallen victim to modern times, many are still celebrated. Dont just watch the fireworks and lion dances; youll get more out of the celebration once you understand some of the 15 days of Chinese New Year traditions!


★ Chinese New Years Eve除夕夜

The eve of Chinese New Year is typically celebrated with a family dinner of dumplings—the dumplings symbolize1 wealth because of their shape. Southern Chinese celebrate by preparing a special cake known as niangao. After dinner, many groups go to temples to pray in the new year. Some families now stay at home and do a countdown2. Firecrackers and spectacular fireworks displays3—meant to frighten away evil spirits—can be seen in Beijing and many other cities on the eve of Chinese New Year.


★ Day 1 of Chinese New Year 正月初一

Many cities across the world consider the first two days of Chinese New Year to be a public holiday; businesses and offices are usually closed. Parades4 and lion dances are held in the streets while fireworks fill the sky. Younger people receive money, sweets, and small gifts in red envelopes from their elders. To bring good fortune, Buddhists5 typically refrain6 from eating meat or killing animals on the first day of Chinese New Year.


★ Day 2 of Chinese New Year 正月初二

The second day of Chinese New Year is considered the official beginning of the new year as well as Cai Shen the God of Wealths birthday (Southern Chinese celebrate it on the fifth day of Chinese New Year). Some traditionalists7 consider this day to be important for dogs and reward them with treats!Day two is also the day to visit friends and family members because the following day is considered a bad day for visiting.


★ Day 3 of Chinese New Year正月初三

In direct contrast with the first two days of Chinese New Year, day three is considered a bad day to visit friends and family; superstitious8 followers choose to remain at home or go to have their fortunes told at a temple dedicated9 to the God of Wealth.


★ Day 4 of Chinese New Year 正月初四

Business returns to normal on the fourth day in many places. Corporations may hold department dinners or organize social events for their employees.


★ Day 5 of Chinese New Year 正月初五

Dumplings are eaten in mainland China on day five. Some groups throw firecrackers to hopefully bring blessings from Guan Yu—a famous Chinese general considered to be the Taoist God of War.


★ Day 6 of Chinese New Year 正月初六

More offices reopen and business resumes in places that were closed to observe the first five days of Chinese New Year as a public holiday. Again, more firecrackers are thrown to keep away malicious10 spirits who may try to make trouble for business in the New Year.


★ Day 7 of Chinese New Year 正月初七

Day seven is considered by many to be the day that everyone grows one year older. Buddhists do not eat meat, and Chinese communities in Southeast Asia consume raw-fish salad to ensure prosperity.


★ Day 8 of Chinese New Year 正月初八

The eighth day of Chinese New Year is the eve of the Jade Emperors birthday; special family dinners are held to honor Yu Huang, the Ruler of Heaven. Many employers will thank their employees with free food.


★ Day 9 of Chinese New Year 正月初九

The birthday of the Jade Emperor is considered extra important by the Hokkien Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore. Prayers are offered and incense11 sticks are lit. Sugarcane12 is considered a traditional offering to the deity13.


★ Day 10 of Chinese New Year 正月初十

Appreciation and offerings continue to be offered to the Jade Emperor on day 10.


★ Day 11~12 of Chinese New Year 正月十一、十二

Aside from family dinners and time with friends, these days are relatively quiet on Chinese New Year.


★ Day 13 of Chinese New Year 正月十三

After a gluttonous14 twelve days of eating, everyone converts to vegetarianism15 on the thirteenth day in hopes to settle weary digestive16 systems!Day 13 is mostly dedicated to Guan Yu, the God of War. Although everyone is long since back to work, businesses will offer special thanks to the famous general.


★ Day 14 of Chinese New Year 正月十四

Day 14 is spent resting and preparing for the Lantern Festival—the final Chinese New Year blowout17.


★ Day 15 of Chinese New Year 正月十五

The last of the 15 days of Chinese New Year brings another round of fireworks, stage shows, and celebrations. Not to be confused with the Mid-Autumn Festival. On Lantern Festival, large crowds walk the streets with candles and lanterns to bring peace and fortune. After a little over two weeks of celebrations, what is considered the largest of festivals in Asia will close.



1. symbolize vt. 象征

2. countdown n. 倒数计秒

3. display v. 炫耀;显示

4. parades n. 游行

5. Buddhist n. 佛教徒

6. refrain vi. 节制,克制;避免

7. traditionalist n. 传统主义者;因循守旧者 8. superstitious adj. 迷信的

9. dedicated adj. 专用的

10. malicious adj. 恶意的;蓄意的

11. incense n. 香

12. sugarcane n. 甘蔗

13. deity n. 神;神性

14. gluttonous adj. 貪吃的,暴食的

15. vegetarianism n. 素食主义

16. digestive adj. 消化的

17. blowout n. [俚]盛宴;欢闹


An Ancient Story About Jade Emperor