

校园英语·中旬 2018年4期










Directions: Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should describe the drawing briefly, explain its intended meaning, and then give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (2009年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题)


As can be seen in the picture, in the “net” sit a group of people surfing the net. They enjoy sending messages and expressing ideas through the internet so much that they almost forget the goodness and uniqueness of face-to-face communication.

Theres no doubt that Internet is one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century which has revolutionized the world in almost every aspect. It has changed the way we behave and the way we communicate. We benefit a lot from the convenience of online shopping, video call, network course and the like. Moreover, we could even have access to the newly released album, movie or the latest academic journal via the internet. However, theres also some negative impact that cannot be neglected. More and more young people prefer to press the button and chat online, which makes them alienated from their family and even the real society. Some students tend to spend hours watching movie or playing computer games, making the great invention enemy of their health. According to the recent survey, nearly 40% of the teenagers in our country are addicted to Internet, among which half of them have psychological problems. They benefit from the net, love the fun it brings to them, but they are also caught in the net. The situation is so serious that its high time that certain measures should be taken to cope with it.

An British writer named Charles Percy Snow once said “technology is an odd thing: it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.” Internet is no exception. Only if we use it with proper purposes and self-control can we foster the strength of Internet while avoiding its disadvantages and enjoy our life to the best.

这是一篇很好的议论文,不仅中心突出、层次清晰,而且使用了丰富的句型和语法结构,语言表达连贯、自然。作者开篇简明扼要地描述了图片内容,并提出自己的论点。倒装句“in the ‘net sit a group of people surfing the net”的使用不仅简洁明确,而且运用“net”一词多意的特点重复使用使文章具有節奏感和韵律美,后文“goodness and uniqueness”的并列也是一样。第二段中作者展开论述,运用了充分的论据阐述网络的优势与弊端,其中也不乏优秀的句子。最后一段作者引用英国作家查尔斯的名言指出科技是一把双刃剑,我们只有正确使用互联网并学会自我控制才能趋利避害,首尾呼应,升华中心。


Directions: Write an essay of 160~200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should describe the drawing briefly, explain its intended meaning, and support your view with an example / examples.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (2007年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题)


As is shown is the picture above, in a football match, a goal keeper is standing in front of a goal, preparing to stop a player from kicking the ball in. At the same time, the goal keeper is thinking: “How wide the goal is, but how small I am! How can I stop the ball?” Meanwhile, the player is thinking what is contrary to that, “How big the keeper is! How can I kick the ball in?”

Apparently, the purpose of the picture is to emphasize the importance of self-confidence in our daily life. We often underestimate ourselves and overestimate others. In all walks of life, competition grows increasingly fierce, imposing tremendous pressure on us, so we must maintain self-confidence in the face of challenges to succeed. Losing our self-confidence before we take actions can not only destroy our mood but also affect our performance.

For example, when I was in the middle school, our school basketball team once played against a famous team in the city. Everyone on our team was so frightened and diffident that we even didnt make any preparations beforehand. As a result, we failed. One year later, we met the same team in another match. This time, our teacher inspired us with confidence and hope. Then, we made a detailed plan and practiced a lot. To everyones surprise, we won! So, from my own experience, I learned that confidence is the key to success.









Keeping Pets

Keeping dogs as pets has more benefits than most people recognize. First, they contribute to the health of their owners. Often their demands for walks and play improve their owners exercise routine. In fact, statistics show that dog owners get more regular exercise than non-dog owners do. Also, they enhance health simply by being around to be petted. Second, they provide a means for parents to teach their children responsibility. When parents give children a dog, they provide them the opportunity to fulfill the responsibilities of walking, feeding, and caring for its other needs. Finally and most important of all, dogs enhance the well-being and emotional stability of families. Older people who live alone especially rely on dogs to give them enjoyment and company. Children also find a great deal of comfort in their dogs. As an example, a family dog helps a little boy adapt when his mother leaves him with a sister and goes to work. In brief, although dogs cause their owners trouble and expense, these animals may at the same time return unrealized value.

该议论文主题明确,结构紧凑,全篇围绕养狗的三点意义(有助于主人的健康、能培养孩子的责任感以及利于家庭和睦与情感稳定)展开论述,且层层递进,所阐述的观点的重要性依次递增,体现出作者在构思文章时严密的逻辑。此外,“First”, “Also”,“Second”和“Finally and most important of all”等指示性词语的使用使得文章的上下文衔接连贯,在具有“统一性”的同时兼具“连贯性”。


中心突出是指文章的中心思想应明确,论点要鲜明。作者可将表现中心思想和论点的主题句放在文章或段落的开头,并在结尾处再次点题,首尾呼应。此外,也可以使用重复、强调、排比、引用等修辞手法使文章主题鲜明、中心突出。以培根的代表作“Of Studies”(“论读书”)为例,培根在文中科学地概括了学习的方法,阐述了学习的重要性,并指出不同的书应采用不同的阅读方法,最后还谈了各门学科对人的性格产生的影响。每个段落都有一个分论点,并有论有证,但全文却围绕读书学习这一个中心展开论述,可谓论点鲜明,中心突出,层次分明。他的作品逻辑严谨,论证精辟,语言简洁明快,不失为议论文写作的优秀范例。







Knowledge often results only after persistent investigation. Albert Einstein, after a lengthy examination of the characteristics of matter and energy, formulated his famous Theory of Relativity, which now acts as a basis for further research in nuclear physics….After years of work Annie Jump Cannon perfected the classification of the spectra of some 350,000 stars….

上文的论点是知识源于坚持不懈的调查研究,而爱因斯坦与安妮·坎农通过多年的不懈努力才取得科研成果的例子恰好证明了这一观点,若是将文中的例子换成牛顿因被苹果砸中而产生灵感进而发现了万有引力或是引用培根的名句“Knowledge is power”都不足以论证主题句中的论点,显得文不对题。

而论据的说服性是指所使用的论据应具有说服力。例如,有同学曾在题为“Can Men Triump Over Nature”的作文中写到:“Nature is more powerful than men because nature has power, such as wind, water, crustal movement and so on.”所举的例子具有相关性,但没有说服力,使得其文苍白无力,论证不详实。








