Talking about design innovation


东方教育 2018年5期

Innovation is the soul of a nations progress and an inexhaustible motive force for a countrys prosperity and development. It is manifested in every aspect of the historical development of human society.Practice has proved that innovation is a key link in the design process. Design innovation is a kind of productivity, a source of human wealth, and a huge driving force for national development. It must not be ignored.

Innovation is one of the essential characteristics of design. In a certain sense, design is innovation. It can be said that the design is based on innovative design. The content of innovative factors in the design determines the product quality and market share. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the refurbishment of design style seems to have come to an end. Post-modernism has become a thing of the past, and deconstructionism is still high. With the storm of the third industrial revolution, innovation-driven development strategies have become deeply rooted in peoples hearts. People are increasingly dissatisfied with designers pursuit of formal alienation and entertaining expressionism. Design requires theoretical breakthroughs. Understanding innovation and serving the 'people' at a higher level. Before the industrial revolution, people were engaged in designing a series of small batches of simple household items. The designers were both producers and consumers. The products produced had a small amount of circulation and had little design, and the products did not flow for a long time. It has changed the design of superstructure and has led to changes in design concepts and design expressions. After the industrial revolution, all kinds of products were stamped with standardization, mass production and machine production, which resulted in the influx of products into the market and accelerated the flow of products, which in turn aggravated products and people, products and society, and products. Contradictions with nature, when these contradictions reach an irreconcilable state, they stimulate the emergence and development of new designs, such as non-material designs and ecological designs.

Design is a product of the combination of science and technology and art, and art is one of the manifestations of culture. Therefore, the innovation in design is the dialectical unity of scientific and technological innovation and cultural innovation.

Since the seventeenth century, with the combination of natural science and technology, science and technology have been integrated, and the need for technology has provided a powerful impetus for science, and the development of science has provided unlimited possibilities for the realization of technology. A series of science and technology such as biotechnology, marine technology, and space technology have developed from scratch. The design is no longer confined to the design of products, but has entered a deeper field and is designed at a higher level. Development design. For example, the ecological design that emerged in the 1990s was based on ecology as its own development direction, and changing and abandoning traditional designs overemphasised the appearance of products and led to new and innovative design ideas. The innovation of science and technology has opened up a new direction for design, making the innovation of design a possible alternative to metaphysics.

Art is one of the manifestations of culture. In a certain sense, art is culture, and artistic innovation is cultural innovation. Emphasizing that cultural innovation does not mean creating a new culture, but changing the way and form of cultural existence, understanding culture at a higher level, and designing the same. China is a country with a history of 5,000 years. It is a large cultural country in the four major ancient civilizations that still stands in the forest of world culture. Its culture can be said to be a broad spirit and has a long history. However, the understanding of culture or innovation is very rare. In a certain sense, it is also an art. The practice of the modernist movement shows that modernism design does not fundamentally eliminate decoration, but rather the way and form of changing decoration. The significance of the presence of decoration. This is both a cultural innovation and an artistic innovation. Art is the basis for the existence of design. The innovation of art makes the innovation of design possible. It is no longer just an empty city-style emptiness, but an illusion or ideal.

"The product is often new and the company is evergreen." The times are constantly advancing. Only innovation can enable companies to continuously develop and progress. As an innovative bridgehead, industrial design should play a leading role. We need to lead the design, lead the consumer, create new lifestyles and experiences, create new business models, and lead design. This point has also been a constant theme for many companies. If we only meet the customer's purpose and get a little design service fee, doing follow-up design will only limit our thinking and we will not be able to create a satisfying or "eye-pleasing eye." Bright new products, new experiences or new services.

Innovation is the soul of a nations progress and an inexhaustible motive force for a countrys prosperity. For the design, so too!


[1] M.Tovey,S.Porter,R.Nneman.Sketching, concept development and automotive design. Design Studies . 2003

作者簡介:刘建邦(1992.10—),男,汉族,籍贯:安徽池州人,齐鲁工业大学艺术学院,15级在读研究生,硕士学位,专业:艺术设计 研究方向:工业设计。

