

代月杰 韩春雨

【摘要】目的 探究原发性蛛网膜下腔出血放射影像诊断价值,为临床医学提供诊断经验。方法 选择我院在2015年12月~2016年12月确诊的原发性蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)患者不同时期以及其相关的影像学资料122例,对这122例患者进行资料回顾性分析,判断其阳性结果的敏感性,并分析其中的原因。结果 SAH的患者在患病早期的时候会出现头痛、呕吐、脑膜刺激征等等症状,在相关症状出现的72h内对患者进行内腰穿的检测,阳性率高达100%,CT阳性率为92%,M RI 、MRA 病因诊断阳性率为45.55%。数字减影全脑血管造影病因诊断阳性率为 70.83 %。结论 经过一系列的试探探究,最终我们知道了确诊SAH疾病的最好方式是根据其临床的表现以及腰穿急性期的检测。进行CT检测之后结果显示为阴性的患者并不能就此认为其没有患SAH疾病。另外,DSA 的诊断形式比M RA的诊断形式具有更高的准确率。脊髓血管造影是一种很好的可以可发现头 CT 、M RA 、DSA 均阴性的病变。


【中图分类号】R445 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】ISSN.2095-6681.2018.1..02

【Abstract】Objective To explore the diagnostic value of primary subarachnoid hemorrhage (arachnoid hemorrhage), and to provide diagnostic experience for clinical medicine.Methods in our hospital in December 2015 December~2016 diagnosed primary subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients in different periods and their imaging data of 122 patients, were retrospectively reviewed in 122 cases,the sensitivity of positive results, and analysis of the reasons.Results SAH patients were headache, vomiting, meningeal irritation symptoms in the early time will sicken, detection of patients by lumbar puncture related symptoms appeared in 72h,the positive rate was as high as100%,the positive rate of CT was 92%,and the positive rate of M RI and MRA was 45.55%.The positive rate of digital subtraction total brain angiography (DSA) was 70.83%.Conclusion after a series of test research,finally we know the best way to diagnose SAH disease according to the clinical manifestations and detection of acute lumbar puncture.After the CT test,the patients who showed negative results did not think that they had no SAH disease. In addition, the diagnostic form of DSA has a higher accuracy than the diagnostic form of M RA.Spinal angiography is a very good lesion that can be found to be negative for the head CT,M RA,and DSA.

【Key words】Primary arachnoid;inferior hemorrhage;radiographic diagnosis


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 方法

腰穿:入院48 h内以腰3~4或腰4~5间隙为进针点行腰椎穿刺术[1]。CT:西门子SOMATOMPlus 4 螺旋CT 机[2];MRI、MRA:德国SiemensImpact1.5 T磁共振机[3];DSA:应用TOSHIBA SDF-1200mA 大型 DSA 血管造影机[4]。

2 结 果

SAH的患者在患病早期的时候会出现头痛、呕吐、脑膜刺激征等等症状,在相关症状出现的72h内对患者进行内腰穿的检测,阳性率高达100%,CT阳性率为92%,MRI、MRA 病因诊断阳性率为45.55%。数字减影全脑血管造影病因诊断阳性率为70.83 %。以下是MRA与DSA两种检查方法病因诊断阳性率的具体情况。

3 讨 论



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本文编辑:李 豆