

农业工程学报 2018年4期

李 明,黄愉淇,李绪孟,彭冬星,谢景鑫


李 明1,3,黄愉淇1,李绪孟2,彭冬星1,谢景鑫1

(1. 湖南农业大学工学院,长沙 410128; 2. 湖南农业大学理学院,长沙 410128; 3. 湖南星索尔航空科技有限公司,长沙 410100)

水稻是中国南方最主要的粮食作物,种植面积波动对国家粮食稳定有很大影响。通过无人机遥感试验获取多幅有重叠区域的图像,使用Agisoft photoscan软件拼接重构试验区的完整图像,利用多尺度分割方法将试验区域分割成若干对象,并基于统计方法提取对象的光谱特征、几何特征和纹理特征;然后,建立识别水稻地块的二分类Logistic回归模型,特征指标为形状指数、红色均值、红色标准偏差、最大化差异度量、灰度共生矩阵同质性和灰度共生矩阵非相似性。结果表明:模型辨识训练样本集的正确率为100%,辨识检验样本的正确率为97%,模型应用于辨识验证区域水稻田块,总体正确率为98%。最后基于累计像素方法测算水稻田块的面积,并与目视解译测算的结果对比,面积误差小于3.5%,研究方法识别水稻田块效果好,面积测算准确率高。因此,该研究对利用无人机遥感影像普查水稻种植信息具有一定的适用性。


0 引 言



前人利用无人机平台获取可见光图像提取物种植信息的研究取得了一定的进展,就其方法而言,大致分为两类:基于像元的提取方法和基于面向对象分类技术的提取方法。在基于像元提取方法的研究方面,汪小钦等[14]基于可见光无人机遥感的RGB图像,利用植被在绿光波段的反射及在红光和蓝光波段的吸收特性,构建了植被指数VDVI(可见光波段差异植被指数);李宗南等[15]基于小型电动无人机搭载彩色数码相机获取的彩色图像,分别通过色彩特征和纹理特征区分正常、倒伏玉米,发现基于红、绿、蓝色均值纹理特征提取倒伏玉米面积的误差小;韩文霆等[16]基于固定翼无人机获取RGB图像,研究拔节期玉米种植信息提取方法,绿色均值、蓝色协同性和纹理低通植被指数TLVI作为玉米种植信息提取特征,面积提取误差总体可以控制在20%以内;Kyle等[17]基于DJI多旋翼无人机获取的多幅RGB图像,使用自适应余弦估计器和谱角映射器算法完成藻类识别;Carlos Poblete-Echeverría等[18]基于无人机遥感捕捉具有超高空间分辨率的图像,比较-均值、人工神经网络、随机森林和光谱指数在VSP训练的葡萄园中的冠层检测性能。在基于面向对象分类技术的提取方法的研究方面,王利民等[19]基于无人机获取RGB影像,利用光谱特征、几何形状特征、纹理特征,采用面向对象分类方法对苜蓿、春玉米、夏玉米和裸土进行分类;董梅等[20]基于无人机遥感影像技术,以面向对象的遥感影像分析方法提取烟草种植面积及其分布信息;鲁恒等[21]基于无人机影像技术,提出利用迁移学习机制的耕地提取方法。


1 数据来源

1.1 研究区概况

研究区域分为试验区和验证区,分别位于湖南省中部新化县土坪村和湖南省长沙市省农业科学院水稻研究所水稻试验展示基地,地处中纬度地带(110°45′-111°41′E,27°31′-28°14′N)和(111°53′-114°15′E,27°51′-28°41′N),属亚热带季风性湿润气候,气候温和,降水充沛,雨热同期,四季分明[22],土地平坦且肥沃,热量资源丰富,光照充足,适合水稻的种植生产,早稻的生长期为3月到7月[23]。测区条件交通条件便利、田块多且地势相对平整,为遥感影像分类提取提供便利,同时对作物的地面生长情况监控充足,各种作物资料获取方便,为无人机遥感影像的农情监测应用研究提供了可靠的保障。试验区测区面积大约为6 km×2 km;验证区测区面积大约为0.8 km×0.6 km。

1.2 数据获取

研究的数据来源于2017年6月在试验区和2017年7月在验证区进行的无人机遥感试验。无人机平台采用星索尔航空科技有限公司的六旋翼无人机,最大飞行速度为6 m/s,轴距1 300 mm,起重限额10 kg,最大续航时间50 min。其搭载的相机影像传感器为CMOS,镜头搭载的为FOV94,对焦点无穷远,单幅照片最大像素4 000× 3 000 pixel。试验区设计飞行航高120 m,航线20条,航线总长30 km,航拍获取了试验田地及附近地区374张航片。验证区设计飞行航高60 m,航线10条,航线总长8 km,航拍获取了试验田地及附近地区140张航片。

1.3 数据处理

航空影像通过Agisoft PhotoScan软件进行影像拼接,整个工作流程由软件自动完成。试验区和验证区正射影像图如图1所示。

图1 试验区和验证区正射影像图

首先Agisoft PhotoScan利用 POS数据通过寻找同名点的方法完成数据定向及点云提取,然后通过地面控制点数据进行点云数据的几何校正及地理信息配准,最终经过立体建模、生成纹理,获取符合《数字航空摄影测量空中三角测量规范》中对1:1000 0平地平面精度要求的图像[24]。由软件导出正射影像图,以JPEG图像格式储存。图像的空间分辨率为0.04和0.02 m,图像位深度为24,色彩空间为sRGB;该图像存储了地物红、绿、蓝3种色彩的灰度值,每种色彩含8位字节的信息,数值范围为0~255。

2 基于面向对象分类法的水稻种植面积提取方法

研究使用的JPEG图像只具有红、绿、蓝3色的灰度信息,仅仅使用基于单个像元的光谱信息对地物进行分离,造成分类精度不高,而且分类结果易呈现“椒盐”现象,对遥感影像的应用带来不利影响[25]。通过面向对象分类方法,不再仅仅依靠单一像素的光谱信息,而是针对影像对象单元集合,充分利用光谱信息、几何特征、纹理特征和上下文等属性信息,遥感影像信息的提取得到明显的改善,对分类及面积提取的精度得到提高[26-27]。因此研究首先对JPEG图像进行对象分割,然后针对影像的对象分割单元提取多空间特征值进行处理分析与统计,建立多特征对象的分类体系。数据处理软件使用eCognition Developer 9,分割算法采用图像多尺度分割,分类算法采用指定类分类。

2.1 图像的分割参数的选择

多尺度分割是较为常用的分割算法,分割尺度、光滑度和紧密度等参数的选择直接决定影像对象的大小以及信息提取的精度。利用eCognition软件,结合影像数据实际地物特征,通过多次试验,最终选取具体的影像分割参数。试验区的尺度参数Scale=480,形状因子Shape=0.1,紧凑度因子Compact=0.1。分割后共880个对象,其中水稻地块173块,其他地块707块。验证区的尺度参数Scale=1 500,形状因子Shape=0.1,紧凑度因子Compact=0.3,分割后得到共240个分割对象,水稻地块17块,其他地块223块。目视检验表明分割效果较好,图2为试验区与验证区多尺度分割结果。

图2 试验区和验证区多尺度分割

2.2 试验区特征统计分析

使用eCognition Developer 9统计对象特征值。试验区域影像中173个水稻田块、707个其他地块的亮度、红色均值、绿色均值、蓝色均值、最大化差异度量、红色标准偏差等32项特征参数的最大值和最小值见表1。分析表1发现,两类对象的所有特征值都有交集,使用单一特征辨别水稻地块是不可行的,因此将利用多个特征组合对水稻地块进行区分。

表1 水稻地块与其他地块的特征值

2.3 辨识模型构建与检验

2.3.1 二分类Logistic回归模型

在统计分析上,Logistic回归应用非常广泛。其中Binary logistic回归分析因变量为0和1。为试验方便,把水稻地块标记为1,水稻地块以外的其他地块标记为0。采用Logistic模型,将因变量的范围锁定在[0,1]范围内,记发生的条件概率为,把的某个函数()假设为变量的函数形式,进行logit变换。




2.3.2 二分类Logistic辨识模型的构建


表2 模型参数估计结果



2.3.3 对象分类的Holdout检验


表3 基于二分类Logistic分类算法的试验区分类结果

注: 1表示水稻地块,0表示非水稻地块。余同

Note: 1 is defined as rice area, 0 is defined as other area. The same as below.


2.4 基于二分类Logistic分类算法提取水稻地块的验证



表4 基于二分类Logistic分类算法的验证区分类结果

图4 基于二分类Logistic分类算法验证区域提取结果

3 水稻种植面积提取精度验证


图5 目视解译提取结果


表5 水稻地块提取面积精度

4 讨 论



5 结 论




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Extraction of rice planting information based on remote sensing image from UAV

Li Ming1,3, Huang Yuqi1, Li Xumeng2, Peng Dongxing1, Xie Jingxin1

(1,,410128,; 2.,410128,; 3.,410100,)

The rice is the main crop in China. Based on the advantages of flexibility, high accuracy and short working cycle of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), in this paper, we aim to establish a method for the investigation of rice planting area by UAV remote sensing image. The six-rotor UAV's camera image sensor is CMOS with FOV94. The focus is on infinity. The maximum single pixel is 4 000×3 000 pixels. The experimental region and verification region mainly included rice, tree, grassland, bare land, water body and buildings and so on. At first, the multiple images with overlapped region were obtained by UAV. The complete images of the experimental region and the verification region were obtained by Agisoft photoscan software. The image spatial resolution of the experimental region was 0.04 m and the verification region was 0.02 m. The multiresolution segmentation algorithm of eCognition Developer 9 software was used to segment the complete image of the experimental region and the verification region to obtain several objects and calculate the spectral, geometric, and texture features of each object. Using multiresolution segmentation algorithm to segment the image, the scale parameter of experimental region: scale=480, shape=0.1, compact=0.1, and the total number of objects after the segmentation were 880. The scale parameter of experimental region: scale=1 500, shape=0.1, compact=0.3, a total of 240 split object after segmentation. Subjects in the experimental region and the verification region were divided into training samples and verification samples. Training samples in the experimental region were used to extract characteristic indexes for identifying rice, binary logistic model training samples for identifying rice, and establishment and verification of characteristic indexes. The sample was used to test the race recognition model. The characteristics indexes of race identified in this study were shape index, red mean, red standard deviation Max.diff (maximum difference), GLCM contrast (gray-level co-occurrence matrix contrast) and GLCM dissimilarity(gray-level co-occurrence matrix contrast dissimilarity). The red mean was the index for distinguishing vegetation cover (rice, grassland, tree) and non-vegetation covered objects (bare land, water body, building); red standard deviation and Max.diff (maximum difference) value depicted the color change of rice and grassland; and the color of rice was relatively uniform, with uneven growth and relatively large changes in color. The color of rice and tree changes was small, but the border of the tree was fragmented, the shape index was larger, and the shape index can effectively distinguish between the color mean and the change of rice and tree body. The texture features reflected the slowly-changing or periodically changing structure and arrangement properties of the land surface. Rice, tree, grassland, bare land, water body, and building all had certain differences. It was reasonable to distinguish the six characteristic indexes from the test area and the verification area based on the mechanism analysis, including shape index, red mean, red standard deviation, Max.diff (maximum difference). Based on GLCM contrast (gray-level co-occurrence matrix contrast) and GLCM dissimilarity (gray-level co-occurrence matrix contrast dissimilarity), six characteristic indexes Logistic model of discriminating two classifications of rice land lots, experimental region’s identification of training sample set the correct rate was 100%, the correct rate of validation sample set was 97%, and the overall correct rate was 98%. When the correct rate of training sample set was 100%, the correct rate of validation sample set was 99%, the overall correct rate was 99% on the verification region. Based on the image pixel method, the area of rice was measured and the area error was less than 3.5% compared with the result of visual interpretation. This method had a good effect in identifying paddy fields and high accuracy in area estimation. Therefore, this study had some applicability to the use of UAV visible light remote sensing imagery to survey rice planting information, and had certain reference value for rice census. The results showed that the growth period of paddy rice in the wrongly classified rice lags behind and had not been closed yet. Therefore, this method identified the influence of paddy field growth period on paddy fields and carries out multiple surveys at different times to further improve the method of identifying paddy rice plots the effective way to correct rate.

unmanned aerial vehicle; remote sensing; crops; visible; rice; multi-feature




李 明,博士后,教授,博士生导师,主要从事精准农业及机器人研究。。中国农业工程学会会员:李明(E041200580S)。





李 明,黄愉淇,李绪孟,彭冬星,谢景鑫. 基于无人机遥感影像的水稻种植信息提取[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(4):108-114.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.04.013

Li Ming, Huang Yuqi, Li Xumeng, Peng Dongxing, Xie Jingxin. Extraction of rice planting information based on remote sensing image from UAV[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(4): 108-114. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.04.013


各试验区先行先试 探索创造模范做法