Values of Emotion and Cultural Heritage of the Tang-dynasty Nostalgic Poem〔*〕


学术界 2018年5期

He Wei

(College of Foreign Languages Zhengzhou Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou Henan 450044)

With a deep feeling toward the hometown,the native voice can be everlasting of all ages.With a thick nostalgia,the miss can touch the heart.The nostalgia has existed in both ancient and contemporary times.All in all,it’s the miss and expectation towards the hometown.It originates from the deep-rooted affiliation demands with the security sense and the affiliation sense as the main features.The reason is that “China is a country that takes agriculture as the foundation and emphasizes on clan and family ethics.Therefore,the Chinese would always bear a deep love toward homeland and the hometown that is hard to give up.The nostalgia is immersed in every corner of the Chinese classical poems.The poets were not only expressing their own nostalgic moods but also reflecting the same emotions of the wanderers roving all over the world”.Xianyun from the north would always intrude the Central Plains,so the emperors in Zhou Dynasty had sent troops to garrison the frontiers and successfully defeated Xianyun.By the region of Emperor Zhou Xuan,some soldiers serving in the frontiers had written Plucking to express his emotions.The sentence “When I went on an expedition,the willows swung as the wind came.Now I’m on the way back home,the winds have carried rains and snows.” has expressed nostalgic feelings of the generals and soldiers missing home.Such a pattern of using cheerful pictures to express sadness has always been appreciated by the scholars in history.The Tang-dynasty nostalgic poems have inherited cultural traditions of the Central Plains and developed abundant styles and forms.If the Central-plain nostalgic poem from the pre-Qin period to Sui and Tang dynasties was set as the standing point,the pre-Qin period was the initial period,Qin and Han dynasties were the development period,Wei,Jin,Northern and Southern dynasties were the mature period,Sui and Tang dynasties were the peak period.In the Central Plains in Tang Dynasty,there were many famous poets,such as Du Fu,Han Yu,Bai Juyi,Li He,Li Shangyin,all of whom have their own nostalgic masterpieces.

Ⅰ.The emotional expression of the Tang-dynasty nostalgic poem

With the simple and unadorned words,the artful ideas,the detailed description and the vivid plot,the Tang-dynasty nostalgic poem have expressed the thick but honest yearning towards the family and country.In the emotional expression,it has its own unique styles and features.

1.The nostalgia of special festivals or ascending a height

The most touching point of the Tang-dynasty nostalgic poems lie in the emotions hidden in the words and sentences.Such emotions will be stimulated at a particular festival or a certain scene.“On festive occasions more than ever that one will miss his/her dear ones far away”.For example,A round moon in the sky set off an attack of nostalgia to Li Bai and then came the poem,A Tranquil Night.The poem that expressed thoughts and feelings of nostalgia of the man traveling in a place far away from home,wrote by the famous poet named Li Bai lived in Chinese Tang Dynasty.The specific festivals like Spring,Middle Autumn,Double Ninth Festival,Cold Food Festival and Chinese New Year’s Eve will stimulate the nostalgia of the wanderers,while standing on the top of a mountain to overlook the landscapes will arouse the homesickness of the poet.Being homesick isn’t about being away from home.Even being at home yet still feeling so empty and confused.But what is home?Home is warmth and love.You could be at home,yet still feel like everything is crashing down.You could be away from home,and feel like you’re having the time of your life.You could be lying on your couch,idly watching everything and everyone as they pass by.Mindlessly active,totally passive.Or maybe you’re just homesick.Nostalgia causes many of the same problems as grief.Grief occurs when someone suffers a loss,and there can be many different types of loss in nostalgia.Loss of family,friends,home,career,country,in fact all things familiar.Nostalgia can be very traumatic,even when the loss isn’t permanent,and there is the still the chance of going back for their ordinary life.No matter it’s to express the poet’s sadness for the passing time,the limited life and the hopeless home returning,or to speak out the endless melancholy for the far-away hometown,the missed family that can’t be seen,both of them have turned the pain and helplessness into the source of the creation of the poets in the Central Plains in Tang Dynasty.In case that Spring,Riverside and Love are the standard configurations of the love poem for the woman in The Book of Songs in the pre-Qin Dynasty,then Season,Mountain Top and Home Miss would be the Mix and Match of the nostalgic poems for the Central Plain poets in Tang Dynasty.The nostalgia is just like the grass in the spring,“ the hatred of departure,just as the grass in spring,will grow further and flourish more,just as Du Fu’s Two Poems of Four Lines (the second one)” which has expressed the question “we have appreciated the charm of the spring this year,which year will be the returning date?”When Meng Yunqing was leading a wandering life in a place far away from home,the day before Pure Brightness had stimulated him to miss his mother more.That’s the reason why Cold Food was created:“Flowers are flourishing on the branches in regions south of the Yangtze River in Feb.,cold foods from the foreign land are full of sadness.” “The coldness in the highland can’t be overcome”,“there is no room for hatred,why the moon is always especially round when we’re apart”,for example,the political volatility and the personal ups and downs has caused Song Zhiwen to sign when climbing onto the top of a mountain:“look at the direction of hometown in the next morning,plums from Mount Long shall be seen” in Written in the North Station of Mount Dayu,“Go across the mountain to leave the country,stop the carriage to view the hometown” in Going Across Mount Dayu,or “Watching the hometown barrier on Building Xiaoyao,catching the green water covered by the clouds and fogs.Going to Hengyang 2000 miles away,causing the pigeon unable to deliver home letters.” said in Step on Building Xiaoyao,all they have detailed and vividly described the person who was going to leave the hometown and watch the hometown sadly.The nostalgia of the poet that he missed the hometown so much but couldn’t be able to return is completely expressed.

2.Nostalgia emotions of achievements in a strange land and the army service

The nostalgic poem has a long history which,it was not an innovation in Tang Dynasty.What’s more,in history,many masterpieces sprang up.However,if the elements to paint the nostalgia with a kind of strong and high-spirited mood when the career starting and travelling far was so tough,Tang Dynasty would be the one that is the most exciting.The Central-plains poets in Tang Dynasty,when watching the direction of their hometown,would bear different landscape descriptions,emotion contents and expression techniques in the nostalgic poems due to different environments and era backgrounds.For example,Cen Shen had the ambition as “the achievements can only be gained on the back of the horse” (Sending Assistant Superintendent to Go to the West of Qi).During the period of going to the frontier twice,he had written many genuine and touching nostalgic poems.His nostalgia originated from the experience in travelling in the foreign lands that such a mood had been intensified by the fact of no achievement or reputation.It features for its thick,honest and bright tune.Although Cen Shen can’t get rid of the nostalgia,such as the saying in Living in the Guest House in Kansai,Sending it to Yan and Xu,at the early Tianbao Period:“The lonely lamp lightens up the dream of the guest,the cold pestle is stirring up the nostalgia”.The saying “the road to the hometown is remote and boundless,the sleeves can’t wipe away tears.We have no paper and pen when meeting on horses,I still hope that you can help me report my safety.” in Meeting with Capital Ambassador has fully expressed the homesickness and the desire to scholarly reputation.The family affection and the ambition have been integrated together,deep and touching.It has reflected the emotional conflicts between the ambition of pursuing honor in the army service and the wish of enjoying safe and peaceful life.

3.Nostalgia for hometown and family

The Tang-dynasty nostalgic poem has truly reflected the emotion process and the heart shock of the poet.It also has used a considerate and close way to express “a kind of miss,two places of nostalgia”.Such as Du Fu’s Moonlit Night:“The moon is upon Fuzhou tonight,my wife must be the one watching inside the room alone.Sympathized with the small children far away,who cannot understand the miss for Chang’an”.The poet didn’t describe his miss for the family but imagined that his wife was watching the moon upon Fuzhou in her room alone and his small children didn’t understand her miss for Chang’an.Such a unique way has deepened the weight of the miss.Such as the saying in Yun Zhen’s Watching the Courier Station:“take a walk in March 3,watch the frontier station by the river;Meng Guang is expected to speak now,but no return will be achieved until the end of the spring!” Bai Juyi’s poem Watching the Courier Station:“The willows in the house in Jing’an have covered the window,while the ground of the courier station have been filled up with flowers.The spring beauty of two places will end in the same day,the miss will be shared by the traveler and the family.” And the saying in Bai Juyi’s Missing Home in Handan at Winter Solstice Festival “It’s Winter Solstice Festival when travelling in Handan.Holding the knees in front of the lamp has created the shadow companion.The family members must be staying up late at night,talking something about the traveler far way.” “The family members must be sitting late at night,saying something about the traveler far away”,“Meng Guang is expected to speak now” and “the miss will be shared by the traveler and the family” are sharing the same charm and technique that it has used a considerate and close expression way to describe the family’s miss,as a circuitous method to express the poet’s miss.Places are different,while nostalgia is shared.When hearing the local songs,the poet can sense the thick nostalgia and can’t help thinking of “returning to” the hometown.

4.Increased miss for the family in the social turmoil and the departure

During the period of An Lushan Rebellion,because of frequent wars,the chaotic society and the inconvenient traffic,the departed family members wouldn’t be able to meet again but miss each other.For example,Du Fu has expressed his anxiousness and helplessness in Travel to the Horizon Line:“ten letters have been sent to Luoyang,without getting any message from the family for ten years”;the pain and sign expressed in Views in Spring:“The war fires have lasted for three months,and a letter from home is a priceless treasure”.All of these have gathered the poet’s miss and bonding with family.Most of the time,the far away hometown has turned into the pain in the heart of the poet.Confronted the growing nostalgia and the unforgettable worry,the poet had to find comfort from the lyre.For example,Wang Jian’s Return from the Long Expedition “Get transported to Liaoyang 10000 miles away,inquire the hometown everywhere,the wheels of the returning carriage won’t be flooded,but the rains and snows have covered the whole clothes.” “The grass in every corner of the river banks is green,the passengers have written letters to send back to Xiaoxiang,the letter pigeons going to Xiaoxiang are plentiful,for people miss hometown day and night.” in Two Poems of Mixed Styles in Regions South.“Inquire Everywhere” and “Miss Day and Night” have expressed the “unforgettable” nostalgia.Confronting the hometown “can’t be reached but be desired to go”,the poet had probed the miss into the home letter,just as the saying in Three Poems of Self-chanting:“The family letter and worries in heart have accompanied each other to pass years.” Just as the saying of Li Shangyin in Stopped by Rains “Stopped by rains to stay at Chang’an,the lonely guest gets the remnant candle as the companion.The hometown is a land of clouds and water,so the returning time shouldn’t be in autumn.” The remnant candle has expressed the long-termed sitting,which has explained that the guest find it hard to fall asleep.The difficulty in falling asleep is explaining the deep nostalgia.Therefore,the endless melancholy caused by the unforgettable miss has been fully expressed.In case of being stroked in the process of leaving the family to seek for achievements,the poet would bear a relatively more complicated miss toward the hometown and the family,such as Fail in the Imperial Examination Again:“Getting up nine times at one night,can’t reach home for the dream was too short have been to the foreign land Chang’an for twice,the tears for the flowers have been wasted.” It describes the mood caused by the fail in the imperial examination.“Can’t reach home for the dreams were too short” has presented the feelings that the poet missed his hometown but felt guilty for the failure.The complicated mood and conflicting psychology for the hatred and the homesickness have been thoroughly expressed.

Ⅱ.Cultural inheritance of Tang-dynasty central plain nostalgic poems

The relationship between Central Plain Poems and Central Plain Culture is very tight and close.Sharing the same source,they developed in the same pace and get affected by each other.Therefore,Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem,rooted in the Central Plain culture,definitely has its own cultural trains.Researching on the Tang-dynasty nostalgic poem from the angle of Central Plain culture not only is good for handling the social background,the scholar thought and the living situation of Central Plains in Tang Dynasty but also has revealed the cultural inheritance of the Tang-dynasty nostalgic poem.

1.Cultural traits of Central Plains in the image choice and view describing

The image choice and the view description of Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem will bear distinguished regional cultural characteristics.As the second capital in Tang Dynasty,Luoyang had the poetic images of Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem,such as the road,the bridge,the wine and the wind.The life in Luoyang became the reference for the actual situation of the wandering poets.The miss for Luoyang became the source of the artistic creation.Because of the profound and thick feelings of homesickness,Du Shenyan expressed in Missing Home in Spring:“The desire to return is hidden deeply into the heart.The spring of returning will be different from the past.The rivers and mountains are surrounding the high buildings,the memory of Qinchuan is reminded in Sangzi…Miss the appreciation place,where is by the side of Luo Bridge with carriages and horses.” His mind has reached “by the side of Luo Bridge” The recall and longing of the Luoyang scenery has always appeared in the spring nostalgic poems of Du Shenyan,for example,the similar nostalgia has presented in Miss Capital in Spring Days:“When strolling about,I arrived at Chang’an alone.Without the companion of friends,I’m full of nostalgia and the spring is not like a spring…facing the remote Luoyang,I said to the views in spring:when I come here with my friends next spring,please pay me back with a more beautiful spring view!” the most influential politician in Tang Dynasty Zhang Shuo said in Left Behind in Sichuan:“With a guest mood,desire to finish it in a hurry,so the going and coming times have been predicted.But the autumn wind,without waiting for me,has arrived at the Luoyang city ahead of me.” “The mood of the guest”,“the autumn wind didn’t wait for me” and “has arrived at the Luoyang city” have exaggerated the mood of going home in a hurry.Wu Yuanheng has expressed in Feelings in Early Spring in the Departure Time,“can’t see after years of emptiness,miss the homeland for deep emotions” has expressed the nostalgia for missing home.The deep miss has also been expressed in Spring Prospect:“It’s sunny though there is some fine rains touching the flying willows.In the end of the falling flowers are the flying birds.A night of spring wings has touched the good dream,now the spring wind has reached Luoyang city.” The virtuality turns into the reality,implying the meaning of desiring to go back.What’s more,the homesickness seems to go with the wind,“follow the spring wing to get to Luoyang City” can be compared with the sentence of Li Bai “follow the wing to get to the west of Yelang”,with distinguishing characteristics.

2.Realism poem tradition in the miss of homeland and hometown

From the first poem collection The Book of Song to Yuefu Songs of the Han dynasty,from Jian’an literature to Du Fu’s poetries,from New Yuefu movement initiated by Bai Juyi to the poem inheritance of Lu You and Gong Zizhen,they had expessed the distinguishing features of Realism with their own special art practice.Big Rat,July and Sandalwood Felling in The Book of Songs have established the realism tradition of Central Plain literature.By Tang Dynasty,the great masters in the poem field like Du Fu and Bai Juyi had carried forward such a classical realism tradition and expressed it in the nostalgic poems.The representative of Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem must be the poet-sage-Du Fu.Not only he is the poet creating the most Tang-dynasty nostalgic poems but also the content expressed in his poem will “sign for the country” and “miss the family”.It’s frequent for him to express the helplessness for the sadness of the people and the pain for the country.Witnessing the rebellious troops rubbing and setting fire on Chang’an,Du Fu wrote Views in Spring:“The mountains and rivers will be there though the country has been broken.The grass and trees in the city are flourishing for the spring.When thinking,tears will shed on flowers.When hating departure,the heart can be shocked just by a bird.The war fire has lasted for three months,so the home letter is as valuable as 10000 pieces of gold.The grey hair is too short to scratch,it’s too chaotic to bear a hairpin.” The worry for the country,the miss for the hometown,the war flames reaching the sky,the home letter hard to get home,the short grey hair,the chaos can’t bear a hairpin.“Shedding” tears for the sadness that can’t be held up and “getting shocked” for the views have tactfully integrated with the miss for the home and the worry for the country.Under a situation that the society was instable and the family had never been heard,Feelings Statement:“send a letter to Sanchun,to inquire whether the home is still there ….ten months have passed since the sending of the home letter.Now it’s afraid of getting the message,for scaring of heartbreaking,right?”When living like “the only seagull in the world”,he wrote down “be sad for the guest identification for ten thousand miles away from home,get on the stage alone though suffering from the long-termed illness.Difficulties and hatred have turned hairs grey,stop to shed tears to pollute the drink cup”.When the news of victory came,he wrote the “the happiest poem in the life” Heard that Troops Have Recaptured Henan and Hebei:“if you want to sing in daytime,you must drink to excess.If you want to return home happily,you must find the companion.To go through Wuxia Gorge from Baxia Gorge,and go to Luoyang from Xiangyang.” In a word,during the An Lushan Rebellion,although Du Fu had a poor and unlucky life of ups and downs,he had never ended the sadness for the country or been tired from the worries for the people.Therefore,his nostalgic poems would bear the distinguishing characteristics of the times and the obvious cultural traits.

3.The great and high-spirited atmosphere of Tang Dynasty in the cultural connotation and the aesthetic features

Besides the functions of recording the history facts and supplementing the insufficiency of the historical records,Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem also has played an important role in recording the living history and the psychology development of the poet.First of all,the nostalgia originated from the impulsion of finding home and the instinct of missing family.Secondly,stimulated by the mood of missing parents,wife and lover,they express the chant of the wanderer,the sadness in the frontier fortress and the pain for the country.For example,Cen Can said in Creation in Dessert:“Desire to reach the sky by riding a horse toward the west,witness two times of round moon after leaving home.” He also expressed in Spending Night at Kansai Inn:“Unexpectedly,the moon of the hometown also has reached to the west of Kansai” The moon moved as the poet walked.The wanderer can’t help bearing a hatred for leaving home.Even though the achievements have been gained on the horse,the grey-haired general would shed tears as the server.Seen as a whole,for different types of themes,nostalgic poems express respectively feeling of joy and happiness,worry and sorrow,homesickness and missing some body,etc.The “nostalgia” in Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem processes three kinds of aesthetic values:One,to promote the lofty patriotic spirit;Two,to cultivate the generous harmony consciousness;Three,to stimulate the startup ambition.Tang-dynasty Central Plain poets,with Du Fu as the representative,has been the most touching “Voices of Tang” in the Chinese poetry history,formed up the valuable spirit culture wealth to pass down to the descendants and become the carrier for the visualization of Central Plain culture spirit.Seen from the cultural inheritance,the “visual nostalgia” in the Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem can multi-dimensionally present and express characteristics and contents of Central Plain Culture,expand the credit and reputation of Central Plain Culture and build up the good cultural image of Central Plains.It plays a significant role in the communication and spreading of Central Plain Culture at present.

Ⅲ.The modern values of Tang-dynasty central plain nostalgic poem

Tang Dynasty bore the distinguishing characteristic of opening,therefore,most of the ambitious people would devote themselves to gain achievements and start careers by leaving home.This was sharply different from the active service in the era of The Book of Songs and the fleeing from calamity in the dynasties of Han and Wei.Therefore,it would resonate with the present era where “people are innovating and starting up”.Therefore,during the present process of creatively inheriting and constructing Chinese history and civilization,the reviews on the expression of Central Plain Culture in Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poems and the digging in “Remembering Nostalgia” will bring out the abundant cultural resources in the Central Plain nostalgic poems in Tang Dynasty.It has borne a significant reality meaning in pushing the innovation area construction of Chinese history and civilization inheritance,creating “the Cultural Henan” and “speeding up the construction of the important cultural highland in the country.”

1.Constructing the literature supporting point for “Central Plain Subject”

At present,the realization of the Chinese dream of bringing about a great rejuvenation of the Chines nation needs the construction of “China Subject”.The extra ordinariness of Central Plains needs the construction of “Central Plain Subject”,which aims at inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture of Central Plains and creating the modern Chinese culture.With the direct goal of collecting the spirits of Central Plain Culture and satisfying the spirit,culture and life needs of the people,it will lead the district economic society to build up the “Central Plain Subject” with characteristics and styles of Central Plains and times.The Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem has inherited and created the Central Plain literature spirits.The Central Plain literature would use the writing for conveying truth,worrying on homeland and current events,paying attention to the people’s livelihood,cultivating and educating,seeking for creations and innovations,signing on the short life,has performed well in Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poems.Depending on the “visual nostalgia” in Tang-dynasty Central Nostalgic Poems,it has pushed the excellent Central Plain culture to the world through the built style and the created form,developed and promoted through the communication and integration with the world cultures.It’s good for increasing the influence and emissive power of Central Plain culture and promoting the international influence and emissive power of Central Plain culture.

2.Building up the shared home for cultural resources

Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poems have inherited the spirit pursuit of “searching for hometown” of the Chinese nation,expressed the beautiful expectation of “Sharing time together across the strait” among Chinese people,cultivated the value orientation of “the moon in the hometown will always be the brightest”,and delivered the desire of “A letter from home is a priceless treasure”.It has being cast great influences on Chinese all around the world,as an important support to construct the shared spiritual hometown of the whole Chinese nation.Therefore,the construction of “the Cultural Henan” must drill powers from the excellent traditional culture.The construction of “The Hometown Henan” must strengthen the capacity of “Remembering Nostalgia” from Tang-dynasty Nostalgic Poem.The construction of the shared spiritual hometown of the whole Chinese nation must enhance the cultural self-consciousness and confidence in terms of the artistic value and cultural connotation of Tang-dynasty Nostalgic Poems,to constantly push the creative materialization and development of the excellent Central Plain cultural tradition including Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem.

3.Building up the culture brand of the cultural highland

The historical and cultural resources like the ideological and cultural connotation,as well as the the aesthetic value hidden in Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem will be the necessary elements for Henan Province to speed up the construction of cultural highland and the descendants of Central Plains to endow tradition with contemporary characteristics.The reminding and missing of hometown customs,the season rites,the friendship stories expressed in Tang-dynasty Central Nostalgic Poem is filled with Poets’ thoughts on the essence of life and philosophy of universe.It has vividly reflected the abundant contents of Tang Dynasty,such as the historical course,the social life,the ideology,and the custom.The tangible and intangible heritage resources in those poems can be well presented in modern industries or products in the help of modern technology,industry mode and innovative idea.It’s good for leveling up the development level of Central Plain Culture and relevant products,strengthening the market competitiveness,and pushing the promotion and development of the cultural industry essentially.Therefore,in order to motivate the construction of Central Plain Culture and push to prosper the cultural industry,we need to brief the achievements of Tang-dynasty Central Nostalgic Poem on the flourishing of Central Plain Culture,integrate the cultural resources hidden in Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem,absorb the wise source and spirit power from the ideological connotation,the cultural implication and the aesthetic value of Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem,constantly make the past serve the present,get rid of stale and bring forth the fresh,and solve the deficiency problems in the cultural industry and the cultural vitality development.

In a word,the characteristics of Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem have expressed not only in the form but also in the cultural content.Tang Dynasty has given the nostalgic poem with the round and integrated performance form,while Central Plain Culture has given the nostalgic poem with unique cultural qualities.No matter it’s seen from the artistic feature and the cultural feature or the geological character and the cultural quality,Tang-dynasty Central Plain Nostalgic Poem,a special landscape in the ancient poem history,is the valuable cultural wealth to create the Central Plain culture brand.


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