

校园英语·中旬 2018年13期


1.运用代词,既避免词的重复使用,又使句意连贯。例如:Sinon told his story well. He pretended that he was an enemy of Odysseus and the Odysseus had planned to take his life. 句中使用了his,he等代词。

2.运用同义词,与代词所起作用类似。如:…you are abundantly suited to the post we have in mind. But we are faced with a certain difficulty. Employing you would mean placing you in a position of authority over a number of our English employees, many of whom have been with us a very long time, and we feel that such an appointment would adversely affect the balance of good relationship which has always obtained in this firm. 这里运用了同义词post, position, appointment等使句子过渡自然妥帖。

3.重复使用词或词组加强文章的连贯性。例如:We have then impressive authority for asserting that there are indeed American traits. To enumerate such traits does not in any way imply that they are unique to the Americans; most Western peoples, after all, share a common character. Nor do it imply that all Americans reveal these traits.

4.运用衔接词或词组。衔接词或词组作为语言的连接成分,可表示句子之间,段落之间的不同关系。如,表示递进的衔接词有additionally, further, in addition, furthermore, moreover, whats more, in the same way等。表示归纳总结的有in summary, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion, in short, in other worlds等。表示对照比较的有unlike, similarly, in the same way, aversely,notwithstanding 等。表示举例说明的有for example, for instance, such as, namely, as an illustration,in the same manner, in other words, in particular, to illustrate等。表示条件的有as long as, if, provided that, on condition that, in case, supposing, assuming 等。表示时间的有thereafter, before, earlier, meanwhile, simultaneously, previously, eventually, later, formerly, at the same time, afterwards, at length等。表示让步或转折的有but, yet, still, though, although, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, whereas, however等。表示因果的有as a result, as a consequence, so, consequently, in consequence, because (of), accordingly, for that reason, due to, owing to, thanks to, hence, thats why, now(that), through,in view of, considering that, whereas等。表示列举、事件顺序的有firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, in the first place, next, last, to begin with, before, after, later, at last, in the end 等。




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