

科技视界 2017年12期


【摘 要】每个字词都有其词义和发音,英语中有些单词,当被用于不同行业时,发音发生变化。这些词汇的运用,须根据英语句意和上下文内容而定。本文探析这类单词的習惯用法,归纳单词的基本词义和发音,力求在词义、发音及拼写对比基础上,加深对这些词汇的认识。


0 引言


1 拼写相同,发音、词义不同的单词


1)My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news.

The girl was in tears because she lost her mother.

在这两句中,tear 作名词,意为:眼泪。单词中元音的发音如同 ear。

This material tears easily, so be careful when you wear it.

He couldnt tear himself away from his book.


There is a tear in the coat. 名词:撕裂处

The train passed by at a tear. 名词:飞奔

2)New sewer pipes have been installed in the city.

sewer 作名词:下水道。单词发音可参考 fewer.

The sewer is mending the hole in the coat.

sewer 作名词:缝纫者。 单词发音可参考 lower.

3)Its only a few minutes walk from here to the station.

minute 作名词:分钟。单词发音为 /minit /

His handwriting is so minute that its difficult to read.

minute 作形容词:微小。 单词发音为 / mainju:t /

4)Everyone bowed as the Queen walked into the room.

We have to bow to fate and accept what cannot be avoided.

bow 作动词:鞠躬、弯腰、点头、屈服。单词发音可参考 how.

常用的词组有:bow and scrape 巴结、奉承

take a bow 鞠躬答谢

bow the knee to 屈服、低头

He put his bow on the violin.

She fixed her shoe-laces in a bow.

bow 作名词:弓、结。单词发音可参考 low.

常用词组有:have more than one strings to his bow 有几种办法可选择

draw a bow at a venture 碰运气

draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed 三思而后行

draw a long bow 夸口、说谎

2 发音相同,拼写、词义不同的单词


1)The cat has left her lose hairs all over my clothes.

My hair has grown long.

hair 作可数或不可数名词:毛、发单词发音可参考air.

常见用法:comb ones hair for sb. 申斥某人

get in ones hair 惹恼某人

lose ones hair 发脾气

a hair in ones neck 麻烦事

let ones hair down 不拘礼节

make ones hair curl 使人感到惊恐

The hare disappeared in the wood.

He hared off down the road.

hare 作名词:野兔。 hare 作动词:飞快地跑。 单词发音与 hair 相同。

常见用法:as mad as a March hare 像三月的兔子一样疯狂

start a hare 讨论提出枝节问题

hold with the hare and run with the hounds 两面讨好

make a hare of sb. 愚弄某人

hare brained 轻率的

2)Most people in our country can read and write.endprint

The thermometer reads 33 degrees.

read 作动词:读、显示。

常见用法:read somebody a lesson 教训某人

read somebody like a book 对某人非常了解

read somebodys thoughts 看出某人的思想活动

They have hidden their boat in the reed marshes.

They cut the reeds to make mats.

reed 作可数和不可数名词:芦苇。读音与 read 相同。

常见用法:broken reed 不可靠的人或物

lean on a reed 依赖不可靠的人或物

3)Life is dear to him.

He is my dear friend.

dear 作形容词:珍贵的、亲密的。发音与 deer 相同。

常见用法:the dearest friend 不共戴天的敌人

The little girl touched the deer tenderly.

The deer are running one after another.

deer 作名词:鹿。单、复数同形。发音与 dear 相同。

常见用法:small deer 微不足道的人或事物

4)compliment 作名词和动词:赞美的话、赞美。发音与 complement相同。

John complimented Jean on her beautiful new dress.

complement 作名词和动词:补足物、补足。发音与 compliment 相同。

This wine complements the food perfectly.

常见用法:fish for compliments 沽名钓誉

left-handed compliment 似褒實贬的话语;带恶意的恭维话

3 拼写、发音相同,词义不同的单词


1)The performer practiced on the piano to limber up his fingers.

limber 作动词:使柔软、使灵活

The limbers have been pulled to the right position.

limber 名词:拖带火炮和弹药的两轮车辆 - 前车

2)The birds perched upon the television aerial.

Eaves are ideal perches for birds.

perch 作动词和名词:停歇、栖息、栖息地

Perch is a kind of delicious sea food.

perch 作名词:河鲈

3)They brought me up to do nothing, and here I am in the sear and yellow, getting poorer and poorer every day.

sear 作形容词:干枯的、凋谢的

常见用法:the sear and yellow leaf 暮年、老境

His soul has been seared by injustice.

sear 作动词:烧灼。此句是比喻用法,意思是: 使麻木、使冷酷

4)Many people put mint leaves in the water to make tea.

mint 作名词:薄荷。

The poet minted several words that cant be found in any dictionary.

mint 作动词:臆造、创造。


4 名词与动词重音不同的单词


1)Armed conflict could start at any time.

There is a possibility of a serious conflict in the two parties.

Do British laws conflict with any international laws?

conflict 作名词或动词:冲突。作名词重音在前,作动词重音再后。

2)The export of gold is forbidden.

Wool is one of the chief exports of Australia.

They sell their products to the home market but they dont export.endprint

export 作不可数名词:出口;作可数名词:出口产品。重音在第一个音节。

export 作动词:出口。重音在第二个音节。

3)Our shop has made a contract with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week.

Never sign a contract until you have read it from beginning to end.

contract 作可数名词:契约、合同。重音在第一个音节。

A foreign firm has contracted to build a new railway across Africa.

contract 作及物动词:缔结、缔约、承办。重音在第二个音节。

4) That child is a torment to his parents.

torment 作名词:痛苦、折磨、烦恼。重音在前。

Stop tormenting your poor father with such stupid questions.

torment 作及物動词:烦恼。 重音在第二音节。

属于这一类的单词还有:conduct, digest, permit, desert, object


5 结语



[1]Daniel Jones. Everymans English Pronouncing Dictionary[M].London:J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd. New York : E P. Dutton & Co . Inc,1972.

[2]Jason B. Alter. Contextual Pronunciation[M].外语教学与研究出版社.1981.

[3]John Ellison, Ma, D Phil. The Right Word at the Right Time[M].London. New York. Montreal. Sydney. Cape Town: The Readers Digest Association Limited.

[4]Paul Procter. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English[M].Longman.1978.


