

疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年7期

⊙ By Emily Chiswell翻译:Wendy


⊙ By Emily Chiswell翻译:Wendy

Things Should Be Built to Last

英式发音 适合泛读


在形形色色的购物网站中,有一个网站与当今“买买买”的快速消费时代潮流背道而驰。它主张厂家生产耐用品,消费者使用耐用品,提倡“爱上耐用品”(Love things that last)——这就是“只买一次”(Buy Me Once)购物网站。我们一起来听听网站创办人塔拉·伯顿的创业故事吧。

Reporter: Tara Button has set up “Buy Me Once.” It’s all focused around buying goods that are basically1)sustainable. And there’s an amazing story behind why she set it up, and a real2)insight into the environmental issues that she’s really trying to3)rally against. So, in a4)nutshell, tell me, “Buy Me Once,” what is it if I’ve never heard anything about it?

Tara: “Buy Me Once” is a website you can go to to buy things that are built to last. So, it’s about trying to throw away our “throw-away culture” and make good decisions and buy things that will last longer, which means that you don’t have to buy the same thing again and again.

Reporter: So, it’s such a5)cracking idea. Well, how on earth did you come up with it?

Tara: It was actually quite a long time ago that I came up with the idea, ’cause I realized I registered the site name in March, 2013. The idea came to me when I was given a Le Creuset pot by my lovely little sister. There’s something wonderful about them. They’re really beautiful, they’re really6)tactile, they’re just made so wonderfully solidly, and they feel like an7)heirloom when you hold one. So, I had this pot, and I just thought, “I wish more things were like this. I wish that all of my8)kitchenware was going to be an heirloom, that I pass down to my grandchildren.”But, also I realised that, if more things were like this that there would be much less9)landfill, that people would be throwing away things less, that we’d actually save money in the long run, so, it just seemed to kind of make sense. And so, I looked for a site that gathered together things that were built to last, and I didn’t really find one, so, I thought that maybe I should be the one to build one.

Reporter: It’s great that you’ve got all of that driving you forward with the business. You know, it’s so nice to have not only just a really novel idea, but also to have the10)passion of all this stuff behind it. It makes such a difference.

1) sustainable [sə'steɪnəbl] adj. 可持续的,可发展的

2) insight ['ɪnsaɪt] n. 洞察力,见识

3) rally ['rælɪ] v. 召集,支持

4) nutshell ['nʌtʃel] n. 简单的一句话

5) cracking ['krækɪŋ] adj. 第一流的,顶呱呱的

6) tactile ['tæktaɪl] adj. 有触觉的

7) heirloom ['eəluːm] n. 传家宝

8) kitchenware ['kɪtʃɪnweə(r)] n. 厨房用具

9) landfll ['lændfɪl] n. 垃圾掩埋

10) passion ['pæʃ(ə)n] n. 激情,热情

11) core [kɔː(r)] adj. 中心,核心

12) crumble ['krʌmb(ə)l] v. 崩溃,瓦解

Tara: Yes, definitely. I mean, that’s definitely the thing that keeps me going. When I’m tired and it’s four in the morning and my head hurts, and things are going wrong on the site, then you need to have that11)core drive. Otherwise, you know, you will just kind of12)crumble and be like “Oh, well actually, I’ll just leave thisfor someone else to do because I…I can’t.”

Reporter: Yeah. So, take us back to before you started “Buy Me Once.” What were you doing? What’s your background? How…how did you get to that sort of place?

Tara: So, for the last seven years I’ve been working in advertising as a creative13)copywriter. So, my job was to write14)scripts and TV ads and radio ads. So, my job was to come up with good ideas. And then, slowly as this idea progressed, I spent more and more of my free time doing it, and then when the Telegraph article注came out, I got such an amazing reaction from all around the world. I walked into my boss’s office and said,“I think this is my15)shot at doing something really interesting and meaningful and I think I have to leave. I need to leave today.”

Reporter: Oh, my16)gosh! Wow! Are you also still doing your writing, then? Are you still doing your children’s book writing?

Tara: Yes, I really want to keep that up. It’s kind of17)on hold, and, ’cause it’s a really18)intense time for the site, and I’m just very aware that I need to make sure that when people come to the site at this really early stage, that they get a good service, and that, you know, I’m19)trouble shooting a lot at the moment, and I think that all my energy’s on the site, but, I’m definitely not giving up on the kid’s books. It’s something I really enjoy doing, and it’s something that relaxes me and makes me happy.

13) copywriter ['kɒpɪraɪtə(r)] n. 广告词撰写人,方案策划

14) script [skrɪpt] n. 稿本

15) shot [ʃɒt] n. 机会

16) gosh [gɒʃ] int. 天哪,啊呀,God 的变体, 表示惊讶。

17) on hold 中断,暂停

18) intense [ɪn'tens] adj. 紧张的

19) trouble shoot 排除故障



◆ Le Creuset 法国酷彩锅:全球知名的厨具品牌,以生产色彩丰富的铸铁珐琅锅具而闻名世界。1925年,法国酷彩锅由两位比利时实业家在法国北部的一个小镇建立。如今,法国酷彩锅是铸铁锅领域的第一品牌,拥有全球珐琅铸铁锅市场高达75%以上的占有率。自公司创立以来,法国酷彩锅的生产工厂从未迁移,其制造技术由纯手工的铸造工艺开始,经过不断地发展和改良,至今已经实现了将世界一流的铸造及珐琅机器技术与工匠娴熟手工艺的完美结合,每一件产品由15位工人完成,并通过12道整修工序来确保产品质量。














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