

重庆与世界 2017年5期





伊斯坦布尔市是历史古城,曾是罗马帝国、拜占庭帝国和奥斯曼帝国的首都,在欧亚文明史上留有绚丽的身影。公元前658年,城市始建在金角湾与马尔马拉海之间的地岬上,称拜占庭,是古希腊的一个城邦。公元324年,罗马帝国的君士坦丁大帝从罗马迁都于此。公元330年改名为君士坦丁堡(意为君士坦丁之城),别称新罗马。从10世纪时起,突厥人和阿拉伯人开始称君士坦丁堡为伊斯坦布尔,这个名称来自希腊语“στην Πόλη”(stim boli),即“在城里”、“进城去”。1453年土耳其人将其作为奥斯曼帝国首都后,始称伊斯坦布尔,但西方国家仍习称君士坦丁堡。1923年土耳其共和国建都安卡拉,伊斯坦布尔成为正式名称。伊斯坦布尔市亦有“七座山丘的城市”之名,这是因为其老城是由君士坦丁建于七座山丘上,与罗马的七座山丘相映衬。另外,因伊斯坦布尔在整个中世纪有着极高的重要性和丰厚的财富,令其享有另一美丽的名字“众城市的女王”。



























Being a world-famous tourist attraction and a cosmopolitan city, Istanbul (İstanbul in Turkish) not only boasts the biggest city and port in Turkey, but represents the center of Turkish industry, transportation, economy, trade, finance and culture.Located on the shore of the Strait of Bosporus in Turkey and across the Eurasian continent, it serves as the gateway of Black Sea open to the outside world and a pivot connecting both Asian and European continents.In addition to its important geographic strategic location, it was once positioned as the destination of China’s Ancient Silk Road.Istanbul has a total area of 6,220 square kilometers with downtown area of 1,539 square kilometers, and has a population of 14.37 million.

Praised as a historical city, Istanbul was the capital of Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire and Osman Empire successively, leaving a splendid impression on the history of Asian and European civilizations.There was a city-state built on the cape between Hali and Sea of Marmara in BC 658, which was called Byzantium; in AD 324, Constantinus I Magnus, the Emperor of Roman Empire, relocated its capital here from Rome; in AD 330, the Emperor changed its name as Constantinople (referred to the city of Constantinus I Magnus), known as New Rome; from the 10th century, Turks and Arabs began to call Constantinople as Istanbul which originated from Greek “στην Πόλη” (stim boli), namely “in the city”, “go to city”; in 1453, having taken it as the capital of Osman Empire, people in Turkey began to call it Istanbul, but countries in the western world has been still accustomed to naming it Constantinople; in 1923, Republic of Turkey was founded in Ankara, and Istanbul became an official name.Istanbul gets its another name of “A City with Seven Hills” since its old city was built on seven hills by Constantinus I Magnus, setting close against the seven hills in Rome.Besides, it also won another great name of“The Queen of Other Cities” as it was of great significance in its geographical strategy and accommodated an ocean of wealth.

Numerous historical sites in this city are attributed to the vicissitudes of Eurasian civilization and history including Ancient Greek, Ancient Rome, Osman Empire and Turkey, mutual existence and enhancement among Christianity, Orthodox Church, Islam and other religions, and cultural exchange and integration among European, Asian and African nations: Hagia Sophia Church, Topkapi Sarayi Palace, Suleymaniye Mosque and Blue Mosque.The whole city glows with dignified and colorful charm for its rich cultural heritage and picturesque natural scenery.Besides, the historical downtown area in Istanbul was listed in the world heritage by UNESCO.Being the original country of tulip, people in Turkey take tulip as their national flower.Istanbul holds the annual International Tulip Festival each April in which hundreds of varieties of tulips with a total of tens of millions of tulips spread all over the city, bathing the whole city in the ocean of flower.

Istanbul is advanced in the fields of industry, fiance, fishery, livestock husbandry and horticulture.Industry in Istanbul has a wide category of textile, food, electronics, cement, tobacco and ship repair.People engaged in industry in Istanbul account for 20 percent of national industrial workers with a great proportion of national industrial productive value, reaching 38 percent.Major industrial products in Istanbul and its surrounding provinces have a long list of processed food, textiles, petroleum products, rubber, metal products, leather, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, electronics, glass, machinery, automobiles, transport vehicles, paper and paper-related products, and alcoholic beverages.Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) is the only stock market in Turkey.Istanbul has a huge proportion of national trade volume and wholesale trade, reaching 55 percent and 45 percent respectively.Istanbul holds 21.2 percent of national GNP, contributing to 40 percent of Turkish tax revenue.

To cultivate a sustainable and innovation-oriented city brand andexpand its international influence, Istanbul stipulated Five-year strategic plan from 2015 to 2019, involving the purposes, missions and goals required for investment, services and various activities in these fi ve years.The plan covers every aspects of playing a crucial role in the social life and livelihood from planning and regional management to transportation improvement, environmental conservation to cultural cultivation, disaster and risk prevention to services for city and social life, social governance to health.It also laid down strategic goals in the both fields of city’s services and comprehensive management.

Strategic goals in the field of major services are listed specifically: Disaster management: employ an effective risk management to ensure the intervention in disasters and emergencies and improve management capabilities.

Regional planning and management: guide society, economy and city to develop in a sound direction to conserve natural, historical and cultural heritages and strive for cultivating a city suitable for people’s living.

Transportation service management: provide such transportation services that are featured with people orientation, convenience, sustainable development, high quality, safety and comfort.

Cultural service management: be committed to conserving and improving city’s historical and cultural heritages and enriching its cultural life.

Social rescue service: foster and expand the rescue service with a goal of meeting citizens’ social demands.

Health related service management: improve citizens’ life quality in the health-related services in a sustainable way.

Downtown and public order: improve and ensure downtown and public order.

Environmental protection management: create a sustainable environment.

Strategic goals in the field of comprehensive management are listed specifically:

Ensure the access to accurate information about services in a fast and convenient way.

Transform Istanbul into an international exchange center for cities all over the world and change its role from participator to rule maker.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation between city government and regions under its jurisdiction.

Manage and allocate resources in an effective and full way.

Provide targeted services for work training.

Enhance exchanges and cooperation with investors.

Well organize project design and implementation process to maximize the satisfaction of investors.

Improve overall structure and working ways in the sustainable development.

In recent years, further efforts have been made in the friendly exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Istanbul.On the afternoon of March 29, proposal of building sister-city relations between Chongqing and Istanbul was approved by voting in the 35th Session of the 4th Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress.Hereafter, these two cities are officially involved in sister-city relationship.On the morning of March 27, entrusted by Chongqing Municipal Government, Wu Kangming, Director of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, made an explanation of “Deliberation and Approval for the Proposal by Chongqing Municipal Government about Building a Sistercity Relationship between Chongqing and Istanbul” in the First Plenary Meeting of the 35th Session of the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress.At the same time, he also suggested that being pivotal cities along “the Belt and Road Initiative”, Chongqing and Istanbul have made positive progresses in the exchanges and cooperation in recent years.Turkey is of great significance in its geographic location and geopolitical strategy, serving as an important destination for our city to expand the Middle East market.Chongqing and Istanbul have a sound cooperation foundation with high-level industrial complementarity and a bright prospect for exchanges and cooperation.The official sister-city relationship between Chongqing and Istanbul will further promote their friendly exchanges and mutually benefit cooperation in the fields of economy, finance, aviation, logistics, culture, education and tourism, bolstering Chongqing’s inland open and highland construction.

(Author affiliation: Asian Department of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Of fi ce of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government)

“A City with seven Hills”-Istanbul, Turkey

□ Article/Xu Sheng

