The Censer


空中之家 2017年2期

Text by Guo Dan Translation by Shirley Wang Picture by Dongfang IC

The Censer

Text by Guo Dan Translation by Shirley Wang Picture by Dongfang IC

Pottery censer made in the Western Han Dynasty, unearthed from Guangzhou in 1956.西汉陶熏炉,1956年广州横枝岗出土,广州博物馆收藏。

At the beginning of the year, I bought a censer to warm my feet.

When it comes to the censer, people immediately think of hand-warmers used by concubines in costume drama. The hand-warmers are small charcoal stoves. Like a refrigerator or air-conditioner, a censer is a necessity in rich families' households where underfloor heating is not installed. A censing basket, equipped to cover a censer, has been used since the Han dynasty. At first, censers were usually made of porcelain. The halls, studies and residences of the Forbidden City were all equipped with big censers of three to four Chi (three Chi equals to one metre) in height. The censers are made of cloisonné and bronze, exquisitely gilded and carved, representing the nobleness and luxuriousness of the imperial family.

Kallen Guo

Senior filmmaker, socialite and bestselling author, authored Don't Fall in Love with Zurich, the winner of The Best Foreign Language Novel.



For warming oneself or one's clothes, a censing basket is sparsely weaved by bamboo strips and decorated with patterns in order to have good heat radiation. They are different from a bamboo basket and bamboo box which are very solid. The style of the censing basket varies from square to round due to different uses. In hotels where there are lots of quilts needed to be warmed, the basket is as big as a table, covering a big pot with charcoal. At home, a smaller one is preferred, particularly in winter when the whole family can sit around and warm their hands under a thin quilt which covers the censer. I think this is the origin of kotatsu (foot-warmer) in Japan.

In The Golden Lotus, a censer for incense burning is often more elaborate. In The Story of the Stone, Chapter 51:

The two girls removed their hair ornaments and changed into their night-clothes. Skybright showed no disposition, after changing, to remove herself from the clothes-warmer over which she was crouched.

The aforementioned censing basket that can be crouched over is often square and made of wood or thick bamboo sticks. It is also called a firebox in ancient classics. Due to her delicate body, Skybright is easy to get cold in winter, therefore, she sleeps next to the censer which is closest to Bao-yu. The love of boy and girl is as warm as the incense in the censer. Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang dynasty, wrote in his Palace Poem: The beauty hasn't got old but won't be favoured any more. She leans on the censer until dawn. Cao Tingdong of the Qing dynasty thought that censing baskets could be used only to burn incense but not quilts. If so, it would cause too much internal heat. His opinion is acceptable. In the early spring, with a censer beside me, I can warm myself comfortably. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Unluckily, my cat hasn't been used to it. Otherwise, to lie in quilt with a censer inside and a cat beside would be a big pleasure.






《金瓶梅》中专用于熏香的熏笼,在制作上往往更为精致一些。《红楼梦》第51回:“晴雯麝月皆卸罢残妆,脱换过裙袄,晴雯只在熏笼上围坐”—— 这个可以坐人的熏笼,一般用较粗的竹竿或木料做成,形制多为方形,一些典籍上称之为火箱。晴雯因为身体纤弱格外怕冷,一到冬天她就睡在薰笼处,离宝玉最近,少男少女的爱慕之情如熏炉里的更香一样,温暖而暧昧。





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