

四川动物 2017年2期

刘利, 张乐, 孙艳, 苗春林, 张刚, 刘晓光*

(1.包头师范学院生物科学与技术学院,内蒙古包头014030; 2. 包头南海子湿地保护区管理处,内蒙古包头014040;3. 鄂尔多斯市乌审旗林业局,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017300)


刘利1, 张乐1, 孙艳1, 苗春林2, 张刚3, 刘晓光1*

(1.包头师范学院生物科学与技术学院,内蒙古包头014030; 2. 包头南海子湿地保护区管理处,内蒙古包头014040;3. 鄂尔多斯市乌审旗林业局,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017300)




1 材料与方法

1.1 样品采集


1.2 研究方法

1.2.1 光学显微镜观察 取固定好的遗鸥头部,从嘴角处剪开上下颌,用生理盐水洗去口咽腔部位黏膜表面的黏液和污物。首先大体解剖观察其结构特点,然后取舌、上下颌、咽等部位的组织,常规石蜡切片,切片厚度5~8 μm,苏木精-伊红染色,在显微镜(Olympus,FX-35WA,Japan)下观察并拍照。

1.2.2 扫描电子显微镜观察 将舌、上下颌、咽等部位的组织切成约1 cm×1 cm×1 cm的组织块,2.0%戊二醛溶液前固定24 h(4 ℃)后,用磷酸缓冲液(pH7.2)冲洗,然后置于1%锇酸中后固定2 h,双蒸水冲洗后系列酒精脱水,真空干燥喷金后扫描电镜观察(Hitachi S-4800,Japan)。

2 结果

2.1 肉眼观察

遗鸥的上颌长约6.0 cm,由硬腭、腭缝、锥状乳突及内鼻孔构成(图1:A)。上颌前表面光滑,长度约占上颌表面的2/3;颚缝位于上颌后表面,长约2.0 cm,锥状乳突在颚缝两侧前后呈列状分布,乳突末端指向口腔内侧;硬腭的末端特化为锥状乳突列,内鼻孔开口于腭缝。舌头填满下口腔,为细长三角形,由舌尖、舌体和舌根组成。舌尖分叉,高度角质化;舌体平滑,末端特化为锥状乳突,乳突末端指向食道,从舌尖到锥状乳突的末端长度约3.8 cm,最大宽度约0.7 cm;舌根较短,长约1.2 cm,舌根后侧与隆起的喉头相连,前部为声门,后侧表面锥状乳突呈列状分布(图1:B)。

图1 遗鸥口腔表面

A.上口腔表面: 硬腭(P), 腭缝(Cc), 锥状乳突(白箭头); B. 下口腔表面: 舌尖(1), 舌体(2), 舌根(3), 声门(4), 舌尖分叉(黑箭头)。

A. upper mandible: hard palate (P),choanal cleft (Cc), and conical papilla (white arrowheads); B. lower mandible: lingual apex (1), lingual body (2), lingual root (3), glottis (4), and bifurcation of the apex (black arrow).

2.2 显微镜观察



舌体末端特化为圆锥状舌乳突,乳突在舌根与舌体的连接处呈列状分布,外侧主乳突较大,长约1.5 mm,在主乳突前面分布有3~4个副乳突,乳突末端指向消化道(图3:A)。

舌根表面有较多皱襞,皱襞表面分布少量舌腺开口,开口部呈不规则状(图3:B),声门前端的舌腺开口较大,呈圆形,直径约30 μm(图3:C)。背面黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,无角化层(图3:D)。固有层内有舌腺分布,舌腺由腺泡和导管组成,腺体间分布有丰富的淋巴组织、毛细血管和神经末梢。腺泡由单层柱状黏液性上皮细胞构成,细胞核小,位于细胞基底部,胞质呈空泡状,嗜弱碱性。导管开口于黏膜上皮表面(图3:D),肉眼可见舌表面分布的舌腺孔。喉头尾侧锥状乳突呈列状排列(图3:E)。


3 讨论

3.1 遗鸥舌头结构特征

图2 舌尖及舌体表面的电子扫描显微照片(A~F)和光学显微照片(G、H)

Fig. 2 Scanning electron micrograph (A-F) and light micrograph (G, H) of the lingual apex and lingual body ofLarusrelictus

A.舌突起, 上皮细胞(白色虚线框); B. 舌突起上皮细胞; C. 舌尖表面, 上皮细胞(箭头); D. 舌尖上皮细胞; E. 舌体表面; F. 舌体上皮细胞; G. 舌尖横断面, 角质层(Kl), 重层扁平上皮(Ep), 结缔组织层(Ct), 上皮细胞(箭头); H. 舌体横断面, 舌软骨组织(C)。

A. the protrusions and the epithelial cells (white rectangle); B. the surface of the epithelial cells of protrusions; C. the surface of the lingual apex and epithelial cells (arrowheads); D. the surface of the epithelial cells of the lingual apex; E. the surface of the lingual body; F. the surface of the epithelial cells of the lingual body; G. vertical section of the lingual apex; keratinized layer (Kl), stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), connective tissue (Ct), epithelial cells (arrowheads); H. vertical section of the lingual body, cartilage (C).

图3 舌根及锥状乳突的电子扫描显微照片(A~C、 E、 F)和光学显微照片(D)

A.锥状乳突, 主乳突(五角星), 副乳突(白箭头); B. 舌根表面, 舌腺开口(黑箭头); C. 声门前部的舌腺开口; D. 舌根的横断面, 舌腺开口(黑箭头), 重层扁平上皮(Ep), 结缔组织层(Ct), 舌腺(G); E. 喉头后部的锥状乳突; F. 硬腭表面。A. the conical papillae; main papillae (pentagram) and secondary papillae (white arrowheads); B. the surface of the lingual root, with the lingual gland openings (black arrowheads); C. the lingual gland opening of the glottis; D. vertical section of the lingual root, lingual gland opening (black arrowhead), stratified squamous epithelium (Ep), connective tissue (Ct), lingual gland (G); E. the conical papillae of the larynx; F. the hard palate surface.

3.2 采食习性及栖息环境对舌头微观结构的影响




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Ultrastructural Study of the Tongue ofLarusrelictus

LIU Li1, ZHANG Le1, SUN Yan1, MIAO Chunlin2, ZHANG Gang3, LIU Xiaoguang1*

(1. Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, Baotou Teachers’ College, Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 014030, China; 2. Nanhai Wetland Scenic Area Management Office of Baotou, Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 014040, China; 3. Forestry Bureau of Wushenqi, Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 017300, China)

In this study, the ultrastructure of the tongue ofLarusrelictuswas observed using light and scanning electron microscopy. The tongue ofL.relictuswas triangular in shape, and comprised 3 different parts: the lingual apex, lingual body, and lingual root. The tongue fork had keratinized processes at the lingual apex; the lingual apex had a large number of epithelial cells, and the cell surfaces appear to form a fingerprint. The surface of the lingual body was smooth, and the epithelial cells were elongated with cell surface microridges. The surface of the lingual root had a small number of salivary gland openings. These results indicated that the structure of the tongue ofL.relictuswas adapted to collecting food. Moreover, the papillae on the lingual mucosa were not perfectly developed and had a cone-shaped appearance, with a row-like distribution on the maxillary surface and at the boundary between the body and root, and the papillae ends point toward the intra-oral cavity. Taste buds in the lingual mucosa were also underdeveloped. Obvious differences existed in the characteristics of the oral structure betweenL.relictusand other members of the Laridae family, which may be related to habitat deterioration, changes in food type, or food scarcity.

Larusrelictus; habitat; tongue; ultrastructure

2016-10-12 接受日期:2016-12-12

国家自然科学基金项目(31560598); 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2015MS0321); 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(2014-1685); 内蒙古留学回区人员科研启动基金项目(2015-339)

刘利(1978—), 男, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向:动物生态学,

*通信作者Corresponding author,





