

意林(绘英语) 2017年7期


I met a young Australian girl last week who was backpacking through Europe for the first time in her life. I gave her directions to the train station. She was heading up to Slovenia, just to check it out. When I heard her plans, I was stricken with such a dumb spasm①of jealousy②, thinking, I want to go to Slovenia! How come I never get to travel anywhere?

Now, to the innocent eye it might appear that I already am traveling. And longing to travel while you are already traveling is, I admit, a kind of greedy madness. But the fact that this girl asked directions from me (clearly, in her mind, a civilian③) suggests that I am not technically④traveling in Rome, but living here.However temporary⑤it may be, I am a civilian.When I ran into the girl, in fact, I was just on my way to pay my electricity bill⑥, which is not something travelers worry about. Traveling-to-aplace energy and living-in-a-place energy are two fundamentally⑦different energies, and something about meeting this Australian girl on her way to Slovenia just gave me such an idea to hit the road.

And that's why I called my friend Sofie and said,"Let's go down to Naples for the day and eat some pizza!"

Immediately, just a few hours later, we are on the train, and then- like magic- we are there. I instantly love Naples. Wild, raucous, noisy, dirty Naples. An anthill inside a rabbit warren, with all the exoticism of a Middle Eastern bazaar and a touch of New Orleans voodoo.A tripped-out, dangerous and cheerful nuthouse. My friend Wade came to Naples in the 1970s and was mugged... in a museum. The city is all decorated with the laundry that hangs from every window and dangles across every street; everybody's freshwashed undershirts and brassieres flapping in the wind. There is not a street in Naples in which some tough little kid in shorts and mismatched socks is not screaming up from the sidewalk to some other tough kid on a rooftop nearby. Nor is there a building in this town that doesn't have at least one crooked old woman seated at her window, peering suspiciously down at the activity below.






① spasm 英 ['spæz(ə)m] 美 ['spæzəm]

n. [临床] 痉挛;抽搐;一阵发作

② jealousy 英 ['dʒeləsɪ] 美 ['dʒɛləsi] n. 嫉妒;猜忌;戒备③ civilian 英 [sɪ'vɪlj(ə)n] 美 [sə'vɪlɪən]

adj. 民用的;百姓的,平民的n. 平民,百姓

④ technically 英 ['teknɪklɪ] 美 ['tɛknɪkli]

adv. 技术上;专门地;学术上;工艺上

⑤ temporary 英 ['temp(ə)rərɪ] 美 ['tempəreri]adj. 暂时的,临时的n. 临时工,临时雇员

⑥electricity bill 电费

⑦ fundamentally 英 [fʌndə'mentəlɪ]

美 [,fʌndə'mɛntəli] adv. 根本地,从根本上;基础地


意大利 那不勒斯