

中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年1期

□ 文/本刊记者 黎敏


□ 文/本刊记者 黎敏


成立于2004年的东盟经开区,于2013 年升级为中国国家级经济技术开发区,其前身为广西武鸣华侨农场,是全国最大的华侨农场,在20世纪60年代,曾安置印尼、越南等10 个东盟国家的归国华侨1.2万多人,是中国国务院侨办重点联系单位。如今东盟经开区内仍居住着7000多归侨侨眷,他们不仅为东盟经开区带来了浓郁的东盟文化,更与包括东盟国家在内的30多个国家和地区的亲友保持着深厚的亲缘关系和密切的信息联系,成为东盟经开区宝贵的“东盟资源”。





工业始终是东盟开发区的优势主导,经过近年来的发展,东盟经开区已经形成了“食品加工、生物医药、机械制造”三大支柱产业格局,共有企业280多家,其中规模以上企业 82个,产业集群优势明显,百威啤酒、双汇食品、中粮集团、伊利冷饮等一批知名企业相继落户。特别是食品加工业的发展,既是东盟经开区立足自身优势的选择,也是“打造广西 最大的食品加工基地”的使命使然。“但从东盟经开区长远发展来看,我们不仅仅要坚持食品加工这一产业定位,也要引进一些科技含量高、市场前景好、带动作用强的产业及企业,这样才能保证未来经开区的产业竞争力。”东盟经开区管委会负责人说。

在此背景下,东盟经开区自 2015 年起加大了对食品加工及新兴产业的招商力度,着重招大引强。仅2015年,就有兰州科天绿色环保高分子材料产业园、广东科利亚现代农业机械装备、华润雪花啤酒、华晨旅居车制造基地等产值过亿的重大项目进驻,成为东盟经开区在经济下行压力之下交出的一份优秀成绩单。



根据南宁市的规划,未来武鸣与东盟经开区之间将布局南宁的教育园区,总面积为 31.27 平方公里,其中东盟经开区作为西片区,共规划 19.09 平方公里。

在“产学研”一体化发展的大趋势下,南宁教育园区将按照“校内实训基地 +企业实训基地 + 科技成果孵化基地 + 区域共享型生产性实训基地”四种形式来统筹布局。总人口规模预测为 33万~37万人,可容纳 25 ~30 所高校入驻。


目前,投资10 亿元、占地 300亩的广西职业技能实训基地,及 7所高校已落户东盟经开区。一个涵盖基础教育、职业教育、高等教育,带动“产学研”一体化发展的教育园区即将锋芒初显。




针对这一情况,东盟经开区决定发挥处于南宁首府 1小时经济圈内的优势,发展特色农业、休闲观光农业和规模养殖。“我们将对部分土地进行合理适度流转,引入社会资本,借助有实力、有资金的企业整合园区农业资源,采用‘公司 + 基地 + 农户’的模式进行规模化、标准化生产,从而打响东盟经开区特色农业、休闲观光农业的品牌。”据东盟经开区管委会负责人介绍,近年来,东盟经开区按照“突出重点、打造亮点”的现代农业示范区的发展思路,立足农业实际,在“招小”“引特”上找捷径,农业产业化进程不断加快。目前已有广西农科院农业科研基地、广西水果总站、广西蚕业总站、广西技术推广总站等一批农业企业和农业科研项目落户,博元生态农业园、金佛源生态园以及多个无公害瓜果采摘基地。东盟经开区已经成为广西最大的西甜瓜生产基地、美国西提生产基地,以及服务南宁的蔬菜基地。

2014 年,南宁市举办第 45 届世界体操锦标赛,东盟经开区一举成为指定蔬果供应点,赢得了特色农业、休闲观光农业发展的好彩头。



据东盟经开区管委会负责人介绍,近年来东盟经开区一直致力于促成重大文化旅游项目——“完美世界”尽快落户。“该项目是以澳大利亚国际第二大的主题公园营运商威秀公司和广西投资集团联合建设的,总投资 500 亿元,开发建设年限为10年;项目建成后,每年将拉动人流量达 300~500 万人次,类似于广东的长隆主题公园。”东盟经开区管委会负责人说,“目前项目正在稳步推进,预计首期投资 80 亿元,建立三个主题公园,分别是高空游乐主题公园、水上世界和影视世界。”


· 联系编辑

Guangxi, not only the province in China nearest to ASEAN but also the permanent venue of China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), has developed into the crucial gateway to China-ASEAN cooperation; meanwhile, Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone (GAETDZ), located in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone which is a core region close to ASEAN, has also become the most typical example for facilitating the development of China-ASEAN economic cooperation.

GAETDZ (formerly known as Guangxi Wuming Overseas Chinese Farm), set up in 2004, was officially approved to be listed as one of the state-level economic and technological development zones in 2013. As early as the 1960s, more than 12 thousand returned overseas Chinese from ten ASEAN countries including Indonesia and Vietnam were properly relocated in Guangxi Wuming Overseas Chinese Farm, the largest one of its kind in China. According to the statistics, there are still over 7,000 returned overseas Chinese and their families living in GAETDZ now, thus making distinctive ASEAN culture and valuable “ASEAN resources” (namely deep-seated relative relationships with and close information contacts with relatives and friends in ASEAN countries and beyond) accessible to the zone.

The workshop of Guangxi Pearl River Beer Co., Ltd.

“The development of GAETDZ mainly relies on two ‘trump cards”: one is returned overseas Chinese, and the other ASEAN resources,” said Mr. He Shanghan, Director of GAETDZ Administrative Committee. He added that, apart from ASEAN resources, GAETDZ is also superior in space resources, ecological environment and industrial cluster.

With the slowdown of the Chinese economy, the development strategy of keeping industry the first priority, achieving the interactive development of four major projects and pursuing leapfrog development was put forward by GAETDZ on the basis of its own competitive strengths and characteristics, aiming at proactively eliminating obstacles to development on the road ahead. As set out in the development strategy, the synergetic development of Integrated Industries Park, Nanning Educational Park, Modern Agriculture Demonstration Site and Cultural Tourism & Resort Area will be achieved, and thereby to give a boost to the creation of a development zone integrating agriculture, industry and modern service industry.

Integrated Industries Park: To optimize industrial layout qualitatively and quantitatively

For the past few years, industry has been playing a dominant role in the development of GAETDZ, where an industrial layout made up of three pillar industries — food processing, biological medicine and machinery manufacturing— has been created. In addition, a total of over 280 enterprises(including 82 above a designated size)like Budweiser beer, Shuanghui Group, COFCO and Yili Grouphave established their branches in the zone, a ref ection of competitive advantages possessed by the industrial cluster. It is worth mentioning that greater emphasis has been placed on the introduction of food processing and emerging industries since 2015, when several major projects worth 100 million yuan, such as Lanzhou SCISKY Green High-polymer Material Industrial Park, Guangdong Kolea Modern Agricultural Equipment, and China Resources Beer, settled in successively.

Nanning Educational Park: To pursue interactive development through industry-universityresearch cooperation

Nanning Educational Park is projected to be built in the area between Wuming County and GAETDZ, covering 31.27 square kilometers (19.09 square kilometers of GAETDZ included), according to Nanning’s development planning.

By connecting campus training base, enterprise training base, scientific and technological achievements incubator, and productive practice base featuring district sharing, the total population in the park is predicted to be within a range of 330-370 thousand, and 25-30 universities and colleges could move in. As of now, Guangxi Occasional Skills Training Base, with the total investment of one billion yuan and the land area of 20 hectares, has been set up in GAETDZ, followed by seven colleges. It is foreseeable that preliminary achievements will be made in the park characterized by elementary education, vocational education and higher education in the future.

Agriculture Demonstration Site: To build an urban vegetable basket project

Developing agriculture can be seen as one of the main tasks of GAETDZ, where an 88-square-kilometer agriculture demonstration area has been planned; however, failure in a largescale operation continues to hamper the development of GAETDZ’s agriculture. To resolve this issue, the strategy of giving priority to agriculture with distinctive features, agritourism farm and large-scale breeding was unveiled, by virtue of “One-hour Economic Circle”based on Nanning, the provincial capital of Guangxi. At present, a number of agricultural enterprises and agricultural science & research items, including the agricultural scientific research base of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangxi Central Fruit Station, Guangxi Central Sericulture Station, and Guangxi Agriculture Technology Promotion Station, have been set up here. GAETDZ has become the largest production base in Guangxi for watermelon and melon and American grape, as well as the largest vegetable base serving Nanning. Of particular note is that GAETDZ was designated as the supply center of vegetables and fruits for the 45thWorld Gymnastics Championships held in Nanning in 2014.

Cultural Tourism & Resort Area: To construct a theme park oriented towards ASEAN

GAETDZ geographically boasts karst landform, with picturesque scenery. To develop cultural tourism by taking full advantage of favorable ecological resources, a cultural tourism & resort area covering more than 20 square kilometers was planned for construction. Mr. He noted that efforts were made to facilitate the implementation of a major cultural tourism item called “Perfect World” ahead of schedule in 2015.“Perfect World is funded by Village Roadshow, the second largest themepark operator in Australia, and Guangxi Investment Group, with the total investment of 50 billion yuan, and it is supposed to be completed in ten years. If completed, 3-5 million visitors would be attracted to this site per year.”

Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone:To Make Four Projects Interactive and Keep Three Industries Competitive

Written by Li Min / Translated by Xu Zhiliang


吹响“冲锋号” 按下“快进键”——宁乡经开区深入开展“大干一百天,实现双过半”大竞赛活动
中心四区 买少见少,地价赶超房价
苏通园区:激荡开放潮 十年再出发