IEEE Xplore监控视频系统新技术文献计量分析


西安邮电大学学报 2016年6期

艾 达, 邓艳红, 樊 安, 林 楠

(1.西安邮电大学 公安部电子信息勘查应用技术重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710121;2.圣塔克拉拉大学 计算机工程系, 加利福尼亚 圣塔克拉拉 95053)

IEEE Xplore监控视频系统新技术文献计量分析

艾 达1, 邓艳红1, 樊 安1, 林 楠2

(1.西安邮电大学 公安部电子信息勘查应用技术重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710121;2.圣塔克拉拉大学 计算机工程系, 加利福尼亚 圣塔克拉拉 95053)

监控视频系统是结合视频编码、模式识别、信息安全、存储和网络传输等多项技术汇聚而成的信息系统。通过对IEEE Xplore数据库最近三年监控视频领域发表论文的分类整理和文献计量分析,提出了一个新的监控视频系统五层功能分类体系框架。对监控视频领域的研究热点以及最新技术的应用情况,如无线通信,机器学习,云计算,大数据,高效视频编码等,进行了定量地归纳和总结,为该领域的研究工作提供参考依据。

监控视频; 体系结构;视频编码;模式识别;视频检索;文献计量学




1 文献选择


(1) 文献均来源于IEEE Xplore网络数据库以保证检索文献的全面性和权威性。

(2) 主要检索方式限定为标题里出现“监控视频”(Surveillance Video)关键字,以保证检索到的文献与论文研究内容的具有高度的相关性。

(3) 检索到的文献来源既包含期刊也包含会议论文,以保证研究课题的新颖性。

(4) 检索时间限定为2013年至2016年6月期间最新发表的论文,以保证研究成果的时效性。

按以上条件对IEEE Xplore数据库检索,共返回367篇文献,剔除掉重复论文,非学术性论文,共有356篇论文作为研究依据[7]。检索到的文献分为会议论文和期刊论文两类,其中期刊论文47篇,占比13%,会议论文309篇,占比达到87%。将会议论文和期刊论文都作为研究对象,避免了[6]过于注重期刊的权威性而忽略会议论文研究成果更加新颖的问题。

2 监控视频系统功能层次划分

文献[6]从论文摘要结构和关键词角度出发,提出的监控视频系统六层模型,包含基本概念层(Concept and Foundation Layer)、网络基础设施层(Network Infrastructure Layer)、信号处理层(Processing Layer)、信息传递层(Communication Layer)、应用层(Application Layer)和用户交互层(User Interaction Layer)。这样的划分方式容易产生功能重叠和歧义。例如该模型的的第一层包含综述性论文,算法论文等。实际上算法可能涉及处理层的压缩编码算法,也可能是信息传递层目标检测算法,从而产生功能概念的混淆。


图1 监控视频系统层次结构

(1) 基础设施层(Infrastructure Layer)


(2) 信号处理层(Processing Layer)


(3) 内容识别层(Identification Layer)



(4) 信息检索层(Retrieval Layer)



(5) 应用层(Application Layer)


表1 按功能层次划分的论文列表

3 新技术应用情况


图2 发表论文数量按层次分布


(1) 智能化趋势



从采用的技术来看,在所有发表论文中,机器学习相关技术,如主成分分析法(Primary Component Analysis,PCA)[8-10],逻辑回归(Logistic Regression,LR)[11],K-means聚类[12-14],支持向量机(Supportive Vector Machine,SVM )[15-30],神经网络(Neuro Network,NN)[31-33],以及其他聚类(Cluster)、监督/非监督学习(Supervised / Unsupervised Learning)技术等,论文数量为33篇,占论文总数的9.3%。


(2) 移动化趋势

监控视频系统的信号主要采用有线传输方式,然而近年来随着无线局域网技术、第四代无线通信技术(如Long Term Evolution, LTE)的发展,宽带无线视频监控系统正成为研究热点。




(3) 新技术融合趋势

监控视频系统是融合多项技术的综合性信息系统,近年来涌现出的新技术新方法如无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,UAV或Drone)、云计算(Cloud)、大数据(BigData/Hadoop)、HEVC(High Efficiency Video Coding,高效视频编码)、压缩感知编码(Compressed Sensing,CS)等多项技术已成功地在该系统上应用,论文分布的数量,合计39篇(图3),占论文总数的11%。

图3 新技术应用情况






(4) 研究展望


高清(High Definition)技术在检索到的论文中只出现一次,应用于深海勘测[49],系统由高清摄像机、G bit级光纤传输系统,船上监控中心组成。具备4K分辨率的高清监控设备的部署将有效改善视频对象识别的性能,但同时也为数据传输、存储以及压缩编码带来新的挑战,相关的研究工作有待加强。


从内容识别层角度来看,视频内容智能识别和处理方面,深度学习(Deep Learning)相关技术卷积神经网络[31-32](Convolutional Neural Networks)和稀疏编码[51](Sparse Coding)在本次检索中分别只有两篇和一篇论文。因此,应用这种人工智能技术实现监控视频检测和识别也是未来研究方向之一。



4 结语

通过对近3年IEEE Xplore数据库监控视频相关技术论文的整理和归纳,按照解决的问题或实现的功能对论文进行了分类,并在此基础上提出了一种监控视频系统的五层功能体系结构,包括基础设施层,信号处理层,内容识别层,信息检索层和应用层。该提功能结构的提出,对监控视频系统功能层次有了更加清楚的定义,改进了现有划分方法的不足,为该领域研究者开展相关工作提供了参考,也为监控视频学科的建设提供了讨论和改进的依据。


[1] PEREZ C A, ARAVENA C M, SCHULZ D, et al. Estevez.Automatic Safety Video Surveillance-Tracking System to Avoid Vehicle-Workers Interaction for Mining Applications[C/OL]//2014 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT). [S.l]:IEEE,2014:23-27[2016-07-07].

[2] 林庆帆,李钊杰,刘颖,等. 监控视频图像过曝光区域检测[J/OL]. 西安邮电大学学报,2015,20(6):5-9[2016-07-07].

[3] 唐德权,史伟奇. 公安网络视频监控系统数据挖掘改进算法研究[J/OL]. 警察技术,2013(6):34-37[2016-07-07].

[4] 黄凯奇,陈晓棠,康运锋,等. 智能视频监控技术综述[J/OL].计算机学报, 2015, 38(6):1093-1118[2016-07-07].

[5] KUSHWAHA A K S, SRIVASTAVA R. Performance evaluation of various moving object segmentation techniques for intelligent video surveillance system[C/OL]//2014 International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:196-201[2016-07-07].

[6] CHAMASEMANI F F, AFFENDEY L S. Systematic Review and Classification on Video Surveillance Systems[J/OL]. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2013,5(7):87-102[2016-07-07].

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[8] HAN G, WANG J K, CAI X. Background subtraction for surveillance videos with camera jitter[C/OL]// 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST). [S.l.]:IEEE, 2015:7-12[2016-07-07].

[9] LIU Y, PADOS A D. Compressed-Sensed-Domain L1-PCA Video Surveillance[J/OL].IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2016,18(3):351-363[2016-07-07].

[10] BASTANI V, MARCENARO L, REGAZZONI C. A particle filter based sequential trajectory classifier for behavior analysis in video surveillance[C/OL]//2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:3690-3694[2016-07-07].

[11] JIN D, LI S, KIM H. Robust fire detection using logistic regression and randomness testing for real-time video surveillance[C/OL]//2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:608-613[2016-07-07].

[12] AQEL S, AARAB A, SABRI M A. Traffic video surveillance: Background modeling and shadow elimination[C/OL]//2016 International Conference on Information Technology for Organizations Development (IT4OD). [S.l.]:IEEE,2016:1-6[2016-07-07].

[13] ASIM K M, MURTZA I, KHAN A, et al. Efficient and Supervised Anomalous Event Detection in Videos for Surveillance Purposes[C/OL]//2014 12th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:298-302[2016-07-07].

[14] SARDSEHMUKH M M, KOLTE M T, CHATUR P N, et al. 3-D dataset for Human Activity Recognition in video surveillance[C/OL]//2014 IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing and Networking (GCWCN).[S.l.]:IEEE,2014:75-78[2016-07-07].

[15] SOWMIYA D, SAITHEVAKUNJARI P, ANANDHAKUMAR P. Human detection in video surveillance using MBCCA: Macro Block Connected Component Algorithm[C/OL]//2013 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC).[S.l.]:IEEE,2013:551-561[2016-07-07].

[16] MIAO Y Y, SONG J X. Abnormal event detection based on SVM in video surveillance[C/OL]//2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:1379-1383[2016-07-07].

[17] WANG X, WANG M, LI W. Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detection for Static Video Surveillance[J/OL]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,2014,36(2):361-374[2016-07-07].

[18] LIN C Y, YEH Cheng-Hao, YEH Chia-Hung. Real-time vehicle color identification for surveillance videos[C/OL]//2014 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP).[S.l.]:IEEE,2014: 59-64[2016-07-07].

[19] KIRUBA K, SATHIYA P, ANANDHAKUMAR P. Modified RPCA with Hessian matrix for object detection in video surveillance on highways[C/OL]//2014 Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:242-247[2016-07-07].

[20] FANG X Y, XIA Z W, SU C, et al. A system based on sequence learning for event detection in surveillance video[C/OL]//2013 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:3587-3591[2016-07-07].

[21] LIEN C C, YU W K, LEE C H, et al. Night Video Surveillance Based on the Second-Order Statistics Features[C/OL]//2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP).[S.l.]:IEEE,2014:353-356[2016-07-07].

[22] BILAL M, KHAN A, KHAN M U K, et al. A Low Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Video Surveillance Systems[J/OL].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2016,PP(99):1[2016-07-07].

[23] ARUNNEHRU J, GEETHA M K. Behavior recognition in surveillance video using temporal features[C/OL]//2013 Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT).[S.l.]:IEEE,2013:1-5[2016-07-07].

[24] TOM M, BABU R V. Rapid human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance[C/OL]//Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:1-6[2016-07-07].

[25] CHEN X J, RUAN Y D, ZHANG P, et al. Vehicle representation and classification of surveillance video based on sparse learning[J/OL]. China Communications, 2014, 11(13):135-141[2016-07-07].

[26] ZHAN J, ZHANG H F, LUO X N. Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition via Detection-Classification-Tracking in Surveillance Video[C/OL]//2014 5th International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:14-19[2016-07-07].

[27] FLOREZ O, DYRESON C, SHAHABDEEN J. What to Reuse?: A Probabilistic Model to Transfer User Annotations in a Surveillance Video[C/OL]//2013 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:42-49[2016-07-07].

[28] SALEHIN M M, PAUL M. Summarizing Surveillance Video by Saliency Transition and Moving Object Information[C/OL]// 2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1-8[2016-07-07].

[29] MITREA C A, MIRONICA I, LONESCU B, et al. Fast Support Vector Classifier for automated content-based search in video surveillance[C/OL]//2015 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1-4[2016-07-07].

[30] PANG Z H, JIA K B, FENG J C. A Water Environment Security Monitoring Algorithm Based on Intelligent Video Surveillance[C/OL]//2014 Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:191-194[2016-07-07].

[31] VIGNESH S, PRIYA K V S N L M. CHANNAPPAYYA S S. Face image quality assessment for face selection in surveillance video using convolutional neural networks[C/OL]//2015 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:577-581[2016-07-07].

[32] ZHENG J L, WANG Y W, ZENG W. CNN Based Vehicle Counting with Virtual Coil in Traffic Surveillance Video[C/OL]//2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:280-281[2016-07-07].

[33] SARAN K B, SREELEKHA G. Traffic video surveillance: Vehicle detection and classification[C/OL]//2015 International Conference on Control Communication & Computing India (ICCC).[S.l.]:IEEE,2015:516-521[2016-07-07].

[34] MASINI A, MAFFEI M, BRACCI A, et al. Real-time algorithm for video fusion evaluation: Application to surveillance system based on UAV platform[C/OL]//2015 IEEE 1st International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Leveraging a better tomorrow (RTSI). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:326-333[2016-07-07].

[35] KOLAROW A, SCHENK K, EISENBACH M, et al. APFel: The intelligent video analysis and surveillance system for assisting human operators[C/OL]//2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS).[S.l.]:IEEE,2013:195-201[2016-07-07].

[36] LIAO Y K, WANG C H YANG D N, et al. Uplink scheduling for LTE 4G video surveillance system[C/OL]//IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1380-1385[2016-07-07].

[37] WU P H, HUANG C W, HWANG J N, et al. Video-Quality-Driven Resource Allocation for Real-Time Surveillance Video Uplinking Over OFDMA-Based Wireless Networks[J/OL].IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2015,64(7):3233-3246[2016-07-07].

[38] LLORET J, MCCUE R, WU J. WeSeeYou: Adapting Video Streaming for Surveillance Applications[C/OL]//2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:589-592[2016-07-07].

[39] SONG B, TIAN Y, ZHOU B Y. Design and Evaluation of Remote Video Surveillance System on Private Cloud[C/OL]//2014 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:256-262[2016-07-07].

[40] CHEN X, XU J B, GUO W Q. The research about video surveillance platform based on cloud computing[C/OL]//2013 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC). [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:979-983[2016-07-07].

[41] THANGAM A J, SIVA P T, YOGAMEENA B. Crowd count in low resolution surveillance video using head detector and color based segementation for disaster management[C/OL]//2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1905-1909[2016-07-07].

[42] CAMBOIM H B, VENANCIO NETO A J. Cloud enabled Smart video-Surveillance providing public safety assistance for vehicles[C/OL]//2015 Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:109-110[2016-07-07].

[43] CHEN Y L, CHEN T S, HUANG T W, et al. Intelligent Urban Video Surveillance System for Automatic Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Clouds[C/OL]//2013 IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA). [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:814-821[2016-07-07].

[44] CHEN T A, LIN M F, CHIEUH T C, et al. An intelligent surveillance video analysis service in cloud environment[C/OL]//2015 International Carnahan Conference onSecurity Technology (ICCST).[S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1-6[2016-07-07].

[45] ZHANG H T, HU S X, XU H, et al. Design of embedded video surveillance system based on quantum cryptography[C/OL]//2014 IEEE Workshop onAdvanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications (WARTIA). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:914-918[2016-07-07].

[46] ZONOOBI D, kASSIM A A. Low rank and sparse matrix reconstruction with partial support knowledge for surveillance video processing[C/OL]//2013 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP). [S.l.]:IEEE,2013:335-339[2016-07-07].

[47] ZHANG S W, LIN Y P, LIU Q. Secure and Efficient Video Surveillance in Cloud Computing[C/OL]//2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems(MASS). [S.l.]:IEEE,2014:222-226[2016-07-07].

[48] RAMESH L, SHAH P. R-SpaRCS: An algorithm for foreground-background separation of compressively-sensed surveillance videos[C/OL]//2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:1-6[2016-07-07].

[49] WANG H L, CAI W Y, YANG J Y, et al. Design of HD video surveillance system for deep-Sea biological exploration[C/OL]//2015 IEEE 16th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). [S.l.]:IEEE,2015:908-911[2016-07-07].

[50] GAO W, TIAN Y H, HUANG T J, et al. The IEEE 1857 Standard: Empowering Smart Video Surveillance Systems[J/OL].IEEE Intelligent Systems,2014,29(5):30-39[2016-07-07].

[51] WANG J Q, FU W, LU H Q, et al. Bilayer Sparse Topic Model for Scene Analysis in Imbalanced Surveillance Videos[J/OL].IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2014,23(12):5198-5208[2016-07-07].

[52] 刘颖,范九伦,李宗,等. 现勘图像数据库检索技术实例探讨[J/OL]. 西安邮电大学学报,2015,20(3):11-20[2016-07-07].

[53] 夏宇. 浅述公安视频监控系统现状与发展要求[J/OL]. 中国安防,2014(20):86-89[2016-07-07].


Bibliometric analysis of the novel techniques for surveillance video system based on IEEE Xplore

AI Da1, DENG Yanhong1, FAN An1, LING Nan2

(1. The Key Laboratory of Electronic Information Application Technology of Site-survey of The Ministry of Public Security,Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China;2. Department of Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, California, Santa Clara 95053, USA)

Surveillance video system is a comprehensive information system that covers the research area of video coding, pattern recognition, information security, storage, and network transmission. Research articles for surveillance video that have been published by IEEE Xplore in recent three years are surveyed and analyzed. A novel function classification framework with five layers is proposed. The application of cutting-edge technology in surveillance video system, covering the areas of wireless communication, machine learning, cloud computing, Big Data, high efficient video coding, etc., are quantitatively summarized. The result of the overview could help researchers in related research fields.

surveillance video, system architecture, video coding, pattern recognition, video retrieval bibliometric analysis




艾达(1973-),男,博士,副教授,从事数字视频图像处理研究。 邓艳红(1988-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为刑侦图像处理。E-mail:


A 文章编号:2095-6533(2016)06-0065-08




Genome and healthcare