

农业工程学报 2016年24期

刁万英,刘 刚,司炳成


刁万英1,刘 刚1※,司炳成2

(1. 中国农业大学土壤与水科学系,北京 100193; 2. 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院,杨凌 712100)



0 引 言



1 基本理论

1.1 均质土壤剖面含水量分布模型






通过以下步骤获得式(3)的解[19]:首先对()进行微分,得到d/d;其次把d/d设为/获得一个等式;最后对第2步进行求解,确定(,),获得(,)表达式的具体步骤见文献[20]。为获到(,)的解,须已知()。一般用van Genuchten模型[25]、Brooks-Core模型[24]和Gardner-Russo模型[26-27]描述()与的函数关系。van Genuchten模型和Brooks-Core模型优于简化的Gardner-Russo模型,Brooks-Core模型比van Genuchten模型更易于分析。在某些情况下van Genuchten模型和Brooks-Core模型的参数可以相互转化[28],因此,本文采用Brooks-Core模型。






1.2 异质土壤剖面含水量分布模型

















1.3 基于土壤粒径分布估算土壤导水率

准确获得导水率与含水量的函数关系十分必要;而直接测量水力学特性的方法费时[31]、成本高、结果差异大且适用范围小[32]。通过土壤粒径分布(particle size distribution,PSD)可以估算大范围()~关系,是估算()的一种有效方法[32]。本文采用日本堀场激光散射粒度分布分析仪(LA-950, Horiba Instruments Inc., 2008)测定PSD,其测量范围1.1×10-5~3.0 mm,分成93个粒级。将PSD分为部分,第级粒径质量分数用累计百分比与相应的连续粒径大小的差值除以100来表示。基于PSD的样品导水率(θ)与对应含水量θ间的关系[2]为




2 田间试验

为验证随机分析结果和式(15)的解,在加拿大艾伯塔省麦克默里堡北边设置2个试验点,进行田间水分入渗和排水试验,试验点分别为试验点A(57°05'57''N、111°38'54'' W)和试验点B(56°56'36''N、111°31'57'' W)。研究区域位于艾伯塔北方混交林生态区内,为湿润大陆性气候区的边缘,冬季寒冷且持续时间长;夏天温暖且持续时间短。试验点A的生物量明显低于试验点B。

于2006年9月用土钻进行取样,试验点A和试验点B的垂直采样间隔分别为2和5 cm,取样深度1 m。风干,除去植物根系和其他碎片,过筛(2 mm),进行土壤粒径分析。土壤颗粒粒径分级标准采用美国制:粉粒(0.002 mm<≤0.05 mm),极细砂粒(0.05 mm<≤0.1 mm),细砂粒(0.1 mm<≤0.25 mm),中砂粒(0.25 mm<≤0.5 mm),粗砂粒(0.5 mm<≤2 mm)(为土壤颗粒的直径)。如图1所示,随深度变化土壤粒径分布发生变化。又根据前人研究[32-33],试验点A为均质土壤,试验点B为异质土壤,2个试验点的土壤质地都比较粗,养分低。采用双环入渗仪[34](由2个金属环组成,内径60 cm,外径120 cm)监测2个试验点的入渗和排水,并用土壤水分传感器(EnviroSCAN, Sentek Pty Ltd., South Australia)测定,测量深度为0.1~1.5 m。

3 结果与分析

3.1 土壤导水率异质性对排水的影响

取样行为易使土体结构受到破坏,导致土壤水力学参数的测量精度降低。因此,本文中的饱和导水率与饱和含水量均无实测值。以一维为例,用运动波和微扰展开法说明异质性的影响。假设初始为饱和状态,A和B点θ相等,即θA=θB=θ=0.05 cm3/cm3。无蒸发的情况下,用沙子均匀地填充高为100 cm的土柱,能够自由排水。通过试验点的粒径分布数据获取Brooks-Corey模型中土壤水力学特性参数,A和B试验点θ分别为0.483和0.415 cm3/cm3,<>分别为3和4.09;K分别为937和3 049 cm/d。

考虑一维异质土壤试验点B的垂直排水,用2描述导水率异质性对排水的影响。图2描述2个不同时段(12 min和1 d)水分随土壤深度(即距土表距离)的变化(其中空心圆为均质土壤)。当2趋近于0时,可用式(15)计算,也可单独用式(6)计算;当曲线2=0.001与曲线2=0重合,即2接近于0时,式(15)复杂解可简化为式(6)。在某特定土壤深度下,2值越大,越大,即土壤异质性对排水过程有减缓作用。

在实际应用中,随着时间的变化,一定深度的土壤含水量对植物根系生长十分重要。植物生长发育好才能维持生态系统的可持续性发展。图3表示在2种异质性(2)导水率的情况下,相对蓄水量随排水时间的变化;当2/<>为0~0.5时,排水过程减缓,表明土壤水力学特征的空间异质性较大,其蓄水能力增强。此外,异质土壤(s=3 049 cm/d和2/<>=0.5)与均质土壤(s=1 691.56 cm/d和2/<>=0)的蓄水量相等。假设和相关性为0,即σ= 0,变量的方差增加对减缓排水过程影响很大。

3.2 Brooks-Core模型参数不确定对排水的影响

σ=0和2为定值,检验(用2描述即ln不确定性)对排水的影响。图4表明当2不同时,土壤相对蓄水量随时间的变化(实线代表均质土壤2=0)。2值越大,则水分移动速度越慢,相对蓄水量越大。比较均质条件与其他5种异质条件(图2和图3)得出以下结论:与2相比较,的波动对排水影响小,尤其是一开始就排水的情况;随着时间的变化,均质土壤水力传导参数的曲线之间的差异增加;当≈4.8 h,差异减少,随后又增加;当>9.6 h,异质性曲线之间的差异明显(图4);2/<>比值越大,土壤蓄水能力越强,在较长一段时间内这种趋势都会受到限制。


当2和2为常数时,考虑协方差(σ)对土壤蓄水量的影响。分析4组异质土壤水力学传导参数与均质之间的差异(图5)。4种异质土壤的蓄水量的曲线差异比较小,表明在排水过程中,σ的影响小于2或2的影响。随着时间变化,异质土壤水力学传导参数对应的曲线之间的差异增加,当≈2.4 h时差异变小,随后这种差异又随时间的增加而增加。在很长一段时间内,σ值越大,土壤蓄水能力也就越强。

3.4 土壤有效导水率seff和2之间的相关性

图3表明异质土壤(K=3 049 cm/d和2=0.5)的蓄水量与均质土壤(K=1 691.56 cm/d和σ=0)的相同。土壤有效导水率Keff与异质性之间的关系值得深入研究。通过式(15)和式(6)对排水强度与时间的曲线进行拟合,获得Keff。同时,用软件Mathematica非线性拟合得到Keff。与σ2相比较,2σ对排水的影响较小,图6中2σ均设为0,结果表明,土壤导水率的异质性越大,则Keff越小,和图3的结果一致,即异质性对排水具有减缓的作用,导致土壤的蓄水能力增加。

3.5 验 证

为证明重力占优的入渗理论和微扰展开法的适用性与准确性,在2个试验点进行排水试验,比较实测值与理论预测值。从图7a可看出,若Brooks-Corey模型的参数s和为非随机,当>12 h,试验点A和试验点B的蓄水能力基本一致。考虑异质性,当>4.8 h,试验点B的蓄水能力大于试验点A(图7b)。图8为试验点A和试验点B土壤粒径分布平均值,可以看出试验点A的土壤粒径分布范围比试验点B小,说明试验点B的孔隙度结构异质性更为显著,土壤粒径分布决定随机变量s和的平均值和方差,试验点A和试验点B的2/<>分别是0.11和0.58。试验点B的2/<>较大,排水能力差,土壤的蓄水能力增加,与之前的理论预测相一致(图3)。通过田间排水试验也可证明试验点B的排水能力小于试验点A(图7c)。通过增加土壤结构或土壤粒径分布的异质性,能提高土壤的蓄水能力,对维护稳定生态系统的土壤复垦十分有用。

4 结论与讨论

假设在一个单位梯度下,基于入渗理论和微扰展开法,本文采用Brooks-Corey模型及饱和导水率(K)和的随机波动研究在一维情况下,异质性土壤瞬态排水的过程。研究表明变量ln(K)的方差增大对排水过程具有减缓作用,且有较小的有效导水率Keff;异质土壤(K= 3 049 cm/d和2=0.5)与均质土壤(K=1 691.56 cm/d和2=0)的蓄水量相等,假设2个变量(和)之间的相关性为0,导水率的方差增加对减缓排水过程影响很大。土壤导水率的异质性越大,土壤蓄水能力越强。参数()和导水率的协方差变化对排水影响不大。理论分析结果与试验观测一致,研究结果表明土壤的异质性能提高蓄水能力。


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Transient stochastic analysis on influence ofhydraulic heterogeneity ondrainage in soils

Diao Wanying1, Liu Gang1※, Si Bingcheng2

(1.100193; 2.712100)

Water draining and redistribution from soil profiles is important for both ecologicaland hydrological modeling. In reality, the vertical hydraulic conductivity is highly variable because of the heterogeneity of soil. Therefore, the objectives of this study were 1) to conduct the stochastic analysis of a one-dimensional transient drainage problem under a unit gradient assumption; 2) to quantify the influence of uncertainty of the hydraulic conductivity using the perturbation method and kinematic wave model; and 3) to verify the stochastic analysis and the analytical solution. Field experiments were carried out at 2 experimental sites (site A: 57°05'57'' N, 111°38'54'' W and site B: 56°56'36'' N, 111°31'57'' W) in the north of Fort McMurray, northeastern Alberta, Canada. A double-ring infiltrometer consisted of 2 metal rings with the inner ring diameter of 60 cm and the outer ring diameter of 120 cm was used to measure soil infiltration and drainage. In addition, soil water content was determined by EnviroSCAN probe (EnviroSCAN, Sentek Pty Ltd., South Australia). The parameters in Brooks-Corey model for homogeneous soil (site A) and heterogeneous soil (site B) were obtained from the particle size distribution (PSD) data. The results showed that the saturated water content (θ) of site A and site Bwere 0.483and 0.415 cm3/cm3, respectively. The PSD indexexpected value of site A and site Bwere 3 and 4.09, respectively. The saturated hydraulic conductivityof site A and site Bwere937 and 3 049 cm/d, respectively. The water draining process was slowly decreased when the variance of hydraulic conductivity was increased from 0 to 0.5. There was the same relative water storage when the saturated hydraulic conductivity of site A and site Bwere1 691.56 and 3 049 cm/d, respectively; and the variance of hydraulic conductivity were 0 and 0.5, respectively. The relative water storage difference among heterogeneous soil was remarkable when the time was more than 9.6 hours, and the trend was that at long time limit, the larger the soil water storage capacity should be. The draining of water was sensitive to the variance of hydraulic conductivity, but it was less sensitive to the fluctuation of PSD index, as well as to the covariance of hydraulic conductivity and PSD index. The larger the heterogeneity of soil hydraulic conductivity was, the smaller the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity was. The introduction of heterogeneities would slow down the draining and increase the water storage ability. Taking the heterogeneous characteristic into account, the site B had larger water storage capacity than the site A when time was more than 4.8 hours. However, the 2 sites had nearly the same water storage ability after 12 hours, when no stochastic characteristic in parameters of Brooks-Corey model was considered, such as soil hydraulic conductivity and PSD index. Two field experiments were in agreement with the theoretical predictions. The ratio of the variance and the expected value operator of hydraulic conductivity were 0.11 and 0.58 for site A and site B, respectively. The heterogeneous site B would hinder the draining of water and increase the water storage ability, which was also coincident with the theoretical prediction. The variance of hydraulic conductivity would cause the slowing down of the drainage process and thus result in a smaller effective saturated hydraulic conductivityIn conclusion, we could improve the water storage ability of soil by introducing heterogeneity in soil structure or particle size distribution. The analytical result agreed with the experimental observation, which hinted that making soil heterogeneous would be better for improving the water storage ability. This study is useful for soil reclamation whose objective is to produce a long-term self-sustaining ecosystem with high field capacity.

heterogeneity; drainage; hydraulic conductivity; kinematic wave; Brooks-Corey model; particle size distribution; soils





2016-03-09 修订时间:2016-08-10


刁万英,女,新疆博乐人,博士生,主要从事土壤含水量测量方法的研究。北京 中国农业大学土壤与水科学系,100193。

刘刚,男,山东威海人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事土壤物理热特性和土壤含水量测量方法的研究。北京 中国农业大学土壤与水科学系,100193。

