

科技创新导报 2016年2期

华泽田 东丽 王才林 袁勤 周广春

摘 要:该研究整合了国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心天津分中心、江苏省农业科学院粮食作物研究所、上海市农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所、吉林省农业科学院水稻研究所、浙江省农业科学院、常熟市农业科学研究所、江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所等7家长期从事粳稻杂种优势利用研究的优势单位进行联合攻关,在多个研发方向均取得重要进展,圆满完成了各项计划任务。针对杂交粳稻综合性状优良品种缺乏的问题,通过创制优异种质资源,选育出了一批适合粳稻主产区种植的集高产、优质、多抗、广适于一体的杂交粳稻组合,在品种审定、不育系选育、恢复系选育及新组合选育等方面均取得重要进展,获得了一系列丰硕成果:6个新组合通过审定,其中2个新组合通过国家品种审定,4个新组合通过省级品种审定;选育出综合农艺性状优良的粳稻不育系32个,其中5个不育系通过鉴定,选育配合力高、抗性好、米质优的恢复系20个;课题实施期间累计示范推广杂交水稻组合183.34万亩;申请植物新品种保护9项。实施期间,“产、学、研”联合紧密,本研究积极和产业骨干企业结盟,整合资源,边研究、边示范、边推广,实现了研发与产业无缝衔接,提高了科研成果转化效率,使企业的技术得到提升。

关键词:杂交粳稻选育 高产优质 多抗广适

Abstract:Through joint brainstorm of 7 superior organizations, all of which are engaged in the research of heterosis utilization of Japonica rice for a long time, including Tianjin Sub-Center of China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center, Grain Crop Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy Of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Breeding And Cultivation Research Institute Of Shanghai Academy Of Agricultural Sciences, Rice Research institute of Jilin Academy Of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Academy Of Agricultural Sciences, Changshu Institute Of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangsu Huaiyin Institute Of Agricultural Sciences, this research made a big through in many area, perfectly completed all scheduled task. In view of lack issue of hybrid japonica rice varieties with good comprehensive characters, through creating excellent germplasm resources, we successfully bred a batch of hybrid japonica rice combination suitable for japonica rice main producing area with high yield, superior quality, strong resistance, widely adaptability, made important process in variety certification, breeding of sterile line, restore line and new combination, and got a series of fruitful results: 6 new combinations getting certificate, 2 of which getting state authorization, another 4 getting provincial authorization; bred 32 japonica rice sterile line with superior comprehensive agronomic trait, 5 of which passed appraisal, bred 20 restore line with high combining ability, good resistance, high quality; during the implementation of this task we successfully popularized hybrid rice combination for 18.334 million mu and applied 9 new varieties of plants protection. During this task, “production, knowledge, research” are closely integrated, this research positively cooperated with key enterprise, integrated resource, made the research, demonstration and popularize at the same time, achieved the seamless connection of research and industry, improved scientific research achievements conversion efficiency, and finally promoted the technology of enterprises.

Key Words:Hybrid Japonica Rice Breeding;High Yield and Good Quality;Strong Resistance and Widely Adaptability


