
首席财务官 2016年5期

Wal-Mart Stores CFO,Brett Biggs

Last year, the retail giant said it would spend about $2.7 billion on higher wages for hundreds of thousands of workers at its U.S. stores in 2015 and 2016. The move was part of an effort to improve customer service and keep good workers in a tightening job market. Walmart has now reported six straight quarters of comparable sales growth, and five straight quarters of shopper traffic increases. “I can feel the difference, I can see the difference,” Wal-Mart Stores CFO Brett Biggs told analysts at an investor conference in New York this week. “It pays off in a number of areas: clean, fast, friendly store scores go up.” He added: “The stores are cleaner.” Biggs also praised the quicker checkout.

2015年,沃尔玛公司计划在2015年和2016年将大约27亿美元预算用于提高美国门店员工收入上。CFO Brett Biggs解释说,制定这一决策的目的是为了改善客户服务,同时能在紧缩的就业市场环境下留住好员工。迄今为止,沃尔玛已连续六个季度同店销售保持增长,客流量连续五个季度保持增加。对此,Biggs表示,“这样的激励措施已经取得了显著的效果,我们已经在多方面看到了变化:门店的清洁度、工作效率、服务态度以及结账速度上都得到了提升。”

UPS CFO,Richard Peretz

Richard Peretz, CFO of UPS, notes, “You have growth, but its slower and its sending mixed signals, both within a country or a region, as well as across the globe.” These conditions require using a different yardstick to measure success, says Peretz. “A few years back, if you were to expect growth to be 2% to 3%, everybody would look at you and say, ‘Well, thats not very good,” he explains. “But thats the new reality post-recession, so we have to be thinking about how you can take advantage of that.”

谈到对2016年的整体预期,UPS快递 CFO Richard Peretz认为,“无论对于一个国家、地区或是全球范围而言,增长预期都将是肯定的,但同时释放出更加缓慢、复杂的增长信号。这些复杂性决定了我们应该用不同的标准来衡量成功。”Peretz解释说,“如果在几年前,2%至3%的增长预期是不被看好的,但在经济衰退后的新形势下,我们要思考的是如何更好地适应新形势。”

Dufry CFO,Andreas Schneiter

Andreas Schneiter, CFO of Dufry, a Switzerland-based global travel retailer, extols the advantages of geographical flexibility. “Geographic diversification helps us to mitigate or manage the risks that can come from any single location or from any single market where performance may be a bit weaker for whatever reason,” says Schneiter. This ability to refocus resources underlies the companys core management philosophy: “We are looking always at the business on a long-term basis. We are not there just for the short term.”

面对如此复杂的商业环境,瑞士旅游零售商DUFRY集团CFO Andreas Schneiter认为,最重要的是保持灵活性,把资源用在预期收益明确的业务上。“地域多元化使我们能够更好地减轻风险或对风险的管理更有效,这些风险可能来自任何方向或任何增长不够强劲的单一市场。” Schneiter强调,对资源的重新调整能力是企业核心管理理念的基础,“要以长期发展的眼光看待业务,而不仅仅关注短期利益。”

