

大学数学 2016年1期




[摘 要]从线性变换诱导的循环子空间出发,推导出了Cayley-Hamilton定理,并给出了循环子空间在相似标准形理论以及一些相关问题中的若干应用.







引理1 设α是V中的非零向量,C(φ,α)是循环子空间.设di mC(φ,α)=m,则{α,φ(α),…,φm-1(α)}是C(φ,α)的一组基.

证 设于是α,φ(α),…,φk-1(α)线性无关,但α,φ(α),…,φk(α)线性相关,故φk(α)是α,φ(α),…,φk-1(α)的线性组合.进一步用数学归纳法容易证明:对任意的i≥k,φi(α)都是α,φ(α),…,φk-1(α)的线性组合.因此{α,φ(α),…,φk-1(α)}是C(φ,α)的一组基,从而m=dimC(φ,α)=k,结论得证.

引理2 设α是V中的非零向量,使得V=C(φ,α)(此时V称为循环空间,α称为全空间的循环向量).设ψ是V上的另一线性变换且φψ=ψφ,则



证 (i)由引理1可知,{α,φ(α),…,φn-1(α)}是V的一组基.线性变换ψ由它在基向量上的取值唯一确定,又由φ,ψ的交换性可得ψ(φi(α))=φi(ψ(α))(0≤i≤n-1),因此ψ由ψ(α)唯一确定.




证 任取非零向量α∈V,设dimC(φ,α)=m,则由引理1可知,{α,φ(α),…,φm-1(α)}是C(φ,α)的一组基.设,




证 先证充分性.设f(λ)是K上的不可约多项式,则与定理1完全相同的证明可得f(λ)=g(λ)h(λ),从而只能是h(λ)=1,于是



命题1 V只有平凡的φ-不变子空间当且仅当特征多项式









推论1 设A=F(f(λ))为n次首一多项式f(λ)的友阵,B为同阶方阵,若AB=BA,则存在次数小于n的多项式g(λ),使得B=g(A).

证 利用代数与几何之间的对应关系和引理2(2)即得结论.

推论2 设V是数域K上的n维线性空间,φ是V上的线性变换,α1≠0,α2,…,αm是V中的向量,满足


证 显然,U=L(α1,α2,…,αm)=C(φ,α1)是V的循环子空间.记φ在U上的限制为φ1,则U=C(φ1,α1)也是一个循环空间.设φ1的特征多项式为h(λ),则h(λ)也是φ1的极小多项式.由假设可知g(φ1)(α1)=0,故由引理2(1)可得g(φ1)=0,再由极小多项式的基本性质可得h(λ)|g(λ).因为g(λ)在K上不可约,所以只能是h(λ)=g(λ),于是U的维数等于degh(λ)=degg(λ)=m,从而{α1,α2,…,αm}是U的一组基,故必线性无关.


命题2 设V是数域K上的n维线性空间,φ是V上的线性变换,f(λ)是φ的特征多项式.设存在非零向量α∈V,使得V=C(φ,α)为循环空间,则以下结论等价:



证 (i)由前面的讨论可知,存在非零向量α∈V,使得V=C(φ,α)当且仅当φ的不变因子组为1,…,1,f(λ).改写(ii)为:









推论3 设A=Jn(λ0)是特征值为λ0的n阶Jordan块,B为同阶方阵,若AB=BA,则存在次数小于n的多项式g(λ),使得B=g(A).

证 用几何的语言来证明.设φ是n维复线性空间V上的线性变换,φ在V的一组基{e1,e2,…,en}下的表示矩阵是Jordan标准形Jn(λ0),ψ是另一线性变换且与φ可交换,令φ0=φ-λ0IV,则V=C(φ0,en)为循环空间且φ0ψ=ψφ0.由引理2(2)可知,存在次数小于n的多项式g0(λ),使得ψ=g0(φ0),令g(λ)=g0(λ-λ0),则ψ=g(φ).


例1 求Jn(0)m(m≥1)的Jordan标准形.

解 若m≥n,则Jn(0)m=O.以下可设m<n,并作带余除法n=mq+r,其中0≤r<m.用几何的语言来考虑,设φ是n维复线性空间V上的线性变换,φ在V的一组基{e1,e2,…,en}下的表示矩阵是Jordan标准形Jn(0),则V=C(φ,en)为循环空间.由φm可诱导出如下的循环轨道:是K上的不可约多项式,用反证法来证明结论.若任取Im(φψ-ψφ)中的非零向量α,则Im(φψ-ψφ)=L(α).因为φ的特征多项式f(λ)在K上不可约,由命题1充分性的证明可得V=C(φ,α),再由引理1可知,{α,φ(α),…,φn-1(α)}是V的一组基.设线性变换φψ-ψφ在这组基下的表示矩阵为C=(cij),则由Im(φψ-ψφ)=L(α)可得cij=0对任意的i>1成立,于是




致谢 在本文的撰写过程中,得到了复旦大学数学科学学院姚慕生教授、吴泉水教授、朱胜林教授的热心指导和大力斧正,在此谨表示衷心的感谢.

由循环轨道与Jordan块之间的对应可知,只要将旧基{e1,e2,…,en}按照上述循环轨道进行重排,则φm在新基{er,…,en-m,en;…;e1,…,en-r+1-m,en-r+1;em,…,en-r-m,en-r;…;er+1,…,en-2 m+1,en-m+1}下的表示矩阵为diag{Jq+1(0),…,Jq+1(0),Jq(0),…,Jq(0)},其中有r个Jq+1(0),m-r个Jq(0).由Jordan标准形的唯一性可知,这就是φm或Jn(0)m的Jordan标准形.


例2 设A,B是数域K上的n阶方阵,且A的特征多项式f(λ)是K上的不可约多项式,证明:r(AB-BA)≠1.

证 换成几何的语言来证明,设V是数域K上的n维线性空间,φ,ψ是V上的线性变换,

[参 考 文 献]

[1] 姚慕生,吴泉水,谢启鸿.高等代数学[M].3版.上海:复旦大学出版社,2014.

[2] 姚慕生,谢启鸿.高等代数(大学数学学习方法指导丛书)[M].3版.上海:复旦大学出版社,2015.

Construction of LDPC Code Based on Self-dual Code

CHAO Hai-zhou1, Ni Xiang-fei2
(1.Department of Basic Courses,Shanghai University of Finance &Economics Zhejiang College,Jinhua Zhejiang 321013,China;2.Department of Mathematics,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua Zhejiang 321001,China)

CLC Number:O29 Document Code:A Article ID:1672-1454(2016)01-0007-04

Received date:2015-05-20

Foundation item:National Science Foundation of China(11401534),(11226050)and(61272007)

1 Introduction

Low density parity check codes were firstly introduced by R.G.Gallager in 1962[1].These classes of codes can be defined by very sparse parity matrix.For their decoding performance are near to the Shannon limit[2-3],LDPC codes were investigated wildly.There are two classes of LDPC codes.If the parity check matrix has weight kin each row and weight l in each column exactly,the code can be called(k,l)-regular LDPC code and irregular otherwise.

Two methods can be used to construct LDPC codes:random or pseudo-random ways and algebraic way.In general,irregular LDPC codes constructed by random or pseudo-random ways have been shown surpassing performance in AWGN channel than regular LDPC codes generated by algebraic way when the code has more long length.But these methods also face to its shortage.With losing of structure,the complexity will increase unavoidably both of encoding and decoding proceedings.So the requirement will be high both for hardware and software.

LDPC codes can be formed from Reed-Solomon code[4],which is a typical block code.It is an useful way to construct LDPC codes from other good codes.

A code is self-dual if the generator matrix of the code identifies its parity check matrix.It implies that the code has rate 1/2.In[5],an useful way to generate self-dual code fromq-ary circulant matrices based on orthogonal design has been introduced.In this paper,we will build binary LDPC code from the generator matrix of the q-ary self-dual code.

2 Code Construction

Let GF(q)be a Galois field with qelements andαbe a primitive element of GF(q).If we denoteα-∞=0,then all elements of GF(q)can be presented asα0=1,α1,α2,…,αq-2,α-∞=0.We can make a one-one corresponding between elements of GF(q)and a subset of(q-1)-dimensional vector space Rq-1on real number field by a function Z.

Definition 2.1 The function

is calledα-location vector function on GF(q),where

The vector corresponding toαiis called the location vector[4]ofαi.Given a q-ary matrix,the function Zcan be generalized to deal with a matrix.

Given a q-ary circulant matrix A,if there exists a circulant matrix Bsuch that

then a self-dual code can be generated by the following matrix[5]

Based on the generator matrix of self-dual code,we can construct a LDPC code byα-location vector function.

Proposition 2.1 Let Gbe a generator matrix of a q-ary self-dual code in the form of(a)and H arise fromby deleting its all-zero columns.Thenis a parity check matrices of a LDPC code.

Obviously,I2nwill be remained,whendelete its all-zero columns.It implies that rows ofare linear independence and the number of columns ofis at most

Hence the maximum rate of the codes is

But for the existence of all-zero columns in the second half of the matrix,the value of the maximum rate can hardly be achieved.

Now we will calculate the length and rate of the code.

Let a1,a2,…,ambe a sequence comes fromGF(q).The set Dis composed of all different nonzero elements of a1,a2,…,am.If we denote the number of elements in Dby l(a1,a2,…,am),then

Lemma 2.2 The number of all non-zero columns of(Z(a1)T,Z(a2)T,…,Z(am)T)Tis l(a1,a2,…,am).

Proof Letαbe a primitive element in GF(q)and aibe a power ofα.If ai≠aj,then location vectors of aiand ajare distinct.So 1stays in different positions of their location vectors.If b∈GF(q)and b∉D,then the corresponding columns of b in(Z(a1)T,Z(a2)T,…,Z(am)T)Tare all zero.Otherwise,location vector of b appear and there is a 1in the right place.It implies that b∈D,contradictorily.

The formulation of length Land rate Rof the code corresponding tois

and then the rate of the code Ris are given by:

Theorem 2.3 The length Lof the LDPC code corresponding to

where(α1,…,αn),(β1,…,βn)are first rows of Aand Brespectively.

Proof Because Aand Bare all circulant,ATand-BTare circulant.Then all columns of Aand ATare composed of(α1,…,αn),all columns of Bare composed of(β1,…,βn)and all columns of-BTare composed of(-β1,…,-βn).We only need to observe first rows of(A,B)and(A,-B)respectively.By lemma 2.2,the conclusion is straightforward.

The following corollary shows the region of R.

Proof We consider two especial cases.Firstly,if A=Inand B=O,then the rate reach low bound.


econdly,if first rows of(A,B)and(A,-B)contain all q-1nonzero elements of GF(q),then the rate can attain the upper bound

As an example,by computer searching,when n=4and q=11,we have

Example 2.1 When is 60and the rate of the code is 0.8667.The code hasn’t the largest rate and the longest length in the situation that self-dual codes have length 16on GF(11).But if we ignore the identity matrix in the front of

the length of the code corresponding to,the remain satisfy RC-constraint by computer testing.

If the generator matrix of a code can be gained just by elementary transformation of rows and columns from another one’s,two codes are called equivalent.In general,self-dual codes with the same length are not unique under equivalence relationship.Suppose that there are Ninequivalent selfdual codes in the form of(a)with length n.We choose integer numbers s and t satisfying st≤N.Thenst inequivalent self-dual codes with length ncan be selected out for arranging a matrix G*with their generator matrices as G*′s elements.Now we replace everyαiby their location vectors and delete columns with all 0elements.We have a parity check matrix of LDPC codes.

Proposition 2.5 Let Gij(i=1,…,s;j=1,…t)be generator matrices of self-dual codes in the form of(a),which are inequivalent each other.Denote G*=(Gij)s×t.Letis arisen fromZ(G*)by deleting its all-zero columns.Thenis parity check matrix for some LDPC code.

3 Conclusion

•Based on self-dual codes with length 4n,we have the main method of constructing LDPC codes from theα-location vector function of generator matrix of self-dual codes.

•By considering the first row of generator matrix of the corresponding self-dual code,we investigate the length and the rate of LDPC code,and show the range of rates of this codes.

•To expand the method,we consider all inequivalent self-dual codes with the same size as cells,constructing a more large matrix.The size of LDPC code can be more adaptable.

•By computer searching,when n=4and q=11,the superior code with high rate have been found.

The method shows a way to search codes with high rate and good algebraic structure.


[1] Gallager RG.Low Density Parity Check Codes[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1963.

[2] Shannon CE.A mathematical theory of communication[J].Bell systems Technology Journal,1948,27:379-423.

[3] Chung S,Forney GD,Richardson JJ and Urbanke R.On the design of low-denisty parity-check codes within 0.0045 db of the Shannon limit[J].IEEE Commun.Lett.,2001,5:58-60.

[4] Djurdjevic I,Xu J,Abdel-Ghaffar K and Lin S.A class of Low-density parity-check codes Constructed based on Reed-Solomon codes with two information symbols[J].IEEE Commun.Lett.,2003,7:317-319.

[5] Koichi Betsumiya,Telio Georgiou,Aron Gulliver T,Masaaki Harada and Christos Koukouvinos.On self-Dual Codes over Some Prime Fields[J].Discrete Math.,2003,262:37-58.

Some Applications of Cyclic Subspaces

XIE Qi-hong
(School of Mathematical Sciences,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)

Abstract:By means of cyclic subspaces induced by a linear transformation,we reprove the Cayley-Hamilton theorem,and give some applications to certain problems in the theory of similarity of matrices. A new method for constructing LDPC codes based on self-dual code is introduced.Rates and lengths of these codes are analyzed.Code with high rate and good property in this class has been searched out by using MATLAB when the length of self-dual code on GF(11)is 16.

Key words:linear transformation;invariant subspace;cyclic subspace;Cayley-Hamilton theorem;rational canonical form;Jordan canonical form LDPC code;self-dual code;α-location vector function;algebraic coding theory;generator matrix




