

中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2016年4期


1 CGGC positively fulfi lls social responsibility events in Indonesia

Mar.3, 2016 (China Daily) -- CGGC-affiliated Project Management Division, the initiator of EPC general contracting project of Indonesia Takara coal-fired power station, organized an activity to implement social responsibility in the theme of Delivering Sincere Love, Helping Youth Education in Jeneponto City, which is the location of the project.Being highlighted by the local government, the event ceremony was participated by the Mayor of Jeneponto City, local off i cers, the owner of this project and principal representatives of related schools under assistance, who sincerely complimented CGGC on its active project performance and enthusiastic efforts in promoting the educational conditions for local underprivileged children.

2 China, Vietnam to fulfi ll trade target of $100b in 2016

Mar.9, 2016 (Xinhua) -- The target of $100 billion in the bilateral trade revenue between China and Vietnam is to be reached in 2016, an off i cial of the Chinese embassy said.The bilateral trade revenue between China and Vietnam hit $95.8 billion in 2015, a growth of 14.6 percent year-on-year.Among members in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Vietnam ranked second in the list of China’s major trade partners following Malaysia.It is expected that there will be a breakthrough in bilateral trade revenue this year and Vietnam will become the biggest trade partner of China in the ASEAN.

3 Mutual benefi ts seen in links with Philippines

Mar.8, 2016 (China Daily) -- The Philippines will benefi t both politically and economically from China’s Belt and Road Initiative.Thanks to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative, more infrastructure projects will be built in the Philippines, including highways and ports, and it will be good for the country’s economy and increase access to the world.The Philippines has joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank which shows its recognition of China’s economic infl uence and its commitment to developing infrastructure.The initiative will boost investment and trade in the Philippines.The initiative is expected to enhance business, and both government off i cials and nongovernmental organizations will increase communication and get together more often to look for opportunities.

4 Chinese companies prepare to modernize rail systems globally

Mar.15, 2016 (China Daily) -- The capacity to manufacture and export top-end high-speed trains and related equipment is giving a new sheen to the image of China, for long considered makers of low-quality, cheap goods like bags, shoes and lighters.Even foreign governments and corporate clients are sitting up and taking notice.China’s first highspeed rail project in Indonesia will arouse more countries’interest, which are keen to put their economic growth on a fi rmer footing through eff i cient transportation systems and regional connectivity.China was selected by the Indonesian government to build the nation’s first bullet rail link-the 150-km Jakarta-Bandung link last year.It is responsible to construct the $5.5-billion high-speed railway line from Jakarta to Bandung in the Southeast Asian country.

5 The global impact of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan

Mar.10, 2016 (Xinhua) -- China’s 13th Five-Year Plan concerns more than just its own domestic aff airs.The world should sit up and pay attention: it will have a global impact.China has been the powerhouse of the world for decades.In the next five years, ballooning domestic demand, investment and buying power will further vitalize the global economy.As China steers itself toward quality development in the next fi ve years, a critical period of transition, the world should cast their eyes east.The draft of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), outlines policies, priorities, as well as clear economic and social targets.Such clear goals will serve as assurance to foreign entities as it will paint a clear picture of what measures will be taken.

6 Chinese tourists to Cambodia up 24% in2015

Mar.17, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia attracted some 694,712 Chinese tourists last year, up 24 percent year-on-year, accounting for 14.5 percent of the total international visitors to the country last year.China ranked the second largest source of tourists to Cambodia last year after Vietnam.Some attributed the increase in Chinese visitors to Cambodia to excellent ties between Cambodia and China and many direct flights between the two countries.Moreover, Cambodia has a lot of attractive tourism resorts, especially the Angkor archaeological park.Cambodia sees China as a key market for its fastgrowing tourism industry.In January, the Southeast Asian country released a white paper, aiming to attract roughly 2 million Chinese tourists by 2020.

7 China says Lancang-Mekong cooperation to bridge development gaps within ASEAN

Mar.21, 2016 (Xinhua) -- China said the new Lancang-Mekong cooperation mechanism will help development of the five countries in the sub-region and narrow the development gap in Southeast Asia.The Lancang-Mekong cooperation began in 2014 and the first foreign ministers’ meeting was held last November.The Mekong River, known as Lancang in China, rises in China’s Danggula Mountains and drains through fi ve other countries.The fi ve countries are lagging behind in ASEAN, especially Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.Cooperation will help narrow the development gaps within ASEAN, and promote prosperity in the sub-region.Lancang-Mekong cooperation will focus on security and development, as well as political, social and cultural fi elds.

8 The Belt and Road is expanding markets and driving growth

Mar.19, 2016 (China Daily) -- With more than two years of development, the Belt and Road Initiative has proved to be a practical tool for driving the growth of both Chinese and global companies.The Initiative, proposed by the Chinese government in 2013, envisages the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road covering about 4.4 billion people in more than 60 countries and regions in Asia, Africa and Europe.It will not only boost the size of the automobile market in China, but also help ship more products to various destinations throughout the world.Thanks to the Initiative, China so far has established 75 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in 35 countries and regions, according to the Ministry of Commerce.